It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 311 "The Emergence of Emergihgforce" in the Extreme 8 Events

Chapter 311 "The Emergence of Emergihgforce" in the Eight Extreme Events ( words, monthly ticket)

As the saying goes, the early worm gets eaten by the bird.

But Chen Fei felt that he should be a bird, and he was going to eat the big bug called "Victoria Falls"!

After putting on his diving tights, with the help of the staff, Chen Fei took the assault boat to the rafting starting point set yesterday.

The broadcast had already begun, and there were many cameras placed on both sides of the river bank, capturing his every move.

At the same time, in addition to Red Bull staff, many locals came to the scene and were watching on both sides of the river bank.

It may be human nature to watch the excitement. A pair of curious eyes were fixed on Chen Fei, wondering what he was going to do?

"Director Chen, would you like to say a few words to the fans?"

Li Hongwei came to Chen Fei with a microphone, followed by a cameraman.

Although he was not used to this kind of broadcast without barrage, Chen Fei still tried his best to adapt to it, and then said hello in front of the camera.

"Good morning everyone, it is now 8 o'clock sharp in the capital. My current location is at Victoria Falls. What I want to challenge today is to drive a Zodiac, rush down Victoria Falls, and then return safely..."

In front of the camera, Chen Fei chattered endlessly and briefly introduced the situation of the Victoria Falls behind him.

However, the netizens who were paying attention to the broadcast at this time were stunned.

When Red Bull released the announcement yesterday, it contained only one paragraph, "Victoria Falls! Rafting in a desperate situation!"

Everyone was a little confused at the time and didn't quite understand what it meant.

But when Chen Fei explained it today, everyone suddenly realized it!

In the blog, comments suddenly poured out.

“It turns out I’m going to drive a Zodiac down the Victoria Falls!”

"What the hell? Are you trying to commit suicide by riding a horse? The highest point of the Victoria Falls is at least more than 120 meters. Why don't you take a minute to meet the King of Hell?"

"Africa is not under the control of Hell, so it should be to meet God, right?"

"God is only responsible for the west. There seems to be something dancing over there?"

"Don't go sideways. The key now is that if you rush down like this without any protective measures, wouldn't you definitely die?"

Doubts and noises resounded on various platforms. Even if there were no barrages, netizens still found a place to vent their emotions.


After briefly introducing his challenge, with the help of the staff, Chen Fei got into the assault boat and started drifting on the wide river.

The water surged, and he quickly floated downstream along the rapids.

He didn't even need the paddles he had already prepared. He could easily complete the initial acceleration just by relying on the speed of the water!

There are so many people paying attention to this broadcast!

In a funeral parlor in the country, a group of people who were preparing for the upcoming filming of "The Embalmer" gathered in the hall and followed Chen Fei's movements through the big screen.

With a hint of bitterness on his face, Ning Hao said helplessly: "It's really fitting for the occasion. We are here to take pictures of the executioner. He ran away to commit suicide. Are you asking us to practice the execution process on him?"

Li Xuejian sat next to him with emotion on his face, "Now this young man! I really can't understand it!"

When filming the disaster movie "2012", he had followed Chen Fei's challenge to Mount Everest. He was quite scared at that time, but he didn't expect that it would start again today...

Liu Yifei and Mao Xiaotong did not dare to speak. At this time, they clenched their fists and watched Chen Fei avoid the rocks along the way.

The delicate assault boat swayed left and right in the rapids, looking extremely dangerous, as if it would be overturned by the current in the next second.

You know, this is just flat water. If it really enters the rapids area, wouldn't the boat capsize and kill people in minutes?

They didn't know where Chen Fei got his confidence and courage, but one thing was beyond doubt.

His courage is far beyond ordinary people!


The waves on the river are rough, and the scattered rocks cause the water to inevitably form waves when it collides!

Facing these waves, Chen Fei cannot avoid it!


There were thunderous sounds in his ears, and huge waves kept crashing into him. While colliding with the assault boat, they were also waiting for opportunities to devour him.

Although his current position is still some distance from the main waterfall, due to the strong current, if the body leaves the assault boat, it will definitely be an extremely fatal crisis!

Because once there is no protection, you have to face the waterfall directly with your mortal body, which no one can do!

