It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 313 Afraid of paparazzi? Become a paparazzi! The audition for Sword and Sword 3 is a hindran

Chapter 313 Afraid of paparazzi? Become a paparazzi! The audition for The Third of Swordsman is a hindrance to Wu Kebo!

After landing in Shanghai, at the airport pick-up gate, Chen Fei saw Hu Ge who came to pick him up.

As a "local", this guy is very familiar with some of the inside stories of Hongqiao Airport!

For example, right now, wearing a large mask and sunglasses, he was squatting at the airport pick-up gate, holding a camera in his hand, looking like a paparazzi.

People passing by him were walking around him, fearing that he would suddenly make headlines in some entertainment company tomorrow.

If he hadn't sent a message to confirm, Chen Fei wouldn't have dared to recognize him!

"Good guy? What are you dressing up like?" Chen Fei looked at him with a look of surprise.

"Hey, aren't I afraid of being caught by the paparazzi? I just pretended to be a paparazzi. At first glance, it looked like everyone was in the same group, so they definitely wouldn't come to take secret photos of me."

Chen Fei was speechless for a moment.

This idea really makes some sense!

"Let's go, get out of here quickly. I should have been photographed when I boarded the plane from the Capital Airport. Don't stop us again soon."

"Wait a minute, I have to pick up someone else."


Chen Fei looked at him curiously. Could it be that this guy is in love again? How could he possibly pass it?

" he came!"

Hu Ge was about to answer, but before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly looked towards the gate.

Chen Fei turned his head and looked around, only to see a girl wearing toad glasses, shorts and short-sleeves with exposed navel walking towards them.

"Good guy? Are you here for a catwalk show at the airport?"

Although the girl was wearing a mask, Chen Fei recognized her at a glance. It was Yang Longlegs Mi.

Since her debut, this girl has been showing off her figure whenever she attends some off-site events.

This situation has reached its peak 11 years later!

I don’t know how many people watched the movie “Far Cry” because of her seasick scenes!

"This way."

Hu Ge first shouted at Yang Mi, then turned around and pulled Chen Fei out.

"Quick, quick, get out, the paparazzi are coming!"

The three of them left the airport quickly and went straight to the underground parking lot.

Chen Fei didn't bring an assistant with him this time, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

After following Hu Ge into the car, Chen Fei suddenly showed a trace of disgust on his face when he saw him put into gear a little awkwardly and start.

"Can you drive? If not, let me do it?"

"No! Let's take it easy. Those paparazzi are just taking a few photos. There is no need to turn it into a car chase scene."

Until now, Hu Ge still has lingering fears about Chen Fei's previous racing scene in Speed ​​3!

Riding on a horse is completely risking your life!

"Director Chen?"

In the back seat, Yang Mi was stunned for a while before she came to her senses.

She came here this time actually for the casting of "Sword and Sword III". She accounted for a high proportion in the voting recommendations of netizens.

Recalling the popularity and high ratings of Xian Jian Yi, she felt that she must not miss this great opportunity, so she contacted Hu Ge and asked him to help introduce it.

Hu Ge didn't think much and agreed directly, so today's airport pick-up scene occurred.

But Yang Mi never expected that she would see Chen Fei here!

"Well, long time no see." Chen Fei took off his mask, turned around and said hello to her.

"You... aren't you filming "The Embalmer"? How..."

"Oh, Tangren has some business that I need to come over to handle in person, and the crew has a day off."

While Chen Fei responded casually, he opened the laptop he carried with him and looked through the reviews of "The King of Kung Fu" on

Although it has only been released for less than 12 hours, more than people have already rated it on

The data of 5.4 points is extremely dazzling!

There were even more curses in the comment area.

"Damn it, this plot is so stupid. A foreigner wants to rescue a traditional Chinese mythological figure? Isn't anyone here dead?"

"Isn't it right? You just filmed this thing? The cooperation between Chen Long and Li Lianlian produced this thing?"

"First of all, let me make it clear that I am only analyzing it from an objective point of view. Is this called a fight show? You can play cotton better than them, right?"

"Pfft... If I remember correctly, the investment in this movie is also 7000 million US dollars, right? It's not on the same level as "Mulan" at all!"

"Is this the level of foreign directors? The movies they produce are really bad!"

Film critics have begun to appear on the Internet. Many people are unconscionably praising the acting, but no one dares to praise the plot.

However, a professor from the Chinese Theater Academy expressed a very pertinent opinion.

“I also went to the premiere of the movie, and I could clearly see that foreign fans liked the movie very much, but I didn’t make an immediate comment at the time. Looking at it now, it should be a movie. A movie specially made for foreigners.”

