It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 338 Mainland TV drama producer No. 1! What money? So difficult to wash? Advance the game?

Chapter 338 No. 1 mainland TV drama producer! What money? So difficult to wash? Advance the game?

After filming "The Deer and the Cauldron", Zhang Jizhong felt that his life was getting more and more frustrating.

The popularity of celebrities in the industry suddenly disappeared. "The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon Slayer" was criticized for its failure in casting. The male and female protagonists were messing around behind the scenes, causing the main protagonist to cause a scene on the set...

One incident after another gave him a headache, and the filming was stumbling. It was pretty good that it was successfully completed.

But because he has remade many of Jin Yong's martial arts novels, and most of them have received good reviews, there are still many people who support him.

Although on the surface he is just a martial arts drama producer, behind the scenes, he feels that he should be called the "No. 1 TV drama producer in the Mainland!" '

He feels that this title is particularly valuable because it comes from many outstanding films such as "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Deer and the Cauldron", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "Blue Blood Sword", and "The Swordsman". The TV series gave him the confidence.

However... just as he was enjoying the glory brought by awards and ratings, a stupid boy who he couldn't even look at at the beginning emerged!

"Bright Sword", "Soldier Assault", "Latent", "My Captain, My Regiment", "Line of Life and Death", "My Brother's Name is Shunliu"...

A series of popular military-themed TV series directly established Chen Fei's status as a top producer in the TV industry!

"Life and Death", which is currently being aired on Mango Channel, is a new work produced by Feiyue Film and Television, which has triggered a wave of extreme craze in the TV circle!

Some people say that Chen Fei has already mastered the "military" theme.

Some people also say, 'No. 1 TV drama producer in Mainland China! 'This title should be given to Chen Fei.

Some people even bluntly said that Chen Fei is the real top TV series producer. As for Zhang Jizhong, he is just a bearded old man who only knows how to make remakes, plagiarize plots, and take advantage of celebrities.

Zhang Jizhong was very unconvinced. He especially wanted to compete with Chen Fei to see who was the top TV drama producer in the Mainland!

It's a pity that this guy has always been in the film industry and has never directed a TV series himself.

However, just when he thought it would be difficult for the two of them to communicate with each other again, a new news suddenly came back from abroad last year!

The filming of the first TV series directed by Chen Fei himself has started.

Zhang Jizhong was overjoyed at that time. After learning about the news from many sources, he tried to compete with "Game of Thrones" with "The Deer and the Cauldron"!

But soon, the high investment of US$700 million per episode made him dumbfounded.

Who is a good person who makes a TV series and spends 5600 million yuan to shoot one episode? Didn't this TV series look like a movie?

Later, he kept paying attention to this matter. When the final figure of total investment of US$7000 million came back, he felt bad.

Spending more than 5 million yuan to shoot ten episodes of a TV series?

What kind of money is this?

Is it so difficult to wash?

He was immediately overjoyed at that time and was sure that Chen Fei would definitely lose everything.

It wasn't until June this year that he finally saw this TV series that cost 5.6 million yuan to film!

However, after watching it, his first impression was, why does this feel like watching a pornographic film?

The heroine actually took off her clothes to act. What else could this be if it wasn't a Category III film?

As for the story, pictures and other elements of this TV series, he didn't pay much attention to it, because most of his attention was focused on the explicit scenes.

Although he looks very serious on the surface, he actually likes young people.

A man is a boy until he dies!

After watching the first two episodes, he stopped paying attention to the subsequent plot. After all, he was old and couldn't bear such "high-intensity" stimulation.

But what he never expected was that when he heard news about the TV series "Game of Thrones" again, it would appear simultaneously with the Emmy Awards!

The "Emmy Awards" are television awards sponsored by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. Founded in 1949, it is the highest award in the American television industry. It is the same as the Academy Awards (movie awards) and the Grammy Awards (music awards). Awards), Tony Awards (drama awards) and are known as the four major awards in the American entertainment industry.

For mainland TV drama directors, producers, and actors, the 'Emmy Awards' are completely beyond their reach!

