It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 336 "National Preceptor"? Failed to become a god! 1It’s hard to describe! First co

Chapter 336 "National Preceptor"? Failed to become a god! It’s hard to describe in one word! Let’s first experience the shock of 3DIMAX!

Early the next morning, as soon as Chen Fei got up, he saw a lot of missed calls and text messages popping up on his phone.

After patting Amanda Seyfried's sexy buttocks, he pulled his arms out from under the girl and began to answer the more important calls one by one.

Most people are asking how his "Fire Phoenix" appeared?

Many people thought it was Zhang Yimou's design. After all, 90% of last night's program was decided by him, and this also made Lao Mouzi's reputation reach an unprecedented height!

The title of "National Master" has begun to spread in a small area.

But just after the opening ceremony, the Olympic Organizing Committee suddenly announced the designers of all programs overnight.

When netizens took a look, they discovered that the plan of the fire phoenix flying out from the main torch and landing with a parachute were all designed by Chen Fei!

One stone caused a thousand waves!

Countless people are expressing their opinions on blogs, forums and other places.

"Damn it! I thought the ignition of the opening ceremony of the Barcelona Olympic Games was cool enough, but I didn't expect that Director Chen gave us another awesome one!"

"I'm still wondering, is the fire phoenix real or fake? Why did it fly out of the torch?"

"It must be fake. Didn't you read the program? At the back, there are credits to three special effects companies: Industrial Light & Magic, Weta Digital, and Click Digital. It's obvious that the fire phoenix is ​​a special effect!"

"But...but shouldn't special effects be in cinemas? Why can they be put into reality?"

"Only the devil knows!"


After roughly answering some people's calls, Chen Fei got out of bed and started to wash up.

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games has passed, and his mission is over. Next, he has to fly to India to film "Slumdog Millionaire".

Of course, the competition of the Olympic athletes has just begun, and then it is the time for athletes from all over the world to "fight".

In peacetime, this kind of sports competition is no less important than an unprecedented war!

Of course, these have nothing to do with Chen Fei.

The Sports Bureau also asked for his opinion, and someone even suggested that he participate in the Olympics, but he refused with excuses.

With his physical fitness, it is easy to win a gold medal in running, weightlifting, swimming... but in order to avoid being used as a guinea pig for research, it is better not to take the initiative to get close.

After washing up, Amanda had thoughtfully called the hotel staff to serve up two breakfasts.

Chen Fei was drinking Lao Turtle Soup, which has the effect of nourishing the kidneys and strengthening essence, while checking the hot news on major portals.

The first Olympic gold medal occurred in the women's 10-meter air rifle event. The winner was a female athlete from the Czech Republic. The photo was posted on She is very handsome! Very pretty!

Move the mouse, click ignore...

In comparison, Chen Fei wanted to read all kinds of hot news about the entertainment industry.

Lao Mouzi is a serious god, and the title of "National Master" hangs high on the headlines, attracting the admiration and admiration of countless people.

The opening ceremony of the Capital Olympics in 08 broke netizens' inherent impression of him. It also erased his failure in the Athens Olympics and proved his strength!

There was even more applause in the film and television circles.

A professional organization commented: "After this battle, Zhang Yimou's mainland film salary can rise to 2000 million!"

That night, Lao Mouzi's net worth soared several times.

Even though he burst into tears backstage at the Olympics, saying that he had failed to handle too many details, this did not affect the outside world's optimism about him at all.


Seeing this number, Chen Fei was immediately happy.

Lao Mouzi and Zhang Weiping have worked together for so many years, but they probably haven't been able to get such a high salary, right?

I'm afraid there may not even be half of it!

Sure enough, when he scrolled down further, he saw Zhang Weiping's reply to the reporter: "The director's fee is a matter of personal privacy, so I have no comment."


I almost spit out a mouthful of Lao Turtle Soup. You don't need to guess to know that this guy is definitely deceiving Lao Mouzi!

Later, someone on the blog compiled a summary of the directing fees of major domestic directors.

At a glance, Chen Fei is the leader with a high director fee of 5000 million yuan!

This data is not made up randomly, but is calculated based on his quotation in Hollywood, and it does not include box office share.

Below him, Li Bian and Zhang Yimou are at the same level, followed closely by Ning Hao, Feng Xiaogang and Chen Kaige.

