It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 310 The Art of Language, One Look and One Silence, Challenge "Emergence of Power",

Chapter 310 The art of language, no one speaks a word at a glance, challenge the "emergence of power", when the mission sets sail...

There will inevitably be a speech session before the movie is played.

Wang Zhonglei held up the microphone with confidence on his face.

"Professional institutions have made predictions before. The global box office will be at least 3 million US dollars, and the mainland can provide at least 2 million box office. I can make a promise here. If this result can really be achieved, everyone will See "The King of Kung Fu " next year!"


"Are you so playful when you first came up?"

Many film and television company owners and producers present were a little shocked by Huayi's courage. There are indeed few companies in China that can make such an investment.

"Huayi's strength is quite strong, right?" Ning Hao sighed with emotion.

Chen Fei folded his hands in front of his chest and stared at the screen for a long time. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "Let's wait until after watching the movie. It's useless no matter how much he says with a pale face. It depends on whether the fans can accept it."

The movie starts playing.

The shots of Chinatown attracted a lot of attention...

More than an hour passed with difficulty. At the beginning, many people still had expectations, and there were even discussions from time to time.

But the further we looked back, the more silent the scene became. In the end, it completely fit the phrase "you can hear a needle drop."

Chen Fei covered his mouth and pretended to cough, but in fact he was trying hard to suppress his smile, "Take a good look, and don't make a sound when you look at it."

Liu Yifei breathed a long sigh of relief and thought to herself, "Thankfully I didn't act, otherwise I would have to shoot a kissing scene."

When she saw Zhao Yanzi kissing the foreigner, she felt inexplicably uncomfortable. This was too alienating.

The video soon came to an end, and there were more whispers on the scene.

Chen Fei, Ning Hao and Tian Zhuangzhuang looked at each other. None of the three of them spoke, but nothing was said.

At the end of the movie, the guests from abroad were obviously more excited than the domestic guests. The combination of Chen Long and Li Lian for action scenes was still very attractive to them.

The main creators had already begun to be interviewed on stage. Just as Chen Fei was about to find an excuse to slip away, he heard Wang Zhongjun's voice.

"We have an all-around director at the premiere. He can handle both literary and commercial films. He never fails. Let's listen to his opinion."


Cue me for what?

Chen Fei frowned, his mind wandered, and he quickly started looking for the right words.

You must not say good things. If the reputation of this film completely collapses in the end, you will be trapped in it too!

After pondering for a while, he took the microphone handed by the staff and said seriously: "To be honest, I actually admire Director Minkoff, but I definitely can't make such a film anyway.

Being able to have both Chen Long and Li Lianlian star in a movie can be regarded as fulfilling my childhood Kung Fu dream. The fighting scenes are indeed quite cool and made my heart beat wildly. "

After speaking, Chen Fei directly handed over the microphone.

Everyone around him looked at him with confusion.

Is this a compliment? Or are you being sarcastic?

The gringos didn't care about this. They thought more straightforwardly. After hearing the word "admire", they took it for granted that Chen Fei was praising others.

But the two Wang brothers are both the best among men, and they clearly understood the meaning of Chen Fei's pun.

After the interview, Wang Zhonglei came directly to Chen Fei and asked very seriously and humbly: "Director Chen? What you just said seems to have profound meaning? Can you explain it in detail?"

After all, he is also a partner, and he is currently one of the shareholders of Huayi. He can barely be called a grasshopper and an eagle riding in the same boat.

After thinking for a while, Chen Fei gave him a few words of advice based on his own experience: "Actually, there is nothing to say. If Huayi wants to go public, it mainly needs to cater to the foreign market and reputation. It is understandable to make such a movie. But try not to make big claims next time, after all, domestic movie fans will not accept your words. After all, Huayi is a mainland film company, so it still needs to focus on the reputation and praise of mainland movie fans."

One sentence directly made Wang Zhonglei fall into deep thought.

"You guys stay busy while I leave first. There is another event overseas. We will meet at the launch of "The Wind" later."

