It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 322 Not even playing? Catch an adulterer? compete? Enemy Road Killer!

Chapter 322 Not even playing? Catch an adulterer? compete? Enemy Road Killer! (asking for monthly ticket)

With its premiere on the first day, "Game of Thrones" officially broke into the North American paid TV drama market.

When the data of "215" million times was released by the Hulu platform, the Hollywood TV circle was completely excited!

"On the first day of the broadcast, it made 3222 million US dollars? Directly recouped half of the cost?" The CEO of HBO TV Network looked inexplicably complicated.

"Yes, there is no error in this data."

"It seems that Hulu, the emerging TV on-demand platform, has been revitalized!"

At the same time, the CEO of Netflix Group, whose business overlaps with Hulu, also expressed such emotions.

An excellent TV series can bring a large number of subscribers to the platform.

At first, everyone was not very optimistic about Hulu. After all, the previous market share was almost evenly divided between HBO and Netflix.

But when Game of Thrones launched on the Hulu platform and the number of subscribers began to surge, everything changed quickly.

The capital market is about to set off another wave of bloody storms!

Of course, this has nothing to do with ordinary viewers. They don't care how fierce the battle between video websites will be. They just want to watch this excellent TV series carefully and attentively.

Chen Fei came to Marvel, and while visiting the team, he also got the latest data on Game of Thrones from Isaac Perlmutter.

Rotten Tomatoes Freshness: 90%!

IMDB score is 8.8!

"Fei, there is no doubt that this TV series has reached unprecedented heights."

While talking, Isaac found out many comments from the audience and invited Chen Fei to come and watch.

""The long night is coming, and I will keep watch from now on until I die. I will not take a wife, fiefdom, or have children. I will not wear a crown or compete for honors. I will fulfill my duty, live and die. I am The sword in the dark, the guard on the wall. I am the fire that withstands the cold, the light at dawn, the horn that awakens the dead, the iron guard that protects the kingdom. I dedicate my life and honor to the Night's Watch, tonight and every night. Of course." The brutal and stunning lines are shocking! The writers of this show are simply geniuses! "

"After watching "The Sopranos," I thought this was the end of American dramas. I didn't expect that "Mad Men" would be released in 07. When "Mad Men" went on hiatus, I thought there would be no other series to replace it. I didn't expect that there would be another series this year. "Game of Thrones," Fei, I want to thank you, this show will definitely become a masterpiece and will be remembered forever!"

"Every wolf is a highlight! Adorable creatures!"

"Top production, these four simple words are better than all the praise!"

"Although Eddard, Lord of Winterfell, was upright and brave and lived to die, he was still willing to be charged with treason to save his beloved daughter. The sun and stars, brave and brave, fell, but a bright moon rose in the cremation. Of course, there are legends The dragon in the dragon, tears and begging are not completely useless, but when a cruel fate sweeps over, all you can do is to endure the pain and move forward or be crushed and thrown away by it..."

"The screenwriter is great! The pictures are wonderful! The actors are excellent! This is simply a perfect play!"

There are naturally negative reviews, but compared to the many positive reviews, those voices that are black for the sake of being black do not need to pay too much attention at all.

The next morning, Chen Fei once again received the latest data report from the Hulu platform.

"275 million times!"

"Hey? Is this what you paid for?"

Chen Fei was immediately happy. In two days, it received 490 million views and successfully earned US$7345 million. This paid result already exceeded the money spent on the filming.

Although the platform still needs to be divided into shares, according to the current increase in click rate, all costs can be easily recovered in less than a week.

And the rest of the time is naturally spent happily counting money!

When he lifted the quilt and took out his left hand from Natalie Dormer's arms, the phone rang at the right time.

It was Isaac Perlmutter.

"Fei, many people are asking, when will the second season be released?"

"Not necessarily, maybe it will be very late."

The script was already prepared, but Chen Fei had no time to film it.

And now that the first season has just been launched, there is no need to rush to launch the second season. It is not too late to wait for the reputation of the first season to fully ferment before filming.

