Chapter 304 Oscar! I am coming! (asking for monthly ticket)

After Lyon recovered from the shock, Chen Fei deliberately explained every time point about the financial crisis, and then turned around and left the company.

After receiving the script of "Insidious 2", James Wan immediately started preparations and casting.

Chen Fei still has to work hard on "Kung Fu Panda". The Olympics are coming in a few months, and he must complete the animated film before then.

The animation and special effects studios are still recruiting people during this time, and new high-end talents are joining every day, which also provides a high guarantee for the filming progress.


On February 2, the 24th Academy Awards ceremony was held at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA. Jon Stewart served as the host and the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) broadcast live.

The domestic movie channel still carried out the broadcast as usual. Due to the advancement of technology, the signal delay between the two parties was compressed to less than one minute.

For mainland audiences, this Oscar is still worthy of attention. After all, Chen Fei's "Mulan" will appear at this awards ceremony!

Before the show started, the Six Princess backstage staff had already discovered that the ratings were rising rapidly!

After "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", many subsequent Chinese-language films were nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, but none of them won the award.

Now, "Mulan" has once again launched a charge for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. This matter is already well known in China.

Many people are curious whether this movie, which has received a box office of 6 million yuan so far, can win Oscar favor?

In the Nortel Auditorium, almost all current students gathered here, waiting to watch the broadcast of the Oscars ceremony.

A few acting students who were very lucky to have signed a contract with the "Flying King Agency" were watched by many people tonight!

"Qingzi? Do you have any inside information about your company? Can Director Chen win the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film this time?"

The sound coming from her ears drew Kan Qingzi's attention. She turned her head and looked back, only to see Zheng Shuang, a man of the hour in the 07 performance department, looking over with curiosity.

"I'm not sure. We just signed the contract and haven't officially entered the company yet, so some inside information has not reached me."


Zheng Shuang shrugged, with a hint of ridicule on his face.

She actually looked down on Kan Qingzi. Seeing that Feiyinghuang's agency was relatively large, she eagerly approached her. Did she really think she could become famous in a short time?

Just thinking too much.

Big companies are nothing but pitfalls. What good resources can you, a new actor, get if you join?

Unlike herself, through family connections, she has contacted Mango Entertainment and is about to co-star in a youth idol drama with Zhang Han, Yu Haoming, Wei Chen, Zhu Zixiao and others.

"Let's watch the meteor shower together"

After this TV series is aired, she will definitely be able to shine in the film and television industry!

And she is very sure that she will be able to catch up with her classmate Jing Tian's achievements in the future!

At the same time, Jing Tian, ​​who was unknowingly targeted, was waiting for the Oscars ceremony to start in his villa.

Her new movie will be released in another month, and she even sent Chen Fei an invitation letter before.

Fortunately, Chen Fei has promised her that he will be there to participate if he has time!

If Chen Fei wins the award this time, she seems to have already guessed how the media will report it.

[Chen Fei, the winner of the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, specially returned to Beijing to attend the premiere of "Anaconda" and publicly praised the heroine Jing Tian for her superb acting skills...]


While silently fantasizing by himself, Jing Tian couldn't help but laugh out loud.

However, the next second, when she saw Chen Fei walking on the red carpet with Liu Yifei, Jiao Enjun, Wu Jing, Chen Daoming and others, the smile on her face froze instantly.

If she wasn't promoting a new movie, she would definitely go to the Oscars with Chen Fei instead of staying alone in the villa to watch the broadcast.

"Hmph, how is she better than me?"

Seeing Liu Yifei wearing an evening gown and waving to the media and fans on both sides of the red carpet with a bright smile, Jing Tian couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

The same emotion still filled Yang Mi's heart.

She was watching the broadcast in the hotel with other actors from the "A Dream of Red Mansions" crew, and at this time, she felt strong jealousy in her heart.

"Her figure is not as good as mine. This evening dress will definitely look better on me."

Yang Mi complained secretly in her heart, and the scene of herself walking on the red carpet with Chen Fei appeared in her mind.

She has decided that she will leave Rong Xinda after the filming of this drama is completed, and then she will try to see if she can go to Feiyinghuang Agency first.

