It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 306: Coffee position? resource? An undercurrent is surging! ‘Special aesthetic training’ has

Chapter 306: Coffee position? resource? An undercurrent is surging! ‘Special aesthetic training’ has achieved initial results!

Although there are also comparisons between young actors, their petty quarrels are nothing compared to the competition for status and resources among long-established first-line actresses.

Ever since Huayi announced the start of preparations for "The Wind", there has been an undercurrent within the company.

As Huayi's currently recognized actress with the best acting skills, Zhou Xun deservedly became the heroine, and teamed up with Huang Xiaoming to form the cp again.

"Painted Skin" had just finished filming, and the two seamlessly joined the crew of "The Wind".

When it comes to popularity, Wang Xiaowang and Zhang Dabeard can be considered a rival.

Wang Zhongjun said happily: "Haha, the popularity of "Painted Skin" can just boost the popularity of "The Wind". This strategy is so interesting."

The publicity department manager held a notebook in his hand, and while he was laughing, he turned his attention to Wang Zhonglei.

"Mr. Wang? So we will wait for "Painted Skin" to be released before announcing the start of the new movie "The Wind". Is that okay?"

"Okay, let's do it."

Wang Zhonglei nodded, and then specifically warned: "You can put aside the work on "The Wind" for a while. The preliminary preparations also take a long time. Your recent work focus is mainly on the promotion of "The King of Kung Fu". Achievements are particularly important and may even affect the company’s performance after it goes public, do you understand?”

"Yes, I understand."

The publicity manager carefully wrote down Wang Zhonglei's words in his notebook, then turned and left the office.

For a time, only the two brothers were left in the huge office.

"How is the company's internal share subscription going?"

"Except for Zhou Xun, everyone else bought more or less part of it."

Except Zhou Xun?

"What do you mean by this? Is there something going on with Zhou Xun?" Wang Zhonglei frowned. This is the current first sister of Huayi, so nothing can go wrong.

"I heard from people below that Zhou Xun seems to be planning to go out on his own after his contract expires this year."

Hearing this, Wang Zhonglei immediately thought of Fan Bingbin, Huayi's former sister, and Zhao Yanzi, who let them go.

"Is the news true?"

"There's no way to verify it. I just accidentally heard it from a cameraman. He accidentally heard Zhou Xun talking on the phone about opening a studio."

"Go and verify it. If this is true, then we have to deal with it in advance."

Wang Zhonglei's face was a little gloomy. He would rather believe that this kind of thing happened than not!

In order to poach Zhou Xun when he came in, the contract was signed very loosely. If the other party insisted on leaving, there was nothing they could do to stop him!

At the same time, just as the two Wang brothers began to conduct an internal investigation into Zhou Xun, the Li Bingbin sisters also began to plot.

"I was only assigned the role of the second female lead."

Li Bingbin's face looked a little unhappy.

Although her acting skills are not that outstanding, her vision is still very good.

The script of "The Wind" is really great, and according to the cast list announced internally, the actors are all top names in the industry!

In addition, the script is still produced by Feiyue Film and Television, which means that this movie is likely to have a double harvest at the box office and awards.

However, if there is a double bumper harvest at the box office and awards as she predicts, then all this glory will belong to the "female number one", and her "female number two" will not attract much attention at all.

After thinking about this, Li Bingbin was filled with resentment.

Everyone is the "first sister" of Huayi. If we really want to rank seniority, Li Bingbin is even the senior!

You, Zhou Xun, are just a latecomer, how can you get the leading female role?

Li Hedong frowned slightly: "The role cannot be changed. Let's be honest, you are indeed not as good as Zhou Xun in terms of acting skills."

"Then what should I do now? I can only watch helplessly as he takes away the "Female Number One" and all the glory goes to her?"

Li Bingbin felt increasingly unwilling!

"That's not the case." Li Hedong's eyes were cold and he sneered: "Hua Yi is not her Zhou Xun's world. I am still the manager of the artist management department. We sisters are connected, so can't we shake her status?"

"what do you mean?"