Chen Fei silently liked this comment in his heart!

If you look at it from the perspective of a commercial film, this is obviously a very successful film, and it is quite difficult to feel happy.

But domestic audiences care more about the plot and actors. Chen Long and Li Lianlian both appeared, coupled with Yuan Heping's kung fu guidance, and the assistance of Li Bingbin and Zhao Yanzi...

Such a strong lineup, but the plot is like a child playing house, without any depth at all.

No wonder domestic audiences are so disappointed!

"You still want to make a second part? You want to eat shit."

Pouting his lips, Fade Chen closed the computer and looked out the window.

Although Hu Ge's driving skills were a bit immature, his speed was not slow. In a short time, he had already reached the downstairs of Tangren Company.

The situation was exactly the same as last time. Cai Yinong was already waiting at the entrance of the company, followed by a group of senior executives of the company, as well as actors promoted by Tangren in recent years.

In the back seat, Yang Mi looked envious.

It's just a pick-up, but it actually created such a grand scene. He is worthy of being a top commercial film director. He is so proud!

As soon as the car stabilized, someone was already running over to meet it and opened the back door.

"Cough cough..."

Yang Mi smiled awkwardly, pointed to the front row and said, "Director Chen is in front."

The man reacted very quickly, quickly closed the door, turned around and came to the passenger seat, and blocked the door frame for him while Chen Fei opened the door.

"Thank you."

Chen Fei nodded to him, stepped out of the car, and walked in the direction of Cai Yinong.

"Mr. Chen, long time no see."

"Mr. Cai, you're welcome. It's such a big scene every time you come. I'm sorry."

The two shook hands and walked straight into the Tangren Building under the gaze of everyone around them.

From behind, Hu Ge patted Yang Mi on the shoulder and said, "Stop looking and let's go. I'll take you to see the director first, but I can only be your introducer. Is there any specific information on whether you can get this role?" It depends on your own ability.”

"Okay, I see."

Yang Mi bit her lower lip lightly, with blazing fire rising in her eyes.

She vowed to be someone like Chen Fei in the future!


There is no big problem with the contract. The 30% investment share is considered the greatest sincerity given by Tangren.

After signing his name at the bottom, Chen Fei asked casually: "When is this show going to start filming?"

"It will be started on time in June." Cai Yinong answered, but still did not give up and asked tentatively: "Liu Yifei's side..."

"Forget it, she is currently filming a movie with me, and her schedule for the second half of the year is already full."

"What a shame."

Cai Yinong sighed, a trace of sadness flashed across his face.

After all, this heat has not caught up.

Chen Fei suddenly remembered Yang Mi who came with him, and subconsciously asked: "Have the actors been selected?"

"There happens to be an audition today. Do you want to go and have a look?"

"Let's go and have a look." Chen Fei stood up straight away.

He still likes the original cast. Sedum played by Hu Ge, Tang Xuejian played by Yang Mi, Long Kui played by Liu Shishi, Xu Changqing played by Huo Jianhua, Zixuan played by Tang Yan... these are all difficult to let go. Memories that people forget.

However, in this drama, the one that impressed him the most was “The Evil Sword Immortal!”

Those lines simply penetrated into people's hearts!

"Nine out of ten things in life will be unsatisfactory, and even a greedy pleasure is an illusion."

"You don't have to have strength and capital to win. The most important thing is to have confidence and courage. If you give up, you will definitely lose. If you try, you still have half a chance!"

"Forfeiting means giving up the right and the right to win, so you lose!"

This person was born at the wrong time. If there was a figure like the "Evil Sword Immortal" in today's society, he would either be invincible or he would survive until death!

Evil thoughts?

That thing can't be sucked completely!


Arriving at the office used for auditions, Cai Yinong pointed at the two people in the office and took the initiative to introduce: "These two are the director and screenwriter of Sword and Sword III, Li Guoli and Deng Zishan. Today, they will be joined by Come with me and audition the actors present."

"Director Chen?!"

Looking at Chen Fei who suddenly appeared in the office, Li Guoli and Deng Zishan were both confused!

Good guy? Why does this great god appear here?

Cai Yinong introduced again: "Director Chen is one of our producers of Fairy Sword 3, and he also serves as the producer."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them suddenly realized.

No wonder he appears here, it turns out he is an investor.


Chen Fei smiled and said hello to the two of them. Xian Jianyi was the director and screenwriter of these two, and they were also part of the original crew. They chatted for a while first, and then Li Guoli asked tentatively: "Does Director Chen want to audition with us?"

"Okay, I have nothing to do anyway."

