It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 308 The warm man ranks behind the dog! Will "Kung Fu King" surpass "Mulan&quo

Chapter 308 The warm man ranks behind the dog! Will "Kung Fu King" surpass "Mulan"?

Ning Hao was faster and finished reading the script of "The Embalmer" first.

"Okay, that's great. This script is going to win an award!"

Since joining Feiyue Film and Television, Ning Hao has achieved a double harvest of box office awards.

The only "director of commercial films with a box office of 5 million" in China, he has won various awards such as Golden Statue, Golden Horse, Golden Rooster, and Hundred Flowers.

But after so many years of filming, he has always been fond of foreign awards. He often dreamed of going to Europe to win three gold medals, but he never had the chance.

Well now, "The Embalmer" is here!

After simply reading the script, he actually experienced "the struggle and growth of the protagonist on the threshold of life and death" from the text.

He couldn't imagine how much this book would shock the audience if it were filmed!

"Who should I choose as the actor?"

Ning Hao felt mixed emotions for a moment.

The story in this script is really great, but it is not easy to find suitable male and female protagonists from the industry.

The male protagonist needs to have a perseverant character and the strength to never let go once he has made up his mind.

The heroine needs to be gentle but not cowardly, tough but not too sharp.

The role must be suitable and the acting skills must be on point...

For a moment, the name "Zhou Xun" popped up in his mind again. Among the current group of actresses, this one is probably the only one with the best acting skills.

But at this time, Chen Fei's words made him stunned. "You don't have to worry about the male and female protagonists. I have found a suitable candidate for you. You can just choose other actors."


Ning Hao looked at him curiously, "Who is it? Zhou Xun?"

"No." Chen Fei shook his head, pointed at himself, and said with a smile: "Liu Yifei and I will go together. With our popularity, at least we won't lose money, and the box office will be guaranteed."


Ren Zhonglun, who was next to him, suddenly opened his eyes and said hurriedly: "This film is projected on the screen!"

Chen Fei smiled and comforted him: "Don't get excited, Mr. Ren. I'm calling you here today to let you participate in it. It's not just "The Embalmer", but also "Hello, Tree" directed by Tian Zhuangzhuang. Mr." will be promoted and distributed by Shanghai Film Studio."

Ning Hao hasn't come back to his senses yet, he can't suppress the excitement in his heart.

The male protagonist Chen Fei? The heroine Liu Yifei?

Damn you, with such an awesome lineup in front of you, who should you choose for the supporting roles?

Beside him, Tian Zhuangzhuang frowned slightly at this time.

"Hello! Mr. Tree! "This script tells the story of a rural young man named "Shu" who became mentally disturbed under the dual force of family tragedy and real-life difficulties.

From the perspective of formal style, this should be regarded as a combination of realism and surrealism.

The contrast before and after the story corresponds to the reality and absurdity of life itself, highlighting the allegorical color of the film, and also showing the author's concern and compassion for the marginalized people in urban and rural areas and even the "aphasic" marginalized classes of the entire society.

This script really suits his style, literary + realistic, and seems very challenging.

But...who should I find to play this "tree"?

Tian Zhuangzang raised his head with curiosity, but before he could ask, he heard Chen Fei's voice ringing in his ears: "Let Wang Baoqiang play 'Tree'."

Keep strong? ? ?

Tian Zhuangxu was stunned for a moment and frowned.

In his impression, Wang Baoqiang should be a leader in the field of commercial films, and since his debut, he has played the kind of ridiculous comedy roles.

But this "tree" is not the image of a comedian. From beginning to end, he seems to be a madman, a complete "psycho"!

"Let him try it first. I am quite confident in him. He may give you a big surprise."

Chen Fei chose to sell it out first.

Although Wang Baoqiang was not born in a major and has not systematically studied acting, he is a very spiritual person and extremely malleable.

With the help of Tian Zhuoshui, a top director from Nortel, he will definitely be able to improve his acting skills again!

Chen Fei has very high expectations for him. There are still a series of filming plans waiting for Wang Baoqiang, and his acting skills must keep up.

