It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 318 Did you leave your brain at home? On the occasion of CDS harvest, the profit nearly doub

Chapter 318 Did you leave your brain at home? On the occasion of CDS harvest, the profit is nearly a hundred times!

Compared with last year, this year's Cannes was a little less friendly to domestic directors, and none of the works in non-main competition categories won awards.

And Wong Jiawei's "refined version" of "Ashes of Time" didn't make any splash.

The most exciting moment is the presentation of the works of the main competition unit!

As usual, the Palme d'Or is awarded by the organizer of the Cannes Film Festival, while the President of the Jury is responsible for awarding the Jury Prize.

As for what was assigned to Chen Fei, it was the "Jury Award" second only to the first two.

Sean Penn gave him plenty of respect.

During the introduction, the host even read out a long list of his titles: "Let us invite the winner of the last Palme d'Or, the winner of the Berlin Film Festival's Golden Bear, and the 'script master'." The outstanding director who is known as the 'Father of Horror Films' - Chen Fei!"

"Huh? Is it so grand?"

There are also many internationally renowned top directors tonight, such as Steven Spielberg who came to the scene with "Raiders of the Lost Ark".

But even when he came on stage to present awards, there was no introduction with such a long list of titles!

Accompanied by warm applause from the audience, Chen Fei stood up from his seat in the second row and slowly walked to the award podium.

"Those who didn't know better thought you were going up to receive the award."

In the back row of the audience, Wang Jiawei curled his lips, his tone was very disdainful, but there was a bit of envy in his eyes.

What director wouldn’t want to have such a long list of titles? These are all symbols of identity and status.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Fei can travel around the world without spending a penny just because of his face.

This is the impact of identity, status, strength, etc.!

Wu Yu sat next to Wang Jiawei without saying a word, but there was a little yearning on his face.

I think back when he was all-powerful in Hollywood, Chen Fei was just a freshman. However, time has changed and he has now been reduced to returning to the mainland to film movies. But such a young man has already made a good name in Hollywood. status.

This strong contrast made him feel very uncomfortable!

He is now thinking that he can use "Red Cliff" to prove that he is still young, and then return to Hollywood again!

As long as he can reproduce the excellent performance of "Face", he will not take it seriously, let alone Chen Fei or Li Bian, even Cameron, Spielberg, and Roland Emmerich.

Fantasizing about the future, his face showed some expectation unconsciously.

Even though he encountered many difficulties while filming "Red Cliff", he still felt that it was a very excellent work and it will also be one of his most representative works!

When the movie was finished, he even praised Haikou to Han Sanping, believing that the movie would definitely win at the box office and awards.

For this reason, he directly blocked the glory of the first half of his life.

The only pity was that Han Sanping did not hold a grand closing banquet for him, which made him a little regretful.

While Wu Yu was fantasizing, Chen Fei on the stage had already begun to announce the awards.

"The winner of the Jury Prize at the 61st Cannes International Film Festival is - "Beautiful Man". Let us congratulate the Italian director Paolo Sorrentino."

Applause broke out, and Paolo Sorrentino, who had a wild hairstyle, walked up to the podium and took the trophy from Chen Fei.

"Thank you, Fei. It's an honor to meet you. I hope we can become very good friends."

"Most definitely."

Chen Fei smiled and hugged him, and then walked off the podium.

His mission ends here tonight, and there will be nothing left for him to do next.

However, he did not leave at halftime, because there were only two big prizes left. He was quite curious, could Jia Zhangke gain something tonight?

Soon, as time passed, the next two awards were awarded one by one.

Sean Penn walked up to the awards podium and announced: "The winner of the Jury Prize at the 61st Cannes Film Festival is "Gomorrah." Let us congratulate Matteo Garrone for his hard work."

The director from Italy who made the classic film "Pinocchio" slowly stood up and walked onto the podium with a smile on his face.

The final Palme d'Or was awarded by Jacob, chairman of the organizing committee.

Opening the envelope and pulling out the card, he began to brew his emotions...

The scene was silent, and all the directors who were shortlisted for the main competition unit unconsciously raised their upper bodies, their eyes full of anticipation.

It's time for the finals!

Chen Fei turned back and glanced at Jia Zhangke, and saw a very eager expression on his face, which was his unremitting pursuit of the Palme d'Or.

As long as he can win an award, he can sell the film at a good price.

Isn’t the purpose of making literary films just to sell copyrights?

This is not a commercial film, and it can still pursue box office results.

However, when thinking about copyright and box office, Jia Zhangke unconsciously glanced at Chen Fei.

He was very curious, how did this kid manage to make an award-winning literary and artistic film and also get a bumper harvest at the box office?

Of course, he will definitely not take the initiative to seek consultation, because this behavior is not consistent with his identity.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Jacob on the stage passionately announcing: "The winner of the Palme d'Or at the 61st Cannes Film Festival is - "Between Walls". Congratulations to Lauren Gontai."

In an instant, Jia Zhangke's face was startled, and his eyes widened!

