It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 314 Premiere? Closing banquet? The internal struggle of the surname Chen? A shortlist full o

Chapter 314 Premiere? Closing banquet? The internal struggle of the surname Chen? A shortlist full of scares!

After returning from the magical city, "The Embalmer" entered into filming mode again.

Chen Long was also very fast, announcing that "Twelve Zodiac Signs" would officially start filming at the end of April.

At the press conference, two long-legged beauties stood beside him, forming a beautiful scenery.

The domestic box office growth of "The King of Kung Fu" is pretty good, with 1600 million on the first day, 1800 million on the second day, and 2100 million on the third day...

After the first week, Huayi reported its latest box office results.

8125 yuan.

At the same time, the foreign box office also reached 3700 million US dollars.

"Why do so many people still watch such a plot?"

Liu Yifei is still a little confused. Judging from the data, it should be no problem for this movie to exceed 200 million at the domestic box office.

Is there an inverse relationship between box office and word-of-mouth?

That’s very strange!

Chen Fei asked without hesitation: "If I told you that Chen Long and Li Lianlian made a movie together, even if there are many negative reviews on the Internet, would you go and watch it?"


"Isn't that okay?"

Two Kung Fu superstars who are in the limelight overseas are collaborating for the first time. Who can resist being curious?

Even though there are negative reviews online, many people are still looking forward to it and exploring it.

Movie fans want to see how bad this movie is to attract negative reviews from all over the Internet?

Then I go with expectations and return with disappointment...

As a producer, Huayi has been criticized miserably by domestic fans, including Minkoff and the screenwriting team. In the past few days, they have received frequent ridicule and criticism from domestic fans!

"Mr. Wang, forget about the second part plan, we can't continue filming."

Listening to Minkoff's voice on the phone, Wang Zhonglei's heart skipped a beat, "The box office results are quite good, and it's easy to get back the money..."

"But the reputation has completely collapsed, hasn't it? I am paying attention to the domestic voices. Such a movie is not worthy of a sequel."

"We can correct that with part two."

Wang Zhonglei still wants to fight for it. As long as there is no problem in repaying the money, continuing to shoot two or three movies can effectively enhance the trust of the capital market.

But Minkoff refused without hesitation: "Let's give up this idea. Only an excellent production deserves to be released as a sequel. If a movie with such a poor reputation is released as a sequel, it will definitely be a mess. Our company I will not continue to invest in it, it is simply too far behind "Mulan"."

After hearing this, Wang Zhonglei had no choice but to give up.

After hanging up the phone, he was silent for a moment, and then ordered: "Arrange the publicity department to release the preparation information for "The Wind", so as to save the fans from being criticized by words and writings."

"it is good."

Wang Zhongjun responded, turned around and left the office.


Zhao Yanzi was dating Hu Jun on the set when she received the news that the sequel would not be released.

As netizens predicted, the movie "New Mulan" does focus on various "emotions" rather than big scenes.

"Okay, I know."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Yanzi looked gloomy.

The $7000 million sequel was just gone, which was really a huge loss for her.

Although she cheated Huayi, Huayi was not indifferent and also cheated her in the subsequent editing of the plot.

Nowadays, movie fans at home and abroad speak highly of Li Bingbin's "white-haired witch" image.

On the contrary, she was labeled by many people as "favoring foreigners" because of her relationship with the foreigner and the filming of the kissing scene.

The popularity brought to her by "Love in the Rain" and "Huanzhugege" is quickly dissipating!


As its release continues, "Kung Fu King" has gradually been labeled as a "bad movie".

A professional film critic in China made a very pertinent comment: This film has achieved a breakthrough in the films of Chen Long and Li Lianjie in balancing the tastes of Eastern and Western audiences, but the direct manifestation is that it sacrifices the viewing experience of domestic audiences. , and then made up for it in overseas markets.

There are also voices from Hong Kong Island: The co-production of "The King of Kung Fu" is like the shadow puppet version of "The Lion King" or the Peking Opera version of "The Three Musketeers". While trying to achieve balance, it is inevitable that A mediocre harvest!

Seeing this comment, Chen Fei suddenly remembered what Lao Mouzi's movie was.

"Three-shot shooting surprise"!

Just this movie almost pulled him off the altar!

If it weren't for the follow-up "Love at the Hawthorn Tree" and "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", I'm afraid all the character he accumulated from the Olympics would have been ruined.