The girl on the bed seemed to be awakened by the call. She looked up at Chen Fei, smiled, and lowered her head in a very familiar manner.

They had agreed a long time ago that 20 TTs must be used every time they meet. They just used up 13 TTs last night, and there are still 7 left.


Sina's response speed is still the fastest, and it immediately delivers the news about Hollywood to the country.

[Chen Fei's new work "Game of Thrones" has been officially launched on the Hulu paid video click website. In just two days, it received 490 million views and earned US$7345 million! 】

Once the news was announced, several domestic companies specializing in TV drama production were immediately frightened.

Each episode costs 700 million US dollars to shoot, and the total investment is as high as 7000 million US dollars. The production cost is extremely high and is rarely seen in the world! has only been two days since it was launched and the money has been recovered?

"Are you kidding me?"

Zhang Dabeard, who was filming in Hengdian, looked in a daze and could not recover for a long time.

He really couldn't imagine how such a result was achieved? What kind of charm does this show have? How could it attract so much attention?

With strong curiosity, he spent a lot of effort and finally watched this popular TV series in North America - "Game of Thrones".

The plot, graphics, special effects, acting... without exception, all are top-notch!

Only those revealing scenes made Zhang Dabeard stunned, "Is this... is this a restricted TV series? It's not even coded? It's just exposed like this?"

He admitted that it was a very good TV series, but the unabashedly explicit scenes always made him feel like he was watching a pornographic film.

Even at the end, he had the urge to work hard and work hard!

"Is it necessary for an excellent TV series to include many plots of male and female love? In order to trigger the audience's exploration of the mysterious area?"

Zhang Bearded murmured to himself, as if he had discovered a new world!

At the same time, as news of the launch of Game of Thrones continued to spread, more and more people paid attention to the series and tried their best to obtain resources from abroad.

After watching it, in awe, netizens flocked to the forum to praise the details of the show for its exquisiteness, fun, and excitement!

"Director Chen is such a talented person! This drama was really shot, but if it were to be released in China, it would be under the 18-year-old ban, right?!"

"Good guy, are you so open-minded?"

"This show is really awesome, every episode has something that attracts me!"

"Ahem, why don't you send an email and ask China Film Group? Can you bring it back? Let me say it first, I will watch it with a judgmental attitude."

"No wonder the investment in each episode is as high as 700 million US dollars. This is indeed a masterpiece!"

Most people are born with this attribute. Many people are watching this TV series with colored glasses. There are also many voices on the Internet saying that the scale of this TV series is too large, too explicit, and may lead to bad things. kid……

The old guys in the literary and art circles seemed to be on aphrodisiacs. They were restless, sarcastic, and full of disdain. There was even a tendency to position him as a director of pornographic films.

Han Sanping called and said tactfully, "It is very likely that this drama cannot be introduced. The pictures are indeed a bit too explicit."

Chen Fei asked with a smile: "Lust, Caution and Apple can be released, but I can't?"

"Don't hold any grudges. Those two films have been removed from the shelves a long time ago. Moreover, the national conditions in our country are like this. There is always a strict censorship system for these scenes. Of course, if you are willing to do detailed editing, try to avoid it. When such shots appear, I can also react to them."

"Forget it, there's no need to go to such trouble." Chen Fei didn't care at all, "This drama is just for foreigners to watch. Let's talk about introducing it into the country later."

After saying that, after chatting for a few more words, Chen Fei hung up the phone.

The Saturn Awards ceremony was coming soon, and this was the top priority at the moment. He had no time to pay attention to the evaluations of those in the country.


On the other hand, the box office of "Twilight 2" is still rising.

When the time came to the sixth day, it successfully achieved the achievement of 200 million US dollars in North America, and it was also the fastest movie to cross 200 million US dollars in the history of North American movies!

The previous fastest record was "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", but it took a full eight days!

If we only look at the early data, the box office growth rate of "Twilight" seems to be even stronger than that of "Harry Potter", and this also makes the CEO of Warner Pictures slightly worried.

