It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 320 The terrifying record of Twilight 2! No. 1 in film history! Do you like men?

Chapter 320 The terrifying record of Twilight 2! Won the first place in film history! Do you like men? (Ask for monthly ticket)

On the eve of the premiere, Chen Fei accompanied the main creators of "Twilight" to participate in a promotional program.

Watching Kristen and Robert Pattinson's friendly interaction at the scene, he looked extremely complicated.

If it were revealed now that the Twilight heroine does not like men, but is very interested in sexy girls, would the fans be upset?

It's strange to say, why did she start to like women?

How did this change in mentality come about?

In today's society, there are many people who can't get a wife, but now, women are starting to like women. This is too much!

"Fortunately, I don't lack a wife." Chen Fei secretly rejoiced.

He also received news that by chance, all the four newly selected actresses in Hollywood have joined the cast of "Inception".

When the time comes, we need to keep Christine, Amanda and the others away, so as not to lead others astray.

On the day of the premiere, Chen Fei paid special attention to the current situation of the North American film market.

According to the original timeline, now should be the time when DreamWorks' "Kung Fu Panda" and Marvel's "The Incredible Hulk" are raging in North American theaters.

But the interesting thing is that the first two have become his property.

So, the summer holiday season is now looking bright!

The glory of the first part of "The Twilight Saga" has not yet faded. Theaters are very optimistic about the second part of Twilight, which is invincible in its predecessor, and other companies have not deliberately competed for this time slot.

Capital is not stupid. This kind of conflict between two parties will definitely cause damage. We will try our best to avoid it.

There were many friends who came to support the event, and everyone from Marvel was already present. DiCaprio and Bruce walked onto the red carpet while discussing female models.

The main creators of Game of Thrones were also called over by Fade Chen, who just took this opportunity to let them leak in front of the media, treating it as a promotion before the premiere.

Chen Fei and Natasha walked onto the red carpet together, waving hello to the reporters' cameras and the onlookers while chatting in low voices.

"Fei, my father agreed to meet you. He expressed that he was very interested in your proposal and was willing to establish friendship with you."

"Then let's make an appointment."

"how about tomorrow?"

"Ok, I'm fine."

Today's protagonist is not him, but everyone in Twilight, so Chen Fei refused to be interviewed by reporters.

As soon as they walked to the entrance of the venue, there was a sudden burst of screams and cheers from behind. Chen Fei and Natasha subconsciously looked back and saw Twilight CP walking on the red carpet.

Bruce came over and said proudly, "Fei, did you read the news? That idiot finally apologized."

"Oh, from now on, all cooperation related to her will be cancelled."

Chen Fei was not satisfied with the belated apology. Could it be that publishing an article could soothe the trauma in others' hearts?

Moreover, the writing of that article was pretty fucked up. She only used the words "inappropriate remarks" and wanted to overturn everything that had happened before. She thought very well!

All major independent production companies have already said hello to Chen Fei, voluntarily stating that they will add him to the blacklist and never use him again.

Even the six major universities have expressed their attitude. This kind of actor is too terrible. They don't dare to bet on whether her use will affect the release of the movie in the future!


At the same time, when the premiere was held in North America, mainland fans were also eagerly waiting.

Twilight II is naturally also in the category of imported films, but this time it did not choose to be released simultaneously around the world, but staggered some time.

Looking at the report released by China Film, Jing Tian was a little unhappy, "Why can't it be released together on June 6? We have to wait until June 1 to see it."

The domestic release time is nearly half a month later than overseas!

Lu Zheng was listening to this complaint and gave a simple explanation from the perspective of capital, "Because "Painted Skin" is also on June 6st, it is impossible for Director Chen to produce an imported film to compete with the films produced by his own company. Fight?"

"That's it..."

Jing Tian blushed suddenly, why didn't she think of this?

“Can I fly to Hollywood to watch a movie?”

"not now."

Lu Zheng shook his head and rarely rejected her request, "The drama "The Legend of Sun Tzu" is very important. You play the female lead in it, and the filming will start soon. You have to go all out next." .”

Jing Tian was stunned for a moment, "Have you found all the actors?"

