It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 339 Yoga? 4 technicians? India's 3 Khans? The most outrageous challenge mission process

Chapter 339 Yoga? Four technicians? India's Three Great Khans? The most outrageous challenge mission process! (Ask for monthly ticket)

"This should I use it?"


Half an hour flew by.

Looking at the red marks on Deepika Padukone's white and tender skin, Chen Fei was secretly amazed.

The forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds, and there are actually people who really like this kind of excitement!

"When I was a child, I learned a word in a textbook called 'stick education'. I have never experienced it before. Could you please...director, can you give me some advice?"

"Call if you want."

"My lord..."


The boss was defeated after all. During the incident, Chen Fei was full of disbelief, "You can also do yoga?"

"This is my strength!"

"Cool enough."

Chen Fei secretly marveled. Fortunately, he himself had strengths, otherwise he would have been defeated by the other party's strengths.

After we finished, it was already dawn.

Fortunately, there is no filming today, so I can sleep until the afternoon.

During this period, Chen Fei asked Deepika Padukone for some knowledge about yoga, which really benefited him a lot!

It was not until night, until Rajkumar Hirani called, that Chen Fei sat up from the big bed and started to wash and change clothes.

The two met at a very luxurious massage parlor, enjoying a foot bath and chatting at the same time.

"Fei? You seem a little tired? Is it because you are too tired from filming during this period?"

"Well, a little bit."

Chen Fei responded weakly. He almost didn't sleep all night last night, and after struggling for a long time today, the 'boss' finally fell.

That is to say, his physical fitness is relatively good, otherwise even an iron man would not be able to bear it after tossing it all day and night.

Recalling Deepika Padukone practicing yoga, he couldn't help but secretly sigh, "There are really only exhausted cows and no plowed land!"

"You can have a good rest, the service here is very good." Rajkumar Hirani pointed out with a distinctive expression.

"No!" Chen Fei said with a serious face, "We young people need to cultivate their moral character before they can serve the motherland. Once in a while, it is called releasing stress, but it must not be too frequent, and it must not fall into the trap of desire."

In an instant, Rajkumar Hirani was in awe!

"Fei, I understand, I will send those four technicians back right now."

Damn, you actually prepared four?

Chen Fei raised his brows slightly and changed the subject sharply, "Oh, forget it, they're already here, let them come in."

Rajkumar Hirani: "???"

After chatting for a while, after the foot bath service process was completed, the two technicians left the room, and then Rajkumar Hirani handed over a script he had prepared earlier.

At the same time, the four female technicians who had been waiting outside the door also walked in at the same time, divided into two groups, and walked towards the two of them very skillfully.

Rajkumar Hirani had mentioned earlier that he wanted Chen Fei to help direct his new script, and today's time is just right.

Compared with the wine table, this kind of massage parlor is also a good place to discuss business, followed closely by KTV.

"Three Idiots?"

Looking at the English name marked on the cover of the script, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly became complicated.

He once again thought of the time dominated by an hour of "singing and dancing"!

Rajkumar Hirani introduced on the side: "This is a feature film adapted from the best-selling Indian novel "The Man Who Got Perfect Scores". I gave it a new name, "Three Idiots Make Trouble in Bollywood" .

The story involves education, family, love and friendship, explores the choice between life ideals and real survival in the form of comedy, and deeply reflects on the traditional rigid education system..."

With the chattering in his ears, Chen Fei looked extremely focused.

He quite likes this story. After all, China and India have similar education systems and social atmospheres, and the academic and employment pressures are also very high. It can give people a strong sense of substitution.

Half an hour later, Chen Fei closed the script and returned it to Rajkumar Hirani.

"It's a very good script. I believe you will succeed. The plot is great and complete. I personally think this is a story that can resonate with the culture. The diverse combination of genres is also irresistible. However, the second half of the story I suggest that those parts that are overly sensational can be deleted, as they affect the overall senses..."

Chen Fei said a lot, and Rajkumar Hirani listened very seriously.

Until the end, Rajkumar Hirani suddenly said with great expectation: "Fei, since you are so optimistic about this script, can you invest in it?"


Chen Fei was suddenly stunned, and a trace of doubt arose in his heart, "So you mean, this script hasn't found a suitable investor yet?"

"Yes." Rajkumar Hirani nodded and said with some disappointment: "Mainly because of the influence of the original work. The novel mainly tells campus stories and lacks clear plot clues, so it is not favored by investors."

Chen Fei was immediately happy. He didn't expect that he could pick up such a big mistake.