This time he came to the magic city mainly for the Three Immortals of Swordsman. He would take a plane back to the capital in the evening.

You can't pass by Shangying, otherwise Ren Zhonglun would have to drag him to the club again, which would be really indecent.

Just when a few people were seated, the office door was suddenly pushed open and Hu Ge walked in.

"Sister Cai, Director Li..." He greeted several people in turn, and then stood aside, obviously appearing as an assistant in the audition.

The first person to audition walked in quickly.

"Luo Jin?"

Seeing the person coming, Chen Fei was startled. Huayi's hand was stretched far enough, and it had arranged for its artists to come to Tang Ren for auditions?

"Chen Fei?! Hey, why are you here?"

Seeing Chen Fei appear at the audition, Luo Jin looked surprised.

"Haha, I am one of the investors of this show. I just happened to come over today to have a look. When did you come here? Are you going back after the trial? Are you going to go out for a meal later?"

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry, I have to stay here for a few days."

The two of them just started chatting like no one else was watching. After a while, Chen Fei finally realized what he was doing, waved his hand and said, "You audition first, and we'll talk later."

"it is good."

Luo Jin tried out the role of "Xu Changqing", and he even wore an ancient costume.

Not to mention, this guy's ancient costume looks a bit handsome, but he just doesn't look right when standing next to Hu Ge.

Perhaps because Chen Fei knew him, Li Guoli gave him many opportunities to perform, and his performance was pretty good.

After trying it out, he left the scene.

But what Chen Fei didn't expect was that just as Luo Jin opened the door and walked out, Tang Yan opened the door and walked in.

The two looked at each other, nodded slightly, and did not communicate too much.

Chen Fei looked inside, his eyes a little complicated.

It is estimated that these two people would not have thought that a few years later, they would come together by chance!

"Director Chen?!"

Just like Luo Jin, Tang Yan looked at Chen Fei in shock when he walked in, as if he didn't expect him to be here.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Nodding and smiling, Chen Fei didn't say much and allowed her to start the audition.

But what was unexpected was that the role this girl auditioned for was actually "Tang Xuejian".

Perhaps due to preconceptions, he felt that Tang Yan was still suitable for the role of "Zixuan", and he couldn't wait to see the tidbits.

"Taoist, we are a bar here."

After Tang Yan's audition ended and she walked out, Chen Fei looked curiously at the screenwriter Deng Zishan next to him.

"Tang Xuejian seems to be a very popular character?"

He remembered that when he was in the car just now, Yang Mi also said that the character who came to audition this time was Tang Xuejian.

"Well, that's right, because Tang Xuejian is the heroine, and this character is quite likable, and the discussion among game fans is also very high."

Chen Fei turned to look at Cai Yinong with some curiosity, "I remember you conducted an online voting? What was the result?"

Cai Yinong, "Without Liu Yifei, Yang Mi has the highest support on the Internet."

Just as he was talking, the offices were suddenly pushed aside, and Yang Mi, dressed in ancient costume, walked in.

At a glance, Chen Fei suddenly thought of Guo Xiang in The Condor.

I have to say that Yang Mi was indeed quite pretty when she played Guo Xiang.

"Director Chen, Mr. Cai, Director Li..."

After greeting everyone one by one, the audition began.

Hu Ge went up specially to prepare the match.

However, just after the two of them finished the audition according to Li Guoli and Deng Zishan's request, Chen Fei suddenly said: "Let me make a request, Yang Mi, can you make a scene full of eyes from Tang Xuejian's perspective?" Sedum's look?

Imagine you are expressing your love for each other in the snow, he is looking at the unknown future, and you are looking at your future. "

The sudden request made Yang Mi and Hu Ge feel dazed for a moment, but Li Guoli's eyes lit up as if he had thought of something.

After coming back to her senses, Yang Mi felt happy and quickly responded: "I can give it a try."

After saying that, the two of them took action and began to brew their emotions.

Acting without physical objects is a necessary skill for actors. All images are in their minds, and they need to show that they understand and feel.

This plot was not difficult for Hu Ge, but it was not easy for Yang Mi.

Demeanor, movements, expressions...

Everything needs to show the mentality she has realized herself!

Surprisingly, Yang Mi did not disappoint Chen Fei. The moment she adjusted her condition, she immediately entered the scene. Her eyes were lowered, seeming to be sweet and reminiscing, but also containing confusion about the future...

The scene, which lasted less than a minute, brought to Chen Fei's mind the feeling he had when he watched Sword of Sword III.

It was obviously a catastrophe that spread across the three realms, but in the end only three of Yong'an's men died.

Everyone be!

