It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 329 Olympic Torchbearer? The power of the original party! It’s heartbreaking to kill people!

Chapter 329 Olympic Torchbearer? The power of the original party! It’s heartbreaking to kill people!

The premiere of "The Wind" was a great success.

Two leading private film and television companies have joined forces to launch a movie, which is almost destined to be a huge success!

At the premiere, Wang Zhonglei had a bright smile on his face. When he came to the stage to speak, his first sentence was, "This time, we are going to break the record in the field of spy films and create new achievements!"

He didn't dare to say that he would surpass "Mulan". After all, the number of 6 million was too exaggerated, so he only dared to think about it when he was dreaming.

As a producer, Chen Fei was naturally invited to the stage.

However, he did not look forward to the future like Wang Zhonglei, but focused on the present, "As an actor, acting skills are the foundation for a foothold in the film and television industry. I hope you can use your strongest abilities to jointly create a A classic among Chinese spy movies."

Zhou Xun smiled brightly and was the first to applaud.

On the other hand, the expression on Li Bingbin's face was a little stiff. She could hear the meaning behind Chen Fei's words, and he was clearly warning her not to continue to engage in those "evil ways".

Li He was also applauding, but his eyes were looking in the direction of Zhou Xun, and it was bone-chilling!

After the premiere, Chen Fei was about to go to China Film to ask about the situation, but he saw a group of reporters suddenly surrounding him.

"Director Chen, congratulations on being elected as the final igniter of this Olympic torch bearer!"


Listening to the words of the Sina reporter in front of him, Chen Fei was confused.

Olympic torch bearer?

The last stick?

what's the situation?

Seemingly seeing the confusion on his face, the reporter smiled and explained: "This is the latest news announced by the Olympic Organizing Committee. It may not be time to inform you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Fei's cell phone suddenly rang in his pocket.

He took it out and saw that it was Zhang Yimou calling!

"Excuse me, could I borrow it for a moment..."

After squeezing out of the crowd and getting into the car, Chen Fei called back.

Lao Mouzi's phone rang from the receiver: "Have you received the news? Congratulations, you are the last battalion of the relay."

"What's going on? Why am I the last one standing? Still have to be responsible for lighting the fire?"

Chen Fei's mind is now full of doubts. This news really shocked him. How can he be so virtuous and capable?

Zhang Yimou said, "Yes, this is decided by a vote of the organizing committee. Your vote is the highest. You will be the one to light the fire. Remember to come over a week in advance to rehearse the ignition."

"Why! I'm not participating in the Olympics, and I'm not an athlete. Is this appropriate?"

"Hey? Why aren't you an athlete? Didn't you also win the 'IRONMAN Triathlon World Championship'?"

"I'm just an amateur..."

Chen Fei wanted to explain a few more words, but was interrupted directly by Zhang Yimou, "It doesn't matter whether you are an amateur or not. Anyway, your registered status with the Sports Bureau is that of a professional athlete, and you are famous, capable, and internationally influential. Yes, it would be most appropriate for you to be responsible for lighting the fire."

Hearing this, Chen Fei had no choice but to nod, "Okay then, I will go to the rehearsal in advance."

He was originally planning to devote himself wholeheartedly to the filming of "Slumdog Millionaire", but now it seems that the plan can't keep up with the changes after all.

The ignition time for the Olympic Games is at 8:9 on August 0th, and according to Zhang Yimou, rehearsals have to start on August 8nd, so Chen Fei will only have more than half a month of free time left.


After hanging up the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief and ordered the driver to go straight to China Film.

Next, we have to speed up the follow-up progress!


China Film Group Corporation is solely responsible for the preparations for "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", and the investment is still set at 3000 million yuan.

When signing the contract, Han Sanping was full of confidence, "My idea is this. Since this film is to be characterized as a gift film, then we should simply involve the top film and television agencies from the three places on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Each family gets 5%, so that we can have our choice when choosing actors, so that no one will gossip. "

"Okay, I'll do whatever you want."

Chen Fei nodded without any objection.