"Let's go to Mr. Wang and ask her to change the script, just like in "The King of Kung Fu". You and Zhao Yanzi can be double heroines, why can't you and Zhou Xun also be double heroines?" Woolen cloth?"

"This is a good idea!" The gloom on Li Bingbin's face quickly faded.

Based on her relationship with the two Wang brothers, it shouldn't be a problem to change the script without shaking the basic framework of the movie.

So what if Zhou Xun knew?

Can she still bite?


Time quickly came to mid-March.

A call came from the Cannes Film Festival to Hollywood.

After taking a look at the name on the caller ID, Chen Fei pressed the connect button.

"Hello? Mr. Sean? What's the matter?"

"Fei, how are you doing? I happen to be free today, so I came here to say hello to you."

The caller was Sean Penn, the famous Hollywood actor, the same actor who co-starred with Nicole Kidman in the action crime film "The Interpreter" directed by Sidney Pollack.

He is the chairman of the jury of this year's 61st Cannes International Film Festival!

"Fei? Another reason why I called you this time is actually to ask you if you have any suitable works to participate in the selection of this Cannes Film Festival?"

It turned out to be waiting here.

Chen Fei smiled, shook his head and denied, "Sean, I'm really sorry. I may not have any suitable films to participate in the selection."

In fact, "Mulan" is quite suitable to be sent to the three European majors for selection, but the requirements for the European three gold medals are: before the film participates in the awards selection, it is not allowed to be released in advance.

But "Mulan" has even been released from both the mainland and North America, and it no longer meets the requirements to participate in the selection.

"Oh, that's such a shame. Do you have time to be the presenter?"

Chen Fei was a little embarrassed to refuse this request.

Because according to normal circumstances, the winners of the previous Golden Palm Award must go to the scene to present the awards in the next one.

Although the organizers did not clearly stipulate this, it has become a generally accepted fact.

After thinking about it, Chen Fei nodded and agreed: "I will go on time."

"Oh! This is really great! Fei! I'll wait for you at the film festival."

After achieving his goal, Sean hung up the phone on his own initiative.

The filming of "Kung Fu Panda" has come to an end, and the martial arts instructors of Chen Jiaban and Hong Jiaban have returned to Hong Kong.

Chen Long is currently choosing a suitable heroine for "12 Zodiac Signs".

Chen Fei didn't interfere too much in the casting, letting Uncle Long choose the actress he "liked". After all, they would have long-term cooperation in the future, and it had to be in line with Chen Long's wishes.

At the same time, the post-production team for "Kung Fu Panda" is already in place.

On the Hollywood side, Chen Fei still uses the original dubbing staff.

As for the Mandarin version, he did not choose to use the previous stars. Instead, he found the top voice actors across the country and asked them to dub each animated character according to his personality and life habits.

In his opinion, the audience is there to see the picture, not to hear who is dubbing the voice.

Except for Wang Zhiwen, the dubbing by other celebrities is not professional. They might as well find top dubbing actors.

You have to match that taste!


So far, all film shooting plans from both Volton Pictures and Marvel Pictures have started normally.

"The Twilight Saga: New Moon" was officially announced a week ago and has once again entered intensive post-production.

The competition in Hollywood's summer season is still huge, but Chen Fei is still full of confidence in Twilight.

With the first step as a foundation, he believes that the second part will definitely gain more surprises and box office results!

Natasha is finally not so busy anymore. After finishing the coordination work of several movies, she took a lot of free time to devote herself to the casting of "Inception".

There are no secrets in the entertainment industry. As the casting process progresses, some news is gradually revealed.

This morning, a piece of entertainment news from Hollywood suddenly appeared on the front page of Sina!

[Hollywood Entertainment News Exposed: Kate Winslet, who played the role of Rose in "Titanic", revealed in an interview with the movie "The Reader" yesterday that she will collaborate with the famous director "Chen Fei" on a new film , and is expected to be launched in May! 】

The news was exposed and immediately aroused the attention of netizens!

After clicking on the title and entering, you can obviously see an interview video.

Sina specially edited this interview video, so netizens can jump directly to the appropriate time point after clicking play.