The principle of "first come first served" is vividly demonstrated by Liu Yifei!

She wants to try it too!

Despite the Writers Guild strike, tonight's Oscars is still very lively, and the stars are still shining as far as the eye can see.

Although it was not the first time for Liu Yifei to come to the Kodak Theater, she didn't know why, but she was extremely excited this time!

"Mom, are you nervous?"

"Silly girl, why are you so nervous?" Liu Xiaoli acted quite calmly. After all, she was also someone who had seen big scenes.

"You said that if we win an award, will I also be allowed to speak on stage?"

"It shouldn't be possible. Although "Mulan" was shortlisted for Best Foreign Language Film, if it really wins the award, the winner will definitely be Chen Fei, and you don't need to go up."

"That's it..."

Liu Yifei suddenly felt less nervous.

The award ceremony was still from back to front, with less important awards being announced first.

Best Original Song, Best Original Score, Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Effects, Best Makeup, Best Costume Design, Best Art Direction…

One after another, the famous behind-the-scenes staff in Hollywood walked up to the podium, holding trophies in their hands and smiling brightly.

When the nominees for best visual effects were announced, Chen Fei was a little excited.

In addition to being nominated for Best Foreign Language Film, "Mulan" was also nominated for the Best Visual Effects Award.

The two major scenes of the cavalry charge with ten thousand people and the red makeup made all the judges shocked and at the same time, their eyes lit up unconsciously.

Unfortunately, this award was ultimately taken away by "The Golden Compass."

Wu Jing's voice suddenly sounded in Chen Fei's ears: "Director Chen, when do you think we can add such an item to our domestic film awards?"

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, with complicated eyes, "Maybe we have to wait until the moment when Chinese-language movies really prosper!"

You know, even if it is as powerful as Hollywood, there are only three movies that can receive this nomination. This shows the scarcity of special effects industry blockbusters.

Even the top eight companies in Hollywood would not dare to start a big-investment movie casually.

"The Golden Compass" is a lesson learned from the past.

With a budget of US$1.8 million, it only earned US$3.7 million in global box office, and only US$7000 million in North America.

Even the cost was not recovered, and New Line Cinema was even compensated!

It can be seen that the risks of making this type of A-type film are very high even in Hollywood!

Once the box office shows a weak state, the ending of MGM Pictures and New Line Cinema is likely to repeat!

The awards continue…

The best editing was won by "The Bourne Supremacy", the best cinematography was won by "There Will Be Blood", the best adapted screenplay was won by "No Country for Old Men", and the best original screenplay was won by "Juno".

After the Best Animated Short Film came out, Chen Fei became nervous unconsciously.

The award for Best Animated Feature Film, which he has longed for, is coming soon. Although this award has almost been determined by him, everything is still unknown until it is officially announced.

Seeing the producer of "Peter and the Wolf" walking up to the podium and taking away the award for Best Animated Short Film, Chen Fei couldn't help but start praying.

"I hope I can gain something..."

Naturally, the goddess of luck would not abandon him. After all, before coming, Chen Fei crushed the soaked lucky orange peel and kneaded it into the flour, and ate a meal of dumplings.

When the award presenter pulled out the card from the envelope and read out the five words "WALL-E", the audience suddenly burst into warm cheers!

In the front row, Han Sanping, who had specially flown from China, suddenly turned her head and saw that Chen Fei had stood up from the auditorium.

After adjusting his suit, he walked to the podium with confident steps.

"Hey, should I go? Did the boss get the award?"

In the Nortel Auditorium, Zhang Ruoyu looked in disbelief.

He thought he could wait until the Best Foreign Language Film Awards were presented, but unexpectedly, the Best Animated Feature Film award came in advance!

At this time, Tan Songyun, who was sitting next to him and signed a contract with Feiyinghuang Agency with him, also looked shocked.

"Director Chen is so awesome. This is his first animated film after his transformation, right? Will he win an Oscar?"

"Sure enough, excellent people are excellent no matter what they do."

The two were discussing in whispers, and at the Oscars ceremony, Chen Fei had already received the golden Oscar trophy.

