It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 328: Husband and wife join forces to make a leap forward? Shuangzi’s little idea feels great

Chapter 328: Husband and wife join forces to make a leap forward? Shuangzi’s little idea feels great to the touch!

Something that confused many people has occurred again. "Red Cliff Part 1" was criticized in China, but the response abroad was extremely good.

Especially on the island country, a small place with a relatively small population, the box office on the first day was much higher than in China!

"What's going on? Are they so fond of the Three Kingdoms?"

Huang Bo came to the company and wanted to ask Chen Fei for a good release date. As the two chatted, the topic unconsciously turned to "Red Cliff".

He was very surprised by the fact that the island country's box office has been soaring!

"Actually, it's normal. When I was young, I regarded the history of our country as my own family's history, and I have been promoting that the inheritance of Han culture is on their side, so they especially like the Three Kingdoms.

And if you look carefully, you will find that almost all the movies and TV animations related to the Three Kingdoms in my childhood are not serious. Nine and a half out of ten are in the funny category, so they will naturally think "Red Cliff Part 1" is very serious. To the appetite. "

Hearing this, that line came to Huang Bo's mind again.

"Mengmeng, stand up!"

It's really funny.

Ren Zhonglun also came to the company after a while. After the three of them calculated the existing schedule for a while, they finally decided to launch "Bullfighting" on September 1st.

July is already too late, there is still the Hollywood Mummy in August, so there is not much competition in September.

"You'll have to work hard on publicity."

"Bullfighting" is considered a low-cost feature film and is not competitive with commercial films of the same period. If you want to recover the cost, it depends on the results in the first week.

"it is good!"

Huang Bo nodded seriously. He had high expectations for this self-directed and self-acted movie.

"Line of Life and Death" will be released on Mango TV in August. In order to promote it, Chen Fei made a special trip to Mango TV and participated in an interview show with Kang Honglei.

However, after the show ended, Chen Fei did not leave immediately. Instead, he found Wang Ke, who is currently the deputy director of Mango Channel.

"What's going on with the movie "Nine Beauties"? Why are you promoting it under my banner?"

This movie is jointly produced by Poly Bona, Superstar Culture, and Happy Star Culture. The distribution company is Mango Pictures, which can be called Mango’s biological son.

But what does your biological son have to do with me?

I'm not the old man next door, but I also contributed to your wife's birth of a baby?

What made Chen Fei angry was that Mango's publicity thieves were disgusting and even called Wang Yuelun the second "Ning Hao" in the mainland comedy industry.

As for his wife Li Xiang, she is called the second "Chen Fei".

The character design created by Mango for them is, "Husband and wife join forces to make a leap forward!"

Chen Fei was almost amused. The forest was so big that there were really all kinds of birds. The couple teamed up to surpass Feiyue Film and Television? Why don’t you say we should surpass Disney?

"Ignore them, they are just a bunch of moths in the stage."

Wang Ke sneered again and again and told him some inside stories about Mango Channel.

Naturally, such a large company cannot be monolithic. There are many internal factions and it is very complicated.

There are as many as ten deputy directors in charge of various businesses. Each one is responsible for a different section and naturally focuses on different publicity points.

Naturally, the publicity strategy for "Nine Beauties" was arranged by another deputy director who was close to Li Xiang and Wang Yuelun.

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me. I will definitely make the arrangements properly. You and Director Ning are not that easy to get along with."

Wang Ke had a look of ridicule on his face. It was obvious that he didn't have a good relationship with that person.

"Do you have competition over there?" Chen Fei looked at him curiously.

"Yes!" Wang Ke said bluntly: "The person in charge of this year's New Year's Eve party will be chosen from among us station directors. That guy is my biggest competitor."

08? Mango Channel New Year’s Eve Party?

Chen Fei suddenly remembered the "Black 23 Minutes Incident". The dispute between Chen Chusheng and Mango started at this year's New Year's Eve party.

227.1217 billion, which is the highest claim amount in history.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Chen Fei still admires Chen Chusheng. This talent is really not just a boast. He wrote the theme songs of "Mulan" and "Kung Fu Panda", which are very close to the original works.

If possible, Chen Fei still wanted to help him.

