It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 326 A domineering partner! The busy month of July is coming! The first step in the rise of C

Chapter 326 A domineering partner! The busy month of July is coming! The first step in the rise of Chinese comics

Li Hedong has always felt that he is quite good!

Although she was lucky enough to replace Wang Jinghua and become the manager of Huayi's agency department, she believed that this was also a symbol of her ability.

If she hadn't been professional enough and willing to dedicate everything to the company and her boss, how could she have become the manager of the brokerage department and control the future destiny of hundreds of people?

As the saying goes, there are three things a new official needs to do when taking office!

The first two fires have been burned long ago, and now, with the script of "The Wind" being revised by the company, the third fire after she took office has officially been burned successfully.

Zhou Xun is indeed awesome. He has won domestic awards and was even nominated for Best Actress at Cannes abroad.

But in Huayi, even a dragon must be coiled! Even a tiger has to lie down!

Even if Chen Guofu appointed her to play the heroine, hasn't it been modified into a double heroine now?

Li He firmly believes that as long as the two sisters work together, they will eventually stand at the top of Huayi. By then, won't it be easy to be admired by thousands of people and become rich?

She has even begun to enjoy this feeling of "one word".

She met many people on the way from the brokerage department to Wang Zhonglei's office. Without exception, they all turned slightly sideways when facing her and called "Sister Ha" respectfully.

This makes Li Hu very useful!

She even felt that she had reached the peak of her life!

However, when she came to Wang Zhonglei's office and sat down on the sofa with a smile, she suddenly got a bolt from the blue!

"Forget about changing the script, let's just shoot according to the original script. That's the end of it."

"Ah!" Li He was stunned for a moment, with a face full of disbelief, "Isn't it already agreed? And the revised script has been sent out, so why doesn't it count?"

Wang Zhonglei sighed, feeling helpless.

"Feiyue Film and Television does not approve of our revised script. If we insist on filming according to the revised script, then the cooperation will officially come to an end."

When he said this, a trace of anger flashed in Wang Zhonglei's eyes.

He never expected that the reaction there would be so violent, and he would directly bring people from the legal department to the door to terminate the cooperation.

This wave of operations really surprised him!

This is not the first time that Huayi has cooperated with other film and television production companies to make a movie, but this is the first time that he has encountered such a domineering partner as Feiyue Film and Television.

Even now, the young man's words were lingering in his mind.

"As long as it is a script written by Feiyue Film and Television, no one else has the right to modify it except ourselves."

Wang Zhonglei was still thinking of explaining a few words at the time. In fact, modifying the script would not affect the direction of the plot, and the final effect would not change much.

But the other person's words left him speechless.

"Our expected box office for this movie is to exceed at least 3 million in the mainland. If after your revision, it does not achieve such results in the end, will Huayi be responsible for making up for that loss?"

Ni Xuelin was very confident when he said this. You must know that standing behind him was Chen Fei, who is known as the "script master".

Let me ask, who else in China can be more impressive than Chen Fei in the field of commercial films?

So, the matter finally came to nothing.

Wang Zhonglei even thought about calling Chen Fei to say something, but in the end he thought about it and chose to give it up.

A young man from the screenwriting department dared to challenge himself. If there was no instruction from Chen Fei behind him, how could he have such courage?

It's not good for anyone to break up, so let's just follow the original version...


Li Hu left Wang Zhonglei's office with a cold expression.

This matter was not done after all, and the third fire she lit went out just as it was lit.

News has been circulating within the company that Zhou Xun will no longer sign a contract next year, but even so, the role of the female lead must still be given to her.

The reason is simple, because she is the person appointed by Chen Fei!

In the cooperation of "The Wind", although Huayi is the producer, the control rights belong to Feiyue Film and Television, so it is easy to decide on a role there.

"Good morning, Sister Hud."

A shout made Li Hu frown slightly and turned her head to look at the man, making her feel even more unhappy.

"Public Relations Manager" Huo Siyan!

The woman in front of him was so good at taking off her clothes. As soon as Zhou Xun left, it became clear that she was Li Bingbin's future competitor.