Facing the shocked, confused, or questioning eyes of the audience, he chuckled and said: "First of all, I would like to thank my colleagues who worked with me day and night to shoot.

If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't have received this award!

Then I would also like to thank my boss Natasha, who gave me unconditional support and allowed me to produce such a high-quality film. I believe that in the future, we will never give up and work together to create more high-quality works. "

Over at Disney, Larenz Tate's face suddenly darkened.

At the previous Annie Awards ceremony, Natasha had already teased him a lot, but now, Fade Chen started to do the same thing again.

The camera was broadcast to Natasha in the audience.

The two looked at each other with bright smiles on their faces.

However, seeing this scene, Liu Yifei, who was sitting next to her, had a dark expression on her face. She secretly swore in her heart that Chen Fei would not be abducted by this white girl!


"Yaya, please translate for me quickly. What is Director Chen talking about? Why can't I understand?"

In an apartment on the Third Ring Road in the capital, Wang Baoqiang was watching the broadcast on TV with excitement.

He knew that Chen Fei had won the award, but because he didn't understand English, he couldn't understand what was being said on the TV.

"It's nothing." Tong Liya said casually: "Director Chen just thanked a lot of people and the female boss of their company, and that's about it."

Wang Baoqiang was quite envious, "Why can you all understand English? I can't understand it?"

"That's because you didn't study hard."

Tong Liya teased him with a smile, but then she seemed to think of something again, and her face suddenly became more solemn.

"Baoqiang, I think you should also learn English. Look at Wu Jing. He met Director Chen later than you, but he has already gone to the Oscars with you."

Hearing this, Wang Baoqiang's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and a strong sense of crisis rose in his heart.

What Tong Liya said is indeed very important. When preparing for "Kung Fu Panda", Chen Fei proposed that he go to Hollywood to help.

But considering that he didn't speak English, he had no choice but to give up in the end.

As long as you follow Chen Fei, you will definitely not lack opportunities to film in Hollywood in the future, but the prerequisite is that you must be able to speak English, otherwise communication between actors will be a big problem!

"Huh..." Wang Baoqiang took a deep breath, and a touch of tenacity appeared in his eyes, "I have decided, I will go to New Oriental to sign up tomorrow, and I must learn English well!"

"Yeah, I support you."


The awards are still going on.

With the announcement of the three awards for Best Documentary Short, Best Documentary Feature, and Best Live Action Short Film, one of the most exciting moments of the night finally arrived!

In order to ensure ratings and respectability, Oscar presenters are all celebrities, usually a man and a woman.

Last year's most popular "Iron Man" actor Robert Downey Jr. walked to the awards podium with "Transformers" actress Megan Fox.

Just like Tony in the movie, Robert Downey Jr. is also a social cow in real life!

After becoming famous again, he once again enjoyed the admiration of many people. He talked endlessly on the stage, which once caused the audience to burst into laughter.

Megan Fox is actually a little shy when compared to him.

After a lot of nonsense, Robert Downey Jr. returned to the topic, "What will be announced next is the best foreign language film. Please watch it on the big screen..."

The screen flickered, and six foreign language films from six countries appeared on the screen.

When "Mulan" appeared on the screen, there was a burst of noise.

Liu Yifei clenched her fists tightly, and her palms were already sweating.

In the front row, Han Sanping, who was sitting in the same row as the president of Sony, also put away the smile on his face and became extremely solemn.

There are so many things that can be determined by this award!

Now he just hopes to hear the names of Chen Fei and "Mulan" from Robert Downey Jr.'s mouth.

In addition to the members of the "Mulan" crew and Han Sanping, there were actually many Asian faces at the award ceremony, and they were all staring directly at the screen at this time.

Deng Wendi, the nominal current female boss of 20th Century Fox, asked curiously: "Zi Yi? Based on your experience, do you think he can win the Best Foreign Language Film Award?"

Zhang Ziyi appears in both "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which won the Best Foreign Language Film, and "Heroes", which was nominated.

Therefore, Deng Wendi still trusts her quite a bit.