"If "Twilight" continues to launch a series of sequels, it won't really surpass "Harry Potter", right?" He already had a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

Mr. Woody Allen has been very proud of himself recently, leading a group of creators to travel around for promotions, and even flew abroad.

With the official launch of the release in other countries around the world, they passed through the United Kingdom, France, Australia, Italy, South Korea and other places, promoting and traveling along the way.

Almost everywhere the team goes, they are warmly welcomed by local young girls!

At Chen Fei's request, their last stop will be through China.

It just so happened that many people in the team expressed their curiosity about that ancient country, and coupled with the Olympic Games, the capital will be very lively by then. Promotion + tourism, it can be said to be the best of both worlds!


The 34th Saturn Awards ceremony was scheduled to be held in New York because everyone had to fly over from Los Angeles on the eve of the ceremony.

At the same time, due to the time difference, just as Chen Fei flew to Hollywood with the people from Volton Pictures and Marvel Pictures, the midnight screening of "The Twilight Saga 2" happened to be started in China.

In Hengdong Nei, girls Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Liu Shishi, and Guo Xiaoting who were filming Fairy Sword III met together and went straight to the cinema. “Wait for me! I’ll go too!”

Hu Ge licked his face and walked out with a few girls.

"Why are you following us?" Yang Mi was a little reluctant. Girls have to discuss handsome guys when they are together. It is too inconvenient to follow a boy.

"I'm bored by myself!"

"Where's Huo Jianhua? Why don't you go find him to play Fairy Sword? Don't you two like playing games very much?"

"Well, I wanted to go find him, but he disappeared at night. He didn't answer calls or reply to text messages. It was as if he had disappeared."

Liu Shishi seemed to have thought of something, his eyes were a little complicated, "You can go to Santiao Street to look for him."

"I'm not going! I'm not interested in that!"

As if to prove himself, Hu Ge hurriedly said: "Well, I've paid for tonight's movie tickets and late-night snacks. This should be fine now, right?"

"Okay, I want to eat crayfish." Yang Mi was not polite to him at all.

Four women and one man walked into the cinema chattering.

However, just as they were queuing up in the lobby to buy tickets, they saw a man and a woman suddenly leaving the queue. The two of them left the theater in a hurry, as if flying.

Although both of them were wearing sunglasses and masks, and their whole bodies were covered tightly, Yang Mi still recognized them through their body shapes and movements.

"Isn't this Deng Chao and that An Jixuan? What are they two doing in such a hurry?"

Although he said these words to himself, Liu Shishi in front of him still heard them.

She turned around and whispered: "Don't you know? Deng Chao's girlfriend is that Sun Li. She came to Hengdian again in the afternoon."


Yang Mi suddenly looked surprised, "Didn't the last rape incident have been clearly explained to the media..."

Before she finished speaking, her expression suddenly became startled.

This thing would be weird if it could be explained clearly!

If they had dealt with it properly, the two of them would not be alone at night watching a movie. It was obvious that their feelings were still lingering.

Since he left in a hurry, the real owner is probably chasing after him!

Yang Mi suddenly sighed, "Tsk, this circle is really chaotic."

Liu Shishi shrugged, inexplicably thinking of Huo Jianhua, who looked like a serious "white tofu", but who knew he had that side behind him!

After Hu Ge bought the tickets, the group walked into the theater.

Just after midnight, the second part of "The Twilight Saga" officially started to be fully launched in China, and the box office plundering war began!


At the same time, Chen Fei also led a group of people to the hotel arranged by the organizer of the Saturn Awards.

"Fei, haha, we got there first."

Mr. Woody Allen was leading the creative team of "The Twilight Saga" waiting in the hotel lobby. After seeing Fade Chen, a group of people immediately came to greet him.

The Twilight Saga was also on the shortlist for Best Fantasy Film, so they were invited as well.

"Which country are you promoting to now?"

"Australia!" Christine rushed to respond from the side.

In the crowd, Liu Yifei's eyes suddenly flashed and fell on Christine.

She knew this blond girl, who was the heroine of Twilight and one of the four Hollywood actresses. She was called by the media the youngest and most attractive actress of our time.