“Of course, our company has always been very well funded and it was easy to find the right people.”


Although he was a little regretful that he could not watch the second part of Twilight for the first time, Jing Tian still accepted it calmly.

Just be later, filming is the most important thing!

In fact, China Film also put a lot of effort into arranging the films.

There are also "Hancock" and "Red Cliff Part 1" released in the past two months. It is still very difficult to coordinate these movies.


After the premiere movie was played, Chen Fei specifically turned back to pay attention to the status of the specially invited audience members in the back row.

The second film has many changes compared to the original film, especially in terms of visual effects, and strives to be comparable to "Harry Potter".

In order to restore the decline of the sequel, Chen Fei worked hard on revising the script and continued to increase investment.

Fortunately, the audience looked moved, and he didn't see a bored look on anyone's face.

Now we just have to wait for the three-day box office opening of the first weekend, because data will always be the only measure of the success of a movie!

After the premiere, Chen Fei said goodbye to everyone and went straight to the animation studio.

"Kung Fu Panda" has been finalized. Just a week before the Olympics, he had to check on the progress of post-production and make sure there were no problems.

The popularity of Game of Thrones is increasing. Although the actors are not very famous, the investment of up to 700 million US dollars per episode has attracted the curiosity of many viewers.

Everyone wants to see what happened in Chen Fei's first transformation film?

In China, data for "Painted Skin" are also coming in, and the overall box office trend can be said to be rising.

The Douban score is currently 8.7, with nearly 5 people giving it a high score.

Most of the reviews by film critics cannot be read. In order to express their uniqueness, they can always find all kinds of faults.

Chen Fei looked carefully at the Sixth Princess's comments.

The "Film Literature" newspaper published an article saying: "Painted Skin"'s character design, scenery, performance, scenery color rhythm, picture tone selection and other treatments show the fusion of Chinese and Western cultural elements. In addition, the choice of film media is consistent with The art design makes the pictures beautiful and full of elements of the times. The pictures sometimes present the charm of classical oil paintings, sometimes they are hazy and dreamy, and sometimes they are weird and terrifying. The fusion of the implicit national cultural characteristics in the narrative and the fashionable mirror style is also a highlight of the film...

Chen Fei didn't pay attention to the unnecessary comments. This article was enough.

Huo Qigang called and informed him about the release of "October Siege" in South Korea.

"ShowBox was very sincere, so I chose to cooperate with them, but there was something fishy about this. This kind of sharing ratio is something I have never seen before."

When he said this, Huo Qigang was filled with doubts.

Seventy-three points...

According to this ratio, it is equivalent to ShowBox only recovering its costs, and all other profits are distributed to Jiahe.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

"It's okay, just follow their contract."

ShowBox's intention was obvious, it was to curry favor with him, and then wanted to take the script from him and start the next collaboration.

This behavior made Chen Fei very satisfied.

Comparatively speaking, Huayi is really good at twisting things. Recently, they have been clamoring to revise the script of "The Wind", saying that some of the content in it is not appropriate.

Ni Xuelin is already following up on this matter, and it is expected that there will be some clues soon.

He was curious, what were the two brothers causing trouble?

I won’t change it sooner or later, but I have to change it when I turn on the computer. Isn’t this nonsense?

Early the next morning, while Chen Fei was waiting for the first-day box office data, many voices against "Twilight" suddenly appeared on the Internet.

"What's going on?" Looking at Natasha who looked happy but confused, Chen Fei was very confused.

"Movie fans have reported that the number of films scheduled is too small, especially for evening shows. It is impossible to buy tickets or get a suitable viewing position."


Chen Fei breathed a sigh of relief. He thought there was something wrong with his improved script, which caused netizens to attack it.

"What did the theater say?"

"They said they would try to increase the number of films as much as possible..."

While the two were chatting, the office door was suddenly pushed open. Bruce and Woody Allen were walking in a hurry, with unexplainable doubts and surprises on their faces!

"Fei, the first day's opening data is out."

"How many?"

"$6400 million!"


Chen Fei, who was still sitting on the sofa, jumped up with an extremely colorful expression on his face.

Damn it, this data is much higher than previous A-class blockbusters such as "Iron Man" and "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", and even higher than other previous movies in North American film history!