"It's probably very difficult. The selection of this kind of award is not very fair to Chinese-language films. The performances in the same period are quite strong. I think it might be given to the Austrian film "The Counterfeiter". The reason is also very simple..."

"Let us congratulate Fei and congratulate Mulan!"


Zhang Ziyi's analysis stopped abruptly. He never expected that the slap in the face would come so quickly!

Just now I said that it would be difficult for "Mulan" to win the award, but before I finished speaking, Robert Downey Jr. and Megan Fox on the stage had already announced the results.

Suddenly, there was thunderous applause!

"Ah?! I won a prize!"

Liu Yifei jumped up with joy and ran into Chen Fei's arms without even thinking, her face full of surprise and excitement!

Liu Xiaoli watched from the side, always feeling a little weird. She thought her daughter would choose to hold her to celebrate...

Because of the delay, Chen Fei had already stepped onto the podium, but in China it had just reached the moment of announcing the winning films.

In the Sixth Princess live broadcast room, Sabei Ning and Zhu Guangquan were invited to be the hosts.

The two of them were silent at this time, waiting with the audience across the country for the moment when the awards would be announced.

"The winner of the 80th Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film is "Mulan". Let us congratulate FeiChen!"


At this time, Sabei Ning didn't care whether her money would be deducted from the station, and she subconsciously uttered an exclamation.

Zhu Guangquan, who was sitting across from him, was about to remind him, but then he thought, this seemed to be the Sixth Princess's live broadcast room, and they probably wouldn't care if the host occasionally made a mistake in one or two words.

At this moment, cheers resounded not only in the broadcast room of the Six Princesses, but also to the homes of all netizens who were watching the broadcast.

"Did you win a prize?!"

"Good guy, this is so awesome!"

"It's amazing. I'm so awesome. I won two awards in one night, spanning two completely different fields. It's so awesome!"

In the Nortel Auditorium, students from the acting and directing departments were all cheering crazily.

Lao Zhao took action immediately and led several people from the logistics department to hang up the banner!

It happens to be the admissions season these days. As soon as this banner is hung at the gate, the enrollment rate of freshmen this year will definitely far exceed that of Zhongxi and Shangxi!

In the Huayi office building, Wang Zhonglei slammed the table and said, "Tell the publicity department to immediately release the news about our cooperation with Director Chen. Let's also take advantage of it."

But in the new picture, Zhang Weiping's face was full of jealousy.

He and Zhang Yimou have collaborated for so many years, and successively sent "Hero", "House of Flying Daggers", and "The Golden Armor" to Hollywood to participate in the Oscar selection for Best Foreign Language Film, but in the end they could only win at most. nominations.

But looking back at Chen Fei, this is only his first time competing for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, but he was directly nominated and won the award, with one-stop service!


There is no justice!

On the podium, after hugging Robert Downey Jr. and Megan Fox respectively, Chen Fei accepted the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

"Thank you very much to the jury for their recognition, to every actor for their dedication, to Ms. Liu Yifei, the actor of "Mulan", and to Industrial Light & Magic for their support in post-rendering. If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't be here today." Standing on this podium.

I am honored and lucky, and I am very grateful to all my friends who support me and those who have given me a lot of help..."

At the end, Chen Fei turned his attention to the broadcast camera of the Sixth Princess, held up the trophy, smiled brightly, and said in Chinese: "Fans and friends in China, as you wish, I have lived up to your expectations!"

After hearing this sentence, all the die-hard fans of Chen Fei, casual fans, and small black fans in China were screaming and cheering crazily at this moment!

In the Sixth Princess live broadcast room, Sabei Ning has begun to let herself go uncontrollably.

"Director Chen Niubi! No, I have to give him a blow."

Zhu Guangquan almost grabbed him...

 Recommend a book from a friend.

  Book title "Return to 2002: Starting with 800 Acres of Wasteland"

  Reborn in 2002, in that era when the Internet exploded, big industries were transforming, and big guys gathered..., Chen Jianbin just wanted to farm, plant hundreds of millions of fields, earn hundreds of millions of dollars, spend more time with his parents, be kind to his relatives and friends, and let More people can eat safe food.

  Then, he succeeded!


(End of this chapter)

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