It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 324 I decide my script! Do you also understand? An electric shock?

Chapter 324 I decide my script! Do you also understand? An electric shock? (Ask for monthly ticket)

A cross-border phone call came directly to Chen Fei, and along with it was a revised script for "The Wind".

In the office, Chen Fei compared the original script and the revised script and suddenly became happy.

"What has been changed? Isn't it just that Zhou Xun's role has been deleted and Li Bingbin's role has been added?"

On the other end of the phone, Ni Xuelin replied: "That's true. I also compared it carefully. According to the original script, it was supposed to be a single female lead, but after modification, it became a double female lead. The second female lead even had more roles than the first female lead. need more.

However, the revised script will not affect the normal plot. The only difference may be that the image of the heroine is not full enough. "

"Like a beautiful but meaningless vase?"

"Yes, yes! That's it!" Ni Xuelin responded hurriedly.

Chen Fei smiled and suddenly had a guess in his heart.

Zhou Xun contacted him a few months ago and told him that after his contract with Huayi expired, he was not planning to renew it and was planning to open an artist studio of his own.

"Being under the eaves" and "standing on the roof" are two completely different feelings. Making "capital" by yourself may be difficult in the early stage, but you will definitely gain something after hard work.

Zhou Xun's acting skills are unique among many female stars in the industry. As long as she opens a studio, she will definitely not worry about running out of work.

At that time, Chen Fei said that he would strongly support her, and if she wanted, she could even affiliate the studio under the "Flying Shadow King Agency".

Zhou Xun readily agreed.

Looking at it now, it seems that the fact that she did not renew the contract made the other party very angry, so they started to change the drama for her, hoping to promote Li Bingbin.

"The competition for female stars' resources is really exciting."

After silently sighing for a few words, Chen Fei directly ordered on the phone: "I won't personally come forward in this matter. You can contact Huayi. If they want to modify the script, then terminate the cooperation.

Ni Xuelin, remember! Our script can only be decided by ourselves. Unless you and I nod, no one can change it!

We have no shortage of partners. If Huayi is not willing to shoot, then let it withdraw and we will shoot it ourselves. Aren’t we the partners? It is no exaggeration to say that for us, Feiyue Film and Television, they are all over the street and we can’t even count them. "

"Okay, Brother Fei, I understand."

Ni Xuelin responded, and after hanging up the phone, he directly called someone from the legal department and went to Huayi together.

After Chen Fei's enlightenment, his confidence instantly increased!

Changing the script without my consent as the screenwriter?

Youya are so brave!

The labor and management team will lead the legal department to terminate your contract right now. Stop trying to take pictures of me!


Just after finishing the call with Ni Xuelin, the phone on the table rang again.

Chen Fei picked it up and took a look, only to see the name "Zhou Xun" written clearly on the caller ID.

"Is it about the script? Don't worry, I have arranged for someone to handle it."


On the other end of the phone, Zhou Xun was still thinking about how to mention this matter, but Chen Fei unexpectedly gave her a surprise.

"Oh, thanks to the contract expiring at the end of the year, otherwise there would be a lot of trouble."

Zhou Xun also regretted it very much at this moment. After joining Huayi, his several films received mediocre response, and he had to compete with Li Bingbin for the inexplicable first sister position.

Especially the movie "The Night Banquet", which even gained her a lot of negative fans after filming!

Thinking about it now, it's really not worth it. If I had known it would be like this, I should have opened my own studio after leaving Rong Xinda.

On the contrary, several of the films he has collaborated with Chen Fei have now received very good response.

The movie "Shoplifters" directly led her to be nominated for the Best Actress Award at the Cannes International Film Festival. Although she did not win the award in the end, just being nominated has already made her worth skyrocket in the industry!

The recently released "Painted Skin" has directly boosted her box office appeal. Within 26 days of its release, the box office successfully exceeded 3 million!

It can be seen that Chen Fei is the noble person in her life.

At this time, the noble voice suddenly came from the phone: "Have you participated in Huayi's internal stock subscription?"

"No, I don't trade in stocks, and I don't understand that stuff, so I refused."

"Hey? Why did you refuse?"

Chen Fei was immediately dumbfounded. This person really had no business sense, and he was far behind Huang Xiaoming.