Although Lao Chen was deceived by the movie "Steamed Buns", because of the bonus of the Palme d'Or, the current directing quotation is still quite fierce.

If his "Mei Lanfang" can win another award and then make another successful commercial masterpiece, his net worth will probably reach the level of Zhang Yimou!

"Jingle Bell…"

The sudden ringing of the phone interrupted Chen Fei's thinking.

After swallowing the last mouthful of Lao Turtle Soup, he pressed the connect button, "Lao Su? Is something okay?"

On the other end of the phone, Su Guohaihui reported: "The good news is that after one month of release, the domestic box office of "Red Cliff Part 3.22" has stopped at 3000 million, which is million less than "Painted Skin".

However, in terms of foreign box office distribution, Wu Yu is much more popular than Ning Hao, especially in Xiaoli, where he almost made back the cost, but his reputation in the mainland completely collapsed. "

Hearing this, four words popped up subconsciously in Chen Fei's mind.

Failed to become a god!

Wu Yu's original intention was to use this movie to return to Hollywood, but his sentence "Cute, stand up" directly turned the movie into a huge joke.

Not to mention returning to Hollywood, whether he can continue filming in the mainland is another matter.

Chen Fei especially wanted to ask Han Sanping how much money China Film lost on this movie?

But after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. It was quite immoral to expose other people's wounds, and he didn't want to make people annoying.

Chen Fei quickly changed the topic, "How is the situation over there in "Line of Life and Death"?"

"The ratings continue to rise, and the popularity is also very high. Several actors have frequently appeared on major variety shows recently, gaining a lot of popularity. Many TV stations have already come to discuss the second and third broadcasts."

"Okay." Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, another piece of news suddenly flashed in his mind, and he specifically asked: "You can attend the Golden Eagle Festival for me at the end of this month. I have to fly to India and don't have time to come back."

"it is good."

"What's going on with "Snow Leopard"? Has it passed the review? There's no need to worry about this drama. It will be released on August 1st next year. You can ask Wang Shiliang to film it carefully. There will be many movie scripts waiting for him in the future."

Su Guohai was immediately happy. As long as he was studying directing, who could resist this temptation?

"Haha, okay, I will tell him. The script has been reviewed and we are currently doing some preliminary preparations. Many people have already called to ask."

"Let's choose someone from Feiying Huang. Let's see if there are any suitable new actors. This drama is quite popular, so the good news won't go to outsiders."

"How is Zhang Yi?"

"Him? Let's forget it and change it to another one. I'm going to let Zhang Yi be mainly responsible for the artistic film. I remember that there is a new actor named Zhang Ruoyong at Feiyinghuang. You can let him try out."

"Okay, I'll contact Mr. Huo right away."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei fell into deep thought.

The drama "Snow Leopard" is actually a bit like that kind of "anti-Japanese drama", but it is not so exaggerated. This kind of drama does not match Zhang Yi's style.

As for the coat of arms…it’s hard to describe!

"People still need to know how to be humble and not be too arrogant."

After sighing secretly, Chen Fei called his assistant again, "Book me a ticket to Shenzhen City."

"Okay, boss!"

The other end of the phone was very noisy. Chen Fei vaguely heard a lot of shouts of cheers. He guessed that his assistant had gone to watch the Olympics.

"Forget it, you watch the game first. If you have any good news, remember to let me know. I'll let someone else book the air tickets."

"thank you boss!"

"You're welcome."

Chen Fei smiled, hung up the phone, and called the company's front desk again.


Natasha and Bruce didn't stay in the capital for long. They hurried over and hurried back.

"Twilight" and "Kung Fu Panda" are in the release period. They are very busy with their work and don't have much time to stay to watch games or travel.

Natalie Dormer was going to Hollywood to continue filming "Captain America", and the two little girls in South Korea also had a lot of activities, so they both left the capital overnight.

Only Amanda Seyfried stayed and helped Fade release the inventory that had been accumulated for a full month!

He is flying to Shenzhen City now, and this girl must not be able to follow him, otherwise the media will probably explode.

Chen Fei simply called a female employee from the company to accompany her around the capital.

"When I fly to India, let's go together."

"Okay." Amanda nodded obediently, smiling brightly.


The moment the plane took off, Chen Fei quickly put on the eye mask and immersed his consciousness in the system interface.