He actually didn't pay much attention to this matter. It was enough for him to write the script himself, and leave the rest to Han Sanping.

Multi-party coordination is the most complicated matter. He is capable enough, but his qualifications in the circle are not enough. It is not suitable for him to take the initiative.

After signing the contract belonging to Feiyue Film and Television, he turned around and left Han Sanping's office.

But I never expected that as soon as I opened the door, I saw Yang Shoucheng leading Zhong Xintong standing outside the door, seemingly about to knock on the door.

"Director Yang?"

"Mr. Chen!"

The two looked at each other and chatted happily.

"Hello, Director Chen." Zhong Xintong also said hello obediently, but his eyes were a little dodgey and he did not dare to look at Chen Fei.

The impact of her incident was too great. Otherwise, she would definitely be a member of the "Flying Shadow King Agency" at this time.

"Has things turned around?" Chen Fei asked curiously.

"Well, I'm here to talk to Director Han." Yang Shoucheng said it tactfully, obviously without any confidence.

If it weren't for the Olympic Games, he wouldn't have dared to mention it. Now that things have improved slightly, he just hopes that he can gain something.

"Then you guys go about your business first. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"Okay, let's have tea when we get a chance."

"Director Chen, please walk slowly."


The fact that Chen Fei was elected as the Olympic torch bearer caused quite a shock in the film and television circles.

In the past, many people thought that the film and television industry was actually a group of "actors" who set up a stage to sing and engage in scandals and gossip all day long for people's entertainment.

But now they discovered that not everyone can be an actor!

Carrying the torch to the Olympic Games and lighting it is not something that ordinary people can do!

Many people are discussing this on blogs.

"I didn't expect it! I really didn't expect that Director Chen would be chosen to be the igniter of the last torch."

"I read the official reports. This was voted for by the organizing committee. It was a formal process and there was no behind-the-scenes operation."

“I don’t know what kind of method will be used to light the fire. Thinking about it, I feel very excited.”

"Mad, how can I go to the Olympics to watch the opening ceremony? I don't have a ticket!"

"Come on, starting from today, my application for Australia is officially announced. I want to learn from my idol Chen Fei, I also want to make commercial blockbusters, and I also want to become a great director respected by thousands of people!"


There was constant noise online, but Chen Fei didn't pay much attention to it.

Since you have been selected, you should take the time to go there. He behaves quite freely.

What really caught his attention was another piece of news: "The Dark Knight" was officially released in Hollywood!

Directed by Christopher Nolan, co-starring Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, and Marion Cotillard, and co-starring Warner Bros., DC Entertainment, American Legendary Pictures, Syncopy Four A production company suddenly achieved a first-day box office of US$6700 million, breaking 12 records for North American movies in a row, which is terrifying!

The data of "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" was easily broken, but Chen Fei was not moved at all.

The investment gap between the two movies is simply huge, and it is natural to exceed it. There is no need to be sad or anything like that.

Of course, the most important thing is that Batman has not been introduced to the mainland, but Twilight has achieved a first-day box office of 4500 million yuan in the mainland!

This data is not average among imported films.

It has been more than 20 days since it was released in the mainland, and the box office has now exceeded million yuan.

Chen Fei once again felt the power of the original party!

He had already contacted Natasha and asked about the preparations there. Time suddenly became tight again and he had to start the phone quickly.

"We're almost ready. I originally wanted to reduce costs. Since you're in a hurry, spend more money."

Natasha is already in India. After contacting the local area, she has found a suitable venue and actors, but the salary and rental fee have not yet been agreed upon.

"Okay, it doesn't hurt to spend a little more money. Make sure you stay safe. I heard that place is very messy."

"It's really chaotic. I hired a lot of bodyguards..."


When the call ended, Chen Fei had already arrived at the door of the company.

He found Ni Xuelin first, handed him the script of the anti-war film "Snow Leopard", and arranged for him to sort it out and submit it for review.