Among the current recorded rafting accidents, most of the deaths during rafting were caused by the rafters breaking away from the assault boat and eventually passing away from this world unfortunately.

In order to cope with the waves that hit him from time to time, Chen Fei worked hard to lower his center of gravity. The paddle, which was useless before, played a big role at this moment, helping him maintain balance.

The assault boat went all the way down, and the cameras placed along the way were activated one after another to broadcast the footage.

At the end of the line of sight, a thunderous waterfall surges down!

At this time, in Huayi Company, the two Wang brothers, who were waiting for the first day box office of "The King of Kung Fu" in North America, were also watching the broadcast.

Also present were sisters Li Bingbin and Li Hedong.

"As expected, after this time, this guy will create more excellent scripts."

When he said this, Wang Zhongjun had undisguised envy on his face.

A reporter had previously conducted an interview with Chen Fei and asked him why he frequently did this kind of behavior that seemed very thrilling to outsiders.

And the answer he gave was: "If I want to create more high-quality scripts, I must find inspiration, and these exciting sports will make my mind run at high speed, and inspiration will erupt like a fountain!"

Li Bingbin's face showed deep surprise. This was the first time she had time to pay attention to Chen Fei's live broadcast.

Watching the assault boat speeding through the water, she suddenly understood why Chen Fei was able to achieve such results in his 20s.

This is a real skill!

However, while paying attention to the live broadcast, she was also exchanging glances with Li Hu.

Wang Zhongjun has given them both a clear answer, saying that the script of "The Wind" can be modified, and has already gone to discuss the matter with Zhou Xun.

If nothing else happens, this matter will be settled.

After the modification, there will be no distinction between the first and second female lead in "The Wind", and her and Zhou Xun's names will appear side by side on the big screen.


In the turbulent river, Chen Fei struggled against the undercurrents around him.

He repeatedly raised the paddle in his hand, pushing the assault boat forward while avoiding the impact of the waves.

Every move he makes demonstrates his experienced experience and calm mentality. In the face of frequent crises, he can make the most appropriate response every time.

Reefs would suddenly appear from the front, but he had no fear at all. He could turn and change lanes with extremely fast reactions every time to avoid collisions, which would cause damage to the assault boat.

The camera kept switching, and as time passed, the five-kilometer distance was soon successfully crossed.

At this time, the straight river has reached the end, and the huge waterfall rolling like thunder is close at hand!


The thundering roar of the main waterfall resounded in the ears of all spectators, challenging their eardrums to endure.

As the assault boat continued to move forward, the distance to the main waterfall soon shrank to less than a hundred meters!

A camera placed on the right side of the river suddenly captured Chen Fei's facial expression.

Even though there was a hundred-meter-high waterfall in front of him, there was no trace of fear on his face. Instead, he was full of madness and enjoyment!

That is a state of being calm and composed even in the face of a death crisis!


Just like a stone was thrown into the calm lake, in the blink of an eye, the assault boat had rushed down the rapids into the waterfall!

At this moment, Chen Fei was completely engulfed by the water!


In a small village in Liaoyuan, "Hello! Mr. Tree! 》The crew is conducting pre-shooting training here, as well as setting up some scenes.

But today, everyone stopped what they were doing and gathered in the village committee square to watch the broadcast on TV.

Wang Baoqiang, dressed as "Tree Brother", has shed his previous silly image. His hair is much longer, he is wearing a taupe jacket, he has a beard on his upper lip, and he is biting a stick. An unlit cigarette.

Through the half-framed eyes clamped on the bridge of his nose, he stared straight at the TV screen, trying to find Chen Fei's figure, just like looking for "Xiao Mei" in his heart.

Beside him, Tong Liya, who plays Zhang Xiaomei, was also staring at the screen without blinking, still muttering in a low voice: "Where did the person go? Why is he missing?"

"He will show up."

Wang Baoqiang said very confidently, like a "tree" with fortune-telling ability, accurately predicting everything that would happen next.

Just as the "tree" predicted, although Chen Fei, who was in the waterfall at this time, was somewhat confused about the east, west and north, he still firmly maintained the stability of his core.

The water spray from the explosion kept hitting his face, and his vision was filled with water mist, as if he had entered a water curtain cave.

