It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 315 Aren’t you afraid of flashing your tongue? Latest identity: Taking the lead?

Chapter 315 Aren’t you afraid of flashing your tongue? Latest identity: Taking the lead? (asking for monthly ticket)

3055 million, 3692 million, 3513 million...

The box office data of "October Siege" has been rising all the way, and the reputation of "October Siege" has formed a very obvious difference with that of "The King of Kung Fu". The former has received rave reviews, while the latter has been criticized.

Half a month after its release, Huayi finally couldn't hold it any longer and quickly announced that preparations for "The Wind" were coming to an end and would be officially launched in June.

As soon as the news came out, netizens immediately had high expectations when they saw that the movie was jointly produced by Huayi and Feiyue Films.

Many people are discussing it on blogs and forums.

"That's how it should be. Hold on to Feiyue Film and Television's thighs. How good does it feel to be carried away?"

"The two Wang brothers are so stupid. If you want to make a co-production, why don't you ask Director Chen? He is the chief content executive of Walt Disney Pictures and Marvel Pictures. If you ask him to write the script, he will never make it. A bad movie like The King of Kung Fu!”

"What the fuck? The cast of "The Wind" is awesome! Directed by Chen Guofu, Chen Fei participated in the production, Zhou Xun, Li Bingbin, Zhang Hanyu, Huang Xiaoming, Su Youpeng, Wang Zhiwen... This is the batch that won the Palme d'Or... Did the actor come over?"


In the CEO office of Huayi Building, Wang Zhonglei and Wang Zhongjun looked at the discussion among netizens about "The Wind" with strange expressions on their faces.

The attitudes of these people changed so quickly!

The first one was still scolding "The King of Kung Fu" for being a bad bunch, and the people in Huayi Company are all stupid ass, but the second one was starting to praise the lineup of "The Wind", and Huayi's operation was very smart...

"Aren't you afraid of flashing your tongue?"

Wang Zhongjun's heart was full of resentment. Obviously the director and actors were from Huayi, but why was it Chen Fei who was praised?

Where is the reasoning behind this horse?

Wang Zhonglei's eyes were complicated, and he moved the mouse to close the blog website, "How much is the box office of "The King of Kung Fu"?"

"In just half a month, the mainland box office reached 1.55 million."

"Alas, it seems we can't reach 3 million."

Wang Zhonglei sighed and then ordered: "Painted Skin will be released soon, and there is a lot of promotion there. Please tell Huang Xiaoming and Zhou Xun to mention "The Wind" during the promotion."

"Okay." Wang Zhongjun responded, but then reminded him loudly: "We have some clues about Zhou Xun's matter. She is indeed planning to open her own personal studio."

Hearing this, the temperature in the office suddenly dropped several degrees.

Wang Zhonglei's face was gloomy, "Now that it has been confirmed, let's follow the previous plan to give Li Bingbin more roles, create a double heroine, and readjust the script."

"I'll do it right away."

Wang Zhongjun was very enthusiastic, after all, he accepted the "benefits" from the two sisters.


Relying on the popularity of "October Siege", "Painted Skin" began to promote, and the banner was very clear: "The screenwriter is Chen Fei."

The title of "script master" is now firmly established in China, and no one can shake it!

Brother Chen Kai was very unconvinced and secretly made up his mind to prove himself again with "Mei Lanfang"!

It's a pity that he didn't make it to this year's Cannes Film Festival, but he doesn't care because he plans to imitate Chen Fei and compete for the Golden Bear Award.

As long as he can win awards, he will also be the director of the Palme d'Or and the Golden Bear. Isn't his status in the country rising all the way?

However, what he didn't know was that "The Embalmer" was also targeting the Lunar New Year season and next year's Berlin Film Festival.

The two sides have to fight with real swords and guns!


Ning Hao has been very busy recently because he has to take the "Painted Skin" crew to promote it, so that the crew will stop working from time to time.

After taking some free time, Chen Fei took a plane to Hengdian.

"Bullfighting" was finished, and Huang Bo called several times and asked him to come over and support the scene.

"How come I'm like the top celebrity in a brothel?"

Chen Feixu muttered nonchalantly, feeling uneasy in his heart, but he finally agreed to Huang Bo's invitation.

The top one is the top one, as long as you stick to the bottom line and make sure you don't show off your skills.

"Huh? Why does it feel like something is not right?"


Natasha has been very busy recently.

