It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 327 Walking into the club? plot! Acquisition completed! God TM is against the war

Chapter 327 Walking into the club? plot! Acquisition completed! God TM is against the war (please vote for me)

At the closing banquet of "Painted Skin", Chen Fei saw Han Sanping, who was frowning slightly.

"Did something happen?"

“Have you seen the shortlist for the Venice International Film Festival?”

Han Sanping looked a little unhappy. There were no mainland films shortlisted for this year's Venice International Film Festival. Several media outlets were already calling mainland directors "out of stock."

"Look." Chen Fei knew what he was thinking, and after thinking for a moment, he persuaded him, "I don't think there is any need to pay attention to the voices of the media. The occasional failure to be shortlisted means nothing."

"Hey? Are you quite open-minded?"

"No one is accusing me of being a talentless person, so why should I look away?"


The smile on Han Sanping's face suddenly faded, and he almost forgot that the boy in front of him was the double winner of Cannes and Berlin!

Anyone can be scolded for being a waste of talent, but he cannot be scolded.

"Don't you have the idea of ​​attacking the Golden Lion?" Han Sanping asked tentatively.

There is currently no director who has won the Triple Crown in China, but there are many directors who have won the Double Crown. If Chen Fei can win the Golden Lion, he can directly declare to be a god!

"Not yet." Chen Fei shook his head, but there was something in his heart.

If the system could give him a movie script suitable for Golden Lion's style, he would just write it without saying a word!

The temptation of the "Triple Crown" is too great for even him to resist.

Han Sanping suddenly changed the subject, "By the way, is there any clue about what I told you earlier?"

"What's the matter?"

"The 60th anniversary gift film."

"Hey? You're talking about this..." Chen Fei deliberately delayed for a while, watching Han Sanping's face changing, and then said cheerfully: "Are you still worried about me doing things?"

"Has it been written?"

"That's natural!"


As soon as the closing banquet ended, Han Sanping pulled Chen Fei into his car and went straight to China Film.

Ren Zhonglun just wanted to catch up, but the two of them disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"These two guys are so sneaky, are they plotting something big again?" He thought secretly, and wanted to catch up, but he felt it was not appropriate.

Behind the gate, Ning Hao was walking out with his head lowered, but when he saw Ren Zhonglun's figure, his expression suddenly changed!

During this time, he was really afraid of this guy.

When "The Embalmer" was in post-production at Shanghai Film Studio, Ren Zhonglun was extremely enthusiastic and took good care of him.

As soon as I walked into the club, there were tall, cute, mature, sexy, glamorous, big, extra big, white-skinned, dark-skinned...

The girls in Yishui stood in a row and let him choose.

Thanks to Ning Hao still sticking to the bottom line, he felt that he should not feel sorry for Xing Aina, so he sternly refused this extravagant way of entertainment.

But Ren Zhonglun didn't give up. He thought he was embarrassed because of the large number of people, so he specially arranged another session in the evening.

Ning Hao endured the pain, but he finally endured it.

But precisely because of this, he now has a headache when meeting Ren Zhonglun. Most people really can't handle this "co-optation offensive"!

"Director Ning? Where are you going? Let's go to dinner together?"

Listening to the "magic sound" ringing in his ears, Ning Hao's face instantly turned pale.

"No, thank you for your kindness, Mr. Ren. My wife turns 60 today and I have to go home to celebrate her birthday."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Hao disappeared in a flash, leaving only Ren Zhonglun standing there, his face full of unsolvable doubts.


60th birthday?

what's the situation?

Why do these people feel weird today?


China Film.

In Han Sanping's office.

""Founding of the Republic"?"

Looking at the script handed over by Chen Fei, Han Sanping's eyes suddenly lit up.

Regardless of the content, the title seems domineering enough, and it sounds like a gift film type.

"The title of the film was influenced by "The Founding Ceremony of the People's Republic of China". The word 'Great Cause' sounds very heavy, so I chose this name..."

While listening to Chen Fei's explanation, Han Sanping read the script word for word.

After spending a full hour, he closed the script, his face full of shock!

"This script is so well written!"

Chen Fei smiled and said, "It's good if it can catch your eyes."

"How are you going to shoot it?"

"Since we are going to make a tribute film, let's make it a big one and directly use an all-star cast. All the actors will be first- and second-tier artists in the industry."