Seeing the other party approaching Chen Fei quickly, Liu Yifei suddenly felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

The competitors are very strong!


This time the Saturn Award shortlist is quite luxurious.

Among the best science fiction films are Paramount's "Cloverfield," Warner Bros.'s "I Am Legend," and DreamWorks and Paramount's "Transformers."

In addition, there are "Enchanted", "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End", "Spider-Man 3" and so on.

Looking around, they are all very powerful competitors!

To be honest, even Chen Fei himself has little confidence. Although he has been shortlisted for many awards, none of his competitors are bad!

Not to mention the others, those competing with him for the Best Director Award are Sam Raimi, David Yeats, Paul Greengrass and others, all of whom are well-known "talents" in Hollywood.

When getting on the elevator, Christine asked expectantly: "Fei? Are you going to walk the red carpet with us tomorrow?"

Liu Yifei suddenly panicked and subconsciously replied: "Sorry, Chen Fei will walk on the red carpet with our "Mulan" crew."

Chen Fei didn't think too much and nodded casually.

Several main creators from the "Mulan" crew came to the scene. As a director, he certainly couldn't leave them behind and had to lead them to the red carpet together.

As for "Iron Man", Robert Downey Jr. and Pepper Potts are enough.

"Well, that's a pity." Christine pouted, and the expectation on her face disappeared instantly.

On the other hand, Liu Yifei raised her eyebrows very proudly, with a "returning victorious" look on her face, as if she was in a Mulan-like state.

Several "seasoned" love experts nearby looked like they were watching a good show.

The fight between the two women, although only a few words, is very exciting!


On the morning of the 24th, everyone dressed up and followed the organizer's arrangements to the red carpet waiting area.

Chen Fei, Liu Yifei, Jiao Enjun, Chen Daoming, and Wu Jing were riding in the same car, waiting for the moment to appear.

"As expected of a gathering place for top-notch A-level blockbusters, the Saturn Awards look even more lively than the Oscars!"

Listening to the cheers ringing in his ears, Wu Jing looked emotional.

Since the filming of "Kung Fu Panda" started, he has been staying in Hollywood to help, and now he was dragged to the Saturn Awards ceremony by Chen Fei.

Although he is not qualified for nomination, this kind of activity is still the best place to expand his network. Participating in it will only benefit him, and there will be absolutely no harm.

"I am Iron Man!"

On the red carpet, Downey enjoyed the cheers of fans, which made Wu Jing envious.

"Let's go, it's our turn." Chen Fei patted his shoulder, opened the door and got out of the car, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "Don't envy him, it won't be long before you can enjoy the cheers of thousands of people."

Ok? !

The speaker is intentional and the listener is intentional.

Wu Jing's eyes suddenly lit up, and anticipation filled his heart.

The moment he stepped onto the red carpet, dazzling flashlights illuminated the entire venue, and fans on both sides cheered wildly.

"Crystal! Crystal! Crystal!"

Liu Yifei put a lot of thought into her outfit today. The pink diamond skirt paired with her fair skin makes her look stunning.

With the popularity of "Mulan" in North America, she also has many die-hard fans in Hollywood, and almost all of them came to support him when they had free time today.

"Director Chen, are you confident about winning the award today?" Six Princess's reporter stopped Chen Fei.

He shrugged and spread his hands, very free and easy, "Of course I have confidence, but it's hard to say whether I can win the prize. I hope I can get a good harvest."

The staff on site are already rushing.

Chen Fei had no intention of occupying the red carpet and led a group of people to the venue.

But at this moment, a fierce scream suddenly came from behind!

He subconsciously turned around and saw current Disney CEO Bob Iger leading the creative team of "Pirates of the Caribbean" headed by Johnny Depp onto the red carpet.

Behind it, Pixar Animation Studios CEO John Lasseter was standing with the creative teams of "Future" and "Ratatouille", waiting to go on stage.

Their eyes met, and there seemed to be lightning exploding in the air!

A new round of competition is about to begin again!

(End of this chapter)

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