This drama tells the story of a young man from a wealthy family who graduated from a military academy. At a time when the war was raging and the nation was in danger, he was willing to give up his fame and wealth, endure all kinds of hardships, create a unit that performs special operations missions, and eventually became an excellent commander in the anti-Japanese war. Heroic legends. Although this TV series is inevitably suspected of being a "divine drama", it is a rare masterpiece.

Let me ask, who could have escaped the words "Zhou Weiguo" back then?

"When the Japanese pirates are wiped out, my son will return home!"

When he saw this line at that time, Chen Fei was so excited that he almost ran to Japan and wanted to burn down the Yasukuni Shrine with his friends!

"New script?" Ni Xuelin looked through it curiously.

"Yes, a new script." Chen Fei nodded and said casually: "After passing the review, throw this script to Wang Shiliang for filming. Then you can go to the crew to help."

Of the three directors in the company, Kang Honglei is definitely the best when it comes to making spy films.

But Chen Fei didn't want him to just hang out in the TV industry. It happened that "The Wind" started filming, so he sent him to work there as an assistant director to learn more.

Kang Honglei knew that Chen Fei wanted him to develop into the film industry. While excited, he immediately said that he would work hard and live up to his cultivation!

It's quite interesting to say, who would have thought that I just invested in him to film a movie "Soldier Assault", but now he is so deeply involved.

After going around and around, now only Wang Shiliang is left as a rookie.

Next, we have to feed him a lot of films. His professional level is still there. If he shoots more and directs more, his future development in the film industry will naturally be smooth.

After briefly chatting with Ni Xuelin, Chen Fei turned around and prepared to leave.

But at this time, Ni Xuelin suddenly stopped him, "Mr. Chen, are you busy now? There is something I want to talk to you about."

"Oh? What?"

"I recently bought a lot of novel copyrights, please give me a slap on my face."


Chen Fei nodded, but was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he sat next to him and read the script.

"That Year in a Hurry", "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp", "To Our Fading Youth", "Why the Shengxiao is Silent"...

Looking around, there are actually more than thirty novel copyrights, and most of them are very familiar to Chen Fei.

"Internet novel?"

"Yes." Ni Xuelin nodded and responded: "No matter how much the physical book is modified, most of the ones that are written are literary films or espionage movies.

I accidentally discovered that many online literature websites are very suitable for adapting into TV series or even movies, so I bought the film and television adaptation rights of many online novels, and the copyright fee for this kind of online literature adaptation is higher than that of physical books. Much lower. "

Chen Fei looked at the content of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" with great curiosity, and asked by the way: "What websites are there currently?"

Ni Xuelin, “There are not too many, there are only a few that are very famous. Most of the copyrights here, such as Singularity, Jinjiang, and mine, were bought by Hongxiu Tianxiang, and they are female novels.

Most of the female channel online novels adhere to the "small but beautiful" style, which is very convenient for film and television, while those of male channels are often big scenes. Except for this "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", the others are not very suitable for the current film and television market. . "

Chen Fei knew that "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" was serialized on the forum before, but later he signed a contract with Qidian.

In his previous life, he also watched the movie adapted from this online novel. He enjoyed it quite well, and the box office results reported back were also very high!

As Ni Xuelin said, the novels on female channels are indeed suitable for adaptation into TV series, but what he doesn’t know is that male channels are actually pretty good too!

However, for novels such as Covering the Sky, Beast Blood, Buddha's Book, and Devouring, the cost of special effects is too high, and it is simply beyond the reach of ordinary companies.

If it is shoddily made, the result will be the kind of "fighting spirit turns into a horse" showy operation.

But these are not difficult for Chen Fei!

He can definitely make these fantasy and fairy tale novels as large as Marvel, first create animations, attract a certain number of fans, hype up the IP, and finally turn them into movies.

As for special effects and investment, these are not a problem for him at all.

"Click Digital" founded by Cameron and "Industrial Light and Magic" under Lucasfilm, both companies are currently under his command.

With two major companies specializing in special effects and visual effects, will they still worry about not being able to play these fantasy, fantasy, and fairy tales?