"Is that thing useful?" Zhou Xun's voice was full of confusion.

She had paid attention to news in this area, but most of the voices on the Internet were unfavorable. In addition, she was planning to leave after her contract expired, so she did not participate.

"Go buy some. Just try to ease the deadlock. Trust me, you won't be compensated."

"Oh! Okay, let me find a time to talk to Wang Zhonglei."

She had a pretty good impression of Wang Zhonglei. As for Wang Zhongjun... he was just a worm, swaggering around in the company all day long. There was no telling how many little girls in the artist department had been poisoned by him.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei stood up from the computer and walked out of the office.

Chen Long's movie "Twelve Zodiac Signs" happened to be shot in New York recently, and he planned to drop by to visit a class and complete the task of refreshing the system.

However, as soon as he walked out the door, he saw Bruce's eldest nephew Eric Keger walking into his exclusive office carrying a pot of coffee.

After thinking about it, Chen Fei walked towards him and took out the password card.


The office door was successfully unlocked.

When Eric heard someone coming in, he didn't look back and was still busy with his own affairs.

Except for him and Chen Fei, no one else could enter this office, so the identity of the visitor was self-evident.

"Drink less coffee. It's not good for your kidneys. I'll bring you some tea from China later."

As Chen Fei spoke, he leaned next to him and looked at the computer screen with a faint blue light, "How is the situation?"

Eric took a sip of coffee and replied: "The Chinese and English versions of the white paper are ready, but I don't think it's time to send them out now."

Chen Fei nodded, "Well, let's wait until the financial market is completely out of control and investors have lost trust in the financial system. I estimate that it will be about the end of October at the latest."

Eric took another sip of coffee and nodded, his dark eyes reflected on the screen.

"This thing is not particularly urgent. You have to pay attention to rest. If not, just talk to a girlfriend to vent. It is not a good thing to hold it in for too long." Chen Fei advised him earnestly.

Eric coughed violently and said, "Let's wait until the matter is settled, we really don't have time now.

By the way, I want to dig some for ourselves to reserve before publishing the white paper. The early stage is relatively simple and does not require high computing power. An ordinary landline or low-end laptop will do. "

Chen Fei nodded, "Okay, I will arrange for people to do this. Then we will buy more high-end computers. After all, big investment can bring big returns. At least we must make enough money first."

Eric Keger nodded, did not continue to answer, but began to work.

Chen Fei was not in a hurry to leave. After staring at the screen for a while, he suddenly said: "It is inevitable that some small bugs will appear. Just fix them slowly. There is no need to rush."


Eric's hand movements suddenly stopped, and he turned around in surprise.

"You know this stuff too?"

Chen Fei looked at him with a smile, "Of course, if I don't understand it myself, how could I come up with this plan? I'm just lazy and don't want to deal with those codes."

Upon hearing this, a flash of understanding suddenly flashed across Eric's face, and the little Jiujiu in his heart quickly dissipated.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to be looking down on this boss!

Before leaving, Chen Fei patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Do a good job, I am not a boss who will treat his subordinates badly, and your uncle has more say in this than me.

Believe me, it won’t take long before all the happiness you can imagine and the happiness you can’t imagine will follow! "

"I understand, boss."

Eric Kerger nodded solemnly.


The latest mission released by the system belongs to the "A" level, and it is still the same routine that Chen Fei has played before, but with a new twist.

[Challenge mission: (Find a slope of no less than 70 degrees and no less than 500 meters, and complete a skateboard downhill without protection.) Difficulty factor: 7 stars. Complete the mission to get an A-level reward blind box. 】

[The mission is limited to three months. 】

Judging from the system requirements, it is clear that he is required to complete a "slope challenge".

There is a saying in the skateboarding circle: "Cherish life and stay away from climbing!"

The danger of charging downhill is no less than the ultra-long-distance high-altitude Ollie, because from a technical perspective, riding a skateboard to charge downhill is the ultimate test of the skater's sliding ability.

This challenge has very strict requirements on the skateboarders' "lateral braking" and "avoidance" actions.

Because during the process of rushing down the road, the gravity of the human body and the speed of the pulley will make the speed of the skateboard easily exceed 100 kilometers per hour.