"We have to find a way to get rid of her."

Li Hed thought secretly, nodded towards the other party and walked quickly to the brokerage department.

In the afternoon, all the actors who had previously been confirmed to star in "The Wind" received a message from Chen Guofu. The new script was abandoned and the previous first version of the script was still used.

For a time, the company was filled with whispers.

Li Hu and Li Bingbin went to Wang Zhongjun's office together.

"Benefits" are not so easy to get. If something cannot be accomplished, there must be an explanation.


When he received a call from Zhou Xun, Chen Fei was designing roller skating moves for Chen Long.

Be cool! Be handsome! Be exciting!

Chen Long's requirements were quite high, and he had to ask Chen Fei to teach him the "death swing" move, saying that it would be used in movie shooting.

"What? The script has been changed again? Hey, Ni Xuelin is very fast! Now that the change has been made, you should film it well. The scale of this spy drama is very large, and the chance of winning an award is very high."

"Okay, I understand. I'll treat you to dinner when I come back."

Zhou Xun said with a smile as he walked into the Huayi Building.

She only found out last night that Huang Xiaoming also held many original shares of Huayi. Combined with Chen Fei's previous proposal, she suddenly felt that she was very likely to earn a pocket money!


After the visit, Chen Fei directly got on the flight back to Los Angeles.

At the end of June, "Painted Skin" was successfully removed from major theaters. As previously predicted, the total box office reached 3.53 million yuan.

Ning Hao sounded shocked when he called!

"I really didn't expect it! I thought it would be good to break through 200 million in the end, but who would have thought that it would go up all the way!"

"Haha, isn't it good to be high?"

"It's good, but it feels quite fantasy."

As he said that, Ning Hao suddenly added: "Mr. Han wants to have a celebration dinner. Let me ask if you can come back by then?"

"Okay, I will go back in a few days."

The post-production of "The Embalmer" is almost finished. He has to go back and see the final effect. If there are any inappropriate parts, he has to reshoot.

After going through some twists and turns, "The Wind" is now preparing to start filming, and he also has to participate.

"Line of Life and Death" is also going to be released on Mango Channel on August 1st. Although he doesn't need to follow up personally, he has to review it.

There are also "Bullfighting" shot by Huang Bo and "Hello!" Mr. Tree! 》, he had to go and see how things were progressing.

And there is another very important thing now. His postgraduate course has come to an end and he has to go back to school to get his certificate.

All this must be completed in July.

Fortunately, the movie shooting here in Hollywood doesn't require him to keep an eye on it, otherwise he would be too busy!

Sitting on the plane, Chen Fei devoted all his attention to the mission reward.

Lucky oranges can be saved for later use.

As for the other four scripts rewarded by the mission...these are all of great use!

"'Slumdog Millionaire'? This movie is a hit. If it is used well, next year's Oscars ceremony will be much more interesting."

Looking at the script in his hand, Chen Fei couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The script tells the story of "Jamal" who was born in a slum and participated in the TV quiz show "Who's a Millionaire", but was taken away by the police for investigation when he won. In order to clear his suspicions, he told the police about his past. story……

In the original timeline, the film was produced by the British and won the 81st Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Film Editing, Best Original Film Score, and Best Original Score. It has won eight awards for Best Original Song in a Movie and Best Sound Mixing. It can be said that it stands out from the crowd and shocked countless people's jaws!

"If I were to direct and shoot this movie, would it still be able to achieve such an achievement?"

After returning to the company, Mr. Woody Allen was invited over by Chen Fei.

Before filming "Twilight", this man was a professional in award-winning films, and he knows those Oscar-winning men much better than Chen Fei.

After spending half an hour reading the script, Woody Allen suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of surprise.

"Fei! This script is simply great. It is definitely a strong contender for the Oscars. Although it is set in India, the American dream contained in it will surely amaze the Oscar men!"

Foreigners' English vocabulary is not as broad and profound as Chinese, so Woody Allen cannot say words such as "jawed" and "amazed". He can't do without the word "amazing" back and forth.

Natasha on the side was greatly shocked when she heard this.