By the way, do many people really like that little bitch Zhou Dongyu?


A week later, Tang Dynasty announced to the outside world the final casting situation of "Legend of Sword and Fairy III".

Hu Ge, Liu Shishi, Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Huo Jianhua...

"Sure enough, the original cast is still comfortable to watch."

Chen Fei happily answered the call from Yang Mi.

"Eat? Forget it, I don't have time. Let's talk about it when I have time. Act well and don't live up to my expectations for you and this character."

"Okay, senior brother, don't worry, I won't let you down."

Yang Mi responded hurriedly, secretly vowing that she must work hard, completely unaware that she had already been filled up by Chen Fei's cake...


On May 1st, the premiere of "October Siege" was held at the CPPCC Auditorium.

In the hotel on the other side, Brother Chen Kai held a closing banquet for "Mei Lanfang".

Chen Fei was puzzled as to what Brother Chen Kai's thinking was.

You just have a wedding banquet, why can't you postpone it or hold it a day earlier? Does it have to be put on May Day?

Both parties are inviting celebrities from the industry, including CEOs of various film and television companies, just to prop up the scene.

Brother Chen Kai's reputation as the Palme d'Or director is indeed strong enough. Many second- and third-tier actors, as well as some bosses of film and television production companies, have gone there.

It's a pity that the first-line artists and the CEOs of the top film and television production companies in the industry are all on Chen Fei's side.

"As if no one has a Palme d'Or."

Chen Fei curled his lips. In addition to the Palme d'Or, he also had a Golden Bear. He also had a lot of Oscars, Golden Globes, Saturn Awards and other trophies.

In terms of box office, Brother Chen Kai is not good at it, and in terms of awards, he is even worse!

It’s just a Palme d’Or, do you really want to eat it for the rest of your life?


Many Hong Kong artists came to Beijing to attend the premiere today. As a co-production between the mainland and Hong Kong, both parties adhere to the idea of ​​close cooperation.

Huo Qigang also came to the scene, and said nonchalantly: "I hope the box office can be higher, and it will pull up Jiahe's stock price."

Chen Fei did not answer his words, but asked instead: "Didn't you go see Guo Jingjing?"

"Let's go, there's training there, no entry allowed." Huo Qigang looked aggrieved.

Chen Fei was very happy to see it. He was very curious about the views on love of these Hong Kong "young men". Is it really like Mr. He said that only by loving your wife can you build a career?

Starting from Huo Qigang and then to Little Golden Potato, everyone seems to be implementing this thinking.

In order not to make him too sad, Chen Fei had no choice but to start a new topic, "How are the preparations for "Cold War" going? Have the actors been decided?"

"It's decided." Huo Qigang calmed down and said a few key points, "I invited Liang Leming to be the director, and then according to your ideas, I will put Aaron Kwok, Liang Jiahui, Peng Yuyan, Lin Jiadong, Li Zhiting, Yang Caini, Qian Jiale, etc. People were brought over to make this movie together.

The filming will probably start at the end of June, because many people have tight schedules and will have to wait a little later to join the team, but the scripts have already been given to them. "

"That's good."

Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction, this love brain is quite reliable in doing things.

People from Emperor and Media Asia specially flew to China today.

Just in time, Chen Feishun learned about the situation of "Anti-Drug" and "Fierce Fighting".

Huo Wenxi is no longer responsible for film production. Her current work focus is basically on Feiyinghuang Agency, so the person who answered became Yang Shoucheng.

"Directed by Chen Musheng, Gu Tianle, Zhang Jiahui, and Liu Qingyun are all veteran actors, and their acting skills are absolutely perfect."

Zhuang Cheng and Shi Nansheng are also here today, and both of them have a say in the situation of "Guild Wars".

"We hired Lin Chaoxian as the director, starring Zhang Jiahui, Peng Yuyan and Mei Ting."

"What's going on over there in "Overheard 3"?"

"Mai Zhaohui is still the director, Liu Qingyun, Gu Tianle, Wu Yanzu and the others..."

"Wait, stop, wait, wait a minute?" Chen Fei interrupted Zhuang Cheng and looked at him with some doubts, "Where are the young actors in Hong Kong? Why are there just these people coming and going? You need to help more newcomers. ! Otherwise, how will this market improve in the future?”

