It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 309: Out of respect, who in the hall will file a lawsuit against me?

Chapter 309: Out of respect, who in the hall will file a lawsuit against me?

At the media meeting, listening to Ning Hao and Tian Zhuangzhuang's descriptions, the reporters were in a daze for a moment.

Didn't "Painted Skin" just wrap up? Two new movies coming?

"The Undertaker", "Hello!" Mr. Tree! 》What are these names?

All kinds of doubts and confusions filled the venue. Reporters held microphones in their hands and rushed forward in an attempt to get more information.

Ning Hao is better at this kind of scene than Tian Zhuangzang, so he answers most of the questions.

"The script has been reviewed and the casting will begin next. The male and female protagonists have already been decided, but I'll give you a hint here first. We will announce them together after the actors are selected. I will definitely give you an announcement by then. surprise!"


Upon hearing these two words, the reporters present immediately began to think about it.

Most people's first impression is that the original cast of "Painted Skin" is used, but some people think of Chen Fei and Liu Yifei. After all, it would be a big surprise if they co-starred together again!

However, Ning Hao simply kept silent, and it was difficult for reporters to pry his mouth open.

Not to mention Tian Zhuangzhuang, who spoke very little and only revealed one sentence.

"This is a one-man show without a heroine. It has tragedy, joy, and a hero that many people can't believe!"

Although the press conference was held in a haze, it did not delay the news from making headlines.

In the blog, netizens discussed excitedly:

"Director Chen is like a cow, as productive as a sow."

"The title of 'Script Midas' becomes more and more interesting the more I read it. In the blink of an eye, two more movies were announced to be in preparation. This is so efficient!"

""Bullfighting", "On the Line", "The Embalmer", "Hello! Mr. Tree!", "The Wind", Good Guys has just passed a quarter in 08, and there are already five movies?"

"I'm really looking forward to Director Chen's own movie. Hehe, the cast of "Inception" is simply too strong!"

"Just wait, brothers, another wave of excellent films is coming, and there will be another film called "October Siege" in May. Watch it first to respect it."

"Watch first to respect +1..."


On the day he returned from Hengdian, Chen Fei received news from the Cannes Film Festival.

Jia Zhangke was once again shortlisted for the main competition of the 61st Cannes Film Festival with his film "Tale of Cities".

Although Lao Jia can't make commercial films, he is really good at making literary films, and the awards he holds in his hands are no less valuable than Brother Chen Kai.

In addition, Wong Jiawei also grandly launched the remake of "Ashes of Time: Ultimate Edition", which was shortlisted for the special screening unit.

In the car heading to the premiere of "Anaconda", Chen Fei and Ning Hao chatted wordlessly.

"Are Hong Kong directors good at playing? First-run version, remake version, director's cut version, are you trying to imitate Hollywood?"

"I guess so. The new work has no results, so I can only rest on my laurels."

"'Carmen' is pretty good. I'm really looking forward to his 'The Grandmaster' right now, and I don't know what it will be like."

"Hahaha, didn't he criticize your "Ip Man" script for being nondescript? Are you not angry?"

"What's there to be angry about? Movies are mainly for movie fans. It depends on the fans' dissatisfaction. What he said doesn't count."

While chatting, the car approached the Grand Theater.

Jing Tian specifically told them many times that he hoped they could come to the premiere of Python and just have nothing to do, so Chen Fei made an appointment with Ning Hao to come and support her.

Apart from anything else, this girl is really polite, and every actor who has worked with her praises her.

After getting out of the car and walking towards the theater, Chen Fei asked: "How are you preparing for the casting? Have you decided on a suitable actor?"

"Well, it's almost done." Ning Hao nodded and briefly mentioned a few names: "Teacher Li Xuejian will play the role of the senior embalmer in the play.

I also contacted Teacher Lu Zhong from Renyi, who will play the role of the female owner of the bathhouse. This teacher has a kind and kind face, which is most suitable for this kind of role. "

The role of the female bathhouse owner needs to be played by an actress over 60 years old. She needs to be responsible for the entire bathhouse alone, and provide encouragement and recognition to the male protagonist when he is new to the job of an embalmer and feels confused.

At the end of the story, she encountered an unexpected death, and the male protagonist finally saw her off as a relative.