When a reporter asked her if she had any new film plans after "The Reader" was completed, Kate Winslet said bluntly: "It has indeed been decided to star in a new movie."

"Can you tell me briefly?"

Kate Winslet shrugged, "Sorry, I have to sign a confidentiality agreement, so I can't reveal too much here."

The reporter quickly asked: "What can be disclosed?"

"Well~ This movie will be directed by a very handsome Chinese director."

"Is it FeiChen who won the Best Foreign Language Film and Best Animated Feature Film awards at the 80th Academy Awards some time ago?"

"I don't think Director Li Yin can still be associated with the word 'handsome'." Kate Winslet pointedly pointed out.

Once she said this sentence, it could not be clearer.

So far, the only Chinese directors still active in Hollywood are Chen Fei and Li Xian, while James Wan and others are Chinese directors. And then combined with the adjective "very handsome", then there is only Chen Fei.

The saying that he is more handsome than Zun Long when he was young is not unfounded!

As for Li Jian, he is indeed not young anymore, and the word "handsome" has nothing to do with gray hair.

After the news was exposed, Chen Fei once again entered the media's field of vision.

Although he has rarely appeared in the public eye since the Oscars, this interview with Kate Winslet directly pushed him to the forefront!

In the new movie plan, Kate Winslet is suspected to be the heroine.

Just these two exact pieces of news are enough to spark a heated discussion in mainland China and Hollywood!

There are many male protagonists who can match Kate Winslet, but without exception, they are all top Hollywood actors, and at least they must be the winner of the Oscar for Best Actor.

For a time, many people were speculating, what is the name of this new movie? Who are the other unannounced actors?

Unfortunately, Chen Fei did not respond immediately.

Liu Yifei, who had just finished a dinner event, suddenly appeared in the animation studio.

After many times of "special aesthetic training" from Bruce, this girl's aesthetic sense has finally improved.

She participated in the event today wearing a pure white short-sleeved upper body, a black tie around her neck, and black suspender shorts on her lower body. She had a pair of long, white and slender legs, which became more rounded as she looked up.

"Yes, my outfit today is very popular with me."

Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction and gave her full affirmation.

"Humph, I matched this myself."

Liu Yifei raised her head proudly.

She had been criticized by Chen Fei a lot because of her clothing matching and aesthetics before, but she finally proved herself today!

"I will dress up in this style from now on, but don't give me that crazy look anymore. The makeup team at Sony Records can be fired. What the hell are they doing?"

"Did my makeup look ugly before? But my fans praised me for looking good in what I wore?"

Liu Yifei was a little confused. After all, in the many years since she entered the entertainment industry, no one except Chen Fei had ever said she was ugly.

"Most people are focused on looking at your face. Who will pay attention to what you are wearing?"

"So you also think I'm pretty, right?"

Chen Fei shrugged, stopped the car in time, and did not jump into her trap at all, "Sorry, I have no interest in praising others today."

After that, he turned around and continued to do the finishing work.

The filming of "Kung Fu Panda" officially ended an hour ago. Next, a very detailed review process needs to be carried out, and then the post-production can be done.

But at this time, seeing Chen Fei turn around to leave, Liu Yifei quickly asked: "Hey? Just wait a moment!"

"What? Is something wrong?"

"What am I going to do next? I have no more scenes to shoot. I'm a little bored with my free time recently."

Ever since "Mulan" became a hit, film offers have been raining down on Liu Yifei like crazy, and the paychecks are getting higher and higher!

But after reading those scripts, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

The salary is indeed quite high, but the characters are not that outstanding. Compared with "Mulan", it is simply a world of difference!

There were a few scripts that could barely be considered a tall guy among short guys, but the mother and daughter still rejected them after discussion.

Hua Mulan's starting point is too high, and Liu Yifei is afraid that she will accidentally destroy this honor!

In desperation, she could only come to Chen Fei.

The brokerage contract has been signed with the brokerage company he controls. He must be responsible. I have to stay by his side for the rest of my life~

"Huh? Have you had enough fun?"

"Well, I want to film."

"Wait." Chen Fei waved his hand casually, turned and walked to the viewing area, and said casually: "I will return to China with me in April, and the script is already being prepared.

