It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 325 Why not give you 3 seconds? Goodbye 'Lucky Orange'! A quality script?

Chapter 325 Why not give you three seconds? Goodbye 'Lucky Orange'! A quality script? (asking for monthly ticket)

"Two contestants, are you ready?"

In the middle of the asphalt road, Yves Blondou raised his hands high and glanced at Chen Fei and Chen Long respectively, waiting for their signal.


Chen Fei nodded slightly, stepped on the board with his right foot, touched the ground with his left foot, bent his knees, and was ready to go!

Next to him, Chen Long also made the same action, but because he was wearing roller skates under his feet, his posture was a little weird.

"My equipment is not suitable for starting on a flat road, but on the subsequent slopes, I am definitely the fastest."

Chen Long said harsh words with a confident expression on his face.

"Then let me look forward to it." Chen Fei shrugged, already having new ideas in his mind.

The cameraman was ready and waiting for them to set off, while Yao Haotong and Zhang Lanxin on both sides of the road acted as cheerleaders, constantly cheering them on.

The two pairs of long white shiny legs were very eye-catching, attracting frequent glances from other people in the crew.

"Go! Go! Go!"

After confirming that both of them were ready, Yves Blondou directly issued the order.


The sound of roller skating sounded first. Although Chen Long started a little slowly, he quickly completed the acceleration.

But at this time, he suddenly discovered that Chen Fei did not start immediately, but only started to straighten his knees three seconds after the command was given and completed the start.

"Huh? So confident? You actually gave me three seconds?"

"Haha, why not give you three seconds? Today I will let you see what real skateboarding is!"

As they spoke, the distance between the two quickly shortened.

The power source of roller skating is not much different from that of skateboards. They both come from the strength and skill of the operator.

But at the moment of starting, roller skating is still not as convenient as skateboarding, so for the sake of fairness, Chen Fei will only give him three seconds.

These three seconds are enough for Chen Long to complete the initial start and enter a state of continuous acceleration.


On the smooth and open asphalt road, the sound of the pulley was extremely clear.

Behind them, Yao Xantong and Zhang Lanxin focused on the slogan "A bowl of water will equal the balance", shouting slogans in unison:

"Come on, Director Chen! Come on, Director Chen! Come on, Director Chen!"

Because both of them have the surname Chen, there is no favoritism in calling them this way, it is very appropriate.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had crossed hundreds of meters to the end of the asphalt road.

What is about to greet them is the long-distance slope of up to 70 degrees!

Chen Long bent down slightly, apparently preparing to slide down by diving close to the ground. This would not only ensure safety, but also reduce resistance and increase speed.

He has tried this action here many times before, so it is natural to know which one is more important, and he has even been able to judge when to slow down and when to use his hands to assist in accelerating.

In his opinion, no matter how skilled Chen Fei is in skateboarding, he will definitely slow down when encountering such unfamiliar terrain to ensure that he can survive it safely.

"Hey! You still want to beat me in my territory? It's not that simple!"

Chen Long showed a confident expression on his face, leaned forward, and his waist had formed a 45-degree angle with the ground.

However... just as his upper body landed on the ground and was about to rush down the slope, the corner of his eye glanced behind him, and his expression suddenly changed!

When Chen Fei arrived at the large slope that was very unfamiliar to him, he had no idea of ​​slowing down. Instead, he kept pedaling and accelerating, and the pulleys under his feet turned faster and faster!

"What's going on? Why is he still accelerating?"

Chen Long's face changed slightly, and he suddenly became worried.

This is just a simple friendly match. Don't cause any bloodshed, otherwise you will be in big trouble!

[The director and assistant director of the "Twelve Zodiac" crew competed on skateboards, encountered a collision, and a bloody incident occurred, and they both ended up in the hospital...]

He didn't want to see this kind of news appear on domestic portals.

"Chen Fei, we need to slow down here..."

Chen Long quickly shouted a reminder, but before he finished speaking, Chen Fei had already rushed to the highest point of the ramp.

At the same time, he had already prepared his posture for charging down the slope, lowering his body's center of gravity as low as possible in order to minimize air resistance.

The "cheerleaders" and other spectators behind him ran over at this time.

In their sight, they could see that Chen Long had completely prostrated on the road, and the pulley on his chest began to roll, driving his body down quickly.

