It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 317 The "paradise" crew, this is talent! Disgraced and sent abroad?

Chapter 317 The "paradise" crew, this is talent! Disgraced and sent abroad?

On the 24th, the filming of "The Embalmer" officially came to an end.

Today is the only scene left, and it is also the most difficult scene in the past two months of filming!

"For the first time, the male protagonist participates in the burial of the deceased's body."

The reason why this scene was put to the end is because Chen Fei and Ning Hao discussed it for a long time before deciding on the specific shooting content.

In order to show the male protagonist's expression and state when he first participated in the burial, the two discussed it for many times and finally set up an extremely "shocking" scene!

The deceased was a homeless man living alone. He had been dead for nearly two months. He was finally discovered by his neighbors because of the stench.

In the messy rental house, all the camera seats have been arranged, and the extras playing the homeless people have also been successfully seated.

Behind the monitor, Chen Fei was chatting with Ning Hao and Li Xuejian about the upcoming shooting status and the images he wanted to present.

Ning Hao held the script in his hand and kept chattering, "Since it is the first time to participate in the encoffining, the discomfort, fear, shock and other expressions must be shown to strive for the most realistic feelings.

And Teacher Li Xuejian, because you are already an embalmer who has experienced hundreds of battles, your state must be dull. It is a sparse and ordinary state after you are used to death..."

In fact, both Chen Fei and Li Xuejian understand this, but telling the story is a process that every director must go through before starting filming.

Ning Hao is used to doing this, and Chen Fei will respect his habit. Every time he listens, he will nod lightly and respond: "I understand."

Li Xuejian was even more happy.

Although this was his first time working with Chen Fei and Ning Hao, the three of them got along very well.

Compared with the literary film directors he had come into contact with before, Ning Hao and Chen Fei presented a completely different state!

He had collaborated with Wang Jiawei for a period of time before.

Unfortunately, he did not learn the other party's experience and skills in film aesthetics during the filming process. Instead, he felt a kind of intense torture!

Wong Jiawei never gives instructions to his actors. If the images he shoots are not satisfactory to him, he will repeat the filming endlessly.

He wouldn't tell me what was wrong, but when I asked, it just felt like something wasn't right.

One time Li Xuejian was really depressed and asked him what he wanted to feel.

But he didn't answer, just shook his head, and kept wasting time on re-shooting until he was satisfied.

What's even more outrageous is that when the filming of a certain scene was constantly NGed, the guy actually took out his mobile phone and played a Peking Opera piece for the entire crew to listen to!

After listening for half an hour, when everyone was even more confused, Wang Jiawei turned off his phone with great satisfaction, and then asked: "How is it? Now you should understand how I feel, right?"

No matter how good-tempered Li Xuejian was, he was so angry that he almost yelled!

If it weren't for the fact that his ID was being held by the other party and that he was bound by the contract, he would definitely turn around and leave without hesitation.

From then on, he silently vowed that he would never work with Wong Jiawei again. Shooting a scene with him is not only time-consuming, but also extremely energy-consuming!

That was simply an unbearable past!

In terms of mentality, Wong Jiawei has simply reached the pinnacle, and actresses such as Maggie Cheung and Li Jiaxin almost dropped out of the industry due to his influence.

His current film "The Grandmaster" is even more exaggerated. It started preparations in 1997, and it was only in 2008 this year that news was announced that it was ready to start filming.

The actors were almost tricked to death by him!

After such a comparison, the crew of "The Embalmer" is simply like heaven!


After telling the story, it’s time to officially start filming.

The camera is in place, the lighting is in place, the radio is in place...


Following Ning Hao's order, the door of the rental house was slowly pushed open.

Li Xuejian walked in front, smelling the stench in the air. He frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

Because he is used to this smell!

Behind him, Chen Fei was holding his nose, with a look of disgust on his face. He had already raised his hand and waved it in front of his nose before he entered the door.

In order to present the most realistic state, this stench is real!

The house was filled with all kinds of domestic garbage, beer bottles and cigarette butts were scattered everywhere, and there were many soaked and moldy dishes and chopsticks in the sink.

The guys in the props team did everything they could. They dug out the trash in the house from a nearby trash can and scattered it all over the house.

After walking in, Chen Fei subconsciously looked at the furnishings in the room.

He noticed a tattered garbage bag at the door of the kitchen, which contained moldy food, and there were even several fleshy maggots lying on it.

Li Xuejian just frowned and said nothing.

But Chen Fei couldn't hold himself any longer at this moment. He turned around suddenly, put his hands on the wall, and kept retching in his mouth.

"Used to it."

Li Xuejian's voice came slowly. He skillfully took out the rubber gloves from his bag, and then walked towards the body lying on the bed.

After calming down for a while, Chen Fei followed him with a pale face.

How could a homeless man with no relatives have someone to take care of his affairs?

On the shiny bed, the body of the deceased was bloated and pale, without any blood?

"Camera, give Chen Fei a close-up of his face!" Ning Hao used the walkie-talkie to continuously arrange the details of the on-site shooting.

