It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 341 Is your husband bankrupt? I get twice as much profit! It’s definitely not a peaceful nig

Chapter 341 Is your husband bankrupt? I gained a hundredfold! It’s definitely not a peaceful night! (Ask for monthly ticket)

In order to cope with the huge wealth caused by the 'subprime mortgage crisis', Chen Fei even postponed the start time of "Inception".

He did not start the plan directly within Longxiang Capital Company. Instead, he found a remote community and bought an inconspicuous villa.

There are many people in the company and it is not suitable for doing some operations.

At this time, the lobby of the villa has been set up as a temporary studio, with all the blackout curtains drawn, and several large screens hung on the wall, with K-line charts of various stock indexes jumping on them.

Leon showed a strategizing expression on his face, holding a pen in his hand, and explained nonchalantly:

"If you want to trade in stocks, the point at which you place an order is very important. Although U.S. stock index futures are also operated in two modes: 'long' and 'short', they actually include four operating methods: low long, short, high long, and high short.

In unilateral momentum, these four modes are all advisable, but if it is in a oscillating trend, you must not buy low and high, because this is equivalent to chasing the rise and killing the fall, which will lead to large losses.

U.S. stocks are T+0 transactions, which means that stocks can be traded again on the same day, and the same stock can be bought and sold without restrictions on the same day.

But at the same time, the T+3 delivery system is implemented here, and settlement and delivery can only be completed on the third working day after the transaction occurs..."

Although his understanding of stocks is not particularly deep, Chen Fei's ability to comprehend is very high, so there is no situation where he knows every word but cannot understand it when put together.

Relying on the various knowledge he learned during this period, he asked at every opportunity: "Lyon, what is the highest leverage of the stock index currently?"

"The maximum leverage used to be 200 times, but due to the recent fluctuations, it has been temporarily lowered to 100 times. With the current leverage, the margin for one lot is 13000 US dollars, but the minimum trade can be 0.01 lots, that is, the minimum is 130 US dollars. Then you can participate in the transaction.”

In the investment market, investors can use leverage to purchase more "targets" with less money. Although this behavior magnifies investment risks, it also expands profitability!

For example, if a person speculates on the stock index under 100 times leverage and buys up, if the stock index rises by 1%, the rate of return can reach 100%.

If you go short, that is, buy or sell, you will lose 100%, and at the same time, the 'target' in your hand will be forcibly sold.

Therefore, under the condition of 100 times leverage, the risk is actually extremely high. As long as the reverse trend of your target price reaches 1%, you will lose all your money and your funds will be cleared instantly!

The husband of a mainland actress is the most typical negative example.

In addition to the chaotic relationship between Zhang Jinchu, Jiang Wenli, and Gu Changwei, there is also a very interesting news in domestic entertainment recently.

Liu Tao, who just married into a wealthy family not long ago and is preparing to take care of her husband and raise children, has come out to take on the role again.

Chen Fei still clearly remembers that person who just announced in front of the media that he wanted to withdraw from the industry a few months ago, but he didn't expect that the slap in the face would come so quickly.

However, for being able to stick with her husband even when he was bankrupt, in debt, and seriously ill, he seemed to be very affectionate and righteous.

As for whether there are other insider information, that is unknown.


Closer to home.

As Lyon's series of explanations ended, everyone in the villa focused their attention on Chen Fei.

What to do next, you still have to listen to this boss.

"$450 billion, plus 100 times leverage."

WTF? ? ?

A rather calm order, but everyone in the villa was shocked and stunned!

"Oh! this a little too crazy?"

Leon's face was full of shock. The risk of this operation is too great. As long as the price rises by 1%, the position will be liquidated. By then, he will lose all his money!

"Just do as I say."

Chen Fei didn't give much explanation. After all, he couldn't say that he was a reborn party and knew the direction of the stock market, so he could only create a posture of 'everything is under control'.

