It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 321 Is the talent exhausted? Wu Yu: I love Xiao Qiao! I choose Xiao Qiao!

Chapter 321 Is the talent exhausted? Wu Yu: I love Xiao Qiao! I choose Xiao Qiao! (asking for monthly ticket)

As Chen Fei had previously expected, the first weekend box office of "The Twilight Saga: Stars and Moon" was freshly released and once again achieved the expected results.

6400 million on Friday, 5763 million on Saturday, and 5053 million on Sunday.

Total opening weekend box office: $1.7 million!

Breaking the opening record in North American film history again!

When the first box office data was exposed, not to mention the mainland, even many film and television production companies in Hollywood were shocked and dumbfounded!

When he received Natasha's call, Chen Fei was on a promotional tour with several of the main creators of Game of Thrones.

Listening to the girl's excited voice on the phone, he smiled slightly: "It seems that the global box office should be able to reach the results I expected."

1.7 million US dollars in the first weekend. This figure has surpassed the 3 million opening results of "Spider-Man 1.51" last year, creating a new record in film history!

And what surprised Chen Fei was that this data was actually much higher than the original timeline.

The unmodified second part of The Twilight Saga has a poor reputation, with a Rotten Tomatoes index of only a pitiful 23%, and its first weekend box office in North America was only US$1.3 million.

But after the revised script, the box office results are now 4000 million yuan higher than the original work. This clearly proves that Chen Fei's revision is correct!

After cutting off the call with Natasha, he quickly called Woody Allen.

"The preparations for the third part are ready to begin."

"Just follow the previously planned shooting method?"

"Yes, this time I will invite people from Industrial Light & Magic and Weta Digital to help you with the shooting. My requirements are that the special effects and visual effects are even higher than the second film!"

"What about investing?"

"Another $3000 million."

"Oh! Fei! Your courage and courage are the best I have ever seen!"

The old man was very happy. He didn't expect that he, already over 70 years old, could still produce such an excellent commercial series.

If he follows this trend, after the Twilight series is completed, he will also become one of the best commercial directors in Hollywood!

There is no other movie in June that can compete with Twilight, not even the most popular movies and TV shows this year, which have not been particularly exaggerated.

However, there are sequels in the series such as "The Dark Knight" and Spielberg's "Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Crystal Skull."

Chen Fei paid special attention to the situation of these two movies.

The former is scheduled to be released on July 7th, while the latter has been released on May 18nd. However, it only had 5 million US dollars in the first three days of the weekend. Now that it has been released for nearly half a month, the North American box office has just been set at 22 million US dollars. superior.

"Beyond the former and crush the latter!"

Chen Fei murmured, being extremely optimistic about the global box office data of "The Twilight Saga: New Moon".

At the same time, domestic reports about the box office results of "Painted Skin" are also coming.

After 20 days of release, the total box office in the mainland was 2.43 million yuan.

To be honest, Chen Fei still couldn't believe it when he saw this data. He thought that after experiencing that disaster, the box office trend would continue to decline.

But looking at it now, even though all the early promotional activities were cut in half, it did not curb the audience's enthusiasm for watching the movie.

According to this trend, it should not be a problem for the mainland box office to finally surpass "October Siege"!

Although there is still some gap between "Mulan" and "囧囧", if you compare it downwards, it can be said that it is the best!

Since the box office of "Chinese Partners" took the lead in exceeding 3 million yuan the year before last, until today, the only directors whose movie box office can exceed 3 million yuan are still Chen Fei and Ning Hao.

And Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, and Feng Xiaogang, who are recognized by netizens as the troika of the mainland film and television industry, now give people the feeling that they have exhausted their talents!

"Is your talent exhausted?"

Feng Xiaogang, who was finishing up "If You Are the One", was stunned when he saw this report.

If he had followed his previous temper, he would have sent an unceremonious message back: You have exhausted all your talents, and you have exhausted all your talents!

But today, he couldn't cheer up for a while.

I don't know why, but Chen Fei was obviously a whole round younger than him, but it gave him the illusion of being invincible!

"Well, I hope this "If You Are the One" can be fruitful."

He sighed and entered the shooting mode again, "Feng Yuanzhuo, no, you are not in a girly state. You have to hold your throat and point the orchid to me..."

On the other side, Brother Chen Kai, who was doing post-production work on "Mei Lanfang", had a look of disdain on his face.

He is a proud person who never admits defeat, and the words "every talent is exhausted" will never appear in his dictionary.

At the same time, in the Olympic Organizing Committee meeting room, Zhang Yimou cast a vote for Chen Fei and recommended him as the last torch bearer.

While waiting for the staff to count the tickets, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

What should the new work be called?

"Three bullets, only three shots, created an unexpected process and result... In this case, why not call it "Three Shots to Surprise"!"

"Chen Fei 27 votes, Li Ning 11 votes..."

In front of the blackboard, the votes have been counted and the results have been announced!


Just when Chen Fei was watching all the episodes of the first season of "Game of Thrones" being uploaded to the Hulu video website, Su Guohai sent an email from China.