Seeing Lauren Gangtai stand up and walk to the podium, he almost shouted the word "shady"!

You know, Laurent Gontet is a French director, how could he win the Palme d'Or?

In Jia Zhangke's impression, every major award should be like the Magic City International Film Festival, which awards all important awards to foreigners, so that the fairness of the awards can be shown.

And this kind of behavior of awarding awards to his own family is a manifestation of shady behavior in his opinion!

However, others spoke softly and had no right to speak at all in Cannes. They could only watch the awards fall to them unwillingly.


In the front row, seeing Jia Zhangke's face as dark as the bottom of a pot, Chen Fei felt happy for the first time tonight.

Lao Jia was sure of winning, but he didn't expect that the Cannes Film Festival gave him a shake in the end and didn't even give him a consolation prize.

Wu Yu is even more pitiful. There is no chance for him to appear tonight.

Following the others who stood up, Chen Fei subconsciously prepared to leave. He had already bought a ticket and had to fly to Hollywood tonight.

The premiere of "Game of Thrones" is approaching, and as a director, he should take the actors to show their faces on major shows.

However, just as he was about to leave, Jacob, the chairman of the organizing committee, came on stage again and picked up the microphone.

"I'm afraid it will take you some time. After discussion with the organizing committee, we decided to temporarily add a disaster relief session to pray for our compatriots in the east..."

Listening to Jacob's description on the stage, many people at the scene looked shocked, solemn, and sad!

Most people don't know that that country far in the east has suffered such a sad disaster!

On the stage, Chairman of the Organizing Committee Jacob and Artistic Director Fremo expressed deep condolences to the victims on behalf of the film festival, and stated that they would provide all possible help to the victims.

The donation session was temporarily launched, and many people on site came to support the donation.

Reporters began to enter the venue and asked questions to the directors, producers, actors, etc. present.

Everyone interviewed expressed shock, expressed condolences and offered help.

Woody Allen, Scarlett Scarlett and others responded to the call and went to the stage to make donations and express condolences to the compatriots who were killed.

At this moment, the barriers between countries no longer exist on the scene, and life is worthy of respect and awe!

However... there are always some people who can't speak their mind and talk shit.

Chen Fei was chatting with Sean Penn when he saw a Hong Kong reporter walking towards the former popular Hollywood actress Sharon Stone and interviewing her: "What do you have to say about the deaths of countless compatriots?" view?"

"I think it's a funny thing and I don't think it deserves sympathy at all..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was silence all around!

Scarlett, who was relatively close to her, turned around without hesitation and quickly left the area within ten meters of her, her face filled with disbelief and unreasonableness.

Chen Fei, who was still chatting with Sean Penn, looked extremely gloomy and walked directly to her. Before the reporter and the onlookers could react, he angrily asked Sharon Stone: "Madam, I think a person can be stupid in private, but he should not show his stupidity in public!

Lives were lost one by one in the ruins, and the homes that many people had worked hard for all their lives were instantly destroyed. Some people lost their parents, children, close friends, and lovers forever, but when someone said it, it turned into a cold and interesting sentence?

If your brain is lost at home, I think you should go back and look for it carefully instead of absurdly showing off your stupidity and cold-bloodedness in front of the camera and the public! "

Chen Fei's words were deafening and resounded throughout the entire venue.

Sharon Stone's face looked a little unhappy. She seemed very dissatisfied and even wanted to retort.

But as soon as she raised her head, she saw that the faces of the people around her were very ugly, and some people had even clenched their fists, as if they were going to hit her in the face the next second!

"I'm just expressing my opinion..."

"If you knew that your words would ruin your future pursuit of dreams in Hollywood, would you still say that stupid opinion with such contempt?"


Sharon Stone's face changed suddenly, and her throat became even dryer.

She was a little afraid to look at Chen Fei because she saw that the Chinese director opposite who enjoyed great fame in Hollywood also clenched his fists.

She knows the identity of the other party, and also knows that the other party is a mysterious oriental man with "kung fu" skills. This is a big shot that she dare not offend!


With a cold snort, Sharon Stone turned around and strode outside the venue.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei's voice exploded in her ears, "I hope to see you hold a press conference tomorrow and apologize to the compatriots who were killed, otherwise you will definitely bear the due price!"

Sharon Stone's pace became faster and faster, and she soon disappeared from the venue.

Chen Fei was not interested in staying here any longer. After greeting a few familiar people, he also quickly left the venue.


The incident escalated very quickly. Just when Chen Fei rushed to New York, the Hong Kong reporter who recorded the entire scene quickly sent the video back to China.

Sharon Stone's remarks quickly spread on domestic online platforms and caused an uproar!

Countless people published articles condemning her!

"Those who ignore life are not qualified to discuss life."

"She will be the enemy of us all!"

"This speech is completely inhumane. I am very surprised. Why did she say this? Is it really like Director Chen said that her brain was left at home?"

"That's a good fight! Damn it! If I were there, I would give her a few words!"