"No..." Wang Ke was about to refuse, but his expression suddenly froze and his eyes flashed, "Is it convenient for your artist from the Feiyinghuang Agency to come to Mango Channel to participate in the New Year's Eve party?"

"What's the inconvenience of this? Why not participate?"

"Hey! That's enough!"

Wang Ke was suddenly overjoyed.

Isn’t this a wave of control? Labor and management can bring over all the artists from Feiyinghuang Agency, so what can you do to fight with me?

"Dong dong dong..."

While the two were chatting, a knock on the door suddenly came from outside.

"Come in." Wang Ke was in a good mood, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

The office door was opened, and a group of people were seen filing in, and the open space was filled up in a short time.

Chen Fei subconsciously turned his head to look, his eyebrows suddenly raised.

They are all acquaintances!

Zhang Han, Yu Haoming, Wei Chen, Zhu Zixiao, Zheng Shuang...

This is obviously the crew of "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower" come to "Watch the Meteor Shower".

Wang Ke is in charge of the TV drama business here at Mango, which means that all TV dramas to be broadcast on Mango must be approved by him.

He himself even serves as the producer of "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower".

Seeing a group of people staring at Chen Fei fiercely, Wang Ke suddenly frowned: "Calling people, why are you standing there in a daze?"

"Hello, Director Chen..."

"Hello, senior brother!"

The title "Senior Brother" seemed extremely abrupt among the many "Directors Chen", attracting frequent glances and unabashed envy from everyone.

In the entertainment industry, alumni relationships are actually a symbol of personal connections. Actors with a professional background can go further than grassroots actors. This is an eternal law.

If there are seniors who are willing to lend a hand, we can even avoid 30 years of detours.

Just like Chen Fei at the moment, if he is willing to support someone, as long as he sends a signal to the outside world, even if the other person is just an ordinary-looking farmer, he can become famous overnight!

This is what top directors are capable of.

"Well, hello."

Chen Fei smiled and nodded to everyone, his eyes unconsciously staying on Zheng Shuang for a little longer.

The little girl is quite good-looking, and she is on the same level as Jingtian, but their styles are completely different!

Da Tiantian has an aura of nobility, like a little princess who was loved by everyone in a wealthy family in ancient times. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

On the other hand, Zheng Shuang always had a sense of arrogance about her. When she looked at her peers, she raised her chin slightly, as if everyone around her was inferior to her.

It's no wonder that she will cause so many messy things later on. With her character, it's normal for her to poke a hole in the sky.

And that incident really poked a big hole in the sky!

Chen Fei didn't stay with Wang Ke for a long time. "The Wind" was about to start filming, and he had to rush back to the capital to attend the opening ceremony.

What he didn't expect was that as soon as he walked out of the office, Zheng Shuang chased him out.

"Senior brother? Can I leave you a contact information?" As he spoke, Zheng Shuang's eyes were full of expectation and desire.

She hopes that she can be favored by Chen Fei, and longs for the opportunity to go to Hollywood to film like Kan Qingzi and the others.

During the filming of "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower", she could see the photos posted by Kan Qingzi, Zhang Ruoyun, and Tan Songyun in the QQ group every day. Without exception, they were all photos with big-name Hollywood stars. .

Especially the photo of Kan Qingzi and Leonardo simply shocked a bunch of female classmates in the group!

Being able to take a photo with Xiao Lizi was something she had never dared to imagine before, but Kan Qingzi made it happen.

Zheng Shuang was almost crazy with envy!

Now all she can think about is joining Chen Fei and becoming the next "Flying Girl", becoming the third one after Wang Luojue and Liu Yifei.

"Well, yes." Chen Fei did not refuse and gave her his work number.

In fact, this phone number is no longer a secret in the circle, but even if many people know it, they don't dare to call or send him messages casually, for fear of making him unhappy.

Zheng Shuang was very happy. Now that she has Chen Fei's approval, she can take the initiative to send messages in the future.

After giving the phone call, Chen Fei was about to continue walking out, but he never thought that Zheng Shuang didn't seem to want to let him go.

As she walked out, she asked curiously: "Brother, is your agency still recruiting people?"

"Is something wrong?" Chen Fei frowned slightly, already feeling a little unhappy.

"No, no, no, I'm just asking. If they are still recruiting people, I would like to give it a try."

