It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 305 Becoming a God! Zhang Ziyi’s little thoughts, Ning Hao’s expectations! The peak of his d

Chapter 305 Becoming a God! Zhang Ziyi’s little thoughts, Ning Hao’s expectations! The peak of his debut?

After the announcement of the best foreign language film, the rest has nothing to do with Chen Fei.

He has become a mere spectator.

But in China, netizens still couldn't calm down their excitement for a long time, and everyone in the film and television industry was like an earthquake in their pupils, so shocked that they couldn't extricate themselves!

After "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", another Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film was won by a Chinese-language film.

"Hua Mulan"

Become a god!

In the post bar, Chen Fei's fans were cheering one by one, as if they were celebrating the New Year.

"From now on, I announce that Director Chen will be officially promoted to the number one director in the Mainland. Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang, and Chen Kai, please step aside for me."

"Made, this movie is really strong. It has a box office of more than 6 million in the mainland, firmly ranking first. It directly established Director Chen as the leader of the director club of commercial films with a box office of 6 million. He later won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language. It won the film award, and so far it is the number one box-office film in Hollywood’s foreign language film list! It’s simply awesome!”

"Starting from today, I declare that as long as it is a movie directed by Chen, even if it is just a work written by him, I will watch it! If it is a movie that cannot be imported from the mainland, I will fly to Hong Kong or Taiwan to watch it!"

"I couldn't find a way to Hong Kong before. Alas, it's a pity. Can any brother remind me? Where can I find Xiangjiang Loufeng?"

"I heard that there are also ocean horses? Where are they? I can't let my brother eat chaffy vegetables with me?"

"What the hell? Brothers, please pay attention! Don't let the building tilt too much!"



At the award ceremony, Chen Fei held the trophy in his hand and happily walked from the stage to his seat.

Many people along the way were congratulating him on winning the award.

"Director Chen, congratulations on winning the award."

A figure suddenly came over and hugged him directly before Chen Fei could react.

"Sister Ziyi?"

Chen Fei was startled. He hadn't noticed just now that Zhang Ziyi was sitting on the edge of the aisle. His sudden appearance was quite scary.

"Director Chen, remember to think of me if you find a suitable role. In fact, I can also play a role like Mulan. The remuneration is easy to negotiate."

"Okay, definitely."

Chen Fei agreed casually, but after parting with her, he simply forgot about the words.

Objectively speaking, Zhang Ziyi can indeed play "Mulan", but she is too controversial and can easily cause a scandal if she is entangled too deeply.

Therefore, it is better to stay away from her as much as possible!

Watching Chen Fei take his seat, Zhang Ziyi smiled and waved to him. After making sure that the interaction between the two was captured in the live footage, she sat down with satisfaction.

Tomorrow's headlines are guaranteed. This wave of popularity is just in time. It seems that I will have to choose a seat in the aisle next time!

In fact, she didn't have to work so hard. After all, after breaking up with Master Huo, her new boyfriend has become an investor in Goldman Sachs Group, and is also an individual shareholder of Warner and Weinstein Pictures, and is the same as the Murdoch family. There is also a deep relationship.

Of course, this is also the reason why she can be with Deng Wendi.

When it comes to personal wealth, her new boyfriend Ivy Niwo is definitely much better than Huo Qishan!

But even so, Zhang Ziyi was still a little worried.

In her opinion, feelings are too cheap. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is the most appropriate choice to put what she has in her hands into her pocket.

Although she doesn't have the means like Deng Wendi, who can take a big step forward every time she gets married, she thinks that her flowering period is still quite long.

Take this opportunity to secrete more nectar, and even if they are separated in the future, she can still live freely and freely!


The awards ceremony continued, and the awards for Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Picture were announced one by one, triggering bursts of cheers from the audience.

"No Country for Old Men" became the biggest winner tonight, winning the Best Picture Award, and the Coen brothers also won the Best Director Award for the film.

Daniel Day-Lewis won the Best Actor award for "There Will Be Blood" and Marion Cotillard won the Best Actress award for "La Vie en Rose".

The film "Love of Inflatable Doll" that made Chen Fei very curious finally lost to "Juno".

At this point, the award ceremony has officially come to an end.

Many people came over to congratulate Chen Fei and congratulate him on winning two trophies tonight.

Han Sanping was so happy that she couldn't even close her mouth.

You know, "Mulan" still has a 20% investment share from China Film Group, and this trophy also has his contribution.

"Haha, this year's performance has already reached the target."

Holding the Oscar statuette in her hand, Han Sanping was already thinking about how to write a report at the end of the year.

Although the previous "Nanjing! Nanjing! " and "The Letter of Investment" lost a lot of money, but this Oscar statuette can completely offset all previous wrong investments.

Whether it’s fame or fortune, I’ve made a lot of money!

"Director Han, you should pay more attention to the introduction of "Kung Fu Panda" to mainland theaters. I have to protect this animated film. I must not let some people take it off the shelves!"

"Don't worry about this." Han Sanping put away the smile on her face and said very solemnly: "I will personally follow up on this film and I guarantee to give you the green light all the way."

"Haha, then I'll thank you in advance."