I have a pretty good story here. The two of us will continue to work together and strive to win another Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film! "

Liu Yifei's eyes lit up and she quickly responded: "Okay, I'll wait for you!"


March flies by.

New news is constantly coming from the mainland.

The two companies, "The King of Kung Fu" and "The King of Kung Fu," are at odds with each other, and all kinds of publicity is overwhelming, as if the entire month of April is about to be wrapped up.

"October Siege" is also following closely behind, but the current publicity is far less popular than the first two.

The "One Foundation" has begun to make an appearance again. Li Lianjie personally announced that starting with "The King of Kung Fu", part of the proceeds from future films invested by the foundation will be donated to charity.

It's clear that he's already thinking of ways to undo the impact of filming "The Mummy 3."

The movie will be fully released in mainland theaters in September, and fans don't know how angry they will be.

Zu Long turned out to be a villain?

Li Lianjie is the only one who can handle such a thing. Ever since "Wolf Dog", he seems to have started to have no scruples.


Zhou Xun is a busy man!

After the filming of "Painted Skin" was completed, she seamlessly announced that she would participate in the filming of "The Wind", but within a few days, she announced that she would partner with Chow Yun-fat in a very special literary film - "Confucius".

When receiving the news, Chen Fei was stunned for a while.

Confucius's status is absolutely unparalleled. He is a representative of Confucianism and will be famous for generations.

But this movie...

Chen Fei suddenly didn't know how to make an evaluation. Compared with his memory before his rebirth, after watching this movie, he seemed to have cursed it very dirty!


In late March, Volton Pictures held a media conference and officially announced that "Kung Fu Panda" has been successfully completed recently.

Chen Fei is going to take this opportunity to give some film and television production companies such as DreamWorks, Pixar, and Disney a little more strength. If they have the courage, they might be able to compete for real in August!

However, the media in attendance seemed to be more interested in his new film.

"Director Chen, can you reveal your plans for the new movie?"

new movie?

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, but he had not prepared for this step before.

But after thinking about it, he was still ready to give a simple response, treating it as a warm-up for his new film.

"Actually, as previously reported on the Internet, Kate Winslet, who had a wonderful performance in "Titanic", will participate in the filming of my new movie and play a very important role."

This answer obviously did not satisfy the reporters present.

"Director Chen? How much is the investment for the new movie?"

"A billion dollars."

2.2? Dollar?


Although some people have made predictions before, Chen Fei's new film will definitely be a Category A production, and the investment will not be less than 1.5 million US dollars.

But when the figure of US$2.2 million was actually obtained from him, a group of reporters at the scene were still so shocked that they could not recover for a long time.

Several domestic media outlets have begun to gasp.

According to the current exchange rate, the figure of 2.2 million US dollars clearly means that Chen Fei will spend 17.6 billion yuan to produce his new movie!

"Damn it, the budget is getting higher every time. What kind of movie are we going to make? Can we recoup the cost?"

There was a lively discussion at the scene, and reporters were asking questions. The entire venue was chaotic and noisy.

Chen Fei highlighted a few representative questions and responded to them.

"The theme is action, suspense and science fiction. The English name is "Inception", and the Chinese translation can be described with the words "Inception".

The director is me, and the current tentative cast includes Kate Winslet, Tom Hardy, and Leonardo DiCaprio, and the rest are still under negotiation. "

Only three actors were cast?

The reporters in the audience were a little disappointed. They thought they could dig out all the actors participating in the show today.

But the next second, someone suddenly reacted!

"Oh my god! What did I just hear? Leonardo?"

A scream immediately stopped the noisy discussion at the press conference!

Most people don't know who Tom Hardy is. After all, he is currently a tool man in Hollywood.

But Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are different.

These two are so famous!

Let me ask, who in Hollywood has not watched "Titanic"? Who hasn’t heard the story of Jack and Rose?

But today, Chen Fei just made an understatement, but he broke a big piece of news!

Jack and Rose are actually getting together to make a movie again?

What kind of movie is this?

How could we invite both of them at the same time?

 I beg all readers to save their monthly tickets.



(End of this chapter)

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