It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 316: Nian Pipa, Wannian Zheng, 1 harp, 2 harrass, 1 suona, the whole play ends!

Chapter 316: Thousand-year-old pipa, ten-thousand-year-old zither, one erhu for a lifetime, and the whole play ends with the sound of the suona!

All theaters will be closed for three days, all entertainment programs will be suspended, and donations will be made...

While the whole country is grieving, many people are carrying their burdens forward.

The entertainment industry has started fundraising activities again. Li Lianlian's "One Fund" announced a donation of 200 million, and Chen Long donated million immediately, which received angry praises from fans!

Netizens are paying close attention to this matter, and front-line artists have come to support them, fearing that it will affect them.

The mother and daughter of the Liu family were very open-minded and directly offered one million, which also aroused strong support from fans!

"She is indeed the heroine "Mulan". This is the idol we should pursue."

"Sissi is awesome!"

"This is what a top actress looks like!"

Naturally, Chen Fei will not lag too far behind others.

After returning to the crew of "The Embalmer", a phone call went directly to Su Guohai's office.

"Donate! Donate materials!"

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right now."

That afternoon, the media broke the news.

"Feiyue Film and Television Company donated 30 million yuan, plus 20 million yuan in supplies, including tents, food, drinking water, medicine, and clothing, which will be sent to the destination as soon as possible."

Once the news was exposed, it once again caused an uproar in the industry!

Feiyue Film and Television is the most open-minded in the future. You must know that even Huayi, which is known as the number one private film and television company in China, only donated 500 million.

However, before netizens could recover from the shock, the "Feiyinghuang Agency", which is controlled by China Film, Emperor, and Feiyue Films, immediately announced that it would also donate 30 million!


There has been heated discussion online, and many celebrities have begun to make additional donations, and the famous ones have at least raised the donation amount to 50.

Liu Yifei's one million is like a needle piercing in front of many actresses. Even if many people have the confidence, they don't want to follow.

Only Zhou Xun made up another 50 yuan, directly increasing it to 100 million yuan.

Ning Hao also added one million. He held his mobile phone with disdain on his face, "Look, those people who are usually the happiest people on the Internet, how come they suddenly stopped moving this time?"

"Ignore them. You can't change your stingy nature."

Chen Fei curled his lips and glanced at the phone screen. Lu Chuan's 20 and his teacher's 3 were mixed in a bunch of large numbers, which looked extremely funny!

"October Siege" was temporarily removed from shelves for three days before being resumed.

But by this time, movie fans were no longer in the mood to go to the movies, so the box office inevitably experienced a cliff-like drop.

"The King of Kung Fu" was even worse. The domestic box office stopped at 1.9 million, not even breaking 2 million, let alone hitting 3 million.

What Wang Zhonglei said at the premiere turned into a joke.

Fortunately, the media stopped paying attention to him at this time. Almost all reporters were staring at the donations from celebrities.

"I'm afraid the release of "Painted Skin" will be greatly affected."

Ning Hao frowned. Affected by force majeure factors, all promotional activities have been stopped.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you don't lose money, you can notify the investors. There is no need to hold the premiere, just go online."

"it is good."

Ning Hao nodded and was about to make a call when he heard a sudden noise coming from outside the crew!

"what's the situation?"

He was about to call someone to take a look, but Chen Fei behind him suddenly stood up and patted him on the shoulder, "Go ahead and do your work. The reporters should be here. I'll go talk to them."


He watched Chen Fei walk out of the set with a blank look on his face, full of doubts in his heart.

So good, why did the reporters come here to find Chen Fei?

However, at this moment, Liu Yifei's voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "The latest news just broke out on the Internet. Chen Fei donated 100 million yuan to there in his own name."

"Tell me again, how much did he donate?"

"One hundred million."

I don't know why, but there was some pride in Liu Yifei's tone.

Looking at Chen Fei who was being interviewed by reporters, she did not hide the admiration and adoration in her eyes. She only felt that the back was extremely broad!

This is the real hero!

"In the name of an individual? One hundred million?"