The mission was completed last night, but for some indescribable reasons, he had not had time to see the system rewards. This will give you just enough time to see if there is anything new.

[Ding·Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge task (climbing to the highest point of the bird's nest and landing successfully by parachute). 】

[A total of 110367 reputation points were obtained for this mission. 】

[Due to the extremely high degree of completion of this task, double blind box rewards are triggered. 】

[A-level reward blind box × 2 has been distributed successfully. 】

[The blind box is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: Lucky Orange, Roller Skating Mastery (Lv3). 】

"Huh? Another lucky orange?"

Looking at the first reward in the system, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

When he participated in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, he endured his heartache and ate the lucky orange to ensure nothing went wrong.

Although the orange peel was preserved, he always felt uncomfortable without the orange pulp.

But now, the new lucky orange is here again!

As for the other reward, Chen Fei was a little confused, "What the hell is roller skating proficiency? I don't have to film "Twelve Zodiac Signs", so what's the use of this skill?"

With doubts in mind, he landed safely at Shenzhen Airport.


What Chen Fei didn't expect was that as soon as he walked out of the gate, he saw a group of people from Wanda Pictures.

The leader is none other than Ye Ning!

"Mr. Ye?" Chen Fei shouted to the bustling crowd over there.

Ye Ning turned around subconsciously, and her eyes fell on Chen Fei, with a hint of confusion.

Because he was wearing a mask and sunglasses, he didn't recognize the person who called him for a while, but he looked familiar.

Chen Fei silently took off his sunglasses and mask.

"Hey! Mr. Chen! I didn't recognize it was you!"

Ye Ning came over quickly and extended her hand from a distance with a bright smile.

Because he invested in several movies with Chen Fei, Wanda has made a lot of money in recent years, and its annual financial reports are extremely eye-catching, and he has been unanimously praised by shareholders for this.

To him, Chen Fei was like the "God of Wealth".

The reason why he came to Shenzhen City today was because he received a joint invitation from Chen Fei and Huo Qigang to attend the opening ceremony of Pan-Asia Cinema.

In fact, it's not just Wanda alone, almost all theater chain owners in the entire mainland have come here.

As the first comprehensive cinema built by Pan-Asia Cinemas in Shenzhen, Golden Harvest has invested a lot of energy in the "Pan-Asia Cinema", focusing on a "high-end! Grand! Upscale!"

At today's opening ceremony, Chen Fei will let these theater chain owners see what a real cinema is!

He plans to "move with emotion and reason" to fool others into following his footsteps and prepare for the release of "Inception".

"Mr. Ye, long time no see. I don't think I saw you at the Olympics yesterday?"

"Haha, I just came back from the UK at around ten o'clock last night. I was too busy, so I didn't go to the scene."


Chen Fei asked curiously: "Where does Wanda still have business?"

"That's not true. It's just that my daughter goes to school there. I happened to have some free time, so I went with my wife to see her learning environment..."

While explaining, Ye Ning suddenly seemed to think of something, turned around and pulled behind him.

The next second, a chubby little man with small eyes and a big nose was pulled to his side, "This is the young master of our boss's family. He came with me specifically today to learn more."

"Hello, Mr. Chen, nice to meet you." Wang Sixian nodded obediently and said hello.

Although he and Chen Fei were only less than five years apart, the man in front of him was on an equal footing with his father, and he did not dare to make any mistakes.

Moreover, Lao Wang is so good at hiding things that he just told him not long ago that his family has a little money.

It was difficult for him to accept that he was still a "rich second generation" for a while, so that he was still a little timid when facing those celebrities and did not dare to reveal his true persona as a rich second generation.


Looking at the boy in front of him who was only a few years younger than himself, Chen Fei couldn't help but want to laugh.

Wang Sicheng!

This "rich second generation" is a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry.

As his name suggests, he is ruthless when it comes to tearing him apart!

Because his identity was exposed, more and more people gathered around him.

The group did not stay too much at the gate, but left the airport and went straight to the "Pan Asia Cinema".

Chen Fei did not take Wanda's car because Huo Qigang sent a driver to pick him up.

He took many calls along the way, and without exception, they were all from the bosses of major theater chains.

Many people had arrived at the theater early and were waiting for Chen Fei's arrival, including Bona's Yu Dong, China Film's Han Sanping, Shanghai Film's Ren Zhonglun and others.

