It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 340 A classic masterpiece? Dog traitor! It turns out to be a rich woman! A pass to top capit

Chapter 340 A classic masterpiece? Dog traitor! It turns out to be a rich woman! A pass to top capital. (asking for monthly ticket)

After more than an hour, the mission finally came to an end.

When Chen Fei stepped on his roller skates and stood on the roof of the last carriage of the train, bursts of cheers suddenly sounded from behind him!

"Oh my god! This is so cool!"

"You are my god!"

"Oh! My God! What a thrilling ride!"

"I want to do the same, it's so cool!"

"No! My third wife was squeezed out. Can anyone help me tell her to remember to go home and not to get lost..."

There were various noisy sounds coming from behind, but Chen Fei didn't pay attention at all. Instead, he chose a suitable position and jumped off the roof of the car.

With a "bang" sound, he landed smoothly and smoothly.

The 'express train' traveling at less than 40 yards per hour had no impact on him at all.

The force of the fall was instantly converted into potential energy, pushing him to slide forward, releasing the impact force caused by the fall.

The task was successfully completed, and the system prompts came as promised.

[Ding·Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge task (board the Indian 'Express' and complete a roller skating challenge on the roof, which requires sliding from the front to the rear, without protection and without mistakes). 】

[A total of 11356 reputation points were obtained for this mission. 】

[Due to the extremely high degree of completion of this task, double blind box rewards are triggered. 】

[S-level reward blind box × 2 has been distributed successfully. 】

[The blind box is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: Editing Proficiency (Lv4) and a premium script gift pack. 】

"Huh? Your editing skills have been upgraded!"

Listening to the sound of the system, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

The upgrade of this skill is really timely. He is about to start shooting the 3D version of "Inception", and he can use it in the post-production of the movie.

The filming of this movie is not very time-consuming, but the post-editing is very complicated and difficult.

Chen Fei was even ready to hire a professional editor, but as his skills upgraded, he suddenly found that he didn't seem to need it anymore, and he seemed to be able to handle it himself.

After gathering his thoughts, he first took off the hood and roller skates on his head, and then put on his casual shoes.

While waiting for the bus, he issued a new command to the system, "Can you please open that premium script gift package for me?"

[The premium script gift package has been opened. Congratulations to the host for winning the script rewards: "The Founding of an Army", "A Chinese Ghost Story", "Super Body", and "The Hunger Games". 】

Two Chinese movie scripts and two Hollywood movie scripts.

His eyebrows raised slightly, and he suddenly felt a little happy in his heart.

He has watched these movies before, and the quality is quite good.

In his subjective consciousness, he actually prefers "The Founding of the Army". After all, there are so many high-profile lines in this movie!

The sentence "then fight" directly showed the young commander's 'crazy' and 'arrogant' to the fullest!

As for the two movies "A Chinese Ghost Story" and "Super Body", no need to think about it, they are just used to praise the actresses.

Chen Fei thought for a while and already had a suitable candidate in mind.

Finally, he set his sights on the script for "The Hunger Games."

This movie was called a 'masterpiece' by many fans as soon as it was released in the original timeline, and the classic 'battle royale game' began to flourish from it.

The movie "Squidward", which later became extremely popular, borrowed many details from the plot of "The Hunger Games".

"Another classic script!"

Chen Fei couldn't hold back his excitement, but after thinking about it, it seemed that now was not the best time to release this movie immediately.

According to the timeline, part of the original author's novel has not yet been published. It would be unreasonable to rush to release this movie now.

"Drip! Drip!"

The car horn rang in Chen Fei's ears, disrupting his thoughts.

Turning his head, he saw Danny driving an off-road vehicle speeding toward his location!

"Fei, luckily you're safe."

Regarding Chen Fei's behavior of secretly leaving the hotel without even saying hello, Danny couldn't help but feel a little resentful in his heart. If anything happened, Natasha would never forgive him easily!