If you are currently doing skydiving, losing direction is a very fatal crisis, but for the sport of rafting, direction is not the first priority.

Because the water flow will drive the challenger forward, and as a challenger, the main thing is to control the stability of your body and the stability of your core strength.

And whether the core strength passes the test directly determines whether the waterfall can be successfully charged!

The distance of a hundred meters high disappeared in an instant under the terrifying flow speed.

As the waterfall crashed into the water, Chen Fei was instantly sucked into the deep pool by the terrifying impact.

There were rolling bubbles all around, and the cold river water enveloped his whole body, seeming to pull him completely into the abyss.

Faced with the predicament, he did not panic at all. He immediately tightened his core and used the buoyancy of the water and the movement of the paddle to quickly adjust the angle of the assault boat.

Although the impact of the waterfall is great, don't forget that the buoyancy of the assault boat is also large enough, and it can completely lift Chen Fei to the surface of the water.

But this takes a little longer!

During this period, he had to deal with not only the difficulty of being unable to breathe, but also various dangers lurking underwater.

The reef can be said to be the most terrifying crisis during rafting!

Once the assault boat is punctured, the challenge can be officially declared a failure, because that means that the rafting will not be able to continue, and even Chen Fei himself is likely to be pulled into the bottom of the river by the whirlpool due to the decrease in buoyancy, and be buried. Fish belly!

The paddle played a big role again at this moment.

After ensuring the balance between his body and the assault boat, Chen Fei began to use the paddle to explore the path to ensure that he would not touch the rocks on the bottom of the river during his progress.

Soon, after avoiding four or five shallow reefs hidden in the dark, the lake was within easy reach!

It's a coincidence that today happens to be the time when "The Defender" is wrapping up.

The person in charge of CJ was very smart. After confirming that Chen Fei did not have time to attend the closing banquet, in order to gain his popularity, he simply broadcast today's rafting broadcast at the closing banquet.

Their slogan is: "Chen Fei, the screenwriter of the movie "The Defender," will challenge the Victoria Falls today to provide moral support for the film."

Although this sounds a bit shameless, the Korean nation has always been like this, and no one thinks there is anything wrong with this slogan.

So, at the closing banquet, a group of main creators, guests invited to participate in the event, media, etc., drank red wine while watching this shocking challenge.

Seeing that Chen Fei had been in the water for a long time and could not come out, Li Zhien suddenly became a little nervous.

"Oppa? Where are you? You must live..."

Perhaps the prayers had an effect. The next second, a looming figure suddenly appeared on the river!


"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

The oars continued to hit the water. While maintaining the balance of the assault boat, Chen Fei tried his best to float upwards and resist the erosion of the rapids.

Because the water flow generates a lot of kinetic energy, his current position is far away from the bottom of the waterfall and has drifted a lot away.

However, because the waves around him were so big, it was difficult for him to control the direction for a while. The assault boat continued to rotate while drifting forward.

Although he seems a little embarrassed now, the viewers who are paying attention to the broadcast don't think so!

When Chen Fei jumped directly from the waterfall just now, many people in front of the screen opened their eyes uncontrollably, with shock on their faces!

Although many people have guessed in advance, today's challenge will not end easily.

But what they never expected was that Chen Fei would be so bold and jump directly from the top of a waterfall more than 100 meters high!

However, just when they thought that Chen Fei would definitely be finished with this move, they saw him emerging from the water again!

Not only did he show no signs of injury, but he continued to fight against the water flow!

For a time, netizens who were watching the broadcast were talking about it!

"What the hell? What kind of international joke are you kidding? Is this still the Victoria Falls? Why is it different from what I imagined? The drop of more than 100 meters did not have any impact on Director Chen. This waterfall is too Is it rubbish?"

"Be a good boy. Today I finally know what it means to be awesome. This wave of rafting is so awesome!"

"Is this extreme rafting? It looks so fun! I really want to experience it too!"

"This is such a visual impact! I'll go for it! It always feels like watching a science fiction blockbuster!"

"Good guy, are we going to continue drifting? Where should we go next? Why do I feel like something is not right ahead?"

As the camera continues to switch, the field of view that the audience can see is getting farther and farther!

Soon, just as Chen Fei was trying to maintain a good balance, a large whirlpool suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

It was a vortex that seemed to be able to swallow everything in the world. Just by looking through the screen, you could feel an inexplicable strong suction!