"This is the IMAX screen? It's so big!"

Yu Dong held a pair of 3D glasses in his hand and stared directly at the large IMAX screen in front of him, which was more than meters high and nearly meters wide. His face was full of shock!

He knew before coming that Chen Fei invited them here this time to popularize 3D movies.

But Yu Dong has always felt that 3D is actually a gimmick. After all, there are not many movies that can use 3D projection equipment, and because of the ticket prices, most 3D cinemas are losing money.

For example, in the theater chains owned by Bona, there is actually only one 3D screening room in each theater, and most of the time, 2D movies are shown.

He didn't think 3D movies could be rolled out in the mainland, so although he was shocked that Pan-Asia Cinemas had launched such a big battle, he also harbored some doubts and ridicule.

With such a high investment, when will the investment be repaid?

"It's indeed big enough." Ren Zhonglun also sighed with emotion.

The Magic City also has an IMAX giant screen, but it is only stored in the Science and Technology Museum.

The picture effect is indeed great, but the cost of this thing is too high. If you install such a piece, it will be extremely difficult to recover the cost through box office splitting!

He really couldn't understand why Chen Fei put so much effort into making this thing?

And according to the news he received, Pan-Asia Cinemas is currently installing 3D projection equipment and IMAX screens non-stop, and each of its theaters is undergoing renovations.

Many people are very puzzled by this thankless behavior.

What exactly does Jiahe want to do?

"Wait a minute, the guy will be here soon." Han Sanping cherished her words like gold, staring straight at the big screen in front of her, not knowing what she was thinking of.

The waiting time was not particularly torturous. From time to time, a theater chain manager would walk into the theater, frequently eliciting greetings from everyone.

New Film Alliance, Magic City United Cinemas, China Film Star Cinema, China Film Digital Cinema, China Film Southern Shinkansen Cinema, Hengdian Pictures, Wanda Pictures...

In just half an hour, the heads of more than 20 theater lines came to the theater one after another.

Huo Qigang held a basket of 3D glasses in his hand. He would give one to everyone who came, and he was very busy.

Until Chen Fei appeared in the theater, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because of his grandfather and father, he had a good reputation in Hong Kong, but when he came to the mainland, he was a bit stretched. After all, he was not well-known in the film and television industry.

Only Chen Fei can hold on to this kind of scene now. If anyone else were to host it, he would probably be so nervous that he wouldn't even be able to speak!

Taking the microphone from Huo Qigang, Chen Fei strode to the front of the stage.

First, he looked around below, then smiled slightly and put the microphone to his mouth, "I'm very glad that you can come to the opening ceremony of Pan-Asia Cinema. I would like to thank you all for your strong support.

Let's make a long story short, I know you are all curious as to why I invited you to watch the movie here today.

I won’t answer this question for the time being. Next, I would like to invite you to put on your 3D glasses and experience a crazy special effects feast! "

Everyone in the audience was full of curiosity, but they also wore 3D glasses according to his request.


A snap of fingers suddenly spread throughout the auditorium, and the next second, behind Chen Fei, the IMAX screen slowly lit up.

"What you will see next is some clips from "War for the Planet of the Apes". Since the film has not yet been released, please put away your shooting equipment and respect your privacy."

Hearing this, Wang Sichang showed a hint of embarrassment on his face and silently put away the camera.

However, in the next second, the vision suddenly changed!

With the assistance of 3D glasses, he suddenly discovered that several gorillas walked out of the screen, holding spears and riding tall horses, and launched a fearless charge against the enemies in front!

The moment the spear was thrown, it seemed to penetrate the screen and flash past his eyes.

There were bursts of piercing explosions in my ears, reverberating like sonic booms!

At this moment, everyone present had their eyes widened and their faces turned pale at the same time as they were in disbelief.

That spear was so real, as if it was actually flying in front of your eyes, making people subconsciously want to avoid it!

In the front row of the venue, seeing the changing expressions of the many theater company bosses behind him, Chen Fei suddenly had a bright smile on his face.

Let me show you the shock from the 3DIMAX screen first, and the subsequent negotiations will be much smoother!

 I made a typo. I typed 335 in the title instead of 338. I’m confused...Mad, I’m tired.



(End of this chapter)

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