"When will we stop?" Leon didn't try to persuade him. After all, many of Chen Fei's previous decisions were correct. He just had to obey orders.

"It depends on the situation."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Leon nodded, his hands trembling a little while operating the account!

He has been investing in stocks for nearly 30 years, but has never operated such a huge amount of funds.

450 billion US dollars, 100 times leverage, that is 45000 trillion US dollars!

This is not a small sum. After all, the total market value of the U.S. stock market is currently less than 40 trillion, probably around 38-39 trillion.

And if Chen Fei's leverage is added, it will directly account for one-tenth and a half of the total market value. How can this not overthrow the entire market?

Thinking of this, Leon's expression suddenly changed.

He turned to look at Chen Fei with a serious expression, "Boss! The amount of money is too large. Even if we can succeed, the regulatory authorities will never allow us to transfer the money!"

Leon's worries are not unreasonable, but don't work in vain and end up losing everything, which will be a big trouble.

Chen Fei nodded and replied: "Don't worry, just do your thing, I will find a way."

In fact, when preparing to take advantage of this wave of east wind, Chen Fei had already thought about the final ownership of this huge wealth.

The best way is actually to directly acquire various value-preserving industries in the United States. As long as the money is spent, the capital will be converted into capital again.

But after careful consideration, Chen Fei was not prepared to do this.

He has a plan that is better, has greater benefits, and can also increase his identity, status, and wealth!


While Lyon and the others were busy, Chen Fei walked to the office upstairs in the villa, took out his personal mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello, Minister Liu..."

At the Olympics, he met a big boss with Lao Mouzi, who was responsible for publicity and external relations.

Fortunately, he and the big boss are still from the same hometown, and both of them came from Jincheng.

As a professional counterpart, a fellow countryman, coupled with Chen Fei's identity and his achievements, he was naturally favored by the other party.

After going back and forth, the two naturally got to know each other a lot, and even left each other's contact information.

Now this phone call finally comes in handy!

After the one-hour call ended, Chen Fei showed a satisfied smile on his face.

The amount of money was too large for him to handle, but he was not alone. Behind him stood a rapidly rising country!

The Olympic Games is an extremely special turning point. It is from then on that five thousand years of accumulation began to flourish!

Chen Fei has only one request. He wants part of the money to go back through normal channels.

Even if it is only a hundred billion, there is no need to explain too much how important hundreds of billions of foreign exchange is to China today.

After taking care of things domestically, the only thing left is the American side.

Chen Fei did not put away his phone, but called his other partner in Hollywood, Natasha's father.

"Mr. Abbott, is there any progress in the matter I asked you to handle?"

"I just sent you a message and asked for his contact information. It's already OK. I'll send you his contact information right now."

On the other end of the phone, Albert Walter made a fuss and successfully sent a phone number and email address to Chen Fei.

After receiving the message, Chen Fei thanked him softly, and the smile on his face became brighter.

At the end of August, at the Democratic Party Convention in the United States, an African-American won the presidential candidate nomination.

Although it is just a nomination and there is no definite news yet, it is enough for Chen Fei.

The American knife is a dazzling and bright universal passport in this country. As long as you give enough money and a certain amount of support, I believe the other party will be willing to help.

In the next two days, Chen Fei has been busy with this matter.

There is no need for him to do it himself at home, but it is different abroad. He has to do everything himself.

However, because of the achievements he has made in Hollywood in recent years, his face has become a "business card" in the United States, so when doing some things, he will naturally receive preferential treatment and bonuses, and then add With the ferocious U.S. sword offensive, everything went smoothly!

After negotiating with the African-American, Chen Fei immediately called Lyon and asked him to transfer the money from the five previous banks to Citigroup or JPMorgan Chase, and not to use the money associated with these bank accounts again. Brokerage account.


Leon didn't think much about it at first and just followed the instructions seriously.