At such a high speed, even a small bump on the road can cause a tragic accident!

Therefore, without excellent horizontal braking technology and the technology to avoid obstacles when gliding at ultra-high speeds, the possibility of an accident for skateboarders is as high as 95%!

After an accident, the probability of surviving intact is only about 5%.

Therefore, if you do not have adequate preparations and rush into this challenge, you are almost looking for death!

In the skateboarding industry, an extremely large number of people are sent to the hospital every year due to hill climbing, and without exception, the most minor ones sent to the hospital have broken arms and legs, and some even directly pay the price with their lives.

Even though Chen Fei has experienced hundreds of battles, he still has to maintain awe and caution when facing this challenge.

In fact, no matter which challenge he takes on, he will be fully prepared in advance, but most of the time the system will require him to complete the challenge "without protection."

Therefore, in the eyes of netizens, every one of his actions is very thrilling, exciting and blood-curdling!

…   On the way to the filming location of "Twelve Zodiac Signs", Chen Fei received a call from Wen Ziren.

""Insidious 2" is finished."

"So fast?"

Chen Fei was slightly startled. If I remember correctly, it seems that it has been less than three months since the preparation of this movie?

"The shooting went smoothly, so it will be relatively faster." Wen Ziren said cheerfully.

"Then what are your plans next?" There are many horror movie scripts, and as long as he is willing to continue filming, Chen Fei can easily take out more than ten.

"I plan to take a break after finishing the post-production, and then go to Universal to start the promotion of Super 4, and prepare for Super 5 at the same time."

"Oh? Fast 4 is set?" Speaking of Fast and Furious, Chen Fei subconsciously thought of Gal Gadot's long legs.

"Yes, next April."

"Ok, if you need me somewhere, you can call me. Maybe I will be free to accompany you on a few shows."

"Haha, okay, I will let you know when the time is set."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei thought secretly.

There are many scenes of him in the filming of Fast 5, and it will inevitably take a month to join the filming.

It’s quite interesting to think about it. By then, you can drive two “cars” at the same time!


Rushing to the "Twelve Zodiac" crew without stopping, Chen Fei met Chen Long and other main creators.

Everyone was gathering around now, helping Chen Long put on the roller skating suit with many wheels.

Because it was already summer, Yao Xantong and Zhang Lanxin were both wearing shorts, and their long white legs were a feast for the eyes.

"As expected of a sports major."

Chen Fei's eyes were focused on Zhang Lanxin. The plot of "a long-legged horse taking the key" really suited him. It's no wonder that Chen Long would partner with her three times.

"Chen Fei! Come here quickly and show you something good."

Chen Long shouted enthusiastically, showing off the roller skating suit he was wearing, "This is professionally customized for me. Most people have no chance to wear it."

Around him, Yao Xantong, Zhang Lanxin, Liao Fan, Quan Xiangyu, and Bai Luna turned around to say hello to Chen Fei.

Although this is Chen Fei's first time on the set of "Zodiac", he is still the deputy director and producer of the film, and his status is second only to Chen Long.

"Is it fun?"

Chen Fei stretched out his hand and pulled the wheel. Hearing the sound of the bearing rotating in his ears, he couldn't help but feel moved.

"It's not bad, but it's difficult to master. I've been learning it for more than a month, and I can barely complete some basic moves, but I still can't understand the difficult ones."

As he spoke, Chen Long introduced the foreigner next to him to him.

"This is Yves Blondou, my roller skating coach from a famous roller skating organization in France. He designed my suit."


Chen Fei smiled and extended his right hand to the foreigner with a high nose in front of him.

"Oh, my god! Fei! It's really you! I didn't expect to see you here!"

The French foreigner was very excited, as if he had seen an idol.

A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Long's eyes, "Yves? Are you also a fan of his?"

"No! No! No! I am his admirer. His skateboarding skills are the most handsome I have ever seen. It is simply amazing!"

"Oh? Have you ever seen me skateboarding?" Chen Fei was a little surprised. The last time he did a skateboard challenge was in 05.

"Yes!" Yves Blondou nodded, "Your skateboarding challenge in Berlin shocked the entire skateboarding world. No one can be as cool as you..."

