It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 337 Dandy boy? Han 3 Pingpai repeater, Audebiao is full of people!

Chapter 337 Dandy boy? Han Sanping brand repeater, Odebiao... are full of people! (Ask for monthly ticket)

The 2D clip taken from "War for the Planet of the Apes" is not very long, only about ten minutes at full time.

But just these ten minutes gave everyone at the scene a strong shock!

The vivid apes, sharp spears, and heart-warming battles... all of these are displayed on the IMAX screen, giving them an immersive feeling!

The story obviously takes place on the screen, but it seems to be right in front of you!

Chen Fei stood in front of the stage again, smiling and looking at the bosses of the major theater chains in front of him, "Everyone, how do you feel? Isn't it pretty good?"

" this IMAX?"

Gao Jun, the vice president of New Film Alliance, was dumbfounded.

When China Film introduced "War for the Planet of the Apes", he went to the 1D theater to watch it, which shocked him at that time.

But because of the old equipment, the 3D images actually have some ghosting. Watching a movie always makes people feel dizzy unconsciously, and it takes a long time to recover.

However, today, when the movie screen appeared on the IMAX screen, he suddenly felt like he had discovered a new world!

If all the movies shown in the theater are this kind of movies, then the audience is still not allowed to break through the door?

Wu Helu, the boss of Magic City United Cinemas, suddenly came to his senses at this moment, and his old eyes burst out with gleams of light, "This picture is not comparable to that of pirated CDs."

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly erupted in commotion.

Especially those bosses who only control theater chains in a certain province, the impact of piracy is the greatest on them!

But if all theaters are equipped with such 3DIMAX movies, the impact of piracy will be compressed to a negligible level!

After all, watching it on DVD and watching it in an IMAX theater are two completely different experiences!

"Mr. Wu is right." A bright smile broke out on Chen Fei's face. This was the effect he wanted.

"I can also tell you some news here. All of the subsequent films released by Volton Pictures and Marvel Pictures such as "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", "Iron Man 2", "Captain America", and "Thor" will be released soon. All include 2D versions.

Even "Inception", which cost nearly $3 million, is actually a 3D movie, and the picture is no weaker than the clip I just showed you on the screen. "

One stone caused a thousand waves!

After Chen Fei said these words, everyone understood what he meant.

Promote 3D projection equipment in theaters across the country, paving the way for many Hollywood Class A productions to come!

This is a win-win situation. As long as the box office can sell well, the producer can make money, and the theater can also reap a high profit through the box office share.

In the back row of the theater, Ye Ning suddenly realized, "No wonder almost all Pan-Asia cinemas are making rectifications. This is to prepare for the upcoming 3D movie era!"

Wang Sicheng on the side was holding his cell phone and texting his girlfriend. He turned his thoughts after watching a real 3D movie into words and shared them with his girlfriend.

Unfortunately, his girlfriend didn't seem to be very interested in 3D movies. Instead, she kept asking about Chen Fei and asked him to remember to ask for an autograph. It would be best if he could get his contact information!

Wang Sicheng's expression turned slightly gloomy, and his desire to share was suddenly shattered. He once again had the idea of ​​​​examining this relationship.


In front of the stage, Chen Fei was still chattering about the 3D operation and promotion model, and said that he would help theaters in need to produce several promotional templates for 3D movies for their use.

Looking at the 3D glasses in their hands and recalling what Chen Fei said, many theater chain bosses secretly made up their minds.

No matter how expensive the equipment is, it must be equipped with 3D.

It is right to follow the Pan-Asia Cinema Line. After all, Chen Fei has never failed in any of his moves since his debut.

Since he dares to fully expand it, there is no reason for other theaters to be timid!

"When you leave later, you can ask Mr. Huo for a copy of the film. The content inside is a clip of the soaring fire phoenix at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. I believe the promotional effect of this video will not be too bad."

There was another commotion at the scene.

The flaming phoenix at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games really shocked many people. If it can be used as a promotional clip, it will definitely attract the attention of many people.

"Uncle Ye, I think we at Wanda can also use IMAX screens. This kind of 3D screen will definitely be popular among young people!