Woody Allen was still mumbling to himself at this time, "Oh? I'm not dreaming, am I? I made a movie that topped the box office in a single day in film history?"

So far, before the release of the second part of Twilight, the first-day box office champion and single-day box office champion in film history were "Spider-Man 3", with a whopping 5900 million.

The runner-up is "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", which leads the way with 5400 million!

It is worth mentioning that both movies were released during the summer vacation last year, earning Sony and Disney plenty of limelight.

But today, one year later, this data has been easily broken!

Who would have thought that this film, which many people regard as just a third-rate romantic drama, would actually create such a powerful fighting force!

Several others were still stunned for a long time, unable to recover, but Chen Fei had already suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

The figure of US$6400 million is indeed high enough, but compared to the results of the original time and space, there are still some gaps.

In the original timeline, this movie set a terrifying first-day box office record of 7200 million!

But it’s normal to think about it. After all, now is a period of raging economic crisis, and most foreigners probably don’t even have the money to buy tickets to the cinema.

"Zero-yuan shopping activities" on the roadside are extremely frequent. When Chen Fei came over this morning, he even bought a Gucci wallet on the roadside.

The black seller swore to him that the goods were guaranteed to be authentic. Interestingly, across the road was a Gucci store that was severely damaged.

Closer to home, just like the first part, the Internet is once again polarized about the images of Twilight Part 2.

Those who liked it made no secret of their praise, praising the graphics, special effects, actors, etc.

And those who didn't like it said the movie was extremely inconsistent with the original work!

Of course, this is also an unavoidable situation. After all, the contradiction between the original party and the film party is very difficult to reconcile.

As long as the impact is not particularly great, just ignore it and be done with it.

He then asked: "What's the score on Rotten Tomatoes?"

After Natasha fizzed with the computer for a while, she was very surprised and said: "It is now 69%!"

"Rotten Tomatoes" is a website that many people use when selecting movies. Its "good movie/bad movie" scoring mechanism is too simple and crude, and it is also very simple and clear for movie fans.

Good or bad, it’s clear at a glance!

However, major Hollywood film companies also have strategies to deal with it. How to artificially create a "Rotten Tomatoes" score has become a required course in the film promotion and distribution industry.

But "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" did not do this, because Chen Fei wanted to see the audience's intuitive evaluation of the film to judge whether to launch a sequel.

Judging from the current situation, the situation is very good!

After the release of the second part is over, the preparation plan for the third part can be officially launched. Of course, this thing shouldn’t be too much of a comparison. It just needs to be an improvement compared to the first one, and you can’t expect too much.

If given the choice, who wouldn't want to be Cameron sailing a boat?

Woody Allen had also come to his senses at this time. After thinking for a while, he said based on his own experience: "Judging from the current situation, the policy of increasing the weight of visual effects is correct.

If we can continue to deepen our investment in visual effects on the original basis and use better computer visual effects technology, maybe the third part will give us a bigger surprise! "

Before Chen Fei could say anything, Natasha couldn't wait to say: "I agree to continue to increase costs."

The thought of surpassing Disney made her so excited that she couldn't help herself!

"Let's wait and see." Chen Fei remained rational, "If the box office can continue to rise and meet my expectations, the third part can try to move closer to a Class A production."

meet deadline?

Natasha was a little curious, "What are your expectations?"

"The total global box office exceeded at least 7 million."

In the original timeline, the total global box office of the second part of The Twilight Saga was US$7.11 million.

And this time, under his drastic changes, many flaws have been solved, and the global box office should not be too low.

After chatting with Mr. Woody Allen about some details about the follow-up promotion, Chen Fei said goodbye to several people and left the company.

He had to go to an appointment and create a deep "friendship" with that person.


At the same time, just when the box office results of Twilight Part 2 were revealed, it was exactly nine o'clock in the evening in China.

When the figure of US$6400 million was exposed, the bosses of several film and television production companies were stunned!

Based on the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB, the first-day box office of The Twilight Saga Part 5 was as high as RMB 1 million!

And this is just the result of the first day!