"Okay, that's it. It's pretty good."

After recovering from his trance, Chen Fei nodded and encouraged the two of them.

Yang Mi was even more happy, she suddenly felt that the situation was stable!


The audition is still going on, but what makes Chen Fei a little regretful is that he was not able to see the actor who played Xu Changqing today.

Huo Jianhua is quite good, and he has a very strong cp relationship with Hu Ge. Unfortunately, he ended up marrying Lin Xinru and lost a lot of fans for no reason.

Some women make their husbands prosper, and some women destroy their husbands...

After all the auditions were over, Li Guoli turned to look at Chen Fei and asked: "Director Chen, which actors do you think are more suitable?"

As an investor, Chen Fei also has the right to decide his role.

After thinking about it, he replied: "Yang Mi's Tang Xuejian is very good, Tang Yan is more suitable for Zixuan, Liu Shishi has a deep understanding of the role of Solanum Solanum, and Luo Jin doesn't quite fit the image of Xu Changqing..."

When they heard the first three names, everyone didn't feel much.

But when Chen Fei said that Luo Jin was not suitable for Xu Changqing, several people suddenly looked startled.

They thought that Chen Fei would fight for this role for Luo Jin, but they didn't expect to hear such words from him that he was not suitable.

"Don't be so surprised. I am also a director. In my opinion, actors serve the role and plot. If they are not suitable, they are not suitable. No matter how good the relationship is in private, it does not mean anything. Everything needs to be suitable."

Li Guoli was in awe, "Okay, I've learned a lesson, I will seriously consider it."

No wonder he can become a top commercial film director in China, and at the same time, he has gained such a famous reputation abroad!

This professionalism alone cannot be compared to ordinary directors.


It was already noon after the audition. Chen Fei rejected Cai Yinong's invitation, but instead took Hu Ge and Luo Jin to go to the private kitchen together.

There were quite a lot of people coming together.

Liu Shishi, Lin Yichen, Yang Mi... Chen Fei even specially called Tang Yan over and arranged for her to sit next to Luo Jin.

He just wanted to see if these two people would suddenly call now?

It's a pity that the two didn't have much communication. On the contrary, Tang Yan kept asking about the situation of Feiyinghuang's agency, asking him if the company was still hiring, and what were the benefits?

"What? Your contract with Cheng Tian is about to expire?"

"Hmm, this is the last year." Tang Yan felt relieved when she said this.

She did suffer a lot while filming in Hong Kong.

It's a good thing that she wasn't involved in the previous "photo scandal", otherwise her stardom had just begun to bloom and would have to be declared over.

"Come on then. I'll ask Mr. Huo to give you the best share of the contract. I don't need to say more about resources, right? Everyone understands."

Chen Fei was very happy to do things like add trouble to Wu Kebo.

After hearing his words, everyone was a little envious, and Tang Yan quickly stood up and thanked him.

"Director Chen's words are so domineering. Have all the roles in "Inception" been decided? Do you still need actors?"

Hu Ge said this in a joking tone, but Chen Fei's next words made him stunned.

"Come if you want to? Do you have a schedule? There are still a lot of supporting roles, many of which have not yet been decided. I originally planned to find a few people from the Feiyinghuang Agency. If you are free, I will assign you one."

"Oh shit! Director Chen is so open! I'll give you a toast!"

"Get out of here, hell, don't you want to drive anymore? Don't be like that guy in the movie last year, who was driving under the influence and dragging the traffic police. If you do something like this to me, don't blame me for disowning you. This friend!"

"Okay, okay, how about tea instead of wine?"

"This is acceptable."

Yang Mi, who was watching from the side, was a little anxious. After seeing Hu Ge sit down, she hurriedly raised her glass and stood up, "Director Chen, I don't drive, I can drink."

"Stop!" Chen Fei raised his hand to stop her, "Girls, stop drinking this stuff. It's not a good thing. You don't have to think about the character."

Just when Yang Mi's expression suddenly changed, Chen Fei suddenly changed the topic: "You should film Fairy Sword III for me first. I am one of the investors of this show, so don't let me lose money."

A little girl can get to this level in the industry, how could Yang Mi be such a stupid person?

She has an exquisite heart with seven orifices!

After hearing Chen Fei's words, her heart, which was still holding on to her, immediately dropped to its original position.

Quickly putting down the wine glass and quickly picking up the teacup, she immediately stood up and saluted: "I will definitely not disappoint Director Chen's expectations, and I will try not to let you lose money."


Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly. After hearing Yang Mi's assurance, he immediately understood. Another "tool man" who was down-to-earth and willing to work appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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