This role is very crucial. It can be said that it plays a very high role in establishing the character and affirms everything the male protagonist has done before.

"Teacher Lu Zhong?"

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

The one who won the Best Actress award with a tall collar in his 80s, the image of Wu Zetian in Detective Di Renjie still impresses Chen Fei very much!

"What about the role of secretary?"

"I went to the agency to look around and chose a young actor named Mao Xiaotong. I feel that she is quite suitable for the role of a caring girl. The key is that she is a good talent."

"Haha, for other unimportant supporting roles, try to choose Nortel, otherwise Zhao will be nagging again."

Just like other directors, Ning Hao also likes to go to the Chinese theater when he has nothing to do. For this reason, the old professors from Nortel often complained about him.


There were a lot of media at the entrance of the theater. Lu Zheng had put in a lot of effort for this heroine movie.

Jing Tian's attention is not low. She has participated in several of Chen Fei's movies. Most of her images are very quiet and gentle, which really shows her advantages to the fullest.

Especially the costume image in "Mulan" has made many movie fans crazy about it!

Different from Liu Yifei's "fairy spirit", she has the kind of "noble spirit", and you can tell at a glance that she is the daughter of a wealthy family.

"Director Chen, Director Ning, you are welcome to join us!"

Seeing Chen Fei and Ning Hao walking on the red carpet, Lu Zheng quickly led Jing Tian to greet them.

The media and fans on both sides were a little commotion. They obviously didn't expect to see the two top mainland directors here today!

"Mr. Lu is dressed handsomely today, isn't he?"

Chen Fei teased him with a smile, then turned to look at Jing Tian.

Da Tiantian's clothes and makeup have always been elegant and decent, as if she were a breeze blowing through nature, quiet and fresh.

This person's aesthetics is much better than Liu Yifei!

"Director Chen, Director Ning, thank you for coming to support me today." The girl's face was flushed, which was caused by happiness and excitement.

"You're welcome. We are here to review you today to see if your acting skills have improved?"

With that said, several people entered the venue.

There was no way to avoid being interviewed by reporters. After thinking about it, Chen Fei chose to praise Jing Tian a few words.

"Although she is young, she works hard enough and can endure hardships. If she works harder in the future, she will definitely make a difference!"

This speech cleverly avoids the word "acting skills". After all, when Da Tiantian made this movie, her acting skills were really terrible.

that's the truth…

After watching the whole movie, Chen Fei thought of getting up and leaving several times, but in the end he forced it down.

Before leaving, he specifically warned: "Next time, you must read the script carefully before deciding whether to act. Do you understand? Also, try not to miss too many acting lessons."

Jing Tian's face was red and ashamed, and he didn't dare to look up at him.

"I...I'll pay attention next time."


Three movies have been released so far in April.

The box office of Wang Xiaoshuai's "Left and Right" has just exceeded 15, and the first week of "Seeing the Dragon and Disarming" has reached 4700 million, and the first-day box office of "Anaconda" has quickly reached Chen Fei's ears.

125 million on the first day…

As expected, it was still cold.

When Lu Zheng called him to inform him, he smiled bitterly, hoping that Chen Fei could give him some advice.

"Just spend money to learn a lesson. I hope you can pay attention to improving your acting skills in the future. Resources alone are not enough. Sooner or later, your popularity will be ruined."

Whether you listen or not has nothing to do with Chen Fei. Anyway, he has fulfilled his obligation.

Mainland China is very lively these days. Movies are released one after another and jokes come one after another.

The producers of "Apple" sued the General Administration in the Intermediate People's Court, claiming that the ban and punishment were unreasonable, and requested that the ban be revoked and that they be given justice.

According to the law, the General Administration must reply to the plaintiff within seven days whether it accepts the application or not. But ironically, half a month has passed and there is still no reply at all.

Chen Fei inexplicably thought of a line from Xing Ye's movie.

"Who in the hall is suing me?" That's so damn appropriate!


"Lust, Caution" was banned, and "Slam Dunk" lost money... Ren Zhonglun's life in the first half of the year was simply stumbling, and the word "crying without tears" is very appropriate to describe it.

Maybe God favored him and allowed him to meet Chen Fei, and he finally showed signs of coming back.