"Didn't you sign with Mango Tianyu?"

"Mango is not suitable for me..."

Seeing her chattering endlessly, Chen Fei interrupted: "Okay, I have something else to do, so there's no need to send it off. Go back and do your work." Zheng Shuang stopped in an instant, his face changed slightly, and he smiled awkwardly, "Brother, please walk slowly."

She also realized at this moment that she was a little too eager for quick success and quick success. If she couldn't rush this kind of thing, it seemed that she would have to use the method of "surrounding Wei and rescuing Zhao".

After watching Chen Fei leave, she turned on her phone and found Kan Qingzi's contact information.

"Qingzi, is your role about to be finished? Let's go have dinner together when we come back. I accidentally found a great dessert shop..."


Not many people knew that Chen Fei had graduated from graduate school. Only current students at Nortel accidentally discovered that his name had appeared in the "Outstanding Alumni" bulletin at some point.

In front of him are Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige.

Obviously, the school already thinks that the three of them are on the same level.

The day before "The Wind" was launched, a big news suddenly broke on the Internet!

Liang Chaowei and Liu Jialing went to Bhutan and held a grand wedding ceremony, and also invited many friends in the industry to attend.

Some media reported an extremely interesting news: Zhang Manyu was on the man’s invitation list, while Hu Jun was on the woman’s invitation list.

Chen Fei looked at the fun and was very curious, "Hey? Why are all the exes invited here?"

Huang Xiaoming obviously knew a lot of inside information, and he said pointedly: "Jun Hu was indeed very popular with female stars when he was in Hong Kong circles."

After saying that, he paused and added: "It is also quite popular with some male stars."

"Hey? What you said is quite ambiguous. Please explain it carefully?" Chen Fei showed an expression of confusion. He rarely pays attention to this, but now it sounds quite interesting.

The two of them just started chatting and gossiping.

After a while, Zhou Xun was also invited to the courtyard.

While she was shocked that Chen Fei actually owned such a property, she suddenly felt itchy, "Your place is quite nice. It's perfect for playing mahjong. Can you invite a few people to come over and play?"

"Yes! Yes! I happen to be free tonight, let's fight until dawn!" Huang Xiaoming is also a loyal fan of this aspect.

Chen Fei didn't mean to spoil the fun, and immediately said: "Who calls someone? Find someone reliable, or can I ask Ning Hao to come over?"

"It's so good. He's so lucky. When we were filming "Painted Skin", we played mahjong once and almost won his director's fee."

Zhou Xun said with a look of disgust. After thinking about it, she took out her phone and started flipping through her address book, "I do have a suitable friend. He is gentle and quiet, and he has a good mouth."

Chen Fei was quite curious about who this person she was talking about was?

After a while, the doorbell rang, and Zhou Xun quickly ran to open the door.

After the person she was talking about came in, Chen Fei looked up and his eyelids jumped wildly!

Qin Hao, he played the male lead in "Green Red" directed by Wang Xiaoshuai in 05, and was nominated for the Palme d'Or at the 58th Cannes Film Festival in France.

This person also came out of the drama, and can be called the "darling" of major literary and artistic films. His acting skills are notoriously good, and he often appears in major literary and artistic films.

But what really impressed Chen Fei was his performance in "The Hidden Corner". He was not soft at all when pushing his father-in-law and mother-in-law!

"Hello Director Chen, I have long admired you, and Xiao Ming is here too..."

As soon as he entered the door, Qin Hao greeted him warmly.

Zhou Xun helped introduce him by saying, "Qin Hao, my buddy, is from a Chinese drama. His acting skills are awesome. Anyway, I think he is better than me."

"I don't dare, I don't dare, how dare I compare with you." Qin Hao said humbly.

Zhou Xun slapped him on the shoulder, "Stop being modest, let me introduce you. This is Director Chen's home in Kyoto. We can come over and play mahjong together from time to time."

"This relationship is great, call anytime, I'll be here!"

Zhou Xun immediately shouted and set up a table.

But in a daze, Chen Fei's face was startled, "Hey, why did I forget? There doesn't seem to be mahjong here."

"I'll buy it." Qin Hao immediately stood up and went out.

"No, no, I'll have someone send you a set." Chen Fei said and was about to make a call.