Is this about to launch a charge towards the Oscars?

She subconsciously turned her head to look at Chen Fei, full of expectation. Waltham Pictures has yet to win a serious Oscar. If it can win a Best Picture trophy, it will be one step closer to becoming the seventh largest film company in Hollywood!

Chen Fei also flashed a hint of emotion in his eyes.

In his memory, there were no great films in the 09 Oscars, and "Slumdog Millionaire" definitely had a lot to offer.

And more importantly, India has a very dense population and great box office potential.

If this film set in India can be a big hit, the Indian market will be successfully opened, and it will be able to take the lead in distribution channels.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei immediately made a decision.

Taking the script from Woody Allen, under the old man's reluctant eyes, he handed the script to Natasha.

"I'll leave the preliminary preparations to you. It just so happens that the main creative members of "Inception" can't assemble for the time being. I'll squeeze in some time and shoot this film first."

"it is good!"

Natasha nodded hastily, her face full of excitement.

At this time, Chen Fei added: "By the way, Director Wen said that the post-production of "Insidious 2" has been completed. You can decide when it will be released. Give it a time."

"OK, this matter is all on me."

Natasha took a picture of her heavy fruit, her eyes flashing with excitement.

It just so happened that Disney had a low-cost movie scheduled, and the producer was the guy she hated the most, so she decided to use "Insidious 2" to give him something to watch.

After giving some details, Chen Fei went to the animation studio again.

The post-production of "Kung Fu Panda" has been completed, and he has to take a look at the finished film to make sure there are no problems.

He put a lot of effort into this film, so he had to make sure it was flawless.

Chen Fei is already preparing to use it to compete for the Best Animated Film Award next year, and it must compete with Disney.

Moreover, many fans in the mainland are calling for him to save Chinese comics. In this case, let’s start with this “panda”!

It took a full four hours for Chen Fei to read both the Chinese and English versions from beginning to end.

There's nothing much to talk about in the English version. The voice actors are very professional and successfully expressed their knowledge of this animated film.

On the other hand, Chen Fei was very surprised by the Chinese version!

Those voice actors are really awesome, their lines are spoken in a cadence and full of emotion, which actually gives him a very real feeling!

With the cooperation of the lines, every animation character seems to appear in front of you, and the expressions and movements become vivid.

"Awesome! Awesome!"

Chen Fei couldn't help but applaud, and silently remembered the names of several Chinese dubbing actors in his mind.

He plans to continue to use them to dub in subsequent sequels. You know, a good dubbing actor is the basic requirement for an anime to be successful!

After confirming that there were no problems with the entire "Kung Fu Panda" movie, he immediately went to the crews of the four movies "Iron Man 2", "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", "Thor" and "Captain America" ​​respectively. Ban, specially asked about their shooting progress.

Among them, the shooting progress of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2" is the fastest. Catherine assured him that it will be officially completed by the end of July at the latest.

Most of the other movies can only be completed after October.

Especially for "Iron Man 2", without Chen Fei's assistance, the production of those props became a major difficulty and the longest time-consuming task.

The release of "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" is still going on, and Chen Fei doesn't pay too much attention. He only knows that North America has exceeded 2 million US dollars and is charging towards 2.5 million US dollars.

And this data has slapped many people in the face!

Especially for Wu Yu, the bragging that day at the wine table turned into slaps to him, each one loud and clear.

As for "Game of Thrones", the total number of views has exceeded 1000 million, and the total revenue has reached as high as 4 million US dollars!

For a TV series with an investment of more than 7000 million US dollars, many people think it is quite reasonable to achieve such results, but they can't help but be shocked!

This achievement was simply exaggerated and frightened many TV drama producers in Hollywood.

The Emmy Awards specially sent an invitation letter, hoping to allow "Game of Thrones" to participate in the selection, and Chen Fei naturally agreed happily.

The 60th Emmy Awards will be held on September 9. If nothing else happens, Game of Thrones will compete with "Mad Men" and "Breaking Bad" on the same stage.


On July 5th, Chen Fei arrived at the Capital Airport quietly.