The French foreigner chattered, and in the end he even borrowed paper and pen, insisting that Fade Chen give him an autograph, and took a few more photos before giving up.

"So, you're pretty good at skateboarding?" Chen Long's tone contained a hint of doubt and a little bit of expectation.

"It's barely okay."

"Then let's compete?"


Chen Fei looked at him curiously, "Compared to what?"

"It's better than a skateboard!" Chen Long patted the roller skating suit on his body, "I'm wearing a roller skating suit, and you are on a skateboard. Let's see who is faster? How about it?"

"Haha, sure, since you want to try it, then come on."

Chen Fei didn't care. He just had to complete a task, so the competition was just for fun.

The two of them decided on the rules of the game in a few words. Yves Blondou excitedly said that he would be the referee for them, while other people around him gathered around.

"Cameraman, please record the footage of our match later. It can be used for publicity."

"This is a good suggestion."

Chen Fei said cheerfully, and took over the professional downhill skateboard from Yves Blondou.

This is used as a spare for Chen Long, and it can be given to Chen Fei to try first.

In order to cooperate with the filming, New York City even specially lent a section of closed road to the "Zodiac" crew, allowing them to film at will.

The competition between the two took place on this closed road.

"This is a new road in New York that has not yet been opened to traffic, so it was lent to us."

Chen Fei raised his eyes slightly and looked at the section of road in front of him.

There are neat olive trees planted on both sides of the wide street. There is nothing on the road and it looks quite smooth.

This is a 200-meter-long straight section, and at the end of the road, a large slope of at least 70 degrees suddenly takes shape!

The rules of the competition are simple, see who can reach the bottom of the big slope first.

Chen Long was putting on protective gear, and Yves Blondou handed his protective gear to Chen Fei.

"Thank you, no need. I never use protective gear when skateboarding."


A row of question marks popped up directly from Yves Blondou's forehead.

Is this...a master of arts?

You know, in the entire skateboard industry, more than 60% of veteran skateboarders often fall into the hospital because they think they are very skilled!

They always feel that wearing protective gear cannot reflect their handsome skills, so when taking on challenges, they always just wear gloves and go directly to the "battlefield" without protection.

However, it is precisely because of this "bold behavior" that many veteran skateboarders are thrown into the hospital every year, or even bid farewell to this industry completely!

There is an old saying that goes, "Those who drown are those who know how to swim." This sentence refers to this kind of behavior of "people with great skills are bold".

"Fei, you must be careful."

Yves Blondou pointed to his leaky teeth and said sadly, "This is what happens if you don't wear protective equipment."

"Haha, you can get a dental implant. At least it will look better than now."

"No, I am not suitable for dental implants. I had a gold tooth implanted at the suggestion of a friend, but since then I have been dizzy every day. In the end, I just had it removed."

As he spoke, he bared his teeth to show Chen Fei.

Because he fell while skateboarding, none of the teeth in his mouth were in good shape, and they were repaired everywhere.

However, after Chen Fei stared at it carefully for a while, his expression suddenly became strange, "What do you use to fill these half-broken teeth?"

Yves Blondou thought for a while and replied: "It seems to be made of aluminum."


Chen Fei was silent for a moment.

See you soon!

Aluminum dental filling materials and inlaid gold teeth are put together, and then saliva provides electrolytes. Doesn't this just synthesize a primary battery?

Can you ride a horse without getting dizzy if you keep running around with electricity all day long?

Yves Blondou was still muttering to himself, "But my wife really likes the feeling after my gold teeth are inlaid. She said that when she kisses me, she always feels like an electric shock. It's great!"


If it's not great, then that's weird. The two of them have formed an electrical conductor...

Chen Fei tried to give him a suggestion, "Next time if you want to have your teeth fixed, I suggest you get an aluminum one."

"Okay, Fei, thank you for your advice."

Yves Blondou nodded seriously, but he had his own thoughts in his heart.

He is also planning to get gold teeth, but this time he can make them into removable braces that can be put on when he goes back at night.

To be honest, he also liked the electric shock-like feeling.

This feeling even ignited the long-lost passion between the couple!

(End of this chapter)

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