After saying hello to Wang Zhonglei, and saying hello to Chen Long, Li Lianlian, and Ning Hao, Chen Fei left the premiere directly.


April is already halfway through and May is coming soon.

The second half of the year is going to be a very busy time!

Cannes Film Festival awards, "The Undertaker", "October Siege" premiere, "Kung Fu Panda" promotion, Olympic torch bearers, "Inception"...

Chen Fei's schedule for the second half of the year is already full of filming.

But the problem is, he still has a system task that he has not completed!

[Challenge Mission: The Emergence of the Emergihgforce in the Extreme Eight Events. The challenger needs to go to Victoria Falls and complete a Zodiac rafting in the roaring rapids. The mission level is "SSS"! 】

Since completing the surfing challenge last year, he has not done system tasks for a long time.

You must know that this task still has a set time. Once it expires, you will not be able to receive the double reward.

It happened that there were still a few days of free time in April, so Chen Fei simply thought of finishing the task first, since it wouldn't take long anyway.

Moreover, he now has two skills that are in urgent need of improvement, and he can just use this task to complete the skill improvement!

The driver had been waiting outside the venue very early. After walking out of the back door, Chen Fei got in the car and rushed to the airport.


If there is any original extreme sport that can make people feel the charm of unpowered sprint, "drifting" is definitely one of the best answers.

Especially the Grand Canyon rafting is even more exciting!

Chen Fei still clearly remembers that when he first watched the movie "Bad Thief", when the challengers were drifting wildly in the waterfall, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself!

The scene of confronting various crises is not only very exciting, but also makes people feel unusually excited!

Speaking of the holy land of rafting, we have to mention the "Victoria Falls".

Victoria Falls is located in the middle reaches of the Zambezi River in Africa. It is one of the three world-famous waterfalls along with the "Iguazu Falls" in South America and the "Niagara Falls" in North America.

It is a very typical large waterfall group. There are seven waterfalls up to 100 meters long in the entire basin.

These waterfalls are arranged on the cliffs from west to east. They are the largest in the world in terms of width, height, and water volume.

The widest point of the waterfall is 1700 meters, and the canyon it pours into is a rare natural chasm in the world!

Opposite the cliff where the water falls is another cliff, only 75 meters apart. There is an extremely narrow canyon in the middle, where the water forms a huge whirlpool called a "boiling pot"!

The entire Victoria Falls is divided into "East Falls", "Rainbow Falls", "Devil's Falls", "Horseshoe Falls", "Main Falls"...

When the Zambezi River is full of water, 7500 cubic meters of water per second will flow into the "King Victoria Falls" and flow into the basalt strait.

The terrifying water volume and flow rate directly caused the water spray to be visible from 40 kilometers away, and the rainbow formed by the water mist was clearly visible from 20 kilometers away!

So far, many people have relied on the abundant water resources of Victoria Falls to survive here.

On the east side of the first canyon of the Great Falls, there is a canyon running north-south and about 60 meters wide.

When the huge current of the Zambezi River rolls out of this canyon, the water foam will rise at least 300 meters, forming the spectacle of "Knife Point".

In 1969, local people built a 2-meter-wide small iron bridge here to connect the two sides of the canyon. The iron bridge flew over the rapids and was called the "Knife Blade Bridge."

Many tourists from all over the world come here just to see the wonders!


And when Chen Fei changed to multiple means of transportation and appeared on the "Blade Bridge", he finally understood why this place is called the "Holy Land of Drifters".

When the huge waves hit from the front, the huge cliffs under your feet seem to be shaking crazily. The power formed based on the uncanny workmanship of nature is not only majestic, but also extremely shocking!

Flory Gallenberger, a Red Bull investor who belongs exclusively to Chen Fei, arrived at Victoria Falls early with the Red Bull staff.

Looking at the majestic pass in front of him and the thunderous water mist, Flory could not help but feel a little worried while marveling.

"Fei? I think I need to ask you again, are you sure you want to do the rafting challenge in such a terrifying scene?"