"Ok, since no one is willing to invest, let me do it. You will then submit a specific budget, and I will arrange for someone to come over and connect with you."

Rajkumar Hirani's eyes lit up, and he tentatively said: "I want to hire Aamir Khan, but his salary is very expensive."

There are three great Khans in Indian movies, namely Shah Rukh Khan, the king of Bollywood, Salman Khan, the Indian version of Chen Long, and Aamir Khan, the Bollywood superstar. They are all famous Indian actors and play an important role in the Indian film and television industry. Enjoy high reputation and influence.

It is actually normal for actors of this type to be paid more.

Hugging the two female technicians who were approaching, Chen Fei said seriously and solemnly: "I only need the budget, who should be invited, how to shoot, how to do post-production, I will not care about these, my requirements There is only one thing, we must promote positive energy!”

Only sheep that are free-range can become fat, but if they are raised in captivity, not only will the owner of the sheep be very tired, but even the sheep themselves will not have enough to eat.

Chen Fei trusts most of the people under his command.

Ning Hao, Kang Honglei, Wang Shiliang... He would never interfere with the creation of these people, but let them develop their own styles.

If a director doesn't even have his own directing style, then he will definitely not be a good director.

Just like when Lu Chuan was filming "Looking for a Gun", Lao Jiang completely treated him as a stand-in, and the film he produced was simply Jiang Wen's unique style!

For this reason, Lu Chuan has been criticized a lot.


After coming out of the foot bath shop, Chen Fei immediately called Natasha.

"The first branch will be set up in India. I invested in a movie here, just enough to make it the first production of our branch."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Natasha was originally thinking about how to open up the situation, but she didn't expect that Chen Fei gave her a huge surprise!

With this wave of bonuses, the situation can be opened smoothly, and the subsequent 'Fission Plan' will become much easier.

After a brief chat, the topic quickly shifted to "Kung Fu Panda" which is currently in theaters.

"After one month of release, the North American box office is now fixed at 3.15 million. The subsequent box office rankings are China, Britain, France, South Korea and other countries. The total global box office total is 7.12 million US dollars."

"Okay, very good."

Chen Fei responded with satisfaction. Although this figure is 2 million US dollars less than "The Twilight Saga 4000", it is much higher than "Wall-E"!

Moreover, the '7 million' level is a difficult level even in all categories of Hollywood movie systems. The fact that "Kung Fu Panda" can create such excellent results has far exceeded Chen Fei's expectations!

This data can even rank among the top five box office results of global animated feature films!

A Hollywood animated film full of Chinese elements can actually achieve a box office of 3 million US dollars in North America. This has never happened before.

For the leaders of the film bureau, this is simply one of the best masterpieces of the "Cultural Overseas Plan"!

It's no wonder that after Chen Fei was elected as the igniter of the Olympic opening ceremony, there was no objection from the mainland. This was obviously because someone from above had already said hello in advance.

After this battle, his position in the mainland film market and even in the field of cultural communication has become more and more stable.

Many people on the Internet even call him the founder of "Chinese comics"!

However, Chen Fei is not proud of this, because he knows that he still has many shortcomings, and there are still many goals that have not been completed.

He has not yet won the Golden Lion Award at the Venice International Film Festival, and none of the Oscars belongs to him. The task of leading mainland film industry practitioners to the international stage has not been completed. He is still far away from defeating Disney. The filming materials for "Ready Player One" have not yet been assembled...

His road is still long and arduous!


September is coming quietly.

The mainland's film market is still lifeless, and the only Chinese-language films released during the same period are "Bullfighting" and "Li Mi's Conjecture" worth mentioning.

But no matter who you are, you can't avoid the impact of "The Mummy 3"!

Li Lianlian did a lot of publicity in the mainland, but the response was mediocre.

Many people on the Internet called him a "lackey", "scum", and "don't want Bilian", so that almost all subsequent publicity plans were suspended.

On the other hand, "Bullfighting" and "Li Mi's Conjecture" have aroused the expectations of many movie fans.

The former is directed and starred by Huang Bo, who has a "low-end monitor and high-end CPU", and also has powerful actresses like Yan Ni joining the cast.

The latter is co-starred by powerful actors such as Deng Chao, Zhou Xun, Wang Baoqiang, and Zhang Hanyu, which is bound to bring quite a surprise to movie fans.

Speaking of Wang Baoqiang, we have to mention his "Hello!" Mr. Tree! 》. Tian Zhuangzhuang's previous expectation was to end the filming in mid-September, but he did not expect that the subsequent filming would become smoother and smoother, and it was finally completed on August 8.