"The Twilight Saga: New Moon" is about to be released, and it is currently engaged in various promotional activities. "Game of Thrones" will also be launched on the Hulu platform during the summer vacation, and she will have to follow up on the early promotion.

But she feels fortunate that the casting process for "Inception" has finally come to an end.

The protagonist group was fully staffed, and she simply packed up the remaining selections for the supporting roles and threw them to Bruce, asking him to follow up.

As Chen Fei said, this guy does have an extraordinary talent when it comes to finding actresses!

After Kate Winslet and Monica Bellucci both signed contracts, with Bruce's efforts, the subsequent actors were soon in place.

Amanda Seyfried, Emma Roberts, Blake Lively…

Except for Amanda, who was appointed by Chen Fei, the latter two actresses were recruited by Bruce in Hollywood.

However, what Natasha didn't expect was that on the third day after she signed the contract with these actresses, the American lifestyle magazine "Vanity Fair" selected Hollywoods new wave - Hollywood's new four actresses.

They are: Kristen Stewart, Amanda Seyfried, Emma Roberts, Blake Lively.

A very coincidental thing happened suddenly!

Except for Kristen Stewart, the next three actresses happened to have signed contracts with "Inception" and became members of the Inception team.

As soon as the news was exposed, the whole of Hollywood was in an uproar!

This is such a coincidence!

Many movie fans were originally looking forward to this movie, but now with the addition of Hollywood's three little flowers, this expectation has been directly stretched to the full level.

As for Kristen Stewart…

She is already an artist under Bruce's banner. Will it be common for her to play a guest role?

With this in mind, the first joint work after the selection of the four Hollywood actresses appeared naturally!

Then coupled with Chen Fei directing, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, and Monica Bellucci participated in the filming.

For a time, countless movie fans seemed to be possessed, posting articles online all day long, demanding that "Inception" start filming as soon as possible!

Even the more extreme movie fans started to put up banners in front of Walton Pictures!

Natasha ignored the people holding banners, because this kind of thing is very common in the United States, and they would leave on their own when they got tired.

After another phone call with the person in charge at Hulu to confirm the promotional resources for Game of Thrones after its premiere, Natasha looked at the financial statements for the first half of the year.

The revenue ratio continues to rise, and the sale of DVD copyrights and video copyrights has greatly increased the liquidity in the company's account.

Not to mention just one "Inception", even three more movies can be enough!

"The performance is getting better and better." Natasha murmured to herself.

The impact of the financial crisis has spread throughout the United States, but it is not that big for Walt Disney Studios and Marvel Studios. After all, what should be prepared has been prepared in advance.

She has even begun to imagine that after all the movies currently being filmed are officially released, the company's market value will at least increase several times!

"Jingle Bell…"

The sudden ringing of the phone interrupted her fantasy. She glanced at the caller ID and pressed the connect button.


"Natasha, I have something very regrettable to tell you..."

As the voices on the phone continued to come, the smile on Natasha's face gradually disappeared, replaced by deep sorrow, anxiety, and a bit of anger!

When housing prices continued to skyrocket last year, her father moved part of the family's funds and actually purchased a large number of CDOs on the market, hoping to make a profit from the price difference.

But I never expected that the real estate bubble suddenly burst, housing prices fell, CDS suddenly became the best resource, and CDOs all became waste paper!

And this also means that all the money his father invested before has been locked up!

As for the purpose of this call...

It's simple. Walton wants to recover the US$31 billion loan it previously lent to Walton Pictures.

If repayments are made in accordance with normal contract arrangements, the money will not be repaid in one lump sum at least ten years later.

This was agreed upon when the loan was originally borrowed. Both parties signed the contract, and no one is allowed to breach the contract.

This can be regarded as a gambling agreement. If Chen Fei still cannot repay the money in ten years, then he will hand over everything he has now.

But now, Natasha's father has caused a big disaster. If he cannot fill the vacancy before the end of the year, it will even affect the future family inheritance!

In desperation, he had no choice but to call his daughter, hoping to get the 31 billion in advance.

But this money is currently used to acquire Marvel Studios, so how can it be used all at once?

At the beginning of the year, Disney proposed the idea of ​​a premium acquisition and was willing to buy Marvel from Walt Disney Pictures for US$40 billion.

But at that time, both Chen Fei and Natasha refused without hesitation.