At the same time, Chen Fei was also prepared to decline.

He put his right knee in front and his left knee behind him, and his hands fell to his side one after another, always ready to adjust the direction and speed.

The next second, with the action of inertia, the skateboard sprinted forward and successfully completed the slope entry operation!

But then, something that surprised everyone suddenly happened!

While the skateboard was sliding downward, Chen Fei put down his left foot again and kicked hard on the ground with lightning speed!


A muffled sound suddenly exploded, and the pulley rotated as fast as lightning, driving Chen Fei to complete another acceleration.

"What the hell?"

Watching Chen Fei surpass him on a skateboard, no matter how calm Chen Long was, he couldn't hide his surprise.

Speeding up when going downhill?

I don't want my life!

He subconsciously prepared to follow Chen Fei to complete a new round of acceleration, but when he came back to his senses and sensed the current speed, his expression suddenly changed.

How much faster is this?

He will really die!



There was the roar of the wind beside his ears, and Chen Fei's eyes were sharp, fixed on the road ahead.

Due to the acceleration just now, he had just rushed down the slope, and his speed had already reached 70 yards, and he was galloping forward like an arrow from the string.

In the back, everyone standing on the ramp watching the battle had their eyes widened with shock!

Especially Yves Blondou, when he saw Chen Fei driving his downhill board forward like lightning, he was in an extremely excited state.

The steel pulley under the skateboard was spinning rapidly, as if it was driving his heart to gallop and jump crazily!

This is a different kind of pleasure than applauding for love. The soaring speed brings a rush of adrenaline. It is an extraordinary and beautiful melody!

The audience at the back can feel the pleasure brought by the increase in speed, and Chen Fei, as the controller, is even more so.

As the speed continues to increase, the olive trees on both sides of the asphalt road are also retreating rapidly, just like a fast shot in a movie, giving people an unparalleled special look.

The kind that doesn't need to take into account everything around you, just keep moving forward! forward! Moving forward feels like following the most wonderful things in the world, looking for the peak of all happiness!

At this moment, the speed has reached 100 yards!

Chen Long, who was wearing a pulley suit, was already far behind him. Looking at Chen Fei, who was at least 50 meters away from him, he looked helpless.

This is no longer a competition, this is risking one's life!

To control such a fast speed requires extreme concentration and adaptability. If there is any deviation, an accident will 100% occur.

Although the asphalt road is newly paved, the gravel on the road has not been cleared thoroughly. These gravels may look inconspicuous, but it is precisely because of them that the danger factor for skaters soars so much that they lose their lives.

Although the skateboard Chen Fei is riding on is equipped with steel road wheels, if someone is accidentally bumped by a gravel, there is still a high probability that the board will be destroyed and someone will be killed!

As the saying goes: Talk about Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will come.

Just when Chen Long was worried about encountering a gravel crisis, some small stones in different locations appeared directly in front of Chen Fei.

If it were facing a car tire, these stones would be completely inconspicuous, but facing a pulley tire, it would be a dangerous situation that may cause a "flat tire crisis".

Although he is currently riding a highway downhill skateboard, which can push most of the gravel on the road away, because the speed is too fast, this "rock collision" behavior is still very dangerous.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and within a moment, Chen Fei already had a way to deal with it.

“Skateboarding Trick One: The Death Swing!”

This technique is the best choice for skateboarding to avoid obstacles, and it is also an operation method exclusive to the best skateboarders.

The so-called "death swing" roughly means using the inertia of the skateboard's downhill descent and the forward turning of the wheel bridge to tilt the nose of the board left and right to avoid obstacles.

In the downhill descent, the consistent large death swing is the best proof of a skateboarder's own skills, and it is also one of the most handsome pictures in skateboarding skills.

It's too late to say, then soon!

Almost at the same time that Chen Fei figured out a way to pass, the skateboard had reached the gravel area.

Seeing this, he quickly lowered his center of gravity and adjusted his posture at an extremely fast speed.

His front and rear feet were placed on the bridge pins at the head and tail of the board respectively, his knees were slightly bent, and his body had formed a posture parallel to the ground.

At this moment, his entire core, including the muscles all over his body, were tense, always ready to fight!

