It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 342 Orange Sky? Huayi? Yongsheng? Promise huge profits! Win over forcefully!

Chapter 342 Orange Sky? Huayi? Yongsheng? Promise huge profits! Win over forcefully! (Ask for monthly ticket)

Although the opening ceremony of "Inception" was held in Xiangjiang, there were still many people attending!

On the mainland, the heads of China Film, Shanghai Film, Wanda, Enlight, Bona, Huayi and other companies rushed over, and even brought their popular artists with them, just to get a chance to be photographed.

Not to mention the Xiangjiang side, in addition to the companies controlled by Xiangjia, other companies such as Emperor, Media Asia, Star America and other companies came to the scene.

The start-up ceremony was held in an open space outside the Jiahe Building.

Huo Qigang was responsible for arranging the entire process. The three animal sacrifices, incense burning, lion dance, firecrackers and other aspects amazed many Hollywood stars!

"Fei? What does this mean?"

Xiao Lizi looked at the red envelope in his hand and found it quite novel.

"You can think of it as a process of praying for blessings." Chen Fei didn't know how to explain it to him, so he could only give a general explanation.

"Wow! And dollars!"

Blake Lively shouted excitedly, and even compared with Emma Roberts next to her to see whose red envelope looked better.

The movie hasn't even been filmed yet, but I've already received the money in advance, which is a great feeling.

Reporters from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan have been standing around. Seeing the opening ceremony ended, they immediately swarmed in, wanting to interview these superstars from Hollywood!

How would you normally have this opportunity? After all, not everyone can go to Hollywood.

At this time, the benefits of mastering a foreign language appeared. The Six Princess reporters caught Leonardo and Kate Winslet and asked them how they felt about working together again.

And some other paparazzi could only take pictures and stare at them eagerly, not even understanding what they were saying.

After being squeezed out, a paparazzi cursed fiercely, "Made, I will go to New Oriental tomorrow to sign up for classes. I don't believe that I can't learn English well."

It's rare that no reporters came to interview Chen Fei. Almost everyone's attention was on these Hollywood actors.

He was so happy that he simply approached Han Sanping and asked him about the preparations for "The Founding of the People's Republic of China".

"The actors have been selected, the script and preliminary preparations have gone very smoothly. I am planning to start shooting on National Day. Please remember to come and participate."

"no problem."

Chen Fei immediately nodded in agreement. He is a screenwriter and also serves as a producer, so he must make time to come back.

But at this moment, Han Sanping suddenly mentioned another thing, "The Xiang family invested in a hotel-style apartment in the capital, and invited many celebrities to support it. All the celebrities from Chengtian and Huayi were present. It is estimated that There are some new moves, please pay attention."

Orange sky? Huayi?

Chen Fei's eyebrows trembled slightly. Being able to bring these two rivals who usually have no contact with each other together, Xiang Huaqiang must have promised a huge profit!

He suddenly remembered something, and then asked aloud: "How is Yongsheng's development in Xiaoli?"

"very smooth."

Because "Red Cliff" was a big hit in Little Japan, Han Sanping still had some understanding of the film market there.

"Oh, the sky has cleared up and the rain has stopped. Does he think he can do it again?"

Chen Fei suddenly thought of the scripts of his childhood stored in his script library, and secretly thought about it, how about opening a second branch to Japan?

After coming back to his senses, he glanced sideways at the two brothers Wang Zhonglei and Wang Zhongjun who were chatting with Xu Ke. These two were not fuel-efficient lamps. They performed one set after another, so they had to be careful. point.

Chen Long also came to the scene today. His "Twelve Zodiac Signs" just finished filming a few days ago. Unfortunately, Chen Fei was not able to attend the wrapping banquet.

"What is it like to shoot a 3D movie?" Like Xu Ke, he is also very interested in this.

Chen Fei rolled his eyes and said, "If you are not too busy recently, you can play a guest role and watch how I shoot."


Chen Long agreed without thinking.

Hey! Another tool man is obtained!


The shooting of 3D movies is actually not very mysterious. They use the kind of 3D cameras that are very common in Hollywood. As for the upgraded version of the IMAX 3D camera, it is not often used unless it is taken out when shooting special effects scenes. It just serves as the "treasure of the town".

But even so, Xu Ke and Chen Long were still stuck behind Chen Fei all day long, and once the filming started, they were almost inseparable.