In order to prevent something as bad as Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit from happening again, Chen Fei made a lot of preparations this time and even went to the film bureau in advance to say hello.

Now that he has won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, his influence in the mainland film and television industry has once again increased a lot. It can be regarded as a three-pronged approach.

"Kung Fu Panda" is an animated movie that no one can beat!

And in order to better screen it in the mainland, he even specially released two dubbing versions in Chinese and English.

When it is released globally, audiences in China will be able to see "Kung Fu Panda" dubbed in full Chinese, while foreign audiences will naturally see the English version.

Although this will lead to an increase in the budget, all this must be done in order for the final box office to meet expectations.


After the Oscars are over, only the 34th Saturn Awards are left.

This year's Saturn Awards will be awarded on June 6, and the nominations will be announced on May 24, which is about two months away.

Chen Fei applied for movies such as "Mulan", "Iron Man", "The Incredible Hulk", and "The Twilight Saga".

No matter whether you can win or not, just give it a try first and then decide.

If there is one, go and accept the award. If there is no award, forget it. He himself behaves quite freely.

After leaving the Kodak Theater, he returned to the animation studio and once again devoted himself to the production of "Kung Fu Panda", and also did the post-editing work of "Game of Thrones".

The three portals are always the fastest channels for spreading news.

[Warm congratulations to Director Chen Fei for winning the 80th Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film for his domestic film "Mulan"! 】

The huge title was specially blackened and bolded, and it was placed high on the headline page of the website.

After seeing this headline, everyone in the industry who had no free time to watch the broadcast last night opened their eyes wide with disbelief on their faces.

"What the hell? Best Foreign Language Film Award? Did you really win it?"

Ning Hao called, his tone full of envy and shock.

It’s really awesome, the second domestic Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. For mainland commercial filmmakers, the gold content of this trophy is even higher than the three European gold medals!

You know, so far, only Li Yin among Chinese directors has won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film for "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", and the others have only received nominations at most.

"Didn't you watch the broadcast last night?"

"No, yesterday happened to be the day when "Painted Skin" was wrapping up. After the filming, we went to a restaurant and drank until midnight, so we didn't pay much attention to it."

"Huh? "Painted Skin" has been finished? It's pretty fast!"       "That's natural, when did I let you know? Then I arranged for someone to send you the finished film, and you still have to arrange the special effects production of the film. "

"Okay, that's no problem. After you go back, ask Su Guohai to tell several investors that "Painted Skin" should be scheduled for the summer vacation. If it is released earlier, the funds can be withdrawn earlier."

"Okay, I'll tell Mr. Su later."

The two chatted for a few more words and agreed to go back to celebrate, and Chen Fei was ready to hang up the phone.

But at this moment, Ning Hao suddenly said hesitantly: "Chen Fei, you see I have been free recently, and I have someone to take care of my children at home. How about you give me another project?"

"Hey? Don't you need to go back and stay with Sister Na? You're not in a hurry. You'll have time to start a new drama after a while."

"I can't live without anything. If I make more money, I can buy a bigger house."

"Then what type of movie do you want to make next? Do you want to continue making a commercial film?"

Ning Hao's salary is linked to the movie's box office. The higher the box office, the higher his share will naturally be.

Chen Fei took it for granted that he wanted to continue making commercial films and make more money.

But the next second, Ning Hao suddenly changed the topic: "Is there a suitable script for a literary film? I want to try my old profession. If I don't make literary films, I suspect that I will completely forget the shooting techniques of literary films."

Art films?

Chen Fei chatted with him casually, and by the way, he took some time to check the script library.

After a while, he actually selected a script!

"The Embalmer"

This script was opened from the premium script gift pack in East Asia when he previously completed the system challenge mission.

Little Days has its own way of making literary feature films. Shoplifters, which helped Chen Fei win the Palme d'Or at the Cannes International Film Festival, was also written by Little Days.

The script tells the story of a down-and-out cellist "Daigo Kobayashi" who accidentally came into contact with the profession of an embalmer after returning to his hometown. After experiencing self-rejection, the prejudice of others, and the denial of the world, he gradually became a respectable embalmer.

The story presents the daily work of the undertaker and the funeral customs, and allows a novice undertaker to understand death from the perspective of a novice, understand that death exists as a part of life, and thereby understand the meaning and value of life.

It is worth mentioning that in Chen Fei’s memory, this movie also won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film!

In fact, there are still many literary and artistic film scripts in the script library, but since they are to be filmed by Ning Hao, naturally they cannot give him the kind of low-budget literary and artistic films that Sosou has.

This movie actually has no special effects, but the filming scenes and actors' acting skills are very demanding.

And because the background of the story takes place in Xiaoli, if Ning Hao is to direct it, it has to be translated into Chinese.

The words "Calabash Man" suddenly popped into Chen Fei's mind...

Smiling softly, he had already made a decision, "I do have a script that suits you, but it's not finished yet. Let's take a rest for a month and show it to you after I return to China in April. What? Sample?"

"Okay! Then you must remember it!"

Ning Hao gave many orders and instructions, quite impatiently.