Behind the ramp, Chen Long had begun to slow down because he also encountered a lot of counterattacks from gravel.

But when he saw Chen Fei's posture, confusion suddenly appeared on his face.

"What does he want to do?"

Chen Long was wondering, but suddenly, he saw Chen Fei's right foot in front of him suddenly exerted force and pressed down suddenly.

At this moment, all the force exerted by the sole of his right foot on the skateboard was poured out, and the wheel bridge also began to move in the direction he controlled...


Chen Fei's figure was as elusive as a ghost at this time.

In the eyes of everyone, he obviously didn't have much movement, but the skateboard under his feet was constantly swinging left and right, driving him to complete dodges again and again.

And as his speed increased, coupled with the left and right drift of the skateboard, he actually left beautiful arcs of movement in place, and some people even saw the afterimage behind him!

"Death...death swing?"

Yves Blondou was in a bad state. This is known as the most dangerous, elegant and difficult move in skateboarding. Unexpectedly, it was actually used by Chen Fei today.

You know, even for a veteran like him who has been immersed in skateboarding for decades, when he was doing the death swing at his peak, his speed did not exceed 40 yards.

But now?

100 yards of speed + death swing!

If this video is released, it will definitely cause countless skateboarding enthusiasts to exclaim!


At this moment, as the amplitude and speed of Chen Fei's "death swing" changed, coupled with the light shining above his head, refracted afterimages actually appeared on the scene!

"Oh my god!"

A group of foreigners exclaimed repeatedly, unable to help themselves.

They had always thought that the scene of Chen Long training in a roller suit was already terrifying, but now after watching Chen Fei's death swing, they suddenly understood what it means to be a little dwarfed by a big witch.

This is simply too exaggerated!

Yao Haotong and Zhang Lanxin glanced at each other subconsciously, and immediately shouted even harder.

"Come on, Director Chen! Come on, Director Chen! Come on, Director Chen..."

The viewing value of the death swing cannot be compared to that of a simple straight-line charge. Although everyone does not know how difficult this action is, it is enough if it is "cool" enough.

There were endless screams at the scene. !

And when Chen Fei passed through the gravel area, suddenly turned around, and used the "extreme horizontal braking" move to slow down, the screams suddenly became more intense!

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

Chen Fei tried his best to lean back while maintaining his balance, while the edge of the board rubbed crazily against the asphalt road, sputtering out brilliant fireworks.

After sliding forward for nearly 20 meters, the skateboard was finally stopped successfully!

A burning smell began to fill the air, and Fade Chen subconsciously looked down and saw that the skateboard had been completely ruined.

The surface of the board was completely scorched black, and there was a faint flicker of firelight.

If I continue to slide forward for a certain distance, I'm afraid the skateboard will be set on fire!


After taking a long breath, Chen Fei looked back.

On the ground, a clearly visible black mark extended for nearly 20 meters. This shows how fast Chen Fei was just now!

Further back, Chen Long was sliding down slowly, trying his best to avoid the gravel along the way.

As for the top of the ramp, a group of people were staring blankly at the long black mark, unable to recover for a long time!

He is the only one who can skateboard to this level!

At the same time, as Chen Fei rushed down the ramp unharmed, the sound of the system rang in his ears just in time.

[Ding·Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge task (find a slope of no less than 70 degrees and no less than 500 meters, and complete a skateboard downhill without protection.)]

[A total of 234 reputation points were obtained for this mission. 】

[Due to the extremely high degree of completion of this task, double blind box rewards are triggered! 】

[A-level reward blind box × 2 has been distributed successfully. 】

[The blind box is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving: lucky orange, high-quality film and television script small gift package]

"Huh? There's something good again!"

There is no need to elaborate too much on how awesome Lucky Orange is. This thing is the basis for Chen Fei to survive every challenging mission.

As for the other reward...

Chen Fei was suddenly curious as to how big a surprise this "high-quality film and television script gift package" could bring to him.

"I hope it can be worthy of the word 'high quality'."

While thinking about it, he ordered the system to open the gift bag.

[The gift package of high-quality film and television scripts has been opened. Congratulations to the host for receiving the scripts: "Slumdog Millionaire", "One Man", "The Founding of the Nation" and "Snow Leopard". 】

(End of this chapter)

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