"What? Use all first- and second-tier artists?"

Han Sanping was immediately shocked by his words, "According to what you said, if all the more than 80 roles were played by big-name stars, the salary alone would be several hundred million, right?"

Although he likes to invest in blockbuster movies, his only thought every time is to recover the cost.

Although China Film is a state-owned enterprise, it also has business pressures, which involves whether the position under its butt can be stabilized.

But if Chen Fei said it, he would have spent hundreds of millions on just the film remuneration, and the entire film would have required an investment of at least 5-6 million yuan.

Will this pay for itself?

However, at this moment, Chen Fei suddenly said: "My rough investment plan for this movie is around 3000 million."

"Impossible, this amount of money is not even enough to pay the actors' salary."

“But what if all the actors were willing to appear on stage for zero pay?”

"How can this be..."

Han Sanping was about to say that it was absolutely impossible, but just as he was about to say it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

This is a tribute film!

It doesn’t seem impossible to appear on camera for zero pay!

Chen Fei stood up with a smile and said, "Leave the preparations to you, Director Han. You will also be the director. You are more famous than me and have more connections than me. It is the most suitable thing to do this. When the time comes, I will act as a producer and cooperate with you to make this movie."

"it is good."

Han Sanping responded and stood up personally to send Chen Fei out of the door.

After closing the door, he returned to his desk and looked at the script on the table. The more he read it, the more he liked it!

After a while, he picked up the phone on the table and called his secretary directly, "Compile a list of first- and second-tier actors in the industry for me as soon as possible."

He decided, as the director of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", to personally talk to these people about "remuneration"!


The reason why he gave up being the director of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" was something Chen Fei had thought about deeply.

There were so many big-name stars that needed to appear in the film, and he had no interest in playing with these people's unspoken rules and intrigues. He might as well have made "Slumdog Millionaire" if he had that time.

Therefore, let Han Sanping handle this film by himself, and coordinating the schedules of so many actors is not an easy task. He doesn't have that much free time at all.

Invitations to the premiere of "Red Cliff" were distributed throughout the film and television industry.

High investment, big lineup...this is all aimed at breaking records!

When the reporter interviewed Wu Yu, he asked about the movie's box office. Wu was quite domineering. He said it was 700 million, which is bound to break the box office record of "Mulan".

"You can stand up just because of your cuteness?"

Chen Fei curled his lips, booked a flight ticket that night, and went straight to "Hello!" Mr. Tree! 》The filming location.

He didn't want to dirty his eyes, so he didn't plan to attend the premiere and just found an excuse and ran away.

When he thought of the "Red Cliff" filmed by Wu Yu, his heart immediately responded.

"I think back then, when Cao Cao raised his troops and marched south, Chen Bing was on the other side. In order to save his family and country, Xiao Qiao went to Cao Cao's camp alone and made tea and discussed Taoism with Cao Cao..."

What is this horse-riding photo of?

In the past, some people might have said that he was ignorant, but now everyone knows his temper and character, so they are not surprised.

Although Wu Yu felt unhappy, he didn't say much in front of the media. After all, he didn't want to follow Lu Chuan's path.

As expected, there was a real joke at the premiere of "Red Cliff".

When Han Sanping was speaking on the stage, she didn't know what she was thinking, but she made a ridiculous slip of the tongue.

"The China Film Festival will do its best to mobilize the power of theaters across the country, carry out all-round publicity, and do its best to release "The Promise" directed by Wu Yu..."

Looking at the Sina report, Chen Fei quickly guessed why Han Sanping made the slip of the tongue.

"Director Han is worried that "Red Cliff", which is also a high-production film with an all-star cast, will have a tragic ending like "The Promise."

Tian Zhuangzhuang nodded with approval next to him, "Such a high investment, if it cannot be repaid, it will have a very big impact on both the producer and the director."

This statement is quite pertinent, but it is a pity that "Red Cliff" is destined to be a hit.

Only people in my childhood prefer this type of movies. They seem to have some kind of inextricable obsession with the "Three Kingdoms" dynasty?

Chen Fei specifically paid attention to the articles published by film critics who attended the premiere of "Red Cliff".

Without exception, the words "brilliant and majestic", "spectacular", "worthy of careful appreciation" and other words are written between the lines. As for the negative reviews, there are not a single one.