This award is as important as the Hollywood Academy Awards, and it is the goal that all TV drama actors aspire to!

Regrettably, there are occasionally Chinese directors and actors who can participate in the Oscars, but there are no Chinese directors and actors who can participate in the Emmy Awards.

Therefore, when "Game of Thrones" received 23 nominations in a row, a group of TV drama directors and producers in the Mainland were dumbfounded!

"How did he do it?" Zhang Jizhong's mind was full of doubts and confusion.

Can a Category III film also be nominated for an Emmy Award? How is this possible? Is it possible that those judges all accepted bribes from Chen Fei?

He is actually quite good at this type of thing...

"Why don't I try to go to Hollywood to make a pornographic film after "The Legend of the Dragon Slayer" is finished? Let's try and see if I can win an Emmy Award?"

Zhang Jizhong was a little excited and didn't notice that Deng Chao and An Jixuan started to flirt with each other again on the set.

It wasn't until the assistant's voice rang in his ears that he suddenly came back to his senses, "Director Zhang, Sun Li came to visit our crew again."

"Quick! Inform Deng Chao and An Jixuan quickly and ask them to keep their distance."

In fact, the reason why these two people were able to get together was largely attributed to Zhang Big Beard. He required the male protagonist and the female protagonist to be close enough that they looked like a couple at first glance.

After going back and forth like this, if Deng Chao and An Jixuan can still maintain restraint outside the scene, they will be called ghosts!

No, after Sun Li found out about the matter, she had already come to the set to make trouble several times. Now she even came to visit the crew every two days, which gave him a headache.

Fortunately, the filming has reached the final stage, otherwise, there is no guarantee that big news will be made one day!

At the same time, right next door to "The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon", the crew of "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" gathered together to discuss news about the Emmy Awards.

"What a guy? 23 nominations! Almost all the awards! Director Chen is really awesome!"

Hu Ge's face was full of shock, and he was filled with admiration.

Yang Mi couldn't hide her surprise at the side, "Is this the first TV series directed and filmed by Director Chen himself?"

"That's right." Liu Shishi has a deep understanding of this aspect. "Since his debut, he has been working as a film director. He has also filmed a few TV series, but most of them were supporting roles. Only the "Young King" Wesley" is the leading actor."

"I admire it! I really admire it!" Huo Jianhua rarely went to look for flowers and flowers, but also watched the news with everyone.

Tang Yan next to her was full of admiration, "Does Director Chen have a girlfriend?"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Mi and Liu Shishi immediately cast wary glances.

Another new competitor has appeared!


In the eyes of others, the news that "Game of Thrones" was nominated for 23 awards is simply shocking, but for Chen Fei, this is actually nothing to be amazed about.

That’s Game of Thrones! Known as one of the greatest "epic masterpieces" in history!

Isn’t it natural for a work like this to win an Emmy?

He specifically asked Natasha for some news about the Emmy Awards, and then learned that the 60th Emmy Awards would be held in late September.

By that time, "Slumdog Millionaire" had already finished filming, and it was just in time to attend.

Isaac Perlmutter called him very excitedly and asked him when he was going to start filming the second season of Game of Thrones.

The income in the first quarter was really impressive. After the various shares were received, not only the cost was easily recovered, but also a large amount of US dollars was even made!

He can't wait for the second season of Game of Thrones to be released.

Chen Fei thought for a while and replied: "Let's start preparations. You first contact the actors and confirm their schedules. After I finish filming "Inception", I can start the filming plan for the second season.

Oh, by the way, I also have a new script here. You can send someone to get it. You can also start preparatory preparations for this script. "

New script? !

Isaac Perlmutter's eyes lit up and he responded hurriedly: "I will arrange for someone to go there immediately."

Early the next morning, a production executive from Marvel Entertainment rushed to India.

"Come so fast?"

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows in surprise, and immediately handed the script he had prepared to the other party, "Go back and tell Isaac to choose a suitable director for this script. As for the special effects partner, click Digital .”


The director of the production department nodded solemnly and subconsciously set his eyes on the cover of the script.

Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Chen Fei had obtained the script of this classic American drama from the system a long time ago, but he had never thought about filming it.

The reason is also very simple, because if you use one sentence to describe this American drama, it would be: "very pornographic and very violent!"

After much thought, he decided to just be a producer and then find a tool director to film.

In this way, even if there are some unfavorable comments in the future, the impact on him will be much smaller.


After sending away the director of the production department, Chen Fei devoted himself to filming again.

Although I am abroad, there are still news coming from the Olympic Games, which are either exciting, outrageous or helpless...

"Internet violence is really scary!" Liu Yifei called, still frightened. Chen Fei echoed: "So, you still have to try your best to keep yourself away from right and wrong. If it doesn't work, just break it. No matter what they say or how they love it, justice is in people's hearts. It is impossible for everyone to be blind. of."

The reason why we are talking about the term 'cyber violence' is because of what happened at the recent Olympic Games.

Four years ago, Lao Mouzi was criticized and reviled by many people for the closing ceremony of the Athens Olympics, but Liu Feiren was sought after by countless fans for winning the gold medal.

But this year, their lives have undergone earth-shaking changes!

The former was crowned a god due to his wonderful opening ceremony performance and even won the title of "National Master", but the latter suffered endless abuse for withdrawing from the competition!

The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. The abuse on the Internet forced him to come out and apologize, but even so, it still didn't have much effect.

So many previous championships and gold medals seemed to have become a fleeting thing at this moment.

Corresponding to this is Guo Jingjing.

Her textbook-level five consecutive jumps in the three-meter springboard directly won her the 34th gold medal in this Olympic Games. She also won the gold medal in the synchronized jump with her teammates.

Mr. Huo was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. When he went on stage to present the award, his face was full of a kind smile.

In comparison, Guo Jingjing is much luckier.

With four Olympic gold medals at the end, a generation of diving queens returned home with great honors and officially bowed out, leaving behind a lot of praise!

Chen Fei saw an interview video on Zhang Chaoyang held up the microphone and interviewed Huo Qigang personally at the competition site. Huang Xiaoming sat in the back row, grinning with his big teeth.

"So, it's time to realize your dream this time, right?" Chen Fei called Huo Qigang, his words full of ridicule.

On the other end of the phone, Huo Qigang smiled very happily, "Hahaha, I'm satisfied. We are getting ready to get engaged. Remember to come when the time comes!"

"Okay, send me a message after you set a date, and I will definitely be there."

After it was confirmed that Guo Jingjing won the championship, Chen Fei no longer paid attention to the news after the Olympics, but devoted himself wholeheartedly to the filming.

As the filming progress accelerated, the protagonist's adult plot has been filmed at this time.

This part is mainly divided into three different scenes: answering questions in the studio, torture at the police station, and memories.

The time has come to mid-August, and Chen Fei is preparing to end this scene before September, so the work intensity will inevitably increase.

Fortunately, almost all the actors have no complaints. They are all hard-working and fit the mold of a 'tool man'.

Only Deepika Padukone gave Chen Fei some headaches.

This Indian female model performed quite well in the crew at first, but with long-term contact, Chen Fei discovered that she seemed to have a bit of a flirtatious personality!

Especially during the filming, when she was scolded for some minor mistakes, it was obvious that she behaved very differently from others.

Other actors usually show a look of shame when being trained, but she always shows an expression of...'expectation'!

In order to verify, Chen Fei even conducted an experiment.

During a certain shoot, he found a reason to call Deepika aside and scolded her severely.

Then he discovered that the harder he scolded, the more the girl got the better of her. In the end, her eyes almost turned into tears!

This discovery shocked Chen Fei. He was very curious, how could such a well-behaved girl have such a special hobby?

In order to avoid misunderstandings, he could only minimize the number of reprimands.

But this girl seemed to realize that Chen Fei had discovered her special hobby, and she actually started making mistakes, just so that Chen Fei could take the initiative to reprimand her!

This operation directly stunned Chen Fei.

He never expected that someone would take the initiative to scold him!

As a last resort, in order not to delay the filming progress, Chen Fei had no choice but to call Deepika Padukone into his room after finishing his day's work.