After the focusing was completed, Chen Fei could see fear in his eyes, his body was still shaking slightly irregularly, and his bloodless lips were tightly closed...

"Come here and help." Li Xuejian's voice suddenly sounded.

In an instant, Chen Fei's body shook even more. He wanted to turn around and leave, but reality did not allow him to do so. He could only grit his teeth, constantly cheer himself up, and do some psychological construction, hoping to overcome the fear in his heart. !

He stretched out tremblingly, his eyes widened, and his face was full of struggle.

However, the moment his hands wearing rubber gloves touched the deceased, feeling the coldness from his fingertips, the struggle on his face suddenly began to dissipate, and a determined look began to emerge...

This job is what he relies on to support his family. He must work hard to overcome his fear and get this generous salary!

"Ka! Passed! Your performance just now was great!"

Behind the monitor, Ning Hao picked up the loudspeaker and shouted, his expression quite satisfied.

From the time he was filming "Buried Alive", he knew that Chen Fei's acting skills were very good, and after several years of growth and accumulation, his acting skills became even more superb!



Liu Yifei, who was staring blankly at the monitor, raised her head with a blank expression. After meeting Ning Hao's gaze, a trace of doubt appeared in her eyes.

Why are you calling me?

"Remember Chen Fei's eyes and those subtle micro-expressions and micro-movements just now. When will you reach this state? You can go sideways in these domestic award ceremonies. It will not be a problem to become the next Gong Li."


Liu Yifei suddenly fell silent.

Reach this state? Easier said than done!

When attending the closing banquet in the evening, she found Chen Fei and asked curiously: "Obviously you haven't taken acting classes regularly at school? Why is your acting skill so much better than mine?"

"Maybe it's because I'm more talented."

Chen Fei was bragging seriously. After all, he couldn't say it was because he was cheating, right?

Liu Yifei was silent again.

She also has talent, otherwise she would not have been selected to star in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "Dragon".

But compared to Chen Fei's talent, her achievements are simply insignificant!

"I will definitely try my best to catch up with you!"

The girl gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, and swore secretly.


The completion of "The Embalmer" did not cause much commotion in the industry. After all, the focus of the media's attention was basically on the disaster-stricken area.

After the closing banquet, the crew announced its disbandment on the spot.

Ning Hao ran to Shanghai Film Studio with the filmed materials. Ren Zhonglun invited him many times to experience the editing room of Shanghai Film Studio. It was hard to refuse, so he agreed.

Chen Fei originally wanted to tell him to be careful about Ren Zhonglun's "club offensive", but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it.

He felt that Ning Hao was not that kind of person.

He would definitely not be able to appreciate such boring things as "listening to music on the hook", and orange water could not escape Xing Aina's nose. It would be better to leave such vulgar things to himself.

That night, Chen Fei took the latest flight and embarked on the journey to the Cannes Film Festival. Tomorrow is the award ceremony, and he, the special award presenter, should also be there. It would be embarrassing if the award ceremony is delayed.


Huang Bo is currently focusing on the post-production of "Bullfighting", and with him is Tang Honglei, and the TV series "Life and Death Line" has also been completed.

In Hollywood, James Wan has also finished filming "Insidious 2" and is also working non-stop on post-production.

At the same time, two-thirds of the filming for "War for the Planet of the Apes" has been completed and is expected to be officially completed in early July.

For Katherine Bigkun, shooting this kind of 3D movie is actually very simple. As long as you can understand the tricks, the shooting speed will naturally become faster and faster.

What's more, Cameron is still her ex-husband.

Although the two divorced due to emotional disagreement, it does not mean that they have completely cut off contact. Catherine will still call for advice when she encounters some problems.

Cameron naturally tells everything he knows.

After receiving the news, Chen Fei was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. Inviting Catherine was equivalent to inviting Cameron. One price can be used as two parts. Not to mention how great it feels!

This is how tools should be used!

Because the work at hand will end in another month, Catherine is also looking for new scripts recently. She does not want to let herself be idle again in the second half of the year.

The agency crisis has caused her life to be very tight. If it weren't for the movie "War for the Planet of the Apes", she might have had to borrow money from a loan shark.

And through her hard work, she did get a good script recently.

That was brought back to her by her friend Mark Ball.

Mark is a war correspondent who once went deep into the bomb disposal team stationed in a certain country. Because he could observe the daily work of the bomb disposal team at close range, he mastered a large amount of first-hand material, which also became the basis for his own creation. The inspiration for his first film script.

After countless discussions, the two successfully compiled the final version of the script and named it: "The Hurt Locker"!

In Catherine's opinion, Mark's observation and understanding of the bomb disposal team can be used to conceive a perfect story shape to explore what kind of hidden personalities people will show when they are in extreme circumstances.

And she has always had a soft spot for this type of work, so the two decided to make an independent film full of suspense and a story controlled by characters based on this, and began to seek advice from independent producers and independent film producers. The company pitched the script for "The Hurt Locker."

Unfortunately, when they entered the sales process, their expectations instantly turned into disappointment.

