It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 307: Insignificant development, borrowing a chicken to lay an egg, adolescence’s eagerness t

Chapter 307: Insignificant development, borrowing a chicken to lay an egg, adolescence’s eagerness to move and the combination of Chinese and Western

This was supposed to be a final press conference about "Kung Fu Panda", but by some mistake, it ended up being a promotional conference for "Inception"!

When the names Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet appeared on mainland portals, Twitter, blogs, major forums, etc., movie fans went crazy!

"Oh my god? Is this a joke?"

"Oh! My Jack! Oh! My Rose! Are you really going to get back together?"

"Damn it! Director Chen is so awesome. The regret in my heart has always been that the male and female protagonists in "Titanic" could not be together. I didn't expect that after so many years, it actually happened again!"

"WTF?! This is not a dream, is it?"

"Wait a minute! Don't pay attention to the male and female protagonists yet. 2.2 million U.S. dollars? 17.6 billion yuan? What kind of thing are you planning to make?"

There was constant noise online, and netizens and fans were so enthusiastic that even Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet had to come out and respond directly.

On Twitter, the two announced the news that they would cooperate with Chen Fei.

The main actor's response made fans and fans even more excited. They left messages under the two people's Twitter accounts, saying that they are very much looking forward to the two of them getting together again!

Twitter is a company established in 07 and has now reached a certain scale.

Naturally, Chen Fei would not let go of this later very successful software. Longxiang Capital had already invested in this company early and became one of the shareholders.

Chen Fei, on the other hand, just opened his Twitter account not long ago. He plans to set up his own personal account in the future, which will also be conducive to publicity.

At the same time, Sina also started to operate Weibo. Almost all of this was under Chen Fei's attention, and he also made a round of investment in it through Longxiang Capital.

We do not seek to have actual control, but only seek to have a certain right to speak.

The Internet will definitely be a big trend in the future.

Tencent,, Alibaba, etc., just enter without thinking now, you will never lose money!

"You are so amazing, how did you get these two together?" Han Sanping called, quite excited.

"It's very simple, just give them a high salary."

Chen Fei still had some resentment when he said this. The salary of these actors in Hollywood is so damn high. No wonder there are so few A-class productions and ordinary companies can't afford them.

This big production thing, if you mess up once, you can lose your underwear!

"Just relax and shoot. If you still need investment in the future, just tell me. China Film has a lot of investment funds this year. I will be waiting for your new film."


State-owned enterprises also have a high demand for profits. After experiencing the failure of investment in several previous movies, Han Sanping has completely set her sights on Chen Fei.

You're right to follow this guy!


April is approaching, and after finishing the post-production of "Game of Thrones", Chen Fei booked a flight back to China.

Isaac Perlmutter has negotiated a cooperation with the Hulu video website. The first season of Game of Thrones will be officially launched on the video website during the summer vacation for paid broadcast.

Success or failure is here!

Some people are already paying close attention. Chen Fei's transition to animation director has been a great success, so will his transition to making TV series also be a great success?

The investment of US$700 million per episode is simply too exaggerated, and the gimmicks and expectations are almost at full value!

Speaking of Hulu, I have to add some more news.

"Hulu" is an American video website jointly registered by NBC Universal and Fox in March 2007.

In addition to NBC and Fox content, Hulu also cooperates with more than 80 content producers such as Disney, Sony, MGM, Warner Bros., Lionsgate and NBA, and even large and small websites such as AOL, Yahoo, MSN and MySpace. They are all its partners in the channel.

But what everyone at Marvel doesn't know is that there is a deeper reason why Chen Fei decided to let "Game of Thrones" be played on the Hulu video website, in addition to adapting to the iteration of the Internet.

In October last year, Hulu announced that the company had received a US$10 million venture capital fund from the private equity investment company "LX Capital".

And this "LX Capital" is surprisingly the investment company established by Chen Fei in New York - Longxiang Capital!

At that time, Hulu was very difficult to operate and develop. When it was undergoing its first internal test, not many people in Silicon Valley and even the entire IT industry were optimistic about it. The capital market even thought that this was just another "death struggle" of old media.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Fei arranged for Lyon to buy the bottom again, using an investment of US$100 million in exchange for the opportunity to become a shareholder of Hulu.

And this investment also means that he will become one of the bosses of the Hulu video website!

Although he has no operating rights, as long as he has cents and voting rights on major decisions, it does not matter to him who runs the company.

Of course, in order to prevent Disney from secretly privatizing the website again, Chen Fei still arranged for Leon to keep an eye on it, at least to ensure that his own interests were not harmed.

The impact of online media on theaters will officially begin soon, with Hulu and Netflix both considered pioneers.

Chen Fei is lucky. With his status as a director, he has a lot of funds at his disposal.

He did not keep the money in the bank to earn interest, but invested it everywhere.

His layout may not be so refined, but it guarantees full coverage!

Taking advantage of the fact that streaming media, online media, video websites, etc. are still in the development stage, he spent a lot of money in exchange for a lot of shares.

It’s too troublesome to build your own platform. It’s so cool to use someone else’s platform to lay your own eggs!