Peng Yuyan can barely be considered a newcomer, but he is Taiwanese and just went to Hong Kong to develop his career. He cannot be associated with the category of young actors in Hong Kong.

Mei Ting's acting skills are great, but she is a mainland actress, she is 33 this year, and she can't get along with young actors.

Seeing that Zhuang Cheng couldn't say anything for a long time, a name suddenly popped up in Chen Fei's mind. "Is there a man named Huang Zongze over there? He has a pretty good image. You can let him play a supporting role or something."

"TVB won't let me go."

"Made, you deserve to be destroyed!"

Chen Fei was a little depressed. How long has it been since this horse-riding person was still doing this kind of thing?

The Hong Kong film market is obviously about to sunset. If you don’t want to hurry up and introduce new people, why don’t you still hold on to it? !

These veteran actors are indeed excellent, but they will eventually fail to act!

What to do next?

There is not even a successor, are you really planning to commit suicide?

Shaking his head speechlessly, Chen Fei had no intention of continuing to chat with him and went to receive other people on his own.

Let them be, he can't control that much.


Speech sessions are unavoidable.

Taking the microphone handed over by the host, Chen Fei thought for a while and said: "This movie should be regarded as a new attempt. It cross-cuts action and history, and connects legend and revolution. It may make movie fans understand There are new experiences and insights into history.”

Just when the movie was officially ready to be screened, Han Sanping led a group of people to arrive late.

After all, "Mei Lanfang" was invested by China Film Group Corporation, so Han Sanping definitely couldn't miss the closing banquet there.

Ning Hao went there on behalf of Feiyue Film and Television, and now he also came with him.

Chen Fei was a little curious, "Why are you here so early? The wrapping party for "Mei Lanfang" has ended?"

"Well, it's over." Ning Hao lowered his voice and explained: "Almost everyone in the industry came to the premiere of "October Siege". Brother Chen Kai looked very unhappy, so he ended it early."

"He's just free."

Chen Fei was a little speechless. When could the final banquet be held? We have to join in the fun together.

Faced with the big scene where 29 A-list stars from "October Siege" gathered together, how could you, "Mei Lanfang", have such a good reputation?

The movie starts to play, and the story begins when Mr. Sun comes to Hong Kong...

The Hong Kong Central scene, which was restored with an investment of 6800 million, shocked the audience!

Chen Fei was secretly glad that he didn't invite Li Yuchun, otherwise the film would have been ruined!


On the morning of the 2nd, the box office results for the first day were released.

Mainland China 3055 million yuan, Hong Kong 966 million Hong Kong dollars.

"Congratulations, it's another masterpiece with both good reputation and box office!" Feng Xiaogang called, his tone full of envy.

""Assembly Number" is also pretty good, isn't it?"

"Alas, it's too controversial, but comedies are easier to make."

Chen Fei knows that he is currently filming the classic movie "If You Are the One", and it is estimated that it will be completed soon.

As expected, just as he was thinking about it, Feng Xiaogang took the initiative and said: "Remember to save some time to attend the wrapping party of "If You Are the One"."

"it is good."

Chen Fei responded with a smile.

Because of the influence of "The King of Kung Fu", domestic movie fans feel that their eyes are dirty recently and they are in urgent need of an excellent movie to wash their eyes.

It just so happened that "October Siege" was released at this time.

Chen Fei's reputation is still very good. At least so far, none of his movies have crashed.

Movie fans walked into the cinema with expectations, and then walked out of the cinema with shock and emotion!

Whether it is an action movie or a historical film, there is no doubt that this is an excellent work.

The Douban score is 8.7, and people have left comments.

"When I close my eyes, I am China's tomorrow! This line! What a talented screenwriter!"

"This is a movie in which every actor breaks through their stereotyped image. Nicholas Tse is no longer a handsome boy, Li Ming is no longer a pretty boy, Hu Jun is no longer a great hero, and Donnie Yen is no longer the king of kung fu. These actors' It’s a big breakthrough, it’s really good!”

"The literary drama in the first half is definitely one of the best examples of ensemble drama in Chinese films!"

"After watching this movie, I will look back at "The King of Kung Fu" again. Is the horse-riding movie a piece of shit?"

"Damn it, even celebrities like Li Jiaxin are playing minor roles in this movie. This shows how many great actors are gathered here!"