Ning Hao called and the first thing he said was, "Don't go to the cinema to watch it. If you have the money to buy a movie ticket, it would be better to spend ten yuan on a pirated disc and use it as a Frisbee."

"Is it really that bad?" Chen Fei asked knowingly.

"It's really that bad! I can guarantee that you will definitely regret it if you go to see it."

"Hahaha..." Chen Fei couldn't hold back his joy. It seemed that this film really gave Ning Hao a big 'shock'.


In the evening, Chen Fei led Wang Baoqiang and others to set up a barbecue. A group of people took the ingredients they bought from outside and competed to become chefs.

Chen Fei didn't grab it, he liked to sit back and enjoy the gains.

But just as he and Tian Zhuangxu were chatting about some problems encountered during the filming, the phone suddenly rang.

It's an international call, from New York.

"Leon? What's the matter?" According to the time difference, it happened to be nine o'clock in the morning in the United States, which was working time.

"Boss, according to your instructions, the acquisition of the [Digital Field] special effects company has been completed, and all the shares have been acquired."

"Huh? Did the bankruptcy and liquidation happen so quickly?" Chen Fei was a little surprised and couldn't help but curiously asked: "How much did it cost in total?"

"After our multi-dimensional suppression, only US$2000 million was spent."

"Haha, good!" Chen Fei was very excited, "If the arrangement continues, everyone in the acquisition team will receive three times their salary this month."

"Haha, I thank you on their behalf." Leon laughed brightly, but then said: "Although the acquisition has been completed, there is an urgent need for a suitable management talent there."

"You don't have to worry about this, I will arrange for someone to go there."

When Longxiang Capital becomes the third largest shareholder of Lucasfilm, it means that one-third of Industrial Light and Magic already belongs to Chen Fei.

Sending a few people from Industrial Light and Magic to the digital field will not affect the normal operation of Industrial Light and Magic.

And Chen Fei already has a candidate in mind, the special effects engineer who worked with him for several months when filming "Iron Man 1" - Sandra Netback.


After leaving the crew of Mr. Cong Shu, Chen Fei returned to the company and watched the three completed films of "The Embalmer", "Bullfighting" and "The Line of Life and Death" in great detail.

After confirming that it is correct, you can submit it for review normally and wait for the filming to be finalized and scheduled.

Then he flew to Hong Kong and went to visit several crews. While visiting the crew, he also paid attention to the progress of the filming.

At the same time, "Red Cliff" has finally been released in mainland theaters.

All the articles written by previous film critics were reported and taken down the next day!

Fans even regarded this film as a comedy, and the online reviews made Chen Fei burst into laughter.

"Mengmeng! Stand up!"

"My evaluation is that it is not as good-looking as "Koshiko Treasure Box"."

" this a movie?"

"Damn it, I have goosebumps all over my body. Is this still the Three Kingdoms?"

"Destroy the original work!"

Chen Fei specially went to the theater to watch this movie with Huo Qigang.

Huo Qigang bought the movie tickets. He resolutely followed Ning Hao's advice and would never spend his own money to watch this movie.

Although he had made preparations in advance, when he saw the finished film again, Chen Fei was still stunned for a while!

A book-length love scene, super shocking funny lines, Xiao Qiao breaking into the military camp alone, a storyline that destroys all three views...

After watching the movie, Huo Qigang was stunned for a while.

"Is this really a movie made by Wu Yu?"

Chen Fei shrugged, "It's true."

China Film Report reported that the first-day box office was 2700 million, thanks to the large number of big-name stars in the play.

However, on the second day, the box office was cut in half, falling to 1600 million in the blink of an eye.

It really echoes what Han Sanping said before, this film is just like "The Promise"...

Wu Yu was obviously a little panicked and hurriedly held a press conference to make it clear that the theme of his movie was actually "anti-war."

As for the reason why the storyline and lines are not consistent with people’s image of the Three Kingdoms, his explanation is:

"I think using romantic and humorous lines and plots can form a strong contrast with the war scenes, and can also better reflect the anti-war spiritual core."

Seeing this interview, Chen Fei was completely confused.

He never expected that the core of this movie would be anti-war!

Go to the Three Kingdoms to shoot anti-war films?

What do you think?

(End of this chapter)

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