As a bodyguard, you can't even look down on your employer. What use are you to me?

"Haha, I just came out for a walk and looked for inspiration."

Chen Fei casually found an excuse and got over it. After all, he couldn't say that he came out to pick up the train. That would be a bit disrespectful to the bodyguards.

After returning to the hotel and sending Danny to book a flight, Chen Fei received a call from Huang Bo.

“How was the box office performance of ‘Bullfighting’?”

"The box office on the first day was 745 million."

"Huh? Not bad!"

For a literary film, it was able to get a first-day box office of 745 million, which is indeed a very good result.

Huang Bo is also very excited, because judging from the feedback from the audience, the film he directed and starred in has undoubtedly achieved great success!

"It's a pity, it's far worse than "The Mummy 3"."

"Oh? What's the box office over there?" Chen Fei was still very curious. Li Lianlian was scolded so badly that he probably won't be able to continue taking roles in the mainland for a short time.

"Oh." Huang Bo sighed, very envious, "The box office on the first day was 1400 million, which is more than 600 million higher than "Bullfighting". It is still a great Hollywood commercial film!"

"Hey, how much do you invest compared to others? What's the comparison?"

"That's true."

Huang Bo reacted immediately. Comparing Chinese literary and artistic films with other Hollywood commercial blockbusters, isn't this just a matter of eating too much?

As soon as the phone was hung up, Danny also bought a direct ticket to Los Angeles.

The filming of "Slumdog Millionaire" has been completed, and the post-production work has to be done at Waltons Pictures, which has relatively complete equipment.

Moreover, most of the other actors in "Inception" have already set aside sufficient schedules, and it's time to start filming.


As soon as he landed in Los Angeles, Chen Fei received several more calls from China.

Wang Ke brought good news. He won control of this year's New Year's Eve party. As for his opponent, the deputy director named Li, he unfortunately lost the competition.

"Nine Beauties" failed miserably, and there was even a lot of ridicule on the Internet. After its release, the box office did not meet Mango Pictures' expectations.

As a result, the deputy director surnamed Li who was responsible for the leadership regretted being left alone.

"Congratulations, you have taken a step closer to the position of director."

On the other end of the phone, Wang Ke was very humble, "Haha, thank you Mr. Chen for your help and encouragement, but unfortunately I am still far from the position of director."

"It's not terrible to be far behind. As long as you work hard, everything is possible."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Our partnership is still very strong, isn't it?"

"Haha, yes, yes! Mango and I will definitely be your best partners!"

We are all smart people and can understand the meaning of a sentence or two.

Wang Ke's goal is to be the director of Mango Channel, while Chen Fei wants to be the publicity platform of Mango Channel. Both parties can complement each other and make progress together.

After ending the call, Chen Fei called Jiang Wen back.

He thought Lao Jiang had written the script for "Let the Bullets Fly", but he never expected that the other party brought another news.

""Nanjing! Nanjing!" was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Tokyo International Film Festival."

"What the hell!? This idiot really went to Japan to participate in the award selection?"

Lu Chuan couldn't stop for a moment. After being rejected by the Berlin International Film Festival, Venice International Film Festival, and Cannes International Film Festival, he was still unwilling to give up. He gritted his teeth and ran directly to Xiaoli.

What he didn't expect was that "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "It was actually shortlisted for the Tokyo International Film Festival.

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Wen was still angry, "This turtle grandson, do you know what his banner is?"

"What?" "Excuse me!"

"What the hell!? How dare he?"

"Go and see how the netizens are scolding him. It will relieve your anger just by looking at him. This is a bitch. If he dares to come back with the trophy, I will give him a slap on the ear when we meet him!"

Chen Fei opened his laptop out of curiosity and clicked to enter the post bar.

At a glance, about "Nanjing!" Nanjing! 》The post that was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Tokyo International Film Festival has been pinned to the top.

When I opened it, there was a lot of curses inside!