It's a pity that because "Slumdog Millionaire" was also filming at a very important stage at that time, Chen Fei was not able to rush back to attend the wrapping party.

At the same time, the rights to play the second and third rounds of "Life and Death" were all sold, without exception, at high prices!

On the other side, the filming of "The Wind" was also going very smoothly. Tang Honglei would send him messages from time to time, informing him of the progress of the filming and some major and minor matters that happened in the crew.

The Li sisters were not causing any trouble.

I heard from Liu Yifei that Wang Zhonglei bought a lot of jewelry at a high price at the Bazaar auction half a month ago, presumably to make up for his mistakes.

As for Hong Kong Island, it's a bit complicated.

Chen Long's "Zodiac" is about to be finished, but the filming progress of "Anti-Drug", "Eavesdropping 3", "Guild Wars" and "Cold War" has been very slow because of the overlapping actors. .

Although Chen Fei was helpless, there was nothing he could do.

The younger generation of actors are inactive, and there are just a few old actors coming back and forth, and several crews are taking turns, so the progress will naturally be much slower.

On the contrary, the mainland is very lively.

Han Sanping is still working on his movie "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", but now the cast is almost the same, and almost all the first and second-tier celebrities in the industry are on the list!

Chen Fei originally only wanted to be named as a screenwriter, but Han Sanping insisted on letting him be the producer, so she couldn't help but submit the name.

"I'm only 24 years old. If you ask me to manage those big-name and veteran actors on the front line, is that okay?"

"What's wrong with this?" Han Sanping didn't care about this and said carelessly: "When the time comes, you will bring all the trophies you have won over the years. If anyone disobeys, hit them with the trophies!"


The method is very good, and it is absolutely accurate with one hit, but this operation is really weird.

"Let me know when you're ready to start filming."

Chen Fei had no intention of continuing to chat with Han Sanping. He hung up the phone and began to focus on checking the roller skates sent from Red Bull.

He still has a lot of things to do in the future, and he doesn't have time to stay in India for too long, so he has to finish the tasks quickly.

Of course, in order to avoid embarrassing social deaths, this challenge will not be broadcast by Red Bull.

Chen Fei even prepared a mask. He was going to leave a mysterious back to Brother Asan, so that they could regard him as a 'god'-like man.

Although this goal sounds quite reasonable, it is very likely to happen here. After all, their mythology system is so messed up.

Chen Fei took the time to learn more about it, and the complex relationship between religion and belief was an eye-opener for him!


On the 2nd, Chen Fei came to the train station alone early in the morning.

He specially brought a backpack with roller skates and a mask prepared in advance.

When he came to the ticket office, he bought a ticket for the "Express Train" for less than five yuan.

Although it is an express train, its speed does not exceed 40 miles per hour, and it is not even as fast as a motorcycle!

Chen Fei was still a little confused, why did the system set this task to "S" level?

With such a slow speed, his reaction speed, and his familiarity with roller skating, wouldn't it be easy to complete this task?

However... when he followed the passengers and started boarding the train, he realized that things were not that simple!

After entering the carriage, before he could sit down, someone started to organize a prayer.

Through the "chirpy" Indian language, he discovered that this group of people were praying for this train journey. They were praying for a safe arrival at their destination!

Chen Fei was really amazed by this operation. It was just a train ride. Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?

However, when he sat down, he realized that almost everyone else in the carriage had large bags filled with various foods and fresh water.

"Friends? Why do you bring so much food?" He looked at a local next to him with some confusion.

The man looked back at him and shrugged, "Because I don't know how long this train will take."


Chen Fei was immediately confused. What did he mean by stepping on the horse? Didn't the dispatcher notify him in advance how long the train would take?

After a while, amid his doubts, the train slowly set off.

The roar of the engine was extremely harsh, and Chen Fei did not hesitate. He stood up with his bag on his back and walked towards the front of the car.

The task requirement is to slide from the front of the train to the rear without falling off.

Chen Fei originally thought that the difficulty of this mission was in the "gliding", but when he set off towards the front of the car, he discovered that the process of crossing the carriage was extremely difficult!

The aisle was already full of people, and the entire carriage was filled with large and small bags of luggage. One after another, strange smells kept pouring into his nose...

"My darn thing!"

As he struggled to shuttle in the carriage, Chen Fei complained as he walked.

"Isn't this train allowed to carry 1700 people? How many people are packed in now? It's already over 3000, right?"

It took him more than half an hour to reach the carriage near the front of the car.