Because most of the war-themed films released at that time ended in failure, and "K-2002: The Widowmaker" directed by Katherine in 19 suffered a box office failure, she has not participated in a mainstream studio production since then movie, so many production companies and producers expressed their rejection.

She and her script could not gain the trust of the producers...

"Dear Catherine, Warner declined to invest in our film, and Lions responded to the email stating their refusal..."

Listening to her friend's voice on the other end of the phone, Catherine's heart full of expectation suddenly sank to the bottom.

"Isn't there anyone willing to invest in our script?" She felt strong unwillingness in her heart, but she was helpless.

On the other end of the phone, Mark's voice suddenly rang: "Why don't you try to find that talented director? Maybe he will look at you differently."


Catherine's face was slightly startled, recalling Chen Fei's "accomplishments", she suddenly showed some timidity.

The young Chinese director was really too strong. Every time she faced him, although she looked calm and composed, she was very nervous in her heart.

She couldn't explain why, and ultimately classified it as the cowardice of a weak person facing a strong person.

But now, it seems that besides him, I have no choice!

"I'll go find him." Catherine responded and hung up the phone.

She knew that Chen Fei would arrive in Hollywood in June, and she could take the script to see him then. She just hoped that she could gain something!


On the morning of the 26th, Chen Fei arrived at the Cannes Film Palace in France at the beginning of the red carpet ceremony very punctually.

When I met the chairman of the jury, Sean Penn, he was amazed!

"Fei! You are such a master of time management!"


Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, with a slight doubt in his heart. Is this guy scolding himself?

After a brief chat, he was very sure that this guy was seriously praising him for being punctual.

"When do I need to show up?"

"I will call you from the stage then."

"it is good."

As the chairman of the jury, Sean Penn was very busy today, so he didn’t chat with him for too long.

With nothing to do, Chen Fei simply started wandering around the venue.

As before, all the shortlisted films were printed into huge posters and pasted in the hall of the venue for people to view and wait for buyers to appear.

What surprised Chen Fei was that he actually saw the works of Woody Allen!

"Midnight Barcelona"

There were several faces printed on the huge poster, but Chen Fei was only more interested in Scarlett's face.

Is the most beautiful female superhero in Marvel just a waste of her reputation?


A shout suddenly sounded from behind.

Chen Fei turned around subconsciously, and immediately became happy when he saw the people in front of him.

Really speaking, Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, and what appears behind him is none other than Mr. Woody Allen, as well as the three leading actors of "Midnight in Barcelona": Scarlett Johansson, Rebecca Hall, and Javier Barca Deng.

"Oh, my God! We haven't seen each other for a long time, why are you here?"

From the start of Twilight 2 to the completion of filming, the screenwriter Chen Fei has never been to the set. Although the two often talk on the phone, they have never had the opportunity to meet.

"I will be the presenter." Chen Fei responded with a smile and looked at Scarlett unconsciously.

That long golden hair, coupled with that proud figure and deep eyes, are full of temptation!

It’s no wonder that she was voted the Sexiest Woman of the Year twice by the American Esquire magazine.

Seemingly noticing Chen Fei's gaze, Scarlett chuckled and said: "I took a leave of absence from "Iron Man 2", but I didn't miss work."

"Haha, even if you miss work, it's not my turn. I'm just a screenwriter."

"You are not an ordinary screenwriter..."

The two chatted for a few words, but Scarlett suddenly changed the topic and started a new topic, "Fei? I heard that there was a disaster over there?"

"Oh?" Chen Fei frowned slightly, "Where did you hear that?"

"Don't you know? Director Jia Zhangke and John Woo are raising money at the Cannes Film Festival. They spent ten days and have now raised US$200 million."


Ten days? $200 million?

"Two embarrassing things!" Chen Fei's face suddenly darkened.

When these two people donated money, they didn't even come up with 100,000 yuan, but now they're actually "begging" at the Cannes Film Festival!

And it took ten days to raise 200 million?

I was so embarrassed that I was thrown abroad!

When he walked on the red carpet later, Chen Fei still looked a little unhappy. Even though Scarlett held his arm, he was still not in the mood to feel the full touch on his arm.

He really "admired" those two guys, they were so weird!

People in China are eager to keep this matter under wraps, but now the two of them are lucky enough to go abroad to promote it at film festivals!

Is this horse riding a lunatic?


There were many acquaintances in the venue. Chen Fei saw directors from Hong Kong and Taiwan such as Wang Jiawei, Zhong Menghong, Liu Fendou, etc. Most of their works were shortlisted for the special attention unit.

The one with the highest voice is Jia Zhangke, whose "Twenty-Four Cities" directed and filmed has been shortlisted for the main competition.

Wu Yuzheng was sitting with him, and the two of them were smiling when facing the camera, completely unaware of the chastity that fell to the ground under their feet!

Chen Fei sent messages to Han Sanping and Ren Zhonglun respectively, informing them of this matter.

"Red Cliff" was invested by China Film Group Corporation, and "Tale of 24 Cities" was produced by Shanghai Film Group Corporation. They should be allowed to take a look at it. Both of these guys have lost their face abroad!

(End of this chapter)

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