And I heard that "Avatar" directed by Cameron is also in 3D. This movie is very popular abroad. I discovered it when I went to the United States before. There are many theaters in the United States that are replacing the latest movies. 3D equipment, just to make a lot of money! "

"I will think about it."

Ye Ning nodded slightly, suddenly feeling special about the young man in his company.

Lao Wang's education methods are still very good. At least Wang Sicheng has not become that kind of playboy, and he also has very good judgment ability, which is already a symbol of success.

The first half of the opening ceremony ended here, and the second half came to the wine table.

This can be regarded as an old Chinese tradition. Most business is negotiated over the wine table, not in the conference room.

While pushing cups and changing cups, Chen Fei nodded a few words calmly while the bosses of many theaters were there.

"Because we need to collect the most authentic box office data, starting next year, movies produced by Feiyue Film and Television will no longer provide copies to theaters that are not connected to the Internet. I hope all the bosses will bear with me."

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of the CEOs of the few theater companies present suddenly changed, and the hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly unconsciously.

If everyone is connected to the Internet, there will be very little room for maneuver, which will directly affect "personal interests."

Han Sanping put down her wine glass and echoed: "This is also what China Film Group means."

The lively atmosphere on the wine table suddenly condensed.

"Are you trying to cut through the mess quickly?" Ye Ning watched the show happily from the sidelines. Anyway, Wanda's theaters were all connected to the Internet, so this matter had nothing to do with him.

But...if the stick is thrown out, the sweet dates cannot fall.

Chen Fei changed the topic and said with a smile: "This is actually for everyone's benefit. I think you all know that Pan-Asia Cinemas and New Film Alliance have started box office pre-sales since last year, and this is the Internet subsequent products.

In the coming time, we will gradually improve this box office pre-sale system, which is based on the website, allowing movie fans to lock the movie release time and their favorite seats in the theater in advance online, and then pay for the tickets. This pre-sale period can last up to one week before release, or even... one month!

In this way, the box office share will naturally be received in advance. "

Hearing this, the CEOs of several theater chains who were still frowning suddenly brightened up.

Movie ticket pre-sale...the space available for operation is much larger than before!

At this moment, the "it's none of my business, just hang it high" attitude on Ye Ning's face suddenly disappeared without a trace.

This system is perfect for Wanda!

If possible, he would like to try it at Dongguan Wanda Cinema, which will open next year.

Chen Fei continued to introduce, "After the website passes the trial operation stage and is completely perfected, we can cooperate with theaters owned by major theater chains across the country.

Anyone who knows me knows that eating alone has never been my style, so I am going to invite everyone here to join me in running this website. "

Operating together? !

Which one of you is not a human being?

Upon hearing this sentence, everyone was very clear. It was not so much a joint operation, but a collective monopoly. Everyone was concentrated in a big pot to eat, and no one could try to make small moves.

Han Sanping, like a repeater, echoed again: "This is actually what China Film Group means. If we have money, everyone can make money together. There is no need to engage in vicious competition. The market is so big, how can anyone swallow it up?"

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed joy.

If even this brave man who eats and doesn't vomit opens his mouth, they will feel more relieved.

For a moment, the sound of changing cups and cups resounded in the box again.


After the banquet was over and the CEOs of the theater companies were sent away, Chen Fei and Huo Qigang returned to the theater.

After walking around the theater, the two walked into the office.

"How far along has "Chilling" been filmed?"

"It is expected to be completed in October."

As Huo Qigang spoke, he was holding a mobile phone and typing away. The sour smell of love filled the office.

"Next, in terms of film production, what you have to do is to make "Chill" one of Jiahe's symbols. We are taking a high-quality route."

"Okay, I understand." Huo Qigang nodded, closed the phone page, and said with a smile: "As long as you are here, there is absolutely no problem with the 'high-quality' film and television production."

Chen Fei, "The next step is the theater chain. This is also a very important part. Especially for the 3DIMAX route, we must ensure that we are far ahead and work harder to make it one of the symbols of our pan-Asian theater chain." one."