As the water tumbles, a deep darkness emerges from the middle of the whirlpool, making people feel heart-stopping.

The reason for the vortex is due to the special "circle-shaped" geographical location, coupled with the extremely fast flow speed and complex and changeable dark grooves, an extremely dangerous vortex is formed directly here!

"Oh my god! Is he going to rush over?"

In North America, at the filming site of "War for the Planet of the Apes", a group of actors and directors are paying attention to this challenge.

Seeing Chen Fei driving the assault boat quickly towards the whirlpool, everyone's eyes widened and they couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

If you were swallowed by that whirlpool, could you still come out alive?


Under the attention of countless people, Chen Fei was unable to escape in the end and was completely sucked into the terrifying vortex.

In the blink of an eye, he had fallen into the whirlpool!



The moment he entered the vortex, Chen Fei felt a powerful centrifugal force instantly wrap around his body, and his whole body began to spin crazily and uncontrollably.

At the same time, a powerful force was still pulling him towards the center of the vortex.

The waves rolled, the water splashed, and the entire whirlpool looked like a huge mouth, ready to swallow everything!

Chen Fei did not lose his mind because of the dizziness caused by the powerful centrifugal force. He immediately realized that if he wanted to get rid of this vortex, he must take decisive action!

Holding a breath in his lungs, he swung the oars and quickly adjusted the direction of the assault boat, trying to keep in line with the direction of the vortex's rotation.

This reduces the friction between the assault boat and the whirlpool, giving him a chance to escape.

Then, after working hard to complete this process, he quickly held the oar and paddled the water with all his strength, allowing the Zodiac to rush forward quickly.

As the speed of the assault boat increases, coupled with the stress of the vortex, Chen Fei can clearly feel that the pull of the vortex beneath him gradually weakens.

However, it is not easy to completely escape the shackles of the whirlpool.

In the next few minutes, he continued to adjust the direction and speed of the assault boat and engaged in a fierce competition with the whirlpool.

He stayed focused, calm and decisive with every adjustment.

Every slap between the paddle and the water surface will produce a strong recoil force, as if the rafting enthusiasts have already surrendered.

But Chen Fei did not give up. The competition with the whirlpool was also a test of his will and determination.

He believes that as long as he has enough skills and courage, he can overcome any difficulty!

Time passed minute by minute, and Chen Fei was not sucked into the vortex as the audience expected. After some unremitting efforts, he has reached the end point on the other side from the starting point of the whirlpool.

Seeing the right moment, he suddenly controlled the paddle and slammed it on the water. At the same time, he tightened his body core and quickly got rid of the seawater vortex with the help of reverse thrust and water surface stress!

With a "pop" sound, he controlled the assault boat, crossing the terrifying whirlpool like a carp leaping through a dragon's gate, and successfully rushed into the downstream river!

As the slope increases, the current becomes more and more rapid, and the assault boat will be pushed to high places and fall heavily from time to time.

A strong sense of turbulence filled Chen Fei's surroundings, seeming to be looking for an opportunity to overthrow him completely!

But this obviously didn't have much impact on him. He had successfully crossed the waterfall and whirlpool just now, so how could he be defeated by this small wave?

It was so late, so fast, before everyone could react, Chen Fei had already escaped from the vortex and successfully entered the next section of the river basin.

At this time, discussions on major platforms began to emerge.

"Oh! My God! Is he a man or a god?"

"Why? It was such a terrifying whirlpool that even a ship would be swept under the water when entering it, but why was he able to successfully cross it?"

"What the hell? You are worthy of being the global brand spokesperson of Red Bull Extreme Sports. Isn't this awesome?"

"This is so cool! He actually uses human power to fight against the power of nature. No wonder he can write a script like Iron Man. Is it based on himself?"

"I really admire you. There is no one else who can turn rafting into an extreme sport."

The audience was talking a lot. People abroad were shouting "God", people in China were shouting "God", and South Korea was about to set up a memorial tablet for him.

However, compared to the excitement of netizens, Chen Fei was extremely solemn at this time.

Although he successfully passed through the whirlpool and adapted to the current bumpy state, there are still countless crises ahead!