Zhou Xun suddenly stopped him, "I'll have someone give it to me. We have a custom-made set over there. It feels great. I guarantee you won't be able to put it down."


Chen Fei was a little confused. Do you want customized mahjong? Is this going to be a show?

After a while, the doorbell rang again, and Zhou Xun turned around and ran out.

When she returned, there was a woman beside her, holding a small delicate box in her hand.

"Hey? Zeng Li is here too? This one is a master." Huang Xiaoming said cheerfully, feeling a little lucky in his heart unconsciously.

Thanks to him risking his own life to save Liu Yifei, otherwise he would never be in the mahjong game tonight!

The title of "Chinese Drama School Beauty" is indeed not just a boast. Although Zeng Li is not very photogenic in the camera, she is indeed a first-rate beauty in reality.

Her facial features are very delicate, her face is delicate, her nose is high, her eyes are clear and translucent, and her temperament is quite unique, with both Eastern gracefulness and Western clarity.

Putting the small box with mahjong on the table, Zeng Li greeted with a smile, "Hello, Director Chen, long time no see."

"Well, long time no see. Come, sit down and play together."

"it is good."

Several people immediately started playing mahjong, and just as Zhou Xun said, this customized mahjong feels really good!

Starting at nine o'clock in the evening, a few people really played until early morning.

If Su Guohai hadn't called Chen Fei to ask if he needed to be picked up to go to the launch ceremony of "The Wind", they would have been ready to play together!

"Quick, quick, pack up and get ready to go."

A group of people reacted belatedly and started making phone calls immediately.

Dresses, makeup, jewelry... Female celebrities have much more trouble than male celebrities in this regard.

Chen Fei didn't have so many worries anymore. He washed his hair casually, found a suit and put it on, and then he was ready.

By the time a few people arrived at the scene, the event had already begun, and many invited guests were entering.

Chen Fei saw a group of artists from the Feiyinghuang Agency. Liu Yifei was among them, and the person in charge of leading them was Huo Wenxi.

After beckoning Liu Yifei over, he said directly: "Let's go in first."

"Ah? Are we here yet?"

"I've already said hello to the organizer. I came in a hurry and haven't eaten yet. Let's go find something to fill our stomachs."

Liu Yifei: "???"

Liu Yifei followed Chen Fei into the venue with a confused look on her face. Watching him directly carry the plate and start looking for food, Liu Yifei had a complicated look on her face.

This is the first time she has seen a director who doesn't pay attention to his own image.

As time went by, a bustling crowd came in and soon filled the entire venue.

Guangguang's Wang Changtian came over, "Huh? When did Mr. Chen come in? I thought you hadn't arrived yet."

"I came in early."

As Chen Fei spoke, he looked at Liu Yan who was following Wang Changtian.

"Hello, Director Chen." Liu Yan greeted quickly.

"Ah hello."

Chen Fei nodded, then turned to look at Wang Changtian, "Mr. Wang, when the Lunar New Year premiere of "The Embalmer" is held, can you lend me your company's host?"

"Huh?" Wang Changtian's eyebrows trembled slightly, and he almost lost his mind.

"I have watched her interviews. Her level is very high and her ability to control the scene is good. She is a suitable host."

Wang Changtian breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said with a smile: "No problem, you can use it as long as you want."

Brother Chen Kai has recently started to be careless in front of the media again, openly and secretly saying that "The Embalmer" is not as good as his "Mei Lanfang".

Chen Fei really didn't like him. He happened to meet Liu Yan today, so he simply dragged her into a "play". He was disgusting and disgusting.

"Don't worry, I won't be as narrow-minded as someone else. If you ask any questions about the premiere, I will definitely tell you everything. I will definitely not say anything like being unhappy with what you said."

Liu Yan was very moved when she heard this. She felt relieved and hurriedly expressed her gratitude.

"Thank you very much for Director Chen's recognition."

Many people around heard their conversation and secretly gave Chen Fei a thumbs up.

He is worthy of being one of the top commercial film directors in China. He says he won’t give face to Brother Chen Kai if he doesn’t give him face. How domineering!

 There are still 200 monthly votes left. If you have votes, please vote for me. I am here to kowtow and thank you!



(End of this chapter)

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