"No problem, I will invest more energy in this area." With Huo Qigang's persistent efforts, as of June 2008, 6, Jiahe's Asian Cinema Network has 30 cinemas, with a total of 53 cinemas , an increase of 375% compared to last year.

Moreover, with the gradual opening up of the mainland's film distribution and theater operating markets, the mainland's first brand flagship cinema opened by Golden Harvest in Shenzhen in January 2005 has now been completed.

The first phase of the cinema has 8 cinemas with unique design, advanced equipment and luxurious decoration. It is the first to implement mobile phone text messaging and Internet ticket booking services in China, creating a new milestone in the design and management of modern cinemas.

In addition to the mainland, Golden Harvest has also successfully acquired Taiwan's largest Warner Village Theater Company (now renamed Golden Harvest Village Roadshow). The theater chain has 8 cinemas and a total of 79 theaters, accounting for approximately 40% of Taiwan's market. share.

In early January last year, with Huo Qigang's "Fission Plan" in full swing, Golden Harvest's brand flagship cinema GV VivoCity in Singapore was officially opened. The cinema covers an area of ​​15 square feet and has 2173 theaters with a total of seats. It is occupied every year The rate is as high as one million!

At the same time, Golden Harvest has successively acquired and built 9 cinemas in Singapore, with a total of 73 cinemas, accounting for approximately 60% of the market share in Singapore.

In Hong Kong, Golden Harvest has built 5 cinemas with a total of 24 cinemas, and has also jointly operated a cinema chain in Malaysia with 10 cinemas and 77 cinemas...

Looking at the entire theater network, it can be said that the development is extremely rapid!

Putting down the folder in his hand, Chen Fei gave new instructions, "Continue to expand, not only Shenzhen City, but other first- and second-tier cities can also gradually select suitable locations for theater construction.

But one thing to note is that we do not go it alone and try not to conflict with other theater chains. However, we must ensure that our infrastructure is "high-end and sophisticated."

Compared with other movie theaters, we only need to ensure three advantages: high-end, complete, and cheap! "

"no problem!"

Huo Qigang immediately patted his chest and promised that he had a unique perspective on spending money as a rich second generation.


This gathering of theater chain companies did not cause much of a sensation. After all, the popularity of 3D equipment cannot be achieved overnight, and there will be a transition period of at least half a year.

However, some practitioners have discovered that major theaters are making small moves, but because they don’t understand the inside story, they don’t know what these theater chains are doing.

At this time, the major theater chains suddenly became very united, almost hiding it, hoping to make a blockbuster news after the equipment update was completed!

Chen Fei did not stay too long in the mainland. After taking care of some things, he flew to India with Amanda Seyfried.

However, Huo Qigang flew to the capital excitedly. He had to accompany Guo Jingjing to participate in the competition, and then he could cheer for his future wife in the stands.

The old man of the Huo family supported his son's choice and even flew to the mainland in person, saying that he would personally present the award to his daughter-in-law after she won the championship.

Before leaving, Chen Fei received a call from Ning Hao.

"The movie "Nine Beauties" filmed by Wang Yuelun and Li Xiang was so dismal at the box office that it was completely removed from the shelves by theaters."

"Dismal? How miserable?"

"Ten days, 1300 million yuan."

"Hey? It's really miserable!"

Chen Fei made no secret of his gloating tone, and he still wanted to take advantage of the heat? It's a good thing this time, I've ruined myself.

Ten days after its release, it didn't even hit the box office high of "Kung Fu Panda" on its first day. What the heck?


The flight to India officially took off.

In the first-class cabin, Chen Fei was wearing an eyepatch, his consciousness immersed in the system interface, and his expression was quite complicated.

System tasks have been refreshed again.

But this mission is really weird and has the style of "Indian Third Brother".

[Challenge mission: (Board on the Indian 'Express' and complete a roller skating challenge on the roof. You need to slide from the front to the rear of the car without protection or mistakes.) The difficulty level is 8 stars. You can get it by completing the mission. S-level reward blind box. 】

Regarding this unruly nation, Chen Fei's impression of them, apart from the clean and hygienic water of the Ganges River, was the transportation vehicles full of people.

From bicycles to motorcycles, to buses, trains, ships... every means of transportation can be filled with them.