"Every change in history has to pay a price of blood, but it still cannot stop the giant wheel of the times from rolling forward. I would like to use this film to pay tribute to the sacrifices of our predecessors!"

It received rave reviews online, and film critics were generous in their praise.

Several entertainment newspapers even used Chen Fei's speech at the premiere as a headline!

The phrase “good things come in pairs” is not something that is thrown around casually.

Just when many media outlets broke the news about the filming of "October Siege", behind-the-scenes, and interesting post-production anecdotes, Sina posted a list on its front page.

This is a shortlist for the 34th Annual Saturn Awards.

Many netizens clicked on the picture out of curiosity, and were stunned the next second!

Best Actor: Robert Downey Jr.

Best Director: FeiChen

Best Science Fiction Movie: "Iron Man", "The Incredible Hulk"

Best Fantasy Movie: "The Twilight Saga"

Best animated feature: "Wall-E"

Best Young Director: FeiChen

Best Action or Adventure Movie: "Mulan"

Best Actress: Liu Yifei

Best Screenplay: FeiChen

Best Horror Film: "Insidious"

Best Supporting Actor: Jiao Enjun


Looking at the rows of nominations, netizens were stunned!

"What the hell? Is this Saturn Award going to be squandered by Director Chen?"

"Good guy, these names look amazing!"

"How handsome! Is the mainland film and television industry going international?"

"Please forgive my ignorance. I used to think that the Saturn Awards were of little value, but recently I suddenly discovered that the nominees for this award seem to be top A-category films!"

"Brother, you can understand it this way. The ones that can win the "Oscar" are all literary and artistic dramas similar to ours, while the "Golden Globe" is an award selected by foreign journalists. It focuses on a wide range. As for the "Annie Award", it is an exclusive award for animated films, and the "Saturn Award" is a paradise for science fiction, action, fantasy, and thriller films."

"I understand, damn it, Director Chen is so awesome! This is so awesome!"

When the news of the nominations reached the crew of "The Embalmer", there was another uproar.

“I was nominated for a Saturn Award for Best Actress?”

Liu Yifei was stunned for a while before reacting, and looked at Chen Fei with disbelief.

"is this real?"

"Hey? Why are you lying to me? I have no interest in deceiving little girls. Sina has specific reports. If you don't believe it, go and read it yourself."

After being slightly startled, Liu Yifei ran away quickly.

"The actress ran away?"

Ning Hao was also happy. He knew Liu Yifei's reaction would be huge, but he didn't expect it to be so big!

"You are really awesome! So many shortlisted nominations? How did you do it!"

"First this way, then that way, it will be done easily. You can do it too."


Ning Hao rolled his eyes and walked aside silently. He was afraid that he would not be able to help but do something.


What a relief!

With the announcement of the Saturn Awards, the domestic film and television industry was in a state of excitement.

Judging from the current results, the implementation of the "Mainland Film and Television Overseas" plan mentioned by Chen Fei at the graduation ceremony has begun to bear fruit.

If this trend continues, joining Hollywood may no longer be a fantasy!

But at this time, foreign film and television production companies headed by Disney, Paramount, and Warner all had a headache.

"Oh! Fuck!"

Current Disney CEO Bob Iger looked at the Saturn Award shortlist printed in a magazine and couldn't help but curse.

Judging from the current status of the shortlist, the cooperation between DreamWorks and Paramount has a chance of winning. As for Disney... I'm afraid it will fail again!

Pixar Animation Studios CEO John Lasseter also had a wry smile after seeing the shortlist for Best Animated Feature.

"Ratatouille" once again met "WALL-E". Facing this movie that won the Golden Globe and Oscar for Best Animated Film, Pixar had no chance of winning!

What's even more frightening is that this situation may continue until 09!

The latest animated film "Kung Fu Panda" produced by Volton Pictures has begun its initial promotion. According to the currently revealed footage, John Lasseter specially included "Lightning Dog", "The Princess and the Frog", "Up" The three films "Travel Notes" were compared.

Then he was shocked to find that, except for "Up", which was barely able to compete with them, those two Disney movies were completely scum!

On the other side, DreamWorks is also comparing "Madagascar" with "Kung Fu Panda".

"Fuck! Why is he a Chinese director producing such excellent animation works?"

The CEO of DreamWorks also went into a mindless rage!

(End of this chapter)

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