It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 319 Betrayer? Cao thief? Obscene development! "I'm sick! I'm not interested i

Chapter 319 Betrayer? Cao thief? Obscene development! "I'm sick! I'm not interested in men anymore!"

After all, Chen Fei still didn't wait for an apology from Sharon Stone.

He hasn't taken any follow-up measures yet, but domestic netizens are already furious, threatening to teach that stupid woman a lesson!

Many celebrities and netizens posted condemnations and boycotts against her on social platforms!

Many people stood up to denounce her and demanded an apology. Tens of thousands of netizens in the community signed a petition to boycott her inappropriate remarks, calling on Hollywood to ban her from the entertainment industry and boycott all the movies she starred in...

At this moment, the anger of the Chinese people has reached its peak!

Even the American media that called for "freedom of speech" uncharacteristically did not side with Sharon Stone, believing that her speech was blasphemous and disrespectful to life!

The Cannes Film Festival in France even issued a notice banning her from participating in the selection of all awards at the Cannes International Film Festival in the future.

When being interviewed by reporters, the chairman of the organizing committee sternly scolded, "Sharon Stone lacks scientific knowledge and conscience, and her speech highlights her low quality. We can understand it, but we cannot forgive it!"

For a time, Sharon Stone's name occupied the front pages of major media!


Chen Fei did not continue to pay attention to that stupid woman. She would definitely pay the price for her words and deeds!

Michael French, the director of "Empire", personally called Chen Fei and stated that Sharon Stone would be abandoned and expelled from the cast.

When Bruce returned to Waltons Pictures, he also showed an expression of indignation.

"Fei, don't be angry with her. There is absolutely no need. That woman is an idiot. I can swear to you that she will never appear in any movie from now on! All her endorsements will be terminated. !”


Chen Fei suddenly looked at him differently, "I heard that she is the global spokesperson for a certain Dior perfume. Can you still influence Dior's decision-making?"

"She only endorses an unknown mid-to-high-end perfume from Dior. She is not the goddess Charlize Theron. I can just find someone to replace her."

"for example?"

"Kristen Stewart!"

"Okay, you win."

With the popularity of "Twilight", the male and female protagonists in the drama have become idols worshiped by teenagers in the new era of Hollywood, and the heroine Christine's net worth has skyrocketed!

If she offered to take Sharon Stone's place, it would be a piece of cake.

After separating from Bruce, Fade found Natasha.

"How's the promotion going for Game of Thrones and The Twilight Saga: New Moon?"

"Everything went very smoothly."

Natasha whispered, her expression a little complicated, and she didn't even dare to look at Chen Fei.

She is the kind of person who can't hide things, especially when it comes to her good friends. She would never do anything like betrayal or betrayal.

Because of this, she also has very high requirements for her friends.

She couldn't accept her friend betraying her!

But now, she wants to be the betrayer...

"Natasha? You seem to have something to tell me?"

Chen Fei keenly noticed the change in the expression of the girl in front of him. After all, she had never studied acting, and she was not very good at disguising herself.

Just looking at her expression, Chen Fei had a vague feeling that he had been cheated?

He didn't know why he had such an idea. Maybe it was because he saw the shame on Natasha's face that was about to overflow?

"Fei, there is indeed something very important..."

Natasha finally chose to tell the truth, but after telling her father that he wanted to take back the 31 billion U.S. dollars as soon as possible, she was already so ashamed that she couldn't help herself.

The atmosphere in the company is a bit depressing.

Chen Fei frowned slightly and stared at Natasha's chin.

"Why don't you raise your head first? I'm a little worried that you'll expose them both."


Natasha looked confused, what's the point? Why didn't she understand?

‘Tsk, I didn’t expect you to be a simple lesbian? ’ After some mental activity, Chen Fei shrugged and quickly changed the subject: “You mean, your father suffered a large deficit in funds because of the purchase of CDO?”

"Yes, the stock market has been very turbulent recently, and the company's liquidity has been curbed, so it urgently needs sufficient cash flow."

"So, he wants to take back the money he lent me?"

Chen Fei deliberately used the accent on the word 'I'.

Although the loan agreement was signed in the name of Walton Pictures, Chen Fei signed his own name on the supplementary terms.

Rather than saying it is a supplementary clause, it is more like a gambling agreement!

Within ten years, if he couldn't make back the money, he would completely sell himself to the Walt family.

But if he earns it back, everything will be fine.

But now the other party wants to unilaterally tear up the agreement?

Ah? How can there be any reason in the world to do such a thing?

Chen Fei was just about to say something, but Natasha suddenly stood up, her red cheeks full of shame, "Fei, I want to apologize to you for my father's behavior.

If you don't want to sell Marvel Studios, no one can force you to do so, and I will take care of it. "

"Oh? What are you going to do?" Chen Fei looked at her curiously.

"I will sell my share of the company, including everything I own now."

Natasha's face was full of determination. She had already thought about it. Her friends must not betray her, but the shortfall must be closed.