But after he finished everything, when he came back to his senses, his eyes widened and his mind was filled with doubts.

Didn’t you just get the nomination?

Are you starting to take sides now?

What's more, with that skin color, can he get to the top?



There was nearly a week before the 15th. After properly arranging everything, Chen Fei once again became the hands-off shopkeeper.

Instructing Leon to keep an eye on the stock market situation, he himself led a group of the creative team of "Inception" to charter a flight to Hong Kong.

In the original film, the first superficial dream sequence was filmed abroad. But because Zun Long became the "rich man" in the movie, in order to fit the actual background, Chen Fei arranged the filming location in Xiangjiang.

A huge reception team came to Jiahe, led by Huo Qigang and his girlfriend, Olympic champion Guo Jingjing.

The appearance of such a group of people at the airport inevitably caused a violent sensation!

Especially the paparazzi who have been squatting at the airport all year round are even more excited at this moment. They all want to shine their cameras in the faces of these Hollywood superstars!

"Damn, there are so many big-name superstars!"

"Leonardo! Monica Bellucci! Kate Winslet! Good guy, which movie is about to start filming?"

"She is my goddess!"

"Mom! I'm successful! I actually met so many Hollywood stars!"

"Dear me? Aren't these the four Hollywood beauties selected before? Are they all here?"

"Made, Director Chen is really awesome. He can actually invite so many big-name Hollywood superstars. Even Wu Yu can't do this lineup, right?"

All kinds of noisy noises kept coming from his ears, but Chen Fei didn't care and instead introduced both parties first.

"Let me introduce, this is my partner, Kenneth, and this is his girlfriend, Guo Jingjing..."

"Hello, welcome to Xiangjiang."

Huo Qigang's English is very good. After all, his alma mater is Oxford University and he also has a double bachelor's degree in economics and management.

When it comes to academic qualifications and family background, he has to surpass Chen Fei three ways!

But what's interesting is that the two are now the major shareholder and the second shareholder, and Chen Fei is still in a dominant position.

After a brief exchange, a group of people got into the car and headed straight to the hotel.

At the same time, the fast-moving paparazzi and reporters had already passed on the news!

On the homepage of, a bold and black title appeared out of thin air.

【shock! Chen Fei arrived in Hong Kong overnight, and his entourage was all Hollywood superstars. It is suspected that "Inception" will start filming! 】

When the news came to light, many celebrities in the industry were envious and surprised, but also secretly rejoiced.

Recently, there was a problem with a certain milk powder, and many celebrities were involved. The launch of "Inception" distracted many people's attention, allowing them to take a breather.

But it's only for a little while. Netizens' eyes will not completely leave this side. A group of people are destined to be in bad luck!


In the hotel, Chen Fei was originally planning a shooting plan for tomorrow, but was interrupted by an uninvited guest.

"Director Xu?"

"Director Chen, long time no see."

Xu Ke grinned, his face full of joy.

"Please come in." Chen Fei let him into the room.

For this "martial arts film director", Chen Fei's senses are still very good. At least he is not the same type of person as Wu Yu and Chen Kexin.

But Chen Fei was a little confused about his sudden visit.

According to the news I heard when chatting with Zhou Xun before, Xu Ke should be filming an urban romance film at the moment. Why did he suddenly come to his door?

"Director Chen, I took the liberty to come to your door this time. Actually, I have a merciless invitation."

"Oh?" Chen Fei became more and more curious. After pouring him a glass of water, he sat across from him.

Xu Ke, "Some time ago I saw the 3DIMAX images released by Pan Asia Cinema. It was really great. At that time, I was thinking if I could show my new movie in 3D mode..."

Hearing this, Chen Fei suddenly realized!

He thought of "Detective Dee: The Tongtian Empire", which should be regarded as the first 3D martial arts movie in the mainland, and it seems to have achieved very good results.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Xu Ke continue: "My new movie plan is a martial arts film, which was invested by Huayi, but they felt that the 3D movie market was too poor and not suitable for martial arts at all, so they rejected my proposal. "

"Then what?" Chen Fei asked.