Chen Fei didn't have time to train him, so he could only ask Tian Zhuangzhuang to do it for him.


The contract was signed on the spot. Because the investment for both films was controlled below 3000 million yuan, Chen Fei did not look for other partners and only signed a cooperation agreement with Shanghai Film Group.

He originally wanted to bring China Film Group in, but Ren Zhonglun called Han Sanping on the spot.

After explaining the situation, they generously said they wouldn't care.

"Director Han no longer likes these low-budget art films."

Ren Zhonglun felt a little emotional. They were both state-owned enterprises, but China Film had a much higher profile than Shanghai Film.

"Haha, then Ren must work hard and try to catch up with China Film."

"It's impossible. I'm far behind him just in terms of the rights to import films, and I have to be careful in the past two years. If I continue to make mistakes, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my position."

"Is the impact of "Lust, Caution" so great?"

"Yes, it's very serious, especially the review side..." Ren Zhonglun seemed to want to say something, but in the end he suppressed his desire to talk, "Oh, forget it, it's all over, let's leave it like that."


Both scripts were sent for review. It can be said that Ren Zhonglun was once bitten by a snake and has been afraid of ropes for ten years. He was holding back and did not announce his upcoming cooperation with Chen Fei.

He has to wait until the script is approved before he starts promoting it.

A piece of news suddenly came back from Hollywood.

"Zhang Ziyi is engaged?"

Seeing the international chapter in the photo nestled in the arms of a tall and muscular white man, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

This person really followed Deng Wendi's old path and began to use "marriage" to pave the way for himself.

It's a pity that she doesn't seem to have a mind like Deng Wendi, and the last step to becoming a wealthy family is not so easy!

In the Mainland, with the release of "The King of Kung Fu", "The King of Kung Fu" has officially begun a large-scale promotional campaign.

The Asian media conference held in Hong Kong generated great enthusiasm.

Facing the reporter's interview, Wang Zhonglei said very proudly:

"What I say next may seem to some people to be bragging, but I want to tell you, this is not bragging, but seeking truth from facts.

We have high expectations for the movie "The King of Kung Fu". It has now completed the global distribution process and is just waiting for the day it is released.

This is Huayi's first film jointly produced with a Hollywood film company, but it will not be the only one. In the coming time, we will launch more excellent Chinese and Western co-production films.

Huayi's name will be resounding internationally! "The King of Kung Fu" will definitely surpass "Mulan"! "

Reporters expressed shock, but their voices of doubt were not particularly loud.

A US$7000 million large-scale production is on the same level as "Mulan", and it also involves the participation of Chen Long and Li Lien, which is indeed quite impressive.

Everyone’s expectations for this movie are quite high.

Zhao Yanzi also attended the media meeting, which was very rare. However, she chose to refuse to respond to all questions about "Mulan", which made the reporters very depressed.

And after the meeting, she left the scene in a hurry.

Some smart people have discovered the clues. When the filming started, Huayi was still working hard to market Zhao Yanzi, but now she is hardly mentioned.

Combined with the news that she was unilaterally terminated by the China Film Emperor Agency, some people have already guessed the inside story.

Zhao Yanzi is suspected to have been banned from the mainland!

Some media tried to report the news, but then they were very surprised to find that someone called directly from above.

It is forbidden to promote any news about Zhao Yanzi!

In a daze, some media who had guessed the inside story suddenly discovered that this person's name seemed to have been completely blocked on the Internet.

Her works still exist, but she seems to have disappeared from the public eye!

This wave of blockades came quietly, without any warning in advance, as if the rapids retreated in the blink of an eye.


Chen Long led two girls to appear at Feiyue Film and Television.

"How about Yao Xintong and Zhang Lanxin? Are they beautiful?"

Chen Fei couldn't help but laugh. Shouldn't the normal question be asking whether his acting skills are good enough? How come a beautiful sentence suddenly pops out?

"As long as you like it."

It is said that a man is a boy until he dies, and it is true. Just like Uncle Long, he will never use actresses over 25 years old.