After a month, when he breathed the air of the capital again, he suddenly felt refreshed and unfamiliar, and even had a slight sense of freshness!

Even the haze that had been permeating the sky had disappeared without a trace at this time, and the stars in the sky were very dazzling.

"Hey? Is this a big effort?"

Chen Fei murmured to himself, admiring the operations of those gentlemen.

I usually just ignore things that I can obviously handle, but now that it's a critical moment, I finally get anxious.

When he arrived outside the airport, he immediately saw the extremely sexy red Mercedes-Benz!

He walked over and opened the door. Listening to the dynamic music, Chen Fei was speechless for a while.

"Can't you buy one for yourself? Do you have to drive Wang Jinghua's car? The color is too eye-catching. The paparazzi almost took a photo album of me."

In the driver's seat, Zhu Yawen shrugged and said helplessly: "I have a car, but today is limited to "odd" numbers, so I can only temporarily borrow Sister Hua's car."

F; N?

Listening to this familiar word, Chen Fei was stunned for a while.

He almost forgot that the restrictions on odd and even numbers seemed to have appeared at this time, and then gradually spread to the whole country.

"Let's go, let's find a place to eat first."

"Private cooking?"

"Okay, my teeth are almost crispy from chewing the Laomei hamburger. I miss this choking tofu so much."

The red Mercedes-Benz quickly merged into the traffic, and near the airport, the paparazzi looked excited at this moment.

Chen Fei returned to China and was photographed by them, which means that their work this month has just begun and is over!


Early the next morning, Chen Fei appeared outside Nortel carrying a suitcase of trophies.

As expected, that guy Lao Zhao pulled the banner up for him again.

[Warm congratulations to Chen Fei, a third-year graduate student in the Performance Department of our school, for winning the 34th Saturn Awards for Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Film! 】

"Hey? This is Lao Zhao!"

Chen Fei shook his head and laughed, and strode into the school.

Although it is during the summer vacation, there are still many students in the school, and many film crews have even held actor selection activities directly on campus.

Chen Fei even saw the signboard of "Feiyinghuang Agency", with the words "Summer Recruitment" engraved on the suffix.

The examination for Nortel's 08 undergraduate performance department class has ended, and a list of names has been pasted on the bulletin board.

Chen Fei took a look when he passed by. Among so many people, he only thought the name "Dou Xiao" looked familiar.

My only memory seems to be that he "married" well...

Not everyone can eat this bowl of soft rice!

Wandering all the way to the performance department teaching building, Chen Fei quickly found Zhao Zhenyang, who was staying at the school.

"Old Zhao! What are you doing?"

Chen Fei leaned over and put his arm on Zhao Zhenyang's shoulders happily. He looked down at his desktop and saw that he was busy grading the students who were taking the make-up exam.

Jing Tian's name is among them!

"Hey? Didn't you just come back last night? Why did you come to school if you didn't have a good rest?"

The news of Chen Fei's return to China has been spread by the paparazzi. There are no secrets in the film and television industry, and now it has been spread to everyone.

"Don't I miss you?"

Chen Fei chuckled, picked up his suitcase, and found the gift for Zhao Zhenyang from under a pile of trophies.

"This is yours, this is your aunt's, this is your daughter's, this is your son's..."

"Haha, if you are serious, it will be worth all the years of cultivation I have given you!"

Zhao Zhenyangle couldn't close his mouth.

It was a huge surprise for him to be remembered by Chen Fei.

How many people have forgotten their roots after leaving school, but it is really rare for someone like Chen Fei to achieve his current results and still remain humble!

After chatting for a while, Zhao Zhenyang knew that he was busy and didn't stay with him much.

"This is your graduate diploma. At that time, the school was planning to hold a graduation event for you, but I didn't expect that you were too busy to come back and you were not included in the graduation photo."

Speaking of this, Zhao Zhenyang still had some regrets.

Chen Fei didn't care, he smiled casually and ignored the topic.

In fact, his original intention was not to appear in the same photo frame as Zhao Yanzi. He happened to be busy at that time, so he simply didn't come back.

(End of this chapter)

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