If in the end Chen Fei doesn't agree to resell Marvel to recover the funds, then she will choose to sell her share!

However, at this moment, Chen Fei suddenly said: "There is no need to do this, and Marvel does not need to sell it. I actually have another better way. Do you want to hear it?"


Natasha's face was startled, she blinked her watery blue eyes, and looked at him curiously, "What can I do?"

"I can help your father fill this hole. Please note that it is in my personal name, not in the name of the company."

"You have 31 billion? That's US dollars! Not RMB!" Natasha's eyes widened suddenly, her face full of disbelief.

"You don't have to worry about it. Since I can make a promise to you, then I will definitely be able to come up with the money."

After calming down for a while, Natasha looked at Fade Chen with complicated eyes, "Then what are your conditions?"

"I want to create an unbreakable friendship with your father!"

Chen Fei didn't know exactly how strong the Volton family was. He only knew one thing. Even in 2023, the Wal-Mart supermarket owned by the Volton family would still be number one in the Fortune Global 500 list!

That's enough.

Being able to take root deeply in a place like the United States and remain standing, isn't this a proper local snake?

"Longxiang Capital" is still too weak, as fragile as a rootless duckweed in the United States. If it is targeted by a stronger capital predator, Chen Fei has no confidence that he can keep it.

But if there is a local snake as a protective umbrella, the situation will be different.

The Volton family happens to be one of the local snakes. As long as they hide behind it, those capital predators will definitely have to weigh their own strength before taking action.

‘Don’t waste your time growing up’, this is the development policy formulated by Chen Fei for Longxiang Capital!

"Create friendship?" Natasha didn't quite understand the meaning of this word.

Can men also have sex with men?

"Go back and tell your father, he will understand what I mean."


Natasha nodded, somewhat vaguely understanding.

She had felt that Chen Fei was very mysterious a long time ago, but after a brief chat today, she found that this mystery seemed to be even more unfathomable!

She really wanted to understand this mystery, but found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't.

Chen Fei seemed to be holding a cat teasing stick in his hand, and she transformed into a kitten, unable to stop being teased by him!


There is another person who is also unable to stop.

Kristen Stewart!

With "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" about to be released, she has been busy participating in various promotional activities recently.

In order to gain popularity, she even started to show off her affection with Robert Pattinson. The two frequently performed various intimate actions in front of the camera. If it were other actresses, they might have fallen in love unknowingly under such a high frequency of intimate interactions, but Christine found that she was not like this!

She did not fall in love with "Edward" like "Bella" in the movie. On the contrary, she secretly resisted all kinds of intimate actions with him.

Not only Robert Pattinson, but even the other male actors in the crew, she felt very disgusted from the bottom of her heart and was unwilling to approach them at all!

She felt like she was sick, but instead of going to the doctor, she found Chen Fei.

"What? You said you don't want to have contact with men? Are you suddenly interested in women?"

Looking at the girl with flowing long hair in front of him, Chen Fei subconsciously reached out and touched her head.

"You don't have a fever either?"

"Fei, I think this is not a physical disease, but a psychological problem. Recently, I often pay attention to those sexy and hot girls on the street, but I am not interested in boys at all."

"What about me?"

"It's because I'm very interested in you! That's why I came to you." Christine said seriously. She felt that she was sick, but after seeing Chen Fei, she suddenly felt that she was not sick?


Chen Fei was speechless for a moment, but at this moment, he suddenly remembered all the sexy tricks this girl would do in the future!

The title of ‘human spanner’ is not earned for nothing.

"So what are your thoughts now? Continue to maintain the status quo? Or do you want to make changes?"

"I don't know. I feel like I shouldn't be interested in girls, but I just can't help it."

After pondering for a moment, Chen Fei tentatively said: "How about this? You can stay with me on the set for a few months when we film "Inception". Maybe it will make the situation better?"

"It seems like this is the only way..."

Christine's expression was serious, but there seemed to be a deer bumping into her heart.

I don’t know why, but she is really interested in Chen Fei!


After finally persuading Christine to leave, Chen Fei was just about to go to the animation studio to have a look, but before he could open the door, Catherine Bigkun suddenly walked in from the door.

"Why are the people I come into contact with today all women?"

A trace of confusion flashed unconsciously in Chen Fei's eyes. Did he commit suicide today?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Catherine placing a script in front of him, and then said solemnly: "Fei, I would like to ask you to help me read this script."


Chen Fei lowered his head curiously.

The Hurt Locker?

Isn't this the script that helped Catherine win 82 awards at the 6nd Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Original Screenplay?

After briefly browsing the contents, he looked up at the female director in front of him, "The script is very good and tells a great story."

Catherine's eyes lit up, "Fei? Do you really think this story is great?"

"Of course!" Can a script that won the Academy Award for Best Picture not be great?

"Then would you like to be the producer of this movie?"


Chen Fei's brows trembled slightly, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes.

He understood that Catherine must not be able to find a suitable investor, so she came to him with the script!

Do you want to bite the cake delivered to your door?