The results of the Magnolia Awards are out. As expected, "My Leader, My Group" won the Magnolia TV Series Gold Award, while "Golden Wedding" won the Silver Award. As for the other film "Struggle" that caused a lot of enthusiasm, it failed to produce any results. Its screenwriter Shi Kang published more than ten articles online, accusing the jury, criticizing the two award-winning TV series, and satirizing many award-winning actors...

"You haven't seen that person, you act like a mad dog."

Su Guohai still had lingering fears. During the award ceremony, he was a little scared when the person looked at him, and he was afraid that the other person would pounce on him and bite him.

"Ignore him."

Chen Fei didn't take him seriously at all. This guy was a representative of abstraction. "Struggle" did have two brushes, but it was not real life at all.

Rather than saying this is an urban drama, it is better to say it is fantasy literature...

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei chose to continue staring at the data of Game of Thrones. He had high hopes for this drama. The investment of US$700 million per episode was all spent wisely!

Unlike "Red Cliff", the release area does not include North America, but the promotional poster was actually posted in Hollywood.

Wu Yu doesn’t know what he is doing?

Do you have stolen money in your hands?

When talking to Ren Zhonglun on the phone to inquire about the post-production status of "The Embalmer", Chen Fei got a piece of gossip about Wu Yu's sexual manipulation.

"Do you know Lu Wei? Like you, he is also a screenwriter."

"Is it the teacher who adapted "Farewell My Concubine" and "Alive"?"

"Yes, yes! It's him! He wrote the original script of "Red Cliff", but I heard that Wu Yu did not use the original version, but strongly requested to modify the script and increase Xiao Qiao's role..."

Listening to Ren Zhonglun's gossipy talk about various inside stories, Chen Fei unconsciously thought of that classic line.

"Mengmeng, stand up..."

However, he has heard of a version. This line seems to have been added by Wu Yu's wife herself, and it seems to have some connotation.

After chatting for a while, Ren Zhonglun suddenly changed the topic, "I heard that the TV series you filmed has officially started to be available for paid on-demand viewing?"

"Huh? The news has spread to the country?"

"Yeah, Sina immediately put the news on the headlines. They delivered the news so fast that other websites didn't even respond."

Chen Fei simply explained, "The first season has just been uploaded less than an hour ago. I'm afraid we won't know the specific effects until tomorrow."

Chen Fei also has some expectations. Because most of the actors are not well-known, the early publicity of this drama almost all revolves around the "high production" feature.

At nearly 700 million US dollars per episode, this is definitely the top production in the North American TV drama market, and it is the only one!

Hulu has provided a lot of publicity for this TV series. Obviously, the two best promotion channels are on-screen promotion and homepage headlines, which also allow many people to discover this drama at the first time.

Chen Fei's fame has once again become a favorable factor in attracting audiences. Many of his fans want to join in the fun and experience the mystery of this show.

What kind of work can actually consume so much investment?

At the same time, many film critics paid to watch the show immediately, eager to see the final effect of the show.

Current Disney CEO Bob Iger is such a curious viewer.

According to his experience, the "curse" of American dramas that makes it difficult for fantasy dramas to succeed is indestructible. However, Chen Fei, a fledgling guy, actually challenged the theme of fantasy dramas for the first time in his first TV series, and also invested so much. of funds, this is definitely a very stupid thing to do!

However, when he finished watching the first episode with the attitude of wanting to criticize, he suddenly froze in front of the computer.

Why does he think the "curse" is about to be broken?


Early the next morning, when Chen Fei logged into the Rotten Tomatoes website again, he immediately saw the comments made by many film critics on this TV series.

"Oh! My God! This is simply a masterpiece! With its infinite and orderly creative space, it includes thousands of vivid characters, weird and unique imaginative local customs, and its complete space , the richness of details and the arbitrariness of the narrative are simply amazing!”

"It was only a short episode, but I actually saw the luxurious, bloody, dark, weird and other characteristics. Sometimes it was even surprisingly sweet, and the mixture of malice and kindness was as unpredictable as life! This is what I have seen The best series ever!”

"It is very fortunate that the adaptation of "Game of Thrones" did not appear to be "neurotically split". Its idea is the same, which is to make the TV series more concise and focused while maintaining the flavor of the original work, and to add new additions. Most of the plots are reasonable and reasonable, and there are wonderful touches in the dialogue from time to time. These are all worthy of praise, and it is also a rare masterpiece among film and television adaptations!"


Just as Chen Fei predicted, it received rave reviews online!

Hulu immediately informed him of the on-demand data.

Within 24 hours, the number of paid clicks reached 215 million!

“It’s a huge profit!”

The cost for users to subscribe to the Hulu cable service is approximately US$14.99 per month, and based on the click rate data of 215 million times, US$3222 million has been earned in just one day!


Chen Fei subconsciously took a breath of cold air, this thing is also a tool for attracting money!

(End of this chapter)

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