On the 13th, just as Huayi International was sending out invitations to prepare for the world premiere of "The King of Kung Fu" on the 16th of this month, Feiyue Pictures and Shanghai Film Group announced the announcements of "The Embalmer" and "Hello!" Mr. Tree! "The cast of.

"Chen Fei? Liu Yifei? Li Xuejian? Lu Zhong? Damn it! Is this lineup going for prizes?"

"Who is that Mao Xiaotong? Why have I never heard of him before?"

"I think I saw her in "Yang Guang's Happy Life 2". She should be a contracted artist of Feiyinghuang Agency now."

"No? What's going on? Baoqiang actually acted in a literary film? Are you kidding me?"

"'Shagen' plays 'Tree'? It seems reasonable, but something seems wrong?"

There has been a lot of discussion online.

Han Sanping called Ren Zhonglun and said in a rather resentful tone: "Old Ren, you are such an unreasonable old boy. If you had said earlier that "The Embalmer" was starring Chen Fei and Liu Yifei, I would have had to get involved in whatever you said. .”

"I don't know either. When I signed the contract, they didn't say they were going to win the prize!"

Ren Zhonglun plays an innocent character, who knows nothing about everything he asks, and makes Han Sanping lose his temper at all.

"Okay, okay, that's it. You've been in a lot of trouble lately. Pay attention to yourself and be careful not to be caught by others again."

"Okay, thank you, Third Master, for reminding me."

At the same time, the 05 undergraduate class of the Department of Acting at China National Theater also exploded!

A group of people headed by Chen Xiao violently blew up Mao Xiaotong who was training in the funeral home.

Ren Suxi was very excited and posted a message in the group: "Xiaotong? Are you really on that list? Are you going to make a movie with Director Chen?"

"Yes, I'm in training right now, with Teacher Li Xuejian and Director Ning Hao."

Zhang Jianing sent a message with envy on his face: "Wow, this is great, so awesome! How come you were chosen?"

"I'm actually not sure. Anyway, Director Ning took one look at me and said I was quite suitable, so he let me come."

Mao Xiaotong was replying to messages from other people in the group. Suddenly, the private chat interface flashed slightly, and a chat dialog box popped up.

Song Zuer: "Sister Xiaotong, you are so awesome. How did you get selected by Director Ning Hao? I'm really envious. I also really want to meet Director Chen. Can you get an autograph for me when you're filming?"

Seeing the message from this fellow who met by chance at an event, Mao Xiaotong was stunned for a moment, and without thinking much, he typed and replied: "Sure, I'll get an autograph for you when I get the chance."

"Then can I visit the cast after the filming starts?"

Mao Xiaotong was not used to the directness of the other party, but he still had no nerve to refuse, "I'll ask Director Ning after the movie starts."

"Okay, thank you sister Xiaotong."

Looking at the message sent by Mao Xiaotong in the chat box, Song Zuer raised his eyes slightly and snorted: "Where's my cousin? You joined the agency and you didn't help me. Huh, even if you don't need it, I can think about it myself. Find a way to climb up!"


The overwhelming publicity for "Kung Fu King" has even reduced the popularity of "October Siege", which will be released in May, to the extreme.

Huayi is determined to reverse its decline and regain its majesty as the number one private film and television company!

In front of it, movies such as "Left and Right", "See the Dragon Disarm", "The Beginning of Spring", "Anaconda" and other movies were all in a mess.

It’s been half a month, and there’s not even a single movie that has exceeded 100 million yuan.

Especially "Anaconda", after a week of release, the box office of less than 10 million directly gave Jing Tian a heavy blow!

She couldn't handle the box office at all, and the fans were very disappointed. The audience popularity she had finally accumulated in "Mulan" was completely lost at this moment.

Many fans are shouting on the blog, asking Jing Tian to hug Chen Fei's thigh quickly and stop doing it by himself. This is a death-defying rhythm!

Jing Tian felt very wronged. She also wanted to hug her thigh, but there was really no chance!

When "The Embalmer" was announced, she called Ning Hao, but there was no role suitable for her in it.

"Hello! Mr. Tree! 》Not to mention today, she has no part in it at all.

However, Lu Zheng found another crew for her, partnering with Liu Ye, to make a TV series called "A Woman's Epic".

She now only hopes to use this to ease her decline in the film market.