Although the domestic film industry is not yet mature, and the box office performance is not comparable to that of Hollywood, in the near future, everything will change!

Marvel is indeed good enough, but the various domestic fantasy novels are not bad either. When it comes to the world view, it’s hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

"Marvel on the left, fantasy on the right..."

When he thought of this, Chen Fei suddenly couldn't hold back his excitement.


He slammed the table and immediately decided: "I'm going to have a chat with Mr. Su later. It's better to directly acquire the novel website like Qidian you mentioned. In the future, we can do whatever we want with the film and television adaptations of those online novels." Operation, what do you think?"

"Ah? Have you bought them all?"

Ni Xuelin was stunned for a moment, and his expression suddenly changed.

His original intention was just to ask Chen Fei to give him some advice, or even praise him for his foresight in his behavior. It would be better to get more bonuses.

But he never expected that Chen Fei would actually buy those online novel websites just by saying it casually.

This operation...

Really awesome!

"Are they all acquired? I don't think there is any need for Qidian, because that kind of fantasy novel is more suitable for animation and game adaptation, and it is difficult to adapt it to film and television."

“It doesn’t work now, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work in the future.”

Chen Fei's eyes shone with anticipation!

This kind of fantasy and fairy tale movies already have "cultural overseas" subsidies. If they can be produced according to the model of Game of Thrones, or even directly shot in the way of a large-scale A-level production, and then take the route of global release...

He dare not say whether it can be successful, but this model definitely has great potential!

Even if it fails in the end, a large-scale novel website like Qidian will never lose money.

If you put effort into operation, you can continuously provide the mainland film and television market with a large number of scripts that can be used for filming!

Therefore, early acquisition is definitely promising!

Marvel’s success is just around the corner, why can’t Qidian copy the former’s “myth”?

Chen Fei was very moved.


When he found Su Guohai and told him about it, he was even more excited than he was!

"Acquiring an online novel website? Selecting suitable books from the library for film and television adaptation? Hey, this is a good idea."

But the next second, Su Guohai suddenly frowned, "But I don't understand the acquisition process? Can those online novel websites agree?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I will find a professional negotiation team from abroad to assist you. All you need to do is sign and pay."

"Okay, that's no problem." Su Guohai nodded without hesitation.

But then he mentioned one more thing, "By the way, the matter of entrusting an intermediary company to buy an office building has already been taken into consideration. The office building they found is at the junction of Nortel and China Theater, and the geographical location is still good. not bad."

"How big?"

"Uh..." Su Guohai thought for a while and replied: "It's about the size of three Huayi."

"What's the price?"

"It's quite appropriate, within the normal range."

"Then buy it." Chen Fei said casually, as if he was buying a piece of cabbage. "If conditions permit, try to move there before the end of the year. The rent here is about to expire."

"it is good."

Su Guohai responded, picked up the phone and contacted the agency.

Chen Fei turned around and left the office. The domestic affairs were almost arranged, and the remaining trivial matters would be taken care of by others.

He plans to fly to India first to see the preparations for "Slumdog Millionaire."

But just before leaving, he received a call from Wang Ke, "Mr. Chen, "Nine Beauties" has almost finished processing it. If you are interested, you can check it out online."


Chen Fei opened the laptop he carried with him out of curiosity, and saw a lot of questioning voices suddenly appearing on blogs, forums and other places.

""The Perfect Nine" compares to "The Stone" and "Crazy Racer"? Wow, it's quite interesting. I want to see if this movie is as good as "The Stone" and "The Racer".

"Who is Wang Yuelun? Does anyone want to know more about it? Why does he say that he is comparable to Chen Fei and Ning Hao?"

"Producer Li Xiang? Is he the host of Mango Channel?"

"Husband and wife team up to make a super leap? Hahaha, I'm so happy. Isn't this too much?"

"Brothers, let's look forward to it first. If this movie is not as good as advertised online, don't blame me for scolding!"

In the airport departure hall, Chen Fei turned off the computer and was very satisfied with Wang Ke's operation.

"Killing is heartbreaking!"

(End of this chapter)

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