This person has completely let himself go!

"Call someone." Chen Long turned to look at the two little girls.

"Hello, Director Chen."

Both girls looked at him timidly, with undisguised admiration and admiration in their eyes.

Although they are only a few years apart, they are already world-renowned top directors, but they are just unknown newcomers.    This gap is simply unimaginable!


Chen Fei nodded in response, his eyes subconsciously scanning the figures of the two girls.

Sure enough, one leg is longer than the other!

He looked at Chen Long with a smile, with some teasing in his eyes, "The actress you chose is quite good. When are you going to start filming? Who is the director going to choose?"

"After "The King of Kung Fu" is released, I'm going to direct and act on my own. How about you name me as assistant director?"

"Okay, that's no problem." Chen Fei agreed without hesitation, but then he added: "But I may not be able to accompany you throughout the filming of this movie. I still have a lot of things to do. "

Chen Long waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, I just want to use your name to attract some attention. My directing skills are also very good."

"Haha, okay, then I'll look forward to the completion of the film."


After seeing off Chen Long, Chen Fei flew to Hengdian to visit the crews of "Bullfighting" directed by Huang Bo and "The Line of Life and Death" directed by Tang Honglei.

The former has already captured the timeline of the village being slaughtered and Niu Er escaping up the mountain.

When he saw Huang Bo, Chen Fei didn't recognize him for a while!

The smelly rags, the chicken coop head, and the dark face make him look more like a beggar than a beggar!

"Haha, Director Chen, you are welcome to visit the class."

Huang Bo deliberately touched the cow's butt, and then stretched out his hand towards Chen Fei.

This guy still remembers Chen Fei teasing him for looking older than Yan Ni. He is deliberately seeking revenge!

"Don't come over. I won't shake your hand. Are you sleeping in the cow pen at night?"

Chen Fei looked at him with disgust and quickly hid behind him.

Everyone around them laughed, but they had deep respect for Huang Bo for no reason in their hearts.

Being able to make such a joke with Chen Fei clearly proves his status and identity!

Except for very close friends in private, who would dare to make such a joke?

After staying on the set of "Bullfighting" for half an hour, Chen Fei couldn't bear the smell of cow dung on Huang Bo anymore. After saying hello, he turned around and left.

"I won't treat you to dinner. When it's time to wrap up, you can call me and I'll organize a wrap-up banquet for you."

"Okay, thank you Director Chen."

Huang Bo happily waved goodbye to him and let the cow next to him defecate on its own, but he was not affected at all.

"Dedicated enough!"

Chen Fei gave him a thumbs up from afar.


Hengdian has a special scene for shooting spy movies, and the location is quite unique. It is located in the middle and back area, and blasting can even be carried out in that area.

Along the way, you can see many small vendors selling goods along the street, and there is an endless stream of tourists coming to visit.

There are many extras sitting on the steps on both sides of the road waiting for work. There are men and women among them. Their faces are slightly sallow and they look listless.

And those who received the job wore various types of costumes and looked energetic and impressive!

Chen Fei felt inexplicably emotional, thinking that when he was an extra in Hengdian, he seemed to be in such a state.

Being able to get a role means that today's food is available, but if you can't get a role, it would be a pity. One meal a day is the norm.

As they were walking, a conversation suddenly sounded in their ears.

"Zhang Han, walk faster, I'm almost tanned."

"Xiao Shuang, wait for me, I'm still carrying so many things, how can I walk fast?"

"I'm really going to be pissed off by you. A grown man can't even lift such a small thing..."

The sound was harsh, and Fade Chen turned around curiously, and saw two familiar faces approaching from a short distance away.

Walking in front was Zheng Shuang who was holding a parasol, while behind was the famous "Murong Yunhai" Zhang Han.

Judging from their outfits, it was obvious that they were filming the movie "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower".

However, unlike Murong Yunhai's indifference towards Chu Yuxun in the play, Murong Yunhai outside the play looked like a licking dog, holding a large bag of snacks in each hand, sweat dripping from his forehead, and looking completely It looks like a person has been hollowed out.