Marvel has been revitalized and will definitely be a cash cow in the future. It will definitely be no problem to earn 31 billion in ten years.

But it takes time!

Now is the company's development period, how could it be possible to spend so much money?

"I need to communicate with my partner."

"Natasha, I hope you can help me once. The upper limit of the film and television industry can be seen at a glance, but the future of the Waltons family is limitless. Even if Waltons Pictures is gone, I can help you again. I want to open a film and television company, but if my inheritance position is gone, everything for us will be gone."

The call was immediately hung up by Natasha. She suddenly felt that her father had become so strange!

A gambler's mentality and opportunism ended up in vain, and he had to end it for him, his daughter!

"What should I tell Fei?"

Natasha suddenly fell into thought.


Hengdian is famous for being a mixed bag. There are various production crews distributed in the film and television city in the center. You can find costumes, espionage, fairy tales, martial arts, etc. here.

Outside the film and television city, all kinds of people gathered here.

In addition to group performances, there are more street girls!

Following his memory, Chen Fei came to the place where he rented when he was an extra.

However, he did not go in, but stood at the entrance of the alley and looked in.

The reason why he didn't go in was simple, because there were too many "hot girls" standing at the intersection, and he was afraid that they would force him into the small room.

Being used to eating abalone, he couldn't stand the 20 yuan worth of coarse bran.

"Little brother? Come in and play?"

The hot girls were very brave and looked at Chen Fei's dress. They quickly judged that this was a big customer.

If you can provide services, you can earn at least 50 yuan!

"No, thank you. I'm just strolling around here. I don't have any such thoughts."

"Ai, Mei, don't be shy, man, who hasn't had that thought? What's the big deal about these warts? Come with your sister, I'll introduce you to a beautiful sister, isn't this Ai Qing here? "

Chen Fei didn't listen to her slander and turned around and left without hesitation.

After so many years, these sisters are still so generous, but it's a pity that he really doesn't have the blessing to bear it.


The final scene of "Bullfighting" was quite grand. Huang Bo has also accumulated a lot of connections over the years, and many friends came from all over to support him.

Chen Fei also saw Deng Chao!

After going up and asking, I found out that this guy had come to Hengdian for a visit, where Sun Li was filming a promotional video for her first personal music album "Little Dreams".

"I see there are quite a lot of people here, so they all came here to join in the fun and say hello."

"How is your lawsuit going?"

"It's a bit complicated..." Deng Chao's eyes were a little complicated.

After Zhou Xun was hired into the company, the two Wang brothers set their sights on Deng Chao, hoping to bring him into the Huayi family.

It is estimated that there was some agreement in private, and the cooperation between the two parties has been quite close in recent years.

Deng Chao is currently waiting for the contract to expire before turning around and joining Huayi directly. But just a few days ago, he was suddenly sued by his agency!

The company demanded compensation of 750 million yuan from him on the grounds of suspected breach of contract!

This matter has caused quite a stir in the industry recently, and many people in the industry are secretly making a fuss about it.

Chengtian and Rong Xinda were the happiest. After all, they had the biggest conflict with Huayi. They watched the fun happily and even added fuel to the fire from time to time.

After listening to Deng Chao's answer, Chen Fei suddenly understood.

It is estimated that he also has a big problem here, and it is not so easy to get together and break up.


"Chen Fei, this time I don't smell at all. I should be able to hug you, right?"

Huang Bo grinned with big teeth and gave Chen Fei a bear hug when he came up.

"It still tastes..." Chen Fei looked at him with disgust.


Huang Bo sniffed his clothes with a suspicious look on his face. He even specially sprayed the men's cologne that was very popular recently. It must be gone, right?

"Hahaha, I'm teasing you. Hurry up and host. You are the protagonist today. I have to leave in a while. Baoqiang's movie is about to start, so I have to rush over to stand on the stage."

When he said this, Chen Fei felt more and more like the top of a brothel, and he was also the top of a "chain store" type!

"it is good."

Huang Bo responded, turned around and left.

Many reporters came over to interview Chen Fei, asking him for his views on other movies or hot news in the entertainment industry, but without exception, they were all stopped by him with the words "I don't know, I don't know, I don't understand."

Except for the question about "Bullfighting," he ignored all other questions.

After staying for a few hours, Chen Fei rushed to the airport and prepared to go to Liaoyuan.

After more than a month of training, Wang Baoqiang's performance was finally recognized by Tian Zhuangzhuang, and he simply decided to start the training tomorrow.