Next we have to find a way to climb to the roof of the car!

Fortunately, the windows here are all movable and can be opened or closed manually at any time.

The train arrived at the second stop just at this time. It was the time for people to get on and off, so we could take advantage of this opportunity to climb to the top of the train quietly.

However, when Chen Fei arrived on the top of the train, looking at the scene in front of him, he felt bad!

I saw that the top of the train was full of people at some point. What was even more exaggerated was that there were many people climbing up, trying to find a seat.

There are even many vendors carrying pots on their heads filled with various fruits and food, and they are selling back and forth on the roof of the train.

"What the hell?"

Chen Fei was immediately speechless. There were so many people crowded on the roof of the car, and there wasn't even a place to stay. How could this horse complete the task?

At this moment, he finally understood why the system set the mission level to "S" level. This was simply an extremely difficult challenge!


Heaving a sigh of relief, Chen Fei silently took off his backpack and took out his roller skates and mask.

He first took off the mask he was wearing, then quickly put on the mask, squatted down and started putting on roller skates.

Many locals around him cast curious glances, but when they saw the hood on Chen Fei's head, several people were immediately frightened and subconsciously prepared to get up and jump out of the car.

But when Chen Fei put on his roller skates, they felt suspicious again.

"What is he going to do?"

Putting on his mask and roller skates... Looking at the crowded crowd in front of him, Chen Fei took a deep breath and shouted: "Everyone, give way! Let me pass!"

The roller skates began to roll forward slowly, and almost everyone along the way subconsciously turned sideways to prevent the small steel wheels from crushing their hands or feet.

After stopping for more than ten minutes, the train started to leave again.

Chen Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He finally stopped going to the crowd. It wasn't too crowded yet and he could barely squeeze through the crowd.

He was secretly glad that he had prepared a hood in advance, otherwise he would be very embarrassed if he was photographed by others!

He is the global spokesperson of Red Bull Extreme Sports, and now he is reduced to completing the challenge on the roof of the train with people crowded in. It is really ridiculous when you think about it!

It was impossible to speed up. There were so many people on top of the train that even normal taxiing was extremely difficult.

But in order to improve the completion of the task, Chen Fei still made many thrilling roller skating moves in the limited space!

For example, when passing the link between the carriages, while there are not many passengers here, he will accelerate for a short period in advance, and then cross over with a backflip or frontflip!

And this operation will be greeted with a warm cheer every time!

As more cars were crossed, more and more onlookers gathered. Not only on the roof of the car, but even in the car, many people stuck their heads out and looked up!

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

The sounds of wheels and rails intertwined with the friction of wheels rolling across the roof, as if playing a sweet concert.

At the end of the challenge, the crowd will consciously separate to both sides, leaving a path for Chen Fei to pass, and this also makes his speed unconsciously begin to speed up!

However, at this moment, a shout suddenly came from the front.

"There is a bridge!"

Before Chen Fei could come to his senses, he saw that the passengers around him were kneeling on the roof of the car subconsciously, trying hard to fit their bodies closely with the roof of the car.

The train quickly rounded a big bend at a speed of 40 yards. Suddenly, a viaduct erected above the train track appeared in front of Chen Fei!

At this moment, he finally understood why these people chose to lie down, because the distance between the viaduct and the train was very narrow, and even if they just maintained a sitting posture, they would probably hit their heads!

"Get down quickly!"

Someone behind him shouted at Chen Fei, reminding him to avoid it.

This sudden obstacle did not make him lose his mind. Seeing that the viaduct was close at hand, he quickly made a response.

He did not stop immediately, but quickly bent over and opened his hands and feet parallel to each other in the shortest possible time, forming a "one" shape.

When the entire upper body was less than a few centimeters away from the roof of the train, the viaduct and the train quickly completed the intersection.

His eyes went dark for a moment, then returned to light in an instant.

The moment he crossed the viaduct, Chen Fei quickly stood up, controlled his balance while applying continuous forward momentum, and continued to gallop forward!


At this moment, cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami suddenly sounded from the top of the train. A group of 'third brothers' stared at his operation with disbelief on their faces.

They never expected that there would be such a bold person!

You must know that the height formed by the train when crossing the viaduct is only about 30 centimeters. Countless people fall to their deaths every year because of crossing the viaduct.

When facing the viaduct, which one is not prepared in advance?

But this was the first time they saw someone as desperate as Chen Fei!

This scene is even comparable to an Indian military parade!

Do not!

It’s simply more handsome than a military parade!

(End of this chapter)

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