When he received the news, Wu Kebo was stunned for a long time before he recovered.

Chengtian completely matched Huayi's standards and donated 5 million as a donation. As for himself, he did not contribute money or material help for the mission.

In his opinion, if the company donates, it doesn't mean he donated it himself. There is no difference.

But now, Feiyue Film and Television donated 30 million, bought another 20 million in supplies, plus 30 million from Feiyinghuang's agency... This is already the highest donation in the industry.

But now Chen Fei has directly spent 100 million in his own name?

"Damn it, this guy has made a lot of money in recent years!"

Wu Kebo's eyes turned red with envy. He could easily come up with 100 million as a donation, which meant that Chen Fei still had at least 100 million as working capital.

It may even be more than that!

"Something is wrong, very wrong. Doesn't this kid have shares in Volton Pictures and Marvel Pictures abroad? Otherwise, how could he earn so much money?"

Wu Kebo began to have his little thoughts again.


Since the filming started in mid-April, the early stage shooting of "The Embalmer" has been smooth sailing. Although there was a bumpy period in the middle stage, it has been smooth sailing in the later stage.

Everyone had a sad mood in their hearts, and suddenly they were in tune with the drama, and then the filming became smoother.

"You're pretty good at playing the suona!"

In the crew, when they saw Chen Fei directly pick up the suona and play "The Big Funeral", a group of people were dumbfounded and amazed!

In the original script, the male protagonist was actually a cellist.

After Chen Fei saw the script, he felt that something was not appropriate. After all, this was a movie for domestic movie fans. The inclusion of a Western musical instrument always felt a bit nondescript and it was difficult for people to feel immersed in it.

So he decided to use the suona as an instrument!

In order to reflect the strong contrast and psychological conflict of falling from a high position to the altar, he determined the original background of the protagonist to be a member of the top Peking Opera orchestra in China!

The Peking Opera Orchestra where the protagonist belongs has a lofty status in the circle, but due to some internal position and work adjustments, he was forced to leave the orchestra, and then returned to his hometown, where he accidentally became an undertaker.

In this way, domestic audiences can have a sense of involvement and can also use this to promote traditional Chinese culture.

And more importantly, this suona is very suitable for the protagonist's identity as "the embalmer".

After all, when most people think of suona, the first thing they think of is definitely not the Peking Opera orchestra, but weddings and funerals.

"Of all the musical instruments, the suona is the king, either ascending to heaven or worshiping in the hall!"

"A thousand-year-old pipa, a ten-thousand-year-old zither, an erhu for a lifetime, and the whole play ends with the sound of the suona!"

"As soon as the music was played and the cloth was covered, the whole village, old and young, were waiting for the food to be served. They walked and carried it, followed by a blanket of white!"


Of course, since I chose to use suona, the soundtrack inside also had to be adjusted.

In the original version of "The Embalmer", the plot included three internationally famous songs on several specific occasions, namely Beethoven's "Ode to Joy", Brahms's "Lullaby" and Bach and Gounod's "Ode to Joy". Ave Maria".

In particular, the song "Ave Maria" played by Dawu for the president in the movie has a low melody, and combined with the beautiful shot of him playing the cello against the background of snowy mountains, it is truly touching!

In my childhood, I was already considered a country that had left Asia and joined Europe, so there was nothing wrong with using Western musical instruments.

But in China, it is more appropriate to use suona!

As soon as the suona sounds, the "funeral" scene engraved in the DNA immediately comes to mind, and the sense of immersion fills the heart instantly.

What's more, the content of the script has now been changed to talk about Chinese embalmers and funeral culture. Suona is naturally more suitable than cello.

At the same time, the appearance of suona also enriches the image of the male protagonist. Originally a suona player in a Peking Opera troupe, he suddenly transformed from a Peking Opera performer into an undertaker. His career and mentality immediately changed drastically.

The suona in his hand was originally used to play music for the living. As his identity changed, it gradually turned into mourning music for the deceased.

The instrument itself has not changed, the suona is still the same suona, but the player has brought a completely different kind of music after experiencing a change in identity and mentality!