Just like now, after passing through this extremely bumpy river basin, at the end of the line of sight, another waterfall that is steeper than the previous one appears.

Rather than saying it is a waterfall, it is better to say that it is a huge cliff, so brutally lying across the river valley!

The waterfall flowing down from above is like a magnificent picture unfolding before your eyes.

The water pours down from a high place, forming white water curtains, like the Milky Way falling to the ground, majestic!

The sound of the raging water was deafening, echoing between the sky and the earth, making everyone feel the monstrous power of nature!

"Ouch! Here it comes again, another waterfall is coming!"

On the set of "Iron Man 2", Robert Downey Jr. kept shouting, as if he was drifting away.

There are many Chinese faces in the crew, and Kan Qingzi is among them.

Seeing Chen Fei once again assume the defensive posture of charging into the waterfall, she couldn't help but clenched her fists, her face turned red, and she silently cheered him on in her heart.

"Boss, we must succeed!"

The rushing water carried the assault boat and arrived at the edge of the waterfall without hesitation.

The screams on both sides of the river bank were extremely harsh!

Accompanied by the terrifying vibrations of "rumbling", Chen Fei's whole body tensed up, letting the huge waves that flew down swallow him and the assault boat completely.

The moment he rushed down the waterfall, he felt a huge impact and speed again!

The steady stream of water pushed him forward, and an uncontrollable sense of freedom and weightlessness filled the air at the same time, accompanied by the roar of the water and the sound of his own heartbeat!

The feeling of stimulation and excitement made him seem to forget all worries and worries in a short period of time, and only focus on the moment in front of him.

An inexplicable sense of excitement and accomplishment combined with the soaring adrenaline made him experience a feeling of pleasure that far exceeded that of an intracranial orgasm!

This feeling is completely different from the instant release after working hard at night. Compared with the short-term of the former, the sustainability and continuity of the latter are more satisfying!

I'm afraid I'll have to smoke a pack of Huazi to survive the sage moment.

In the waterfall, Chen Fei worked hard to chase the feeling of refreshment, but he felt inexplicably like he was doing inch-stop training.

In the eyes of the audience, he was completely included in the mist, and there was no trace of him at all.

Endless torrents and mist intertwined to form rolling waves, completely obscuring everyone's view of the area.

"Where are the people? Where have they gone?"

"Is Director Chen still alive? But don't die. I'm still waiting to see him continue to seek death."

"Where's Silly Girl? Use Silly Girl to fly out!"

"What the hell? Brother, please stop being funny, okay? This is the real world, not the world of magic phones."

"I don't care. Anyway, if there is no magic phone in 2060, I will sue them for false advertising."

The blog started to get cluttered again, but everyone's attention was still focused on the waterfall, waiting for Chen Fei's return.



Amidst the roar of the waves, the assault boat fell heavily to the bottom of the water.

Because the height was too exaggerated, the feeling of dizziness and weightlessness filled Chen Fei's mind.

The assault boat completely lost control at this moment, and the surging water pushed him forward, like a fallen leaf being arbitrarily manipulated by the wind in the air.


Suddenly, a crisp sound exploded in Chen Fei's ears, instantly waking him up from his dizzy state.

The unconscious state was broken, and the cold river water made him instantly sober.

Looking around, the dark waters formed a terrifying pressure, seeming to squeeze him flat.

Chen Fei subconsciously prepared to continue to float by flapping the paddle, but as soon as he raised his arm, he discovered that the paddle had been broken at some point!

"Damn it."

Cursing secretly, Chen Fei had no choice but to untie the restraints and throw out the oar handle held in his left hand.

Then he quickly adjusted his position and started climbing using the only oar left in his right hand!

Fortunately, he has a good physique and the oxygen storage capacity of his lungs is strong enough. Otherwise, if he holds it in for such a long time, his waist will be exhausted!

It took a full two minutes for Chen Fei to finally break out of the water!

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

He started panting heavily, trying to store as much oxygen as possible in his lungs so that he could cope with the terrifying desperate situations that would arise from time to time!

At the same time, just as he was preparing to face the next difficulty, Zhao Yanzi, who was preparing to register for marriage in Singapore, flashed a trace of unwillingness on his face.

She thought that this waterfall charge would completely bury Chen Fei at the bottom of the river, but what she never expected was that despite being buried under the water for a long time, he still floated up again.