In Chengtian Company, Wu Kebo was hugging his secretary and making out, but after receiving the news, he subconsciously took a breath of cold air, and the heat in his lower body quickly dissipated.

Another movie hit?

This guy is really the magic touch for scripts!

Looking at the dazzling data, he couldn't come to his senses for a long time. It wasn't until the secretary put his hand into his pants and pulled them twice that he finally came to his senses.

"I haven't taken the medicine yet..."

"Shall I get it for you?" the secretary said thoughtfully, but her heart was filled with contempt.

I can’t last three minutes after taking the medicine, what’s the point of keeping it? It would be better to cut off the calculation ball, saving her from being fucked up and down every day. After spending time with him, she would have to find another pretty boy to vent her anger to.

Sina's voice in North America is becoming more and more important, and publicity through major channels is also very fast.

In less than half an hour, the news that Chen Fei's new film grossed US$6400 million at the box office on its first day spread throughout the film and television industry.

For a time, in addition to the bosses of those leading companies, other directors, producers, actors, etc. in the industry received hot news from abroad.

Wu Yu is drinking heavily with several Hong Kong directors such as Chen Kexin and Wang Jiawei.

When he received the news, he curled his lips with disdain on his face, "This kind of romance film with no connotation means that it is very energetic at the beginning, and there will be many fans of the original work to support it.

In fact, it will be like that later on. Don’t look at his high box office on the first day, but in the end, the global box office will never surpass the "Mission: Impossible 2" I shot. "

Chen Kexin said in a very licking tone: "How can Director Wu's performance be comparable to that young man? By the way, what is the total global box office of your Mission: Impossible 2?"

"5.4638872 million!"


Chen Kexin's face froze, and she suddenly didn't know how to reply.

Is this true in Hollywood?

Can the total box office data be summarized to seven decimal places?

It was Wong Jiawei who came forward to save him in time, "Let us raise a toast together and congratulate Director Wu for his new movie "Red Cliff" to reach new heights!"

"Haha, set a new high, breaking through 5.4638872 US dollars!"

Wu Yu was obviously drunk and bit his tongue when he spoke, but he remembered the long series of numbers very clearly.

After all, that is his biggest reliance in the world!

At the same time, when all parties were paying close attention to the subsequent box office trend of the second part of The Twilight Saga, Chen Fei also came to a Western restaurant on invitation and met Natasha's father.

This is a middle-aged man with a well-groomed beard and a muscular body. His face is engraved with the traces of time. He is wearing a casual suit and exudes a unique mature charm.

However... as soon as the two of them sat down, Chen Fei was stunned by the words spoken by the other person.

"I heard that you want to marry my daughter? Create a deep friendship with me?"


After being stunned for a moment, Chen Fei looked quite complicated.

I'm afraid this guy doesn't know that his daughter is a lesbian, right?

If Christine has just developed such symptoms, then Natasha is already seriously ill. Judging from the interaction between her and her female best friend, the relationship between the two has lasted for at least three years!

What’s even more outrageous is that same-sex marriage is allowed in the United States.

It is very likely that these two people will go to California to register their marriage!

"Mr. Albert, I think you may have misunderstood. I admit that your daughter is indeed beautiful, but it is difficult for the two of us to get together."


"Because we have different pursuits for our significant other."

"Oh? You like men?"


Mudd? Have you ever doubted your daughter's sexual orientation?

After a moment of silence, Chen Fei still did not say that it was actually Natasha who had a problem. He felt that he should not betray his friend's privacy, even if the person sitting opposite him was his friend's father.

"Mr. Abbott, can we talk about business? I don't have much time to spend here."

"Okay, come on, I'm looking forward to your next proposal."

Albert Walter, who was sitting opposite him, raised his hands and folded his arms in front of his chest, as if he was confident of winning.

But the next second, Chen Fei's words caused him to break through his defense instantly!

"I can lend you US$31 billion, but the condition is that you must use Wal-Mart shares of equal value as collateral, and the term is also ten years. If you don't pay back after the expiration, all these shares will belong to me."


Albert opposite him frowned instantly.

Take shares of Walmart as collateral? How dare he propose such ridiculous conditions!