The change in the male protagonist's mentality and identity, coupled with the two completely different playing styles, will naturally directly affect the emotions of movie fans.

Once the contrast appears, the sense of substitution and the resonance of emotions burst out, and the artistic conception is immediately sublimated!

This is the effect Chen Fei wants.

Ning Hao was a little worried before. After all, if the male protagonist is a suona player, it means that Chen Fei must learn to play suona.

He doesn't have to be so proficient, after all, he can do dubbing later.

But the basic essentials still need to be mastered proficiently, how to play the suona, and how to change the movements and expressions as the music changes. These are all what he needs to express.

What surprised him was that Chen Fei also had very high attainments in music!

As soon as the suona was brought to the crew, he performed a piece of "The Big Funeral", which was so loud that Ning Hao felt like lying down.

Chen Fei shrugged, bit out the whistle very skillfully, and stuffed it into his ears, "I can only play, but I can't arrange music. I'll have to ask someone to help me."

It seems quite fateful that when he was a child, he ran a folk band with the old man for a while, playing the suona at weddings and weddings.

With these skills, I was able to earn three years of high school tuition.

Moreover, the system is also very powerful. It rewarded him with a "vocal mastery" skill a long time ago. Although it is only level 2, it is enough for him to use in filming.

Ning Hao replied cheerfully: "I asked Mr. Ren for help. He has already found someone who will join the team to help in a few days."

In the original play, the voice of the movie "The Embalmer" was the famous RB composer Joe Hisaishi.

Regarding how powerful this person is, director Jiang Wen has a lot to say. It can be said that there is a bond between the two that is constantly being cut and messed up!

In his words, Hisaishi Joe is a slightly more powerful composer than Mozart!

"Mr. Ren?" Chen Fei was suddenly curious, "Who did he ask for help? This movie has extremely high requirements for the soundtrack, and ordinary people may not be able to handle it."

"Teacher Xu Jingqing, you should know, right?"

"Who was responsible for "Yun Gong Xun Yin" in the 83 version of Journey to the West?"

"Yes, that's him."

"Hey, it's safe!"

Chen Fei immediately looked at Ren Zhonglun with admiration. He didn't expect that he could invite this person over. Shanghai Film Academy still has two talents!

Teacher Xu Jingqing is a national first-class composer. All 15 songs and nearly pieces of background music in "Journey to the West" were composed by him alone.

Moreover, the dubbing of the TV series "Journey to the West" pioneered the combination of electronic music, folk music and orchestra in the TV series.

In other words, in addition to being professional in folk music and orchestral music, he also plays electronic music.

It’s not an exaggeration to call him the “Grandmaster of Electronic Music”!


Perhaps influenced by the popularity of "Chen Fei donated 100 million", after a cliff-like decline, the box office of "October Siege" suddenly ushered in a wave of reverse growth!

On the 20th, the mainland box office successfully exceeded 2.5 million, directly surpassing "The King of Kung Fu" by a large margin.

So far, the box office list for the first half of 08 has been released.

As for Chinese-language films, "October Siege" successfully topped the list!

There will be a ten-day release period, and a professional organization has conducted an accurate assessment. It is expected that the total box office will be around 3.5 million.

Not only the mainland box office results, the Hong Kong box office has also reached 2500 million Hong Kong dollars, and distribution in Southeast Asian countries has also begun one after another, which is another huge amount of income.

Huo Qigang's goal was finally achieved. His first movie after acquiring Golden Harvest was a great success, which greatly stimulated the sluggish stock market!

Taking advantage of this trend, the Golden Harvest Publicity Department issued an announcement that the new movie "Chill" will officially enter the filming period.

Emperor and Media Asia seem to have made an agreement, and have announced that the three movies "Anti-Drug", "Overheard 3" and "The Fight" will officially enter the filming period.

For a time, the media rushed to Hong Kong, wanting to find out the specific inside story of this new movie.

CJ and ShowBox people immediately came to the mainland to fight for the rights to promote "October Siege" in South Korea.

Because he was busy filming, Chen Fei had no time to pay attention to them, so he simply sent them to Hong Kong and asked Huo Qigang to talk to them.