“But I think this plan is very good, and I don’t want to end it, so I plan to learn 3D shooting technology first, and then after the camera is turned on, I will select some clips to make a 3D version and try to try again.

But unfortunately, I don’t know much about 3D shooting technology. I originally planned to go to Hollywood to learn it, but I couldn’t find a suitable introducer or teacher.

No, I just heard that you came to Xiangjiang, and you also brought the actors from the "Inception" crew. And I heard that your movie is a 3D version, so I thought if I could come over and ask for advice. "

Chen Fei's eyes flashed slightly and he fell into deep thought.

It can be seen from Xu Ke's previous films that he is the kind of director who is very good at training actors, but the plots he produced are crappy.

If there is a good script or a reliable screenwriter, he can definitely take off directly!

What's even more rare is that although he is 57, he particularly loves learning new technologies and has a strong ability to accept new things.

That movie "The Legend of Shushan" was really awesome. Being able to produce such excellent special effects at that time in 01, Xu Ke can already be regarded as one of the top directors!

If you train it well, you may become a good and outstanding talent!

Thinking of this, Chen Fei immediately smiled and nodded, "Since Director Xu has this idea, I naturally welcome it, but because there are many filming locations, it may be tiring."

"Haha, I'm not afraid of being tired. As long as I can learn skills, it won't be a problem for me to do chores and pay tuition."

Xu Ke was very happy and wanted to drag Chen Fei out for a drink, but in the end, Chen Fei refused with the excuse of 'preparing a shooting plan'.

In fact, it's not just him who is happy, Chen Fei is also very happy. After all, Old Monster Xu's directing level is quite high. When the time comes, he can be used as a tool, which can save a lot of effort.


Tonight was definitely not going to be a peaceful night.

As soon as Old Monster Xu left, the knock on the door rang again.

When Chen Fei went over and opened the door, he saw two foreign beauties with very different styles standing at the door, greeting him gracefully.

"Good evening, director."

Standing on the left is Emma Roberts, one of the four Hollywood beauties. She is wearing a black dress. Her perky hip curves hold up the skirt. Her burgundy curly hair matches her aggressive makeup. A perfect queen.

As soon as he saw her, Chen Fei couldn't help but think of the line in "Scream Queens".

"Good morning, Chanel!"

As for the one standing on the right, Blake Lively is one of the four Hollywood actresses. Her dress is sweeter. Her long brown hair complements her fair skin. She wears a long brown skirt with crystal sandals, which makes her look very charming. She feels like a sweet girl on campus.

"Good evening, what do you want?"

Chen Fei looked at the two young and beautiful girls in front of him curiously, and felt that the slightly dim corridor of the hotel had become much brighter.

"There are a lot of fun places near the hotel. We both want to go out for a walk, so we want to ask you for a day off."

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to take you there."

After all, it's not as safe here as in the mainland. It's quite unsafe for two girls to go out, so they have to follow others.

"Goodbye director!"

After waving to Chen Fei, the two held hands and went to the hall downstairs together.

However, before he could close the door tightly, another shout came from outside, "Fei, what are you doing?"

"Hey? What's going on tonight? Why do they keep coming one after another?"

Fade Chen opened the door with some confusion and waved Amanda Seyfried to come in.

"Don't you go to bed early?"

"I can't sleep alone."


Chen Fei couldn't stand such a naked invitation, but he was really busy, so he could only ask her to go to bed and wait.

"Can't you do that now?"

"Work is important." Chen Fei replied seriously.


Don't try to delay my pursuit of career!

"But I just learned a new posture from the CCTV. I'm afraid I'll forget it later."

"Then let's go practice first."

In fact, you can put your career aside.

Or... you can also do something you love while working!

(End of this chapter)

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