Chen Fei nodded heavily, his eyes were not afraid at all, but full of madness, "Don't you think the scene in front of you is worth conquering?

If you can complete rafting in such a magnificent waterfall, it will definitely be the greatest challenge in life. Even if you have to pay the price of your life, it will be worth it! "

Flory was speechless for a moment.

Since Chen Fei joined Red Bull, his views have been refreshed time and time again.

In the past, challenges that he considered certain to be fatal were now completed by Chen Fei so many times that he no longer had any thoughts of persuasion.

Working hard to cooperate with Chen Fei to complete the challenge is the task he set for himself. “Let’s go check out the equipment for the challenge first, and then I’ll ask the Red Bull Publicity Department to make an announcement, how about it?”

"Okay, let's go."

Taking one last look at the waterfall that was boiling and roaring like thunder from the sky, Chen Fei turned around and left the Knife Point Bridge.

There is not much equipment required for rafting, as long as you have all the tools such as assault boats, direction indicators, life jackets, and paddles.

At the same time, while Chen Fei was busy checking the equipment, Red Bull's operations department immediately announced the news that the new "challenge project" was about to begin.

[The latest challenge of the global spokesperson of Red Bull Extreme Sports: Victoria Falls! Drifting in a desperate situation of life and death! Are you ready to experience the thrilling moment? 】

When this news appeared on major portals and social media, it instantly caused an uproar!

All over the world, netizens who saw this news all had their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces.

After a year, Chen Fei actually started the Red Bull Extreme Challenge again!

News about the premiere of "The King of Kung Fu" was originally posted on major domestic portals, blogs, forums and other platforms. But the moment the latest challenge of Red Bull Extreme Sports was announced, the direction of the wind suddenly changed!

Sina made a decisive decision and immediately removed the promotional information about "The King of Kung Fu" and reprinted the latest challenge project released by Red Bull Operations Department.

For a time, netizens who saw this news were completely in a rage!

"Huh? Is Director Chen going to commit suicide again?"

"Holy shit! I almost forgot, Director Chen is also the global brand spokesperson of Red Bull, and that's an endorsement fee of up to 2 million U.S. dollars!"

"Life is endless, and seeking death is endless!"

"Hahaha, I was originally looking forward to the release of Director Chen's new movie, but I didn't expect that such an operation would be done in the middle?"

"Brothers, don't say much, just watch it first out of respect!"

There is constant online hubbub at home, and the same is true abroad.

There was an immediate upsurge on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and other platforms.

In order to compete for traffic, many portals and video websites issued announcements as soon as possible, saying that they would broadcast the entire event.

Under Chen Fei's special arrangement, Hulu naturally obtained the corresponding broadcast rights.

Many people in China called Chen Fei, and most of them were trying to persuade him not to be stupid, or telling him to come back safely.

After answering a few calls, Chen Fei was so annoyed by them that he simply turned off his phone.

It’s better to avoid those phone calls and text messages that affect your mood.


On the 18th, when "The King of Kung Fu" was officially launched in North American theaters, staff from domestic sports channels came to Victoria Falls with equipment.

Chen Fei met his old friend "Li Hongwei".

From the time he officially started the challenge mission abroad, the two of them met almost every time.

"Director Chen, long time no see."

"Haha, it's been a long time indeed. What have you been busy with lately?"

"The Olympics will start in a few months. The bureau arranged for me to shoot there. If you hadn't suddenly sent back the news, I might have been busy until the end of the Olympics."

"Huh? So I created the conditions for you to take a vacation?"

"Haha, that's right. I'll treat you to dinner when I get the chance. This kind of opportunity for vacation is hard-won!"

The two were chatting, and on the other side, Flory led a local guide over.

The challenge will officially start tomorrow, and today Chen Fei will take a speedboat to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the Zambezi River.

The purpose of this is to choose the starting point for rafting.

After all, this is not an artificial rafting place, and there is no strictly prescribed starting point and end point. He needs to make his own decisions.