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"Why?" Chen Fei looked at him calmly, with a hint of ridicule on his face, "I dare to bet my own future freedom. Don't you dare to use this meager share as collateral, Mr. Abbott?" ?”

"Don't use this low-level provocation. It's absolutely impossible to deal with shares."

Albert spoke fiercely and had no intention of letting go.

Wal-Mart's shares are his foundation. Losing US$31 billion is certainly a big deal, but shares are the basis for his survival. This is a bottom line that must not be touched.

"Okay then." Chen Fei spread his hands and said the next best thing: "I heard that you have a lot of shares in Lucasfilm and DreamWorks Animation Film Company.

It just so happens that the industry I am involved in is film and television production. I have also coveted the many IPs owned by DreamWorks and Lucas for a long time. Why don't you sell the shares you hold to me? "

After hearing this, Albert finally became less excited.

"Where did you hear that?"

"It's a secret."

Chen Fei grinned. After all, he couldn't say it was because of my ability to foresee things.

Albert suddenly fell into deep thought.

The reason why he had previously promised Natasha that he could let her return to Hollywood was because of these shares in his hand.

As the second largest shareholder of Lucasfilm and the third largest shareholder of DreamWorks, he has full confidence that even if Natasha sells Marvel, he can let it enjoy its glorious halo again.

But now Chen Fei gave him new advice.

Sell ​​your shares?

This seems like a good choice.

However, looking back on the benefits that DreamWorks and Lucasfilm have brought him in recent years, he is a little reluctant.

These are two money trees, and they can be regarded as the "private money" he saved for himself.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei's next words directly broke his worries, "Although I don't know exactly how many shares you have in your hands, I don't think this 31 billion US dollars can buy them all.

How about this, let's work together, first take complete control of these two companies, and then I will publish the content, and you will be responsible for finding someone to operate it and make money together. What do you think of this proposal? "

Hearing this, Albert's face suddenly showed an expression of interest!

This suggestion sounded very good, after all, the person sitting across from him was the most talented young director recognized in Hollywood.

If we can cooperate with him and jointly operate these two already very mature companies, I believe there will be a steady stream of pocket money in our pockets in the future.

And what he has to pay seems to be only a part of the shares.

Being able to make friends with such outstanding talents and make up for the shortfall, this deal is a good deal no matter how you look at it.

A smile appeared on Albert's face, "I think this is a very good suggestion."

"Then wish us a happy cooperation?"

"Happy cooperation!"

Albert took the initiative to reach out his hand and held Fade Chen's hand tightly.

But the next second, he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly jerked his hand back, looking at Chen Fei with complicated eyes.

"Do you really stop thinking about my gentle and beautiful daughter? She will definitely be a qualified wife, and the Waltons family will also welcome you. Women's happiness cannot be given by men."


Chen Fei suddenly wanted to take off his size 42 shoes and slap his size 43 on the face!

Damn it, is it endless?

What on earth is going on in this man's mind? Why do you have to think that you are the one who is abnormal?

"Mr. Albert, I think you need to go back and ask Natasha. She may give you a satisfactory answer."

After saying that, Chen Fei stood up and left.

His goal has been achieved, and Lyon will naturally be responsible for subsequent stock acquisition matters, and Longxiang Capital will gradually enter the capital stage because of this matter.

As for himself...

"I'm just a director and screenwriter with some fame. What does this have to do with me? It's impossible for the United States to tolerate someone from China who is weak, harmless to humans and animals, has no power to restrain a chicken, and works hard to pursue his dreams. A young man, right?”

But if this plan can succeed, Chen Fei will gather together DreamWorks, one of the strongest 3D animation production companies, Lucasfilm, which controls many IPs, and Industrial Light and Magic, which has the strongest post-production special effects!

Industrial Light and Magic is still a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lucasfilm.

If all acquisitions can be completed smoothly, then he will also control Waltons Pictures, Marvel Pictures, DreamWorks Animation, Lucasfilm, Industrial Light and Magic Special Effects Company, and other companies currently in the acquisition plan. Digital Domain Visual Effects Company!

Thinking of this, Chen Fei suddenly became happy.

It seems like we are one step closer to filming "Ready Player One"!

(End of this chapter)

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