On the 16th, Huayi held an open-air premiere press conference in Chaoyang Park.

Chen Fei, Su Guohai, Ning Hao, Tian Zhuangzhuang and everyone from the "Encoffiant" crew came to attend the press conference.

Because time is tight, the production of "The Embalmer" will start soon. We are currently selecting a shooting location and will probably officially start filming around the 20th.

The actors didn't have much time to prepare, but no one complained because it was a test for them too.

Ning Hao and Chen Fei are both capable of changing roles on the spot!

When everyone arrived at the waiting area, they looked around and saw luxury cars everywhere and stars shining brightly. Almost all celebrities and film and television company bosses arrived at the scene.

What surprised Chen Fei was that Wu Kebo and Wang Jinghua from Chengtian Entertainment were also invited!

"Hey, are the brothers trying to express their grandeur?"

Zhou Xun did not go to the social activities, but came to Chen Fei's side with a smile and greeted him warmly.

"Director Chen, Director Ning, Director Tian, ​​hello."

Although Chen Fei and the others are standing in a somewhat remote location, they have always been at the center of the attention of other actors. Many second- and third-tier actresses have come here intentionally or unintentionally, hoping to find a chance to chat with them. .

This is called: "If you are poor in the busy city, no one cares about you; if you are rich in the mountains, you have distant relatives!"

"How is the filming of your "Confucius" movie going?"

When asked this question, Chen Fei did not look at Zhou Xun, but instead focused on Minkoff, the director of "The King of Kung Fu".

To be more precise, it was Minkoff's Chinese wife.

Of course, the reason why he looked at the woman was not because of how beautiful she was, but because he was curious about the woman's identity as a "descendant of Confucius."

Is this identity real or fake?

Zhou Xun noticed his look and asked with a smile: "What? Want to meet the special consultant of my movie?"

"Goodbye now." Chen Fei curled his lips, "I'm afraid of being scolded. My brother is in commercial films. The literary and art circle is not suitable for me, and they don't recognize people like me there."


Zhou Xun smiled heartlessly.

Tian Zhuangzhuang smiled bitterly at the side. The young man was so fierce that he dared to say anything.

Both sides of the red carpet were crowded with media and fans. Some reporters asked questions about "The Embalmer" and when it would start filming.

Chen Fei turned around and pointed to the back of the red carpet and said with a smile: "I am not the protagonist today. We will talk about other movies later. Please pay attention to "The King of Kung Fu" first."

After that, he led a group of people to leave quickly.

Followed by the main creators, Chen Long and Li Lianlian were holding a little girl, and next to them were Huayi's "first sisters" Li Bingbin and Zhao Yanzi.

There is a sense of competition between the two women, one wearing bolder clothes than the other.

Li Bingbin's entire back was exposed, thanks to her walking relatively slowly. If her movements were too large, the groove underneath might leak out!

Zhao Yanzi next to her was even more exaggerated, with the crotch of her cheongsam almost reaching her waist.

"Which team is Li Bingbin's stylist? Avoid them from now on. What is going on? It's really ugly."

Chen Fei frowned and told Su Guohai to go talk to Huo Wenxi.

Liu Yifei and Mao Xiaotong next to them were covering their mouths and laughing. Li Bingbin's head shape was indeed a bit weird, as if there was a millstone on his head.

There were also many media people from abroad. Chen Fei even saw reporters from Twitter, as well as several familiar producers.

"Fei, I didn't expect to see you in your country."

Steve Chasman, the producer sent by Relativity Media Company, took the initiative to come over and say hello to Chen Fei.

"Mr. Steve, welcome to China as a guest."

Without reaching out to hit the smiling man, Chen Fei also responded with a bright smile to the foreigner's overtures.

Gringos are not as subtle as these people in China.

After chatting for a few words, this guy suddenly changed the topic, "Fei? I heard that you recently invested in a new movie called "Inception," right? Have you found a suitable investor?

Our Relativity Media Company also has a lot of liquidity, if you need it..."

"Thank you for your kindness." Chen Fei promptly interrupted his thoughts of continuing: "Mr. Steve, if there is a chance, let's cooperate next time. Waltton Pictures also has plenty of funds."

Old stuff!

Want to take advantage of labor? Still want to eat ready-made?

I'm giving you a pretty face, right?


Asking for monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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