Not biting is a bad thing!

"Go ahead and make a plan. Waltons Pictures will fully support you in making this story happen."

"Oh! yes! Thank you so much, Fei, you are so cool! You are the most awesome man I have ever met!"


There was so much ambiguity in these words, and Chen Fei was trying hard not to think wrongly.

After all, he has no hobby of being a thief!

Although Catherine has divorced Cameron, and her long legs are equally charming, Chen Fei still sticks to the bottom line.

He always only likes those under 25 years old.

Perhaps because of the butterfly effect the word "cao thief" had, Katherine Bigkun had just left his office when the phone suddenly rang.

It's Leon calling.

As soon as the call was connected, the other party said excitedly, "Boss, there is a special effects company in New York called [Digital Domain], have you heard of it?"

"of course."

Chen Fei responded without hesitation.

[Digital Domain] was founded in 1995 by the famous American director James Calderon. The company is good at designing exquisite pictures and expressing unparalleled textures.

Its technical advantage lies in particle special effects. Since its establishment, it has produced more than 6 movie special effects. It has the industry's top CG technology research and development capabilities. It has won Oscars, including four Best Special Effects Awards and two Technical Achievement Awards. prize.

It is no exaggeration to say that the technical level of this company is comparable to that of first-line special effects teams such as [Industrial Light and Magic] and [Weta Digital]!

Its glory began with "Titanic", was established in "What Dreams Come True", and continued with "The Day After Tomorrow" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End".

After hearing Chen Fei say that he knew about it, Lyon did not introduce too much about the company's background, but talked about the company's current situation: "[Digital Domain] was officially in accordance with the U.S. Bankruptcy Act due to unbearable huge debts and interest. Article 11: Bankruptcy and reorganization procedures must be implemented.

Six months ago, the company's market value was still US$4 million, but now the market value is only US$2600 million. The company's second largest shareholder, the former CEO, resigned last week, and he owns 24.9% of the shares..."



Chen Fei was immediately overjoyed. He had decided on this piece of wool, "Have you made a budget? How much money can you get for it?"

"Judging from the current situation, it should not exceed US$3000 million!"

"Okay!" Chen Fei immediately slammed the table and ordered: "Buy this company for me, but first make it bankrupt. I don't want to bear its debts, and then quickly acquire all the shares."

"Okay, boss, make sure to complete the mission."

Leon immediately agreed and arranged the matter after hanging up the phone.

With such a large sum of money in hand, he firmly believed that he could assist Chen Fei in building up the basics!


Summer vacation has arrived quietly.

There is a lot of news coming from the country.

The total mainland box office of "October Siege" was finally fixed at 3.48 million, successfully surpassing "Chinese Partners".

As a representative, Huo Qigang announced in front of the media that Golden Harvest will donate all the mainland box office proceeds of this movie to the disaster areas.

For a time, there was an endless stream of compliments from people in the circle!

Sharon Stone's previous speeches were also rediscovered by many people, and criticism from all sides poured in towards her!

Bruce acted quickly. Dior China was the first to stand up and apologize, and then Dior headquarters immediately announced that it would terminate its cooperation with that stupid woman!

The director and producer of "Empire of Mermaids" followed suit and announced their decision to change the starring role.

At the same time, other works that were under negotiation with her also declined to cooperate with her.

Retribution came so quickly that Sharon Stone was caught off guard!

In just a few days, her malicious remarks have caused her to cause losses of approximately US$6000 million!

Domestic netizens are still waiting for her apology, and they seem to be determined not to give up until they achieve their goals.

At the same time, with the arrival of the summer season, "Painted Skin" quietly entered major domestic theaters without holding a premiere.

Although there was not much publicity in the early stage, the lineup directed by Ning Hao, written by Chen Fei, and starring Huang Xiaoming, Zhou Xun, and Jiao Enjun still attracted the desire of many movie fans to watch the movie.

In addition, Golden Harvest donated all the box office proceeds of "October Siege" in the mainland, which made netizens feel a strong desire to support!

On June 6, with the attention of many people, the first-day box office results of "Painted Skin" were posted on the headline page of

"2875 million!"

When receiving the news, Chen Fei was preparing for the premiere of "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" in Hollywood.

"Is it that high?"

He was a little confused for a moment. He originally thought that insufficient publicity would lead to a low box office on the first day, but he did not expect that this was not the case.

"Netizens speak highly of this movie. According to this trend, even if we don't do any publicity in the future, there will be no problem if it exceeds 2 million."

Ning Hao was very excited. This was his first time directing such a fantasy film, and it was unexpected to be able to achieve such results.

"Okay, let's keep up the good work and we'll have a celebration banquet after we reach the expected goal."

After briefly giving some instructions on the follow-up publicity situation, Chen Fei hung up the phone and started busy with the promotion of Twilight Saga.

Since the box office of "Painted Skin" is rising rapidly, "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" will have to follow suit and rise together!

He wants this group of foreigners in Hollywood to once again see the power of the "script golden touch"!

(End of this chapter)

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