"Is this woman bad at writing?"

"Made, Director Chen's scolding is so annoying. Such a stupid actor should join forces to ban her completely!"

There was a lot of scolding on domestic online platforms, and it has suddenly developed into a vicious incident!

After watching this video, countless netizens angrily condemned Sharon Stone and also madly supported Chen Fei's rebuttal on the spot.

There were so many Chinese directors and actors at the Cannes Film Festival, but he was the only one who dared to speak out. This courage was worthy of his status and influence!

On the other hand, Wu Yu and Jia Zhangke were criticized by Han Sanping.

These two guys are so stupid. If they hadn't promoted it and held some fund-raising activities in Cannes, how could this situation have happened?

After being severely criticized by several leaders one after another, Jia Zhangke was about to cry without tears.

This wave was like losing money to my grandma’s house. Not only did I not win the prize, but I also made a wave of thankless operations.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't win the award. Whether his film can still be released in China is another matter. It's even unknown whether he can continue to make movies!

The lessons learned from Jiang Wen and Li Yang were still clearly in front of him, causing him to break out in a cold sweat!


On the morning of the 28th, a dusty Chen Fei appeared outside the gate of Longxiang Capital.

He received news from Leon Walras that all the CDS he had been holding in his hands had been cleared and all the proceeds had been received.

Chen Fei is eager to know how much money he has made in this wave of speculation?

Can financial freedom be achieved?

When I saw Leon Walras in the office, this guy seemed to be on drugs. Although the dark circles under his eyes were very heavy, he looked extremely excited!

"Fei, all the CDS in our hands have been cleared, with a total profit of 485 billion US dollars!"

485 million?

Beautiful knife?


No matter how calm Chen Fei was, he was still shocked by this huge amount of money!

After investing US$5 million in costs, we finally got back US$485 billion in revenue, an increase of nearly a hundred times!

It’s much faster to make money riding a horse than making a movie!

But while he was happy, he did not lose his mind, but asked extremely cautiously: "Is this money safe?"

"Boss, don't worry, this money is absolutely safe. I have opened multiple accounts in the name of the company in Swiss banks and deposited this huge amount of money into them in batches. No one will notice."

"That's good."

Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction. Swiss banks are quite safe now. At least there has been no news about leaking customer information.

He asked again: "What about the stock market? What is the situation now?"

Lyon, "The Bank of America has taken action, and the stock market is still resisting the wind of rescue. It has been in a state of decline all the way. It is not a good time to enter the market yet."

"Okay, then keep staring."

With such a large amount of capital entering the market, if you want to buy it, you will definitely have to buy it when it crashes. Now is not a good time.

We have already purchased US$485 billion, so there is no rush, just keep waiting!

Later, before leaving, Chen Fei specifically asked: "In addition to keeping an eye on the stock market, there is another task for you to do.

I need you to find the right special effects company and, if the price is right, acquire it quickly. "

Special effects company?

Leon was stunned for a moment and quickly reacted.

He thought of Chen Fei's identity as director. It seemed that his boss was still unwilling to follow the rules and wanted to take this opportunity to completely consolidate his basic base.

"Okay, I will arrange for someone who is good at this to be responsible for this."


After leaving Longxiang Capital, Chen Fei drove to Volton Pictures.

The reason why he asked Leon to pay attention to the special effects company was actually related to his subsequent series of plans.

Ordinary people usually think that the special effects industry is very profitable, but they know very well that this industry is actually a low-profit industry!

In Hollywood, special effects production is usually equated with the aerospace industry because they are both high-end, sophisticated, and cutting-edge.

This industry attaches great importance to capital, because only by investing a lot of money can special effects producers have more space to create better concepts.

Making special effects is not an assembly line project, and the requirements for each movie project are different.

Party A wants to spend the least amount of money to create the best effect, but Party B can't do it without money, because every frame of effect is built with a lot of money!

As for a well-established independent special effects company, the cost of special effects labor, management talents, and equipment is extremely high. A single oversight can put the company into trouble.

Therefore, this kind of special effects company can only survive in Hollywood, and there is no chance of survival in China.

Chen Fei's idea is to take advantage of the financial crisis to buy a special effects company of his own, and then arrange for domestic high-quality talents to go here to study!

Because he carries the memory of his previous life, he knows that Hollywood's power is only temporary, and the real main battlefield will still be at home!

Although there is currently no soil for Class A production blockbusters to survive in China, there will definitely be one as time goes by!

I happened to make money through the financial crisis, why not take this opportunity to serve the motherland?

The development of the film industry cannot be separated from the efforts of everyone, but it also urgently needs a leader, and he is willing to lead the way!

No special effects talent? You can learn it!

Don’t have good equipment? can buy!

No one took pictures? I'll take the photo!

The decline of the West is just around the corner! And the rise of Eastern China is unstoppable!

How can the cultural heritage that has lasted for thousands of years be wasted?

Overcome the trough and reach the peak!

(End of this chapter)

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