At the same time, there are still many people on the Internet who are not satisfied with the exposure of Chen Fei's new film "Inception" and have asked him to continue to expose more actors.

So, on March 3, with much anticipation, Chen Fei announced the names of the two actors through his Twitter account, blogs, forums and other publicity channels.

Chinese actor: Zunlong!

"Ball Flower": Monica Bellucci!

He himself took a leisurely flight to China with the Liu family and his daughter, but he didn't know that netizens had already fallen into a frenzy.

The name "Zunlong" no longer needs too much explanation. The most popular Chinese actor in Hollywood did not deserve his fame in vain.

The "Promote Achievement Award" from the Museum of Chinese in America directly established his global popularity.

And "People" magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People in the World" confirms just how charming he is!

There is a rumor that in the era when Zunlong became popular, wherever there were old babies (rich women) all over the country, they were all his fans!

Not to mention the major media schools, "The Last Emperor" has become a must-see movie for almost every freshman after entering school.

As for Monica…

The title of "adolescent impulse" is not for nothing!

Let me ask you, in a silent night, when the restlessness of adolescence is tumbling in your heart, how wonderful it would be to have sex with the peerless beauty in "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily"?

At this moment, the male and female fans who were surfing the Internet were already so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Monica Bellucci, Zun Long!

They can't imagine what kind of chemical reaction such a lineup will have when they are put together?

As for the other exposed actor Tom Hardy, it is a pity that he was not particularly famous to mainland audiences before film and television dramas such as "Venom" and "Peaky Blinders" came out.

With the continuous announcement of actors, Chen Fei's new film plan has caused a huge sensation even in Hollywood!

Fans posted their thoughts on the IMDb website and added the film to their must-see list.

As Chen Fei's fame and strength continue to increase, his current status in Hollywood has been elevated to the same level as top directors such as Christopher Nolan and Cameron.

Several A-category productions such as "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", "Iron Man" and "WALL-E" have built his reputation and also attracted global attention to his new film project.

A piece of news suddenly appeared on the blog, which made Han Sanping's heart tremble.

"If this film cannot be introduced to the mainland, I will destroy the China Film and Television Building!"

There were at least 5 people commenting and cheering, saying they wanted to join in and help smash the China Film Building.

Han Sanping quickly arranged for the public relations department to report to the outside world, saying that this film also has an investment share from China Film Group, and is currently on the list of imported films.

After seeing this announcement, netizens were finally satisfied.


International flights, first class.

A script appeared in Liu Yifei's hands.

""The Embalmer"?"

Liu Yifei murmured to herself, her big eyes flickering, she was really cute.

"What is an undertaker?"

She asked curiously and opened the script to get the answer.

Liu Xiaoli, who was next to her, also came over curiously and looked around.

She has also become addicted to drama. Her previous guest appearances in "Source Code" and "Mulan" have made her loved by many fans. Some people even built a building for her in the forum!

"To use our more popular terms, an embalmer is a type of makeup artist, but what is different from a normal makeup artist is that an embalmer puts makeup on the dead."

Putting makeup on a dead person? ? ?

Liu Yifei was a little frightened. A specific picture instantly appeared in her mind. Her body trembled subconsciously, and the smile on her face suddenly disappeared without a trace. Chen Fei noticed her state and smiled slightly, "Don't be so nervous. Although the movie is a microcosm of reality, it certainly doesn't require us to come into contact with the corpse in person.

And the character you play is not the undertaker himself, but his wife, a pregnant young woman. "


Liu Yifei was stunned again: "So you mean, I want to play a pregnant woman this time?"

"Yes, how is it? Are you confident?"

In "Source Code" she played a young girl, in "Mulan" she played a female general who joins the army for her father, and in "The Embalmer" she had to play a pregnant young woman.

Such a wide range of roles is something Liu Yifei has never thought of before!

For a long time before, she thought that she might always play "fairy" type roles, but when she officially cooperated with Chen Fei, she suddenly found that she was almost being trained by him to become an all-around actress.

"But I don't know how to play a pregnant woman well?"

Liu Yifei was a little confused. She was still a young girl, and now she suddenly had to play the role of a pregnant woman. It was not that difficult.

And she knew in her heart that Chen Fei had very high requirements for actors' acting skills, which was very intuitively reflected in "Mulan".

"You can go..."

Just as Chen Fei was about to ask her to go to the obstetrics and gynecology department or maternal and child station to observe the status of other pregnant women, Liu Xiaoli suddenly interrupted: "Let me teach you."


Facing the two pairs of eyes fixed on her body, Liu Xiaoli smiled and said: "Have you forgotten? I also came from the identity of a mother."

"Then trouble Auntie."

"Hehe, then it's troublesome for mom."

Liu Yifei giggled, as scenes from her childhood appeared in her mind.

Even though her mother may seem inflexible and inhumane to many people, in her opinion, this is the family affection that has accompanied her since she was a child.

This family affection is inseparable and will even accompany her throughout her life!


Zhao Yanzi is quite interesting. After "Red Cliff" was completed, she joined the crew of "Mulan" non-stop.