At the same time, CJ also brought new news. The movie "The Defender", which they led the filming of, has been completed and is currently in post-production. It is expected to be released during the Lunar New Year.

A senior executive came from ShowBox and stared at Chen Fei eagerly, wanting to cooperate with him again.

The achievements of "The Crucible" are so tempting!

However, Chen Fei did not agree because he only had two scripts left in his hands: "Train to Busan" and "Parasite".

He didn't really want to throw out these two "King Bombs" right now, so he simply found a reason to send him away, and would plan some more plans later when he had time.


Teacher Xu Jingqing is indeed a professional. After joining the production of "The Embalmer", he quickly achieved great results.

With his help, the filming went smoothly, and the scheduled completion date at the end of the month could even be moved forward a few days.

At the same time, Chen Fei will also pay attention to "Hello!" from time to time. Mr. Tree! 》shooting progress.

He was a little worried about Wang Baoqiang's condition. If he got too involved in the drama and made him look stupid after the filming, that would be a sin!

Tian Zhuangzhuang comforted him with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't do anything like "A Dream of Red Mansions", and I will enlighten him from time to time.

Also, are Tong Liya, the actor who plays "Xiao Mei", and Bao Qiang in a relationship? The two of them acted a little too intimately. "

This small report is indeed not in line with Tian Zhuangzhuang's usual style.

"Yes, but you don't have to worry about them. They are both capable actors. There is no need to worry about falling in love affecting their stardom."

"Okay, then I'm relieved."

Tian Zhuangxang hung up the phone and started practicing again.

Now that it was confirmed that these two people were a couple, he didn't have to be timid when filming the wedding scene.

Of course, the most basic thing is to exercise some restraint, but you can't create scenes like "Lust, Caution" and "Apple".

But... his only worry is, can Wang Baoqiang stay with this girl for a long time? After all, the two of them really don’t seem to match up!


On the 23rd, the Film and Television Association held a large-scale charity fundraising event in the capital.

Chen Fei was also among those invited.

His 100 million was a bit too astonishing. It made the leaders above him look embarrassed, and he was highly praised by the Film and Television Association, and even gave him a certificate of honor!

"Director Chen, I really admire your behavior..."

Seeing Chen Fei coming down after receiving the certificate, Huang Xiaoming and Zhou Xun came over and praised him without hesitation.

Naturally, the two of them are not too different. In addition to donating 100 million each, Huang Xiaoming also donated 2000 million in materials, while Zhou Xun donated 1000 million in materials.

"I'm just doing what I can."

As he spoke, Chen Fei looked towards the literary and art circles, without concealing his disdain and disdain.

The remuneration of actors has not yet entered a state of vigorous growth. Those second- and third-tier stars only earn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan for an episode of TV series. It is considered very good for them to donate all their income for a year.

But don’t people like Brother Chen Kai, Jia Zhangke, Wang Xiaoshuai, Chen Kexin, and Lu Chuan also have money?

Thirty thousand, fifty thousand, one hundred thousand, one hundred and twenty thousand, two hundred thousand...

There are so many great directors of literary and artistic films who have won international awards and sold their film rights everywhere, but they didn't even spend more than 30!

Chen Fei was really disgusted by their behavior.

What was even more unexpected to him was that among A-list celebrities, a group recognized as high-income earners, there were actually many people who only spent two or three hundred thousand yuan on

Even if they are stingy, they are still secretly mocking or even openly mocking those who donate more money!

Chen Fei inexplicably felt that his three views were shattered into pieces. This person's heart is really complicated.

Mr. Shao Yifu was still open-minded enough and offered HK$100 million.

Even if his opponents are very stingy, his contribution to charity is indeed worthy of praise!

The media once again surrounded Chen Fei.

In terms of donations, he is considered to be the person with the largest number of donations in the mainland film and television circles. The leaders of the bureau praised him very much when they spoke just now.

Doing good deeds will definitely be rewarded, his future will be better, and there will naturally be more people supporting him!

(End of this chapter)

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