"Why didn't you drown him?" Vicious curses jumped out of her mouth.

Next to her, Huang Youlong comforted her with a smile: "Don't worry, we will have plenty of opportunities to make him suffer in the future."

Zhao Yanzi came to her senses and asked: "Has everything been dealt with in Hong Kong?"

"Well, I have sold my shares in Zengcheng Golden Leaf Hot Spring Resort Hotel and Huanri Industrial Co., Ltd., and now I have cashed out a large amount of money. Next, with the help of Xiang Jia, I will use Hong Kong to With fertile land, I can develop my ambitions!”

While talking, Huang Youlong warned again: "Yanzi, the film and television industry will definitely be a good blueprint in the future. Please contact your brother and we can invest in Tangde Film and Television. After the company is listed, we can definitely harvest a wave of leeks.

What you lose now is not important. In the future, we will take back everything we have lost step by step, making those who have hurt you miserable! "

"Okay, I'm going to call him now."

The couple has already determined their future development strategy, becoming capital and controlling the right to speak. This will be their first step in making huge profits!


At the same time, at the end of Victoria Falls, Chen Fei also faced the last difficulty!

Devil's Falls!

This is the most terrifying, dangerous and spectacular waterfall in the entire Victoria Falls group!

Tourists who come here know that Devil's Falls is the most majestic and terrifying area among more than ten waterfalls.

The main waterfall is 130 meters high, about 1800 meters wide, and has a drop of 110 meters!

Judging from the data alone, we can find that this waterfall will be the most dangerous desperate situation in this rafting challenge.

Cross over and it's bright.

If I can't cross it, my life is at stake!

At this time, the broadcast camera had switched to the opposite side of Devil's Falls, and the audience in front of the screen could clearly see the horror and danger of Devil's Falls.

Countless white waves fell from the cliff top, stirring up countless water splashes.

As the mist rolled, a crescent-shaped rainbow stretched across the entire Devil's Falls, as if a gorgeous rainbow bridge had been set up.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

Many people in front of the screen shouted in surprise at this moment. They obviously never expected to see such a beautiful rainbow here.

However, just when countless viewers subconsciously took out the first-generation Apple mobile phones released last year and prepared to take pictures of the beautiful scene in front of them, a strange phenomenon suddenly occurred!

A figure actually rushed out of the top of the cliff. Pushed by the white horse, it mixed with the torrent and penetrated the gorgeous Rainbow Bridge!

Since the rainbow is formed by the refraction of water droplets, when Chen Fei broke through the water mist, the water droplets floating in mid-air were actually pulled downward by him under the action of potential energy.

It just so happens that the sun is shining right now!

Under the refraction of the light, he seemed to be the puller of the rainbow, pulling one end of the rainbow downward, forming a beautiful landscape!

Seeing this scene, the girlish hearts of many female viewers began to overflow.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"

"Why can he pull a rainbow? This is so cool!"

"Chen Fei is really suitable to act in an idol drama. He is so handsome and can also write a script. Why not play a domineering president?"

"The maker of rainbows!"

"Starting today, I announce! Director Chen will be the founder of our Buried Love Family!"


With the crashing sound of the rapids, Chen Fei pulled Rainbow and fell straight into the river.

The huge drop caused him to be pushed into the depths of the water again, but this time he was not knocked unconscious by the water, but remained focused.

The oars moved left and right, and he quickly completed the float!

However, the horror of Devil's Falls is not only reflected in the height difference, the real crisis has just arrived!

Due to changes in the terrain, countless whirlpools appeared in the waters ahead, some large and some small, and even mixed with many sharp rocks.


After taking a deep breath, Chen Fei began to adjust his state and respond with all his strength.

The single oar left was danced into the air by him, constantly passing through whirlpools and rocks, heading in an unknown direction.

Time passed quickly, and after half an hour, he finally crossed this difficult journey.

However, just when he thought he was about to usher in the final victory, a new crisis suddenly came!

A huge boulder suddenly blocked the middle of the river, appearing on his only path with an extremely domineering attitude.

It is actually normal to encounter rock obstacles in the river. If you are in gentle water, just avoid it by avoiding it on the left and right sides.

But the current situation is extremely helpless!