Riding on the popularity of "Mulan" winning the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, her "New Mulan" has indeed attracted a lot of attention.

However, when the investment amount of the film was announced, it was ridiculed by netizens.

"3000 million yuan? Let me go, are you kidding me? Can this make a good movie?"

"Pfft... I'm so happy. I seem to have guessed that this movie must be about love and love. As for the big scenes, there are no big scenes."

"Don't make trouble! Don't make another "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" for me. I will curse people when the time comes."

"Brothers, just wait and see. I promise you won't say a word when you look at it."

"You're sick, aren't you? Are you filming "The New Mulan"? RMB 3000 million is not even a fraction of Director Chen's, and you can't just try to gain popularity like this!"

There were a lot of doubts on the Internet, but Zhao Yanzi was in a good mood, calm and didn't even have the intention to respond.

Chen Fei was originally quite curious. With such a huge investment in "Red Cliff", wouldn't there be a finals banquet after filming was completed?

But when I inquired about it, I found out that China Film Group Corporation had made two more investments, blowing up the budget!

At the premiere of "The Dragon Takes Off Its Armor", Han Sanping's face was full of anger when she mentioned the matter, "It's a crap shoot-out party. I'm already preparing to give them the answer. I don't have any confidence in this film. "

Chen Fei still clearly remembers that when "Red Cliff" was just being prepared, Han Sanping enthusiastically invited him to participate in investment.

It's a good thing that I didn't get involved, otherwise I would have lost all my underwear this time!

Ren Zhonglun also came to the premiere today, but he was not in a good mood.

China Film Group is worried about "Red Cliff", while he is worried about "Lust, Caution", a film in which he also has a certain investment share.

After all, the film bureau was ruthless!

The film was completely removed from the shelves, and the heroine was directly banned. On the contrary, Li Jin and Liang Chaowei were fine.

I heard that many people followed Gua Luo, and those soft persimmons were almost crushed to pieces!

"Oh, I won't mention it anymore. It's my fault that I didn't see the problem clearly at the beginning."

With a helpless sigh, Ren Zhonglun quickly changed the subject, "I haven't even had time to congratulate you on the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. You are really awesome!"

"Haha, it's just average."

"When is "Inception" going to be filmed?"

"It will probably take until July or August. The early preparations are a bit complicated, and the schedule targets of some actors have not been adjusted yet."

The key is that DiCaprio's schedule is a bit tight. He is currently busy with two movies, "Revolutionary Road" and "Body of Lies", and he really can't leave.

Chen Fei is not in a hurry, as long as it is released before "Avatar" next year.

"So do you have any other movie projects recently? I'm really busy with the "Lust, Caution" thing, so I have to find other projects to take care of."

The two films "October Siege" and "Painted Skin" were decided before filming started, and China Film will be responsible for promotion and distribution.

Ren Zhonglun has probably suffered a lot recently and urgently needs a work to suppress the decline.

After pondering for a while, Chen Fei said: "Are you not in a hurry to go back to the Magic City? Come to the company tomorrow?"

"Okay! Don't worry, I've been here for more than half a month."

A hint of bitterness appeared on Ren Zhonglun's face again. "Lust, Caution" involved too much scope. He was careless at the time and didn't think too much about it. He just cast it because of Li's reputation.

It's better now, the yellow mud falls on the crotch, it's either shit or shit!

After the premiere, after saying hello to Andy Lau and Hong Jingbao, Chen Fei left the scene in a hurry and did not attend the subsequent banquet.

It's rare to have a month of free time, so I have to go back and see the old man first. There are too many things to do later, and I don't have time to stay at home.


Early the next morning, as soon as Feiyue Film and Television opened the door, Ren Zhonglun and Tian Zhuangzhuang walked in, talking and laughing.

The two have collaborated on some projects before, and they often bump into each other at film festivals, so they are familiar with each other.

The front desk had already received the notification and led the two of them to the reception room.

After a while, Chen Fei and Ning Hao walked in from the outside together.

"Mr. Ren? Are you here early?"

"Haha, I'm not afraid of being robbed by others."

"Hey, you're really cautious."

"Eating a sting will make you wiser..."

Chen Fei smiled slightly, took out two scripts from his backpack, and handed them to Ning Hao and Tian Zhuangzhuang respectively.

""The Embalmer"?"

The moment he saw the script, Ning Hao's eyes suddenly lit up. He didn't look at the content first, but the name of the script gave off the flavor of a literary drama.

On the other side, Tian Zhuangzhuang finally got his script!

He had told Chen Fei a long time ago that he wanted to collaborate, but he never had the chance.

Chen Fei was actually planning to write the previous script for "The Wind" to him, but because he wanted to cheat Huayi's stock, in the end he had no choice but to say sorry to Tian Zhuangzhuang.

This time, the two finally had the opportunity to talk.

"Hello! Mr. Tree?"

Tian Zhuangxang read the name of the script in his hand softly, and confusion appeared on his face.

English again? Chinese again?

what's going on?

Want to create a wave of Chinese and Western combinations?

(End of this chapter)

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