As for the 'express train', it is almost a norm to get people on and off at any time.

Chen Fei still remembers the game he played when he was a child. As long as there was a three-bouncer passing by on the road in the village, he and his friends would sneak up on it while the driver was not paying attention, and then go around the whole village.

However, compared to Brother Asan's behavior of picking up trains, his deeds of picking up three bungs are simply insignificant and not worth mentioning at all.

But now the system requires him to roller skate to the top of the train to complete the challenge. This operation really gives the illusion of being a "local native".

“Is this India?”

After walking out of the airport, Amanda looked at the class-distinguished people around her and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Compared with the United States, which advocates freedom, this place is simply like "hell".

The mere fact that women can't show up makes her feel outrageous!

"Remember, don't act alone, don't leave my sight, don't look at any male for a long time..."

Chen Fei relied on his own experience to tell Amanda about various taboos.

The little girl couldn't stay here for a few days. She was just too curious, so she came to play with him for a few days.

After she sees the conditions in the slums, perhaps her stay will be shortened.

Danny was already waiting for them outside the airport. After Chen Fei got into the car, he stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the hotel.

When he met Rajkumar Hirani, the fat assistant director shouted very excitedly: "Fei, I saw the clip of the Olympic opening ceremony on the Internet. It's so cool!"

Chen Fei smiled slightly at him and said, "Rakumar, thank you for your compliment. You have worked hard during this period. Starting tomorrow, I will officially return to the crew and continue filming the main storyline."

"Haha, Fei, welcome back again!"

After all, they have carried guns and been on the "battlefield" together, so there is no need for too many polite words between the two.

On the contrary, Amanda looked at Deepika Padukone with some vigilance. Perhaps due to women's special intuition, she was extremely wary of the tall Indian actress in front of her.

"I can't let you lure Fei away!"


Chen Fei has never forgotten the incident when a reporter from South Korea's SBS TV station exposed the Olympic rehearsal project. Now that he finally had free time, he called Lyon directly.

We must first find out who is behind this TV station before we take action!

At the same time, the global release of "Kung Fu Panda" is still in its hot stages.

According to Natasha's statistics, in nearly half a month, this Hollywood animated film full of Chinese elements has already earned US$1.8 million in North America. Its performance at the global box office is even more powerful, and it has now exceeded 3.8 million US dollars. 4 million US dollars, and is launching a fierce charge towards million US dollars.

Chen Fei's requirements for this movie are not high, it only needs to exceed the original world's US$6.3 million.

Anyway, the cost has been recovered now, and the follow-up will be pure profit. Naturally, the more the merrier.

The wrap-up party of "If You Are the One" was successfully held in the capital. Unfortunately, Chen Fei was too busy, so he had to let Feng Xiaogang go.

But he promised the other party that he would definitely be there at the premiere!

On the other hand, Huang Bo put a lot of effort into his "Bullfighting". In order to achieve good results in the September schedule, he started the promotional activities with Yan Ni early.

Unfortunately, in terms of popularity, his "Bullfighting" is much less popular than "The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" starring Li Lianlian and Yang Ziqiong.

However, because the latter is an imported film, it does not have much advantage in terms of film arrangement.

Moreover, Li Lianlian received a lot of criticism in China because of his role as a villain, and his reputation also plummeted.

One thing goes another way, maybe "Bullfighting" will bring an unexpected surprise.

Of course, when it comes to the real surprise, it has to be the 9th American TV Emmy Awards, which will be held on September 21.

On the day when the nominations were announced, there was an uproar at home and abroad!

Outstanding Director for a Drama Series, Outstanding Director for a Fantasy Series, Best Guest Actress, Best Director for a Drama Series, Best Screenplay, Best Casting, Best Visual Effects, Best Supporting Actor, Best Actress supporting role……

"Game of Thrones" has a peak record of being nominated for 23 awards, directly leading the nominations for this year's Emmy Awards!

Behind it, TV series such as "Mad Men", "Breaking Bad", "3D Comedians", "Bloody Judge", etc. were all trampled under their feet, without any chance of turning around!

(End of this chapter)

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