He felt that he had to have a serious talk with this girl.

People can't be like this, at least actors can't be like this. If they all looked like her, would the movie still be filmed?

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door, and Chen Fei had already prepared what he wanted to say in advance, so he stepped forward and opened the door.

But the next second, his face suddenly became startled!

In front of me, I saw Deepika wearing a white dress that covered her hips. Her breasts were full of fruits, and her flesh-colored stockings fit tightly against her slender thighs, showing off her sexy and charming curves.


Chen Fei's face was full of confusion. What is this girl doing? Is there something wrong with wearing something so sexy at night?

This is India! And the hotel is not that safe! You might be dragged into the room by some drunk guy!

"Why don't you wear more clothes?" Chen Fei frowned and his tone was a little harsh.

Deepika's eyes started to tighten again. She really liked this feeling!

"Director, is this okay? I feel quite cool."

"Cool? Are you stupid? Don't you know where this place is? Don't you worry..."

Chen Fei didn't say anything else, because he found that the girl's skin had begun to turn red, and her face was even stained with a blush.

Mudd! Jiang Taigong is fishing!

First, he signaled her to come in, and then Fade silently closed the door.

"Let's talk?" When he came to the sofa, Chen Fei looked at her solemnly, his eyes full of scrutiny.

"What are you talking about?" Deepika asked knowingly.

Chen Fei, "There are no outsiders in this room tonight. The next topic may be more private, but I think it is necessary to tell you clearly.

This movie is very important to me. Since you have been chosen as the heroine, I am very optimistic about you. I hope that we can work together happily.

Therefore, I now ask you to stay normal during the next shooting!

I don't care what special fetishes you have, but they will never be allowed to appear in the filming of the movie. If a similar situation happens next time, I will choose to change the heroine.

Believe me, as long as it's my movie, there's no need to worry about not having an actress! Hope you take care of yourself! "

If it is not broken, it will not be established; if it is broken, it will be established.

This is Chen Fei's plan!

He believes that Deepika Padukone can recognize the facts and make the right choice between her future and her special hobbies.

At this moment, Deepika did regain her senses and her face turned slightly pale.

But for some reason, her heart was beating very fast!

This 'sense of critical attack' made it really difficult for her to control herself, and it was even more intense than the reprimand during the filming!

Reason and decadence intertwined in her mind, making her unable to stop!

Finally, she bit her red lips and whispered softly: "I can promise that such mistakes will not happen again during the shooting, but after the shooting, can you reprimand me severely? Just like you just did!"


Why do I suddenly feel like I've unlocked the next level?

Chen Fei frowned slightly. He always felt as if Deepika was using him as a tool to obtain happiness, but in order to ensure the smooth progress of the shooting, he finally agreed to the other party's request.

She did deliver on her promise and rarely made any mistakes during subsequent shoots.

But at the same time, the "training process" becomes more and more complicated every night!

She would always make various requests. Although it would not reach such an outrageous level, it still made Chen Fei feel like he was eye-opening!

On the 30th, when the filming of the last group dance scene ended, "Slumdog Millionaire" also ushered in its final moment!

After the closing banquet, Chen Fei returned to the hotel to watch the broadcast of the 7th Golden Eagle Television Arts Festival.

The 'Golden Eagle Goddess' of this year's Golden Eagle Festival is Li Xiaolu, who loves doing hair. Her style is not as good-looking as Liu Yifei's, and she is not that good looking either. Chen Fei doesn't like her very much.

In terms of awards, the four TV series "Crossing Guandong", "Soldier Assault", "My Commander My Regiment" and "Golden Wedding" achieved great success.


There was a soft knock on the door, and Deepika, who had taken the spare room key, opened the door and walked in.

Before Chen Fei could react, a pair of tall and plump breasts were already attached to his back.

"Director, the movie has been completed. It will be difficult for us to see each other next time, so...can you give me more punishment?"

Chen Fei suddenly realized!

He got it!

This woman is just playing a game, and tonight is the final level of the 'boss'!

(End of this chapter)

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