The huge boulder that suddenly appeared happened to be blocking Chen Fei's front. The rushing water dragged him towards the boulder desperately, without giving him the slightest chance to turn.

However, if he hits the boulder at his current speed, the final result will be that the assault boat will be smashed to pieces, and he will sink directly to the bottom of the river.

"Damn it, you're almost successful, and you've created a big boss for me?"

Chen Fei cursed secretly and began to think about strategies to deal with it.

Now we must find a way to cross over this boulder instead of remaining indifferent and directly colliding with the opponent.

However, it is not that simple to do this. A height of two meters is simply a terrible disaster for him who is now like a rootless tree!

In front of the screen, countless viewers held their breath at this moment, waiting for Chen Fei to respond.

"How are we going to get through this?"

"Damn it, such a big stone? Where did it come from? Has there been a flash flood here before?"

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't understand. Let's wait and see how Director Chen is going to face this thing."

“It’s the last level, we must pass it!”

"Made, there is an unobstructed plain area in front of you, but there are mountains in the back. Are these two continents joined together?"

"I think it's possible. I've always believed in the flat earth theory..."

Audiences on forums and blogs were talking a lot, but at the scene, Chen Fei was already ready to charge!

However, he didn't just stupidly bump up. Instead, he used the paddle to stir up the water surface and perform the final deceleration.

He is waiting!

Waiting for a strong wave coming from behind!

The last surfing challenge gave him enough experience, and he planned to use the previous method again, using the turbulent current to raise his center of gravity, looking for opportunities to jump up, and successfully cross the boulder.

The right opportunity is almost fleeting, so Chen Fei has now put all his attention behind him.

The changes in the current are so complicated that no one knows which wave he can use to cross over, which is much more difficult than surfing.

There wasn't much time left for him. After all, this kind of unpowered rafting relied entirely on the speed of the water.

He simply cannot resist the flow of water for a long time and allow the assault boat to slow down for a long time...

However, just as he was praying secretly in his heart, a vision suddenly occurred!

Just at the bottom of the assault boat, a sudden thrust appeared inexplicably.

When he reacted, he saw a wave of waves slamming over behind him, as if it was going to swallow him whole!

"You've come just in time, it's you!"

Chen Fei's eyes lit up, he quickly adjusted his center of gravity, shifted the direction of the paddle, and started to speed up along with the flow of the water!

When the wave reached the stern of the Zodiac, he made a quick decision, tightened his core and slammed the paddle on the bottom at the same time!


The water exploded, and the waves instantly lifted him high into the air, dragging him to the top of the boulder!

At this last moment, the only remaining oar exerted its last remaining strength.

He saw the right opportunity and placed the top of the oar heavily on the boulder, forming a posture like pole vaulting.


The huge force caused the oar to shatter instantly.

But with this last boost, he successfully crossed the boulder, slid a graceful arc in the air, and passed the last difficulty!


With a heavy blow, the assault boat hit the water heavily and plunged directly into the river.

This time, the only remaining oar had completely moved away from him, and the only thing he could rely on was his own arms.


A series of bubbles suddenly appeared on the river. Under the gaze of everyone in front of the screen, Chen Fei surfaced smoothly.

He unbuckled the seat belt connected to the assault boat, stood up directly, and turned his head to look back.

The camera follows him through the switch.

The next second, a very spectacular scene came into everyone's eyes!

Endless white water pours down from high places, forming a huge water curtain, like a huge picture between heaven and earth.

Countless tiny water drops shine brightly in the sun, like little rainbows trying their best to show their beauty!

The huge roar was deafening, making people feel an indescribable shock.

The spectacular Victoria Falls lies not only in its size, but also in its dynamic beauty!

The water shows ever-changing postures in the constant flow. Sometimes it is like the Milky Way falling to the ground, sometimes it is like a white dragon rising out of the sea, and sometimes it is like drizzle. It is dizzying!

At this moment, the audience in front of the screen widened their eyes, completely attracted by the splendor and grandeur of nature!

At the same time, the system’s voice also came as promised:

[Ding. Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission: (Eight Extreme Emergence of Emergihgforce, the challenger needs to go to Victoria Falls and complete an assault boat rafting in the roaring torrent, mission level "SSS")]!

(End of this chapter)

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