"Bitch traitor!"

"Excuse me? Forgive your mother!"

"Damn it, this kind of director isn't banned yet? What are you waiting for?"

"Fuck, forget about plagiarism, you sit with your butt crooked, you're doing something wrong, right?"

"Why do I feel that this film is so similar to "Lust, Caution"? Li Xian's film was banned, but he still hasn't banned this one?"

"Damn it, my boss and I dream about killing Japanese soldiers every day, and you actually do this to me? Do you have a club in your head?"


It’s rare to see someone mentioning Li Bian here!

Compared with the grandson Lu Chuan, Li An is quite responsible. Tang Wei joined the "Excellent Talents Program" on his recommendation. After studying in the UK, he can go to Hong Kong Island or South Korea to seek new development.

Turning off the computer, Chen Fei stopped paying attention to these messages.

The eyes of netizens are sharp, and it is impossible for things like mental confinement to happen anymore. If Lu Chuan really dares to come back with the trophy, someone will come out to teach him how to behave!

Actresses seem to have a special talent when it comes to "surfing".

While Chen Fei was checking the materials for "Slumdog Millionaire", Liu Yifei called and told him a very informative gossip.

"Zhang Jinchu came back from Hong Kong. The first person he looked for was Gu Changwei. The two of them hung out in a nightclub together and were secretly photographed by the paparazzi."

"Hey?" A trace of curiosity suddenly appeared in Chen Fei's heart, "Is there no movement from Jiang Wenli's side? Are you just sitting and watching?"

"I don't know about that, but I heard that she has recently become very close to the wives of several great directors, including Chen Kaige, Jia Zhangke, Jiang Wen, and Feng Xiaogang, and they often have afternoon tea together."

"Hey, there's going to be some action. Please help me keep an eye on it. Remember to let me know if there is any news."

"Okay." Liu Yifei agreed, and then said, "What do you think of Zhang Jinchu? I heard that she often hooks up with well-known directors in the industry for scripts, so you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, I understand."

Chen Fei responded casually and did not take this matter to heart.

He has no interest in that woman.

But just as he ended the call with Liu Yifei, Ning Hao suddenly called again, still talking about Zhang Jinchu.

"Jiang Wenli went to see your sister Na. She gave me a good lesson last night and told me to ignore that naughty fox."

"Pfft hahaha!" Chen Fei immediately burst into laughter, "Sister Na, don't you still trust you? You are someone who can still defend yourself like a jade under Mr. Ren's gentle attack. Can Zhang Jinchu seduce you?"

"I'm sure there's no problem, but you have to be careful, the other party is coming very menacingly!"

"Hey? You didn't say this yourself, did you? Did Jiang Wenli ask you to give me a message?"

"Shall I go? Your reaction is fast enough!" Ning Hao stopped concealing anything and directly told what happened at his house last night.

Jiang Wenli went to his house in person. Although it was in the name of visiting the children, the topic always focused on Zhang Jinchu's "killing" and returning to the mainland.

After being reminded like this, Xing Aina immediately became vigilant, so she took Ning Hao and gave many instructions, and specifically told him to also remind Chen Fei.

"It's really coming with a lot of force!"

Chen Fei couldn't help feeling a little emotional. He never expected that Zhang Jinchu could make so many directors' wives be wary of her!

However, these things have nothing to do with him. Most of his current work focuses on Hollywood, and he should not be Zhang Jinchu's target.


After half a year of filming, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2" has finally been completed.

After Kathryn Bigequin sent all the captured footage back to Waltham Pictures, she immediately devoted herself to the preparations for "The Hurt Locker."

Walton Pictures provided a lot of support for her new movie shooting, and Chen Fei even named the producer.

Her work was finally over, but Chen Fei's work intensity soared again!

In addition to "Slumdog Millionaire", he also had to lead the post-production of "War for the Planet of the Apes". Fortunately, the latter was released relatively late, otherwise he would have to work overtime!