After ending the call with Ning Hao, Chen Fei then received calls from many people. Even two young girls, Li Zhien and Lin Yuer, specially sent text messages from South Korea.

The second Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in the Chinese film market!

The popularity created by "Mulan" is unlikely to dissipate in a short time!


March has arrived as scheduled, and the filming progress of "Kung Fu Panda" continues to accelerate, and it is expected to be officially completed by the end of the month!

"The Twilight Saga: New Moon" is expected to be officially completed in another week.

James Wan has once again entered the attention of major Hollywood media with the second part of the Insidious series.

At the same time, the second part of the "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" series, which achieved brilliant results in 07, has also officially announced the start of filming. The struggle between humans and apes will begin again!

Wang Luojue, who appeared in the first part, flew to Hollywood again and joined the filming of the second part.

Huang Shengyi searched many connections to get a starring role, but was resolutely rejected by Chen Fei!

Even the artists from my own company don't have a chance, why are you here to join in the fun?

At the same time, Marvel Studios announced that the three movies "Iron Man 2", "Thor" and "Captain America" ​​will start shooting simultaneously.

The launch conference is scheduled for the same day.

Robert Downey Jr. once again appeared as Tony Stark and was well received by movie fans.

Chris Evans, who played the role of Human Torch in the movie "Fantastic Four", became Captain America and showed off his muscles at the press conference.

Under the leadership of Chen Fei, Chris Hemsworth was still chosen as the actor of "Thor".

The current "Brother Hammer" is not famous yet, and his salary is very low. He is a very useful tool man.

However... as the press conference progressed, the media and reporters who flew over from the mainland gradually made new discoveries!

There seem to be many Chinese faces in the casts of these Hollywood blockbusters?

Reporters from Sina and Sixth Princess found Chen Fei and asked him about the reason.

Chen Fei didn't mean to hide it, and explained with a smile: "Isn't the Feiyinghuang Agency established? There are too few projects in the mainland, and it is impossible for the actors newly signed by the company to participate in them.

It just so happened that Marvel and Walt Disney Co. had a lot of movie projects recently, so I selected a group of idle actors from the company and brought them to Hollywood to play supporting roles and get familiar with the big screen. "

After hearing these words, the reporters at the scene were a little confused for a moment!

Many people have predicted before that artists who signed a contract with Feiyinghuang Agency should get a lot of high-quality film and television drama resources.

But they never expected that the resources they obtained would be of such high quality!

Did you start in Hollywood?

There is an old saying that goes well, all roads lead to Rome!

However, some people are unable to reach Rome in their entire lives, but some people arrive in Rome as soon as they are born!

For mainland actors, Hollywood is the holy land they yearn for and the goal they pursue throughout their lives.

But now?

With the establishment of Feiyingwang Agency, some actors who had not even made their debut came to Hollywood directly!

Their starting point is clearly the end point that many people pursue throughout their lives!

As one of the representatives coming to Hollywood this time, Kan Qingzi from Nortel Class of 07 has become the focus of many reporters' attention.

The reason is simple, just because she played a small supporting role in "Iron Man 2", and her partner was Scarlett Johansson, who was selected as the sexiest woman of the year by the American Esquire magazine.

"I'm really scared. I still feel like it's a dream. I'm very grateful to Director Chen for giving me such an opportunity. My debut movie turned out to be the Hollywood blockbuster "Iron Man 2". I feel unbelievable..."

What happened in Hollywood quickly spread back home.

When a group of young actors with green faces appeared on the set of a Hollywood blockbuster, the expressions of the bosses and artists of other mainland agencies suddenly changed!

"Because he is a newly signed artist and there are no suitable projects in the mainland, so he is sent to Hollywood to play supporting roles?"

After seeing Chen Fei's original words published in the media, the bosses of major brokerage companies in the mainland remained silent.

Damn... what kind of international joke are you kidding?

You have such a big international ferry to transport a group of college students who have not officially debuted?

At this moment, Zheng Shuang, who was attending the opening ceremony of "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower" at Mango Entertainment, was also stunned, with jealousy on his face!

Two days ago, she had despised Kan Qingzi's hot face and cold ass, but she never expected that the slap in the face would come so quickly!

Looking at the familiar faces in the photos published by Sina, she suddenly felt a little blushing.

Shame, shock, jealousy and other thoughts were intertwined in her mind, making her feel more depressed and unwilling!

Originally, her goal was just to surpass Jing Tian, ​​but now, when Kan Qingzi, Zhang Ruoyun, and Tan Songyun, three classmates from her same class, appeared on the Hollywood camera, a feeling of powerlessness suddenly arose in her heart.

How can this compare?

The difference is simply huge!

Even though she is about to play the female lead, in the eyes of insiders, her role is incomparable to the supporting roles in Hollywood A-type blockbusters!

Frustration arose spontaneously, so much so that Zheng Shuang didn't want to pay attention to Zhang Han who kept talking next to him.

She had to find a way. She couldn't just watch other people become famous while she could only act in youth idol dramas.

"How about finding a way to contact Director Chen?"

Zheng Shuang's eyes flashed slightly, and a bold idea filled her heart.


(asking for monthly ticket)

(End of this chapter)

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