First by plane, then by green train, then by bus... After more than ten hours of journey, Chen Fei finally arrived in Liaoyuan!

The little assistant who followed him returned halfway. The little girl really couldn't bear this kind of crime, and she was completely vomited on the train.

When he saw Wang Baoqiang again, Chen Fei could clearly feel the changes in him.

His face turned sallow, his lips were chapped and peeled, his beard was unkempt, and he had a chicken coop on his head, making him look like a village guard.

"Director Chen."

Seeing Chen Fei arrive at the scene, he grinned cheerfully, and his yellow teeth looked very eye-catching.

"Thank you for your hard work. This role requires a lot of sacrifice."

Tong Liya was there to help and said: "Bao Qiang worked very hard. In order to perform "Mr. Tree" more realistically and closely to life, he began to learn to smoke and drink. He drank some white wine with almost every meal. Even smoking three packs of cigarettes a day..."

Wang Baoqiang just smiled. He was not very good at expressing himself.

"He did give me a big surprise."

Tian Zhuangzang next to him also had a look of emotion on his face. He never expected that after a month of training, Wang Baoqiang could undergo such earth-shaking changes!

Chen Fei asked tentatively: "Let me see the "tree" in your mind?"

"Camera! Come over here and try filming."

Tian Zhuangzhuang immediately shouted, firstly to show Chen Fei the results, and secondly to record it, which could be used as promotional material.

After a while, the camera was set up.

In the camera, Wang Baoqiang is wearing a messy beard and hair, rimless glasses that don't match him, a baggy old jacket and an old-fashioned handmade red sweater. He stands with his arms tilted and a root in his mouth. Smoke, look at people sideways, eyes are confused and wandering, listless, and steps are lazy and dragging.

"Tree" looks slovenly and cowardly, but is extremely sensitive on the inside. This internal and external contradiction is like his hands that are always dangling around and have nowhere to put them. His state of being overwhelmed and confused in the face of life is extremely complicated. .

"Clap clap clap!"

Chen Fei gave him timely applause, and Wang Baoqiang did not disappoint him!

There were not many media at the start-up ceremony. Most of them were reporters from local TV stations. The journey was too long and ordinary people simply could not bear the fatigue of such a long journey.

Tian Zhuangzhuang is also the kind of person who shoots movies very quickly, with almost no procrastination.

Chen Fei paid close attention to the situation between Tong Liya and Wang Baoqiang. What surprised him was that this woman took good care of Baoqiang very well, and she cared from the bottom of her heart!

As a director himself, he could naturally see that Tong Liya's behavior was not just for fun, she really regarded Bao Qiang as the person closest to her.

Chen Fei doesn't know what will happen in the future, but judging from the current situation, they are still very good to each other.

The time soon came to noon.

After eating, most of the actors in the crew went to take a lunch break, while Chen Fei went to a creek by the village alone.

The May day already felt sultry, and there were many tadpoles swimming around in the stream, seemingly looking for their father and mother.

Time passed by minute by minute.

At 2:28, he grabbed his phone and stared at the screen. His whole body was instantly covered in cold sweat!

One hour is like a lifetime!

At three-thirty, the bell suddenly rang!

Chen Fei pressed the connect button, his right hand trembling slightly, listening to the voice on the phone.

"Damn it, Director Chen, it's so scary. The ground suddenly cracked and the whole mountain fell down..."

Quietly listening to the other party's narration, after a long time, Chen Fei's voice trembled slightly and he asked tentatively: "Are you safe? Where are the children?"

"Yeah, we're safe. There's no big problem here in our film and television city. It's just that a lot of wooden buildings have collapsed and are probably no longer usable. Those students are fine, but they're very scared. It's a shame. They were brought to the film and television city by their parents for a study tour today, otherwise..."

He stopped talking, what he said next was too cruel!

"Cooperate with the local area and do all the supporting work."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei took a deep breath and felt a little at ease.


A ripple suddenly appeared in the water. He lowered his head subconsciously and saw a frog jumping into the water from the grass.

The tadpoles immediately gathered around and found their mother.

Chen Fei stood up straight away. He was going back, and he had to personally coordinate and mobilize some things that had been prepared in advance.

After all, a person's power is limited. He can only rely on his own abilities to do what he can.

As for the rest...

Just have a clear conscience.

(End of this chapter)

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