The two of them moved very fast and soon surpassed Chen Fei.

Zheng Shuang kept chattering, complaining that Zhang Han, who was following behind, walked too slowly, causing her to be exposed to the sun.

Zhang Han, who was following behind, smiled apologetically and worked hard to catch up.

After seeing this scene and combining it with the subsequent scandals between the two, Chen Fei quickly came to a conclusion.

Zhang Han is chasing Zheng Shuang!

"Haha, no wonder Nuan Nan still ranks behind the dogs. He's asking for it."

He didn't have a very good impression of these two people, but seeing such a scene again today, he felt a trace of disgust in his heart for no reason.

Is this kind of person worthy of being an actor?

What a fool!

He curled his lips and continued walking forward.

When I came to the set of "On the Line of Life and Death", I looked around and saw that all the actors were gray-faced. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't even tell who was who!

"Mr. Chen, you are here."

Seeing Chen Fei coming over, Tang Honglei quickly shouted "Ka" and hurriedly came over.

He has currently signed a long-term contract with Feiyue Film and Television, which, like Ning Hao, also stipulates at least one TV series a year.

After filming several military films, Tang Honglei is now "standing up" and enjoys a very high status in the television circle.

He has not forgotten his roots, all this was given to him by Chen Fei, and he cherishes everything he has now!

"How is the filming progress? Are there any difficulties that you need my help with? Can you make it in time for August 8 this year?"

There is another term for "visiting team", which is called inspection work.

Tang Honglei was also an experienced person, so he naturally understood the meaning of Chen Fei's words.

Now that the boss is here, if you have any difficulties, you should mention them. If there are no difficulties, you should report the progress and issue a military order along with it.

"It is expected to be completed in May, and there will be no problem with the premiere on August 5. There is currently a huge shortage of explosives engineers, but there are only two certified explosives engineers in Hengdian. There are too many crews, so it will be difficult to take turns."

"Okay, I understand. Tomorrow I will ask the Beijing Film Studio to arrange an explosives team to come over and cooperate with you in the shooting."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Chen. I will definitely catch up with the schedule and will definitely not delay the later progress."

"Well, you've worked hard too. If the ratings of this TV series meet expectations, the year-end bonus will be doubled for you."

Upon hearing this, Tang Honglei's eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt even more motivated!

As expected of a boss, you are so generous!

The crew temporarily stopped working, and the actors came over to say hello to Chen Fei.

Liao Fan, Zhang Yi, Yang Shuo, Lu Xia…

Putting aside their personal lives, these are all very good middle-aged actors and can be considered the mainstay of the current film and television industry.

After meeting Zhang Yi, Chen Fei specially told him: "Leave me the schedule after May. I will call you then and come with me to Hollywood to play a role.

By the way, how do you speak English? If not, sign up for a crash course now and make sure your oral communication is smooth. "

"Okay, I don't have any problems with oral communication."

Zhang Yi responded quickly and gave Chen Fei a performance at the same time.

He has also worked hard on his script skills, and even when he reads his lines in English, his voice is full of emotion!

"Okay, let's leave it at that. Remember to keep your schedule."

Listening to the exchange between the two, several people around them were filled with envy.

Go to Hollywood to get a role?

Obviously, this must be the "Inception" that claims to have an investment of US$2.2 million.

Many people in the circle are now saying that the resources of "Feiyinghuang Agency" are very good, and now it seems that it is indeed the case!

Can you go to Hollywood with just a few roles?

The tone was like going to his back garden, it was hard not to feel envious and amazed at the same time!

This is the style of a great director!


At the same time, while Chen Fei was visiting the team in Hengdian, Shanghai Film Studio contacted dozens of media and held a press conference.

At the press conference, Ning Hao and Tian Zhuangzhuang were present at the same time and announced that they would cooperate with Shanghai Film Group Corporation to produce two film and television works written by Chen Fei.

"The Undertaker", "Hello!" "Mr. Tree" is officially unveiled to the public today!

 Asking for monthly ticket



(End of this chapter)

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