The choice of the starting point is also crucial to the entire challenge process!

At the beginning of rafting, a gentle acceleration period is required to familiarize yourself with the speed and direction of the water. You cannot rush directly into the rapids area.

This is just like the process of poking the piston when assembling an engine. A sufficient amount of lubricating oil must be applied to the piston in advance to ensure that there is no jamming in the process.

If you force it inside without lubricating it, neither the driver nor the engine will have enough fun.


After communicating with the guide, a group of people drove speedboats along the river.

The scenery along the coast is very beautiful. Although it is located in Africa, it is not as poor as imagined, the land is not dry, the vegetation is very lush, and the local residents live a happy and abundant life.

Riding on the speedboat, Chen Fei held a notebook and measuring instruments in his hands, constantly recording some data.

Like other rivers, the Zambia River originates from the mountains, but due to the terrain, the river flows here are very fast and there are few gentle areas.

After an hour of observation and calculation, Chen Fei finally selected the starting point of this challenge.

The location he chose was on a shoal five kilometers away from the waterfall. The slope here was just right for the assault boat to accelerate and for him to quickly adapt to the speed and impact of the water.

After the starting point is selected, the next thing to deal with is the various crises encountered along the way!

Reefs, undercurrents, waterfalls, whirlpools... these are the top priority!

"Go to bed early tonight and recharge your batteries."

Chen Fei muttered while logging into the foreign IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes websites.

"The King of Kung Fu" has completed its one-day release period in North America. I believe fans have already begun to rate it. He wants to see how far the final result deviates from his predictions?

IMDB: 6.5 points/10 points.

Rotten Tomatoes: 6 points/10 points, 63% freshness!

"Sure enough, this is a film that pleases foreigners."

Chen Fei instantly verified his previous guess.

From a simple logical analysis, this is actually the story of an ordinary young man at the bottom of the American continent who suddenly gets all kinds of adventures, worships famous teachers, learns martial arts, obtains magical weapons, picks up beautiful Chinese girls, and then saves the world.

This kind of story will certainly be liked by foreigners.

And Huayi’s goal has naturally been achieved!

By weakening the Eastern culture in the film in order to balance the cultural differences between the East and the West in the film, and then combining the popularity and box office appeal of Chen Long and Li Lianli among Western movie fans, such a film was finally produced.

Wang Zhonglei's goal is to successfully list the company, and this movie will definitely satisfy foreign investors and complete his basic framework before going public.

But he ignored...or deliberately ignored the feelings of domestic movie fans.

"The domestic box office is expected to be 3 million yuan? Just dream."

Chen Fei curled his lips, he was ready to watch netizens angrily criticize this movie.

But then again, Huayi's goal has been achieved. At least it shouldn't be able to lose too much money and can barely break even.

Film critics in the United States are very considerate. Looking around, the website is full of positive reviews!

"The pairing of Chen Long and Li Lien is a highlight. This is obviously a big-budget martial arts drama, comparable to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Hero. The story is great."

"I love this story. An ordinary young American works hard to save the world. It's so cool!"

"It's a bit like "The Wizard of Oz", but the story is much better than the former. The fighting scenes are very enjoyable to watch. Michael Angarano is so lucky that he actually filmed a kiss scene with a Chinese actress, haha. When he comes back, I Be sure to ask him what that feels like.”


After briefly looking at the reviews of this film by film critics on the Internet, Chen Fei sneered, closed the computer and lay down on the bed.

He couldn't watch it anymore, otherwise he was worried that he would smash the computer!

The comments of these film critics may seem normal, but they contain a lot of implicit discrimination and ridicule, which makes people feel angry!

Tomorrow is when the challenge officially begins. He must have a good rest and be in a full mental state to face this crisis-ridden "Emergence of Power" mission!

As for those voices full of ridicule and discrimination on the Internet...

The days are still long, we can settle this account slowly in the future!

He has kept the names of those film critics who are full of gossips in his mind and will never forget them!

(End of this chapter)

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