This is the case in Hollywood. Most directors do not have editing rights. After all, there are still a few like Mr. Woody Allen.

The filming progress at Marvel is relatively slow, but Chen Fei is not in a hurry. After all, what he wants is "quality", not "progress"!

James Wan's new horror film "Insidious 2" was successfully released on September 9th, competing against a low-cost literary drama from Disney.

The opposite side was miserably abused. Even though it was backed by Disney, the number of films scheduled was cut in half because of poor box office data.

"Hahaha, the three-day box office over there was only 2356 million US dollars in the first weekend. Our "Insidious 2" had a three-day box office in the first weekend of 6527 million US dollars. It was the first in the September opening list in film history. It completely beat them!"

"Okay, keep up the good work!"

Chen Fei also had a smile on his face.

Disney has experienced repeated defeats in the past two years!

Last year, "WALL-E" launched by Volton Pictures directly defeated "Ratatouille", and this year, the global box office of "Kung Fu Panda" has exceeded US$7 million.

Whether "Lightning Dog" can surpass "7 million" is still unknown!


After finishing all the important tasks at hand, Chen Fei began to have pre-shooting contacts with several actors from "Inception."

Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon, Tom Hardy, John Lone, Monica Bellucci, Kate Winslet...

He even met the four newly selected actresses in Hollywood one by one.

Of course, most of the others met during the day, except for Amanda Seyfried, who met at night.

Chen Fei taught her a lot of yoga knowledge, which greatly benefited Amanda. She likes to try and explore new movements very much, and almost all come.

The training is now in progress. As long as Chen Fei slaps her, she will change her new posture very obediently, just like a pet dog.


"Fei! I finally found the news you wanted!"

On this day, Bruce found Chen Fei in the company. He had already found out the basic situation of the SBS TV station in South Korea.

The closing ceremony of the Olympic Games ended on the 24th of last month. The Chinese delegation won a total of 51 gold medals, 21 silver medals, and 28 bronze medals, totaling 100 medals. It was the first Asian country to top the medal list in Olympic history.

There has been a lot of celebration in China these days, but Chen Fei has always been very unhappy with the SBS TV station in South Korea.

If it weren't for their reporters entering the room to secretly take photos, this year's Olympics would have been even more exciting!

I made a mistake and didn't even apologize. How could I endure this?

Therefore, Bruce was specially arranged by Chen Fei to inquire about the basic situation of SBS TV station, and they had to suffer some hardships.

"The major shareholder of this TV station is called Taeyong Real Estate Construction Company, and the major shareholder of Taeyong Real Estate is the American real estate king Sam Gore."

Having said this, Bruce suddenly showed a very excited expression, "Fei, I also found out a very interesting news. Ilona Berglova is actually the granddaughter of the real estate king Sam Gore!"


Chen Fei jumped up from his seat, his face full of disbelief!

Ilona Berglova is Natasha's 'girlfriend' and is currently the financial director of Marvel Studios.

Chen Fei originally thought that she was just a relatively wealthy little rich woman, but he never expected that this girl turned out to be the granddaughter of the real estate king Sam Gore!

Mad, no wonder she can easily sell a villa in Beverly Hills. She turns out to be a rich woman!

After coming back to his senses, Chen Fei waved his hand and said, "Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter. I'll go talk to Yi Luona."


Bruce nodded knowingly. He was the kind of person who was content with being rich. He was happy to play happy games with female models from time to time.

As for the higher level of top capital, he does not have the qualifications and strength to participate.

But Chen Fei is different!

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have now been taken over by American officials after four rounds of layoffs, and Lehman Brothers is about to file for bankruptcy protection. CDS has completely become waste paper, and countless speculators are standing on the floor. On top...

The time for him to take action has finally arrived!

Whether the US$450 billion can be doubled dozens or hundreds of times depends on this wave of operations!

(End of this chapter)

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