Two old men who are almost 60 years old are like children, very curious about everything!

"Huh? Zhuangzhou dreams of butterflies? Butterflies dream of Zhuang Zhou?"

Seeing butterflies appearing in the camera lens, flapping their wings in a graceful motion, Xu Ke was completely confused.

He never expected that the butterflies flying under the 3D lens would be so graceful!

At this moment, the picture that appeared on the IMAX screen after the movie was released even appeared in his mind. How beautiful would that scene be when that graceful and graceful butterfly is surrounding him? !

"It's decided! I want to make it! I must make a 3D movie!"

He has already made up his mind to make "Detective Dee: The Tongtian Empire" into an exquisite 3D version.

Think about it, how shocked the audience will be when scenes such as swords, swords, grudges, and blood-stained rivers and lakes in martial arts movies are presented on the IMAX screen!


Heaving a sigh of relief, Xu Ke secretly vowed to master this technique firmly.

The old man is brave and has great ambitions!

Although he is about to turn fifty, his passion remains undiminished and he still wants to be one of the pioneers of the era.

However, Chen Long next to him didn't think so.

Old Monster Xu is obsessed with 3D, focusing on a life that never ends, and endless tossing.

But he was different. Seeing the movie just starting, the dollars were flowing out like water. Even he, a bystander, couldn't sit still.

"Chen Fei, if you follow your current shooting method, how much will this movie cost in the end? I seem to remember that the investment in this movie is US$2 million. Is it enough?"

"do not know."

Chen Fei shook his head, but did not stop moving his hand. He directly pressed the power button of the IMAX 3D camera. "If it is not enough, invest more. I believe those investors will not have any objections."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Long was speechless.

Indeed, according to Chen Fei's current momentum, there are many people who are willing to wave banknotes and throw money at him.

What's more, additional investment is actually quite common in the film industry, such as "The Sun Also Rises", "Red Cliff", etc. It is one round after another, just like in the stock market. It's like chasing the rise and killing the fall.

When the filming progressed to the 13th, the location had been changed from Xiangjiang to the capital.

Because he had to fly to Hollywood to focus on his 'huge fortune', Chen Fei directly gave the actors a holiday and disbanded on the spot.

Those who have propaganda work can go about their own business, and those who don't can just hang out in the capital. Professional security personnel will follow them to ensure that everyone is safe and sound.


September 9th, 15: a.m. U.S. time.

In the villa, Leon wiped the sweat from his forehead and pointed at the computer interface, "Boss, Lehman Brothers' press conference has been held."

"it is good."

Chen Fei responded, but did not look at the computer. Instead, he stared at the big screen on the wall without blinking.

The stock market opened, with the Nasdaq Composite Index at 21700 points, the Dow Jones Index at 12961 points, and the S&P 500 Stock Index at 1468.07 points.

A very interesting thing happened. After the opening of the market, the three major indexes first rose one after another, then fell back a little, and then began to fluctuate up and down, but the difference hardly exceeded 50 points.

Signaling Leon to put down the press conference first, Chen Fei touched his chin and said: "Open a position, let's buy 5000 Nasdaq lots first!"


With a burst of "crackling" keyboard sound, the task was successfully completed.

For 5000 hands, the margin is $6500 million. This is no small amount, but it is inconspicuous here.

Leon has been doing three things at once. While operating the keyboard, he is also paying attention to the various indices on the big screen and the content of the press conference.

And when he heard that the spokesperson of Lehman Brothers Holdings said that it would file for bankruptcy protection, his body trembled subconsciously, and he felt a turbulent wave rising in his heart!

He actually went bankrupt!

When he subconsciously looked at Chen Fei, looking at that stern face, a newly learned word suddenly appeared in his heart.

【Plan a strategy! 】

However, at this time, the Nasdaq Composite Index rose by dozens of points, which also meant that in just a few minutes, Chen Fei lost more than 50 US dollars.

"Keep adding, 5000 lots."

Chen Fei's voice was calm and calm, making everyone in the villa feel a strong sense of confidence in their hearts.

The index is still rising, and the money lost is increasing, but the voice in the hall is extremely loud and exciting.



However, while Chen Fei was constantly shorting and waiting for a plunge, Simon Tiblin, the president of JP Morgan Chase Group, known as the "Savior of Wall Street", located between 47th and 48th Streets on Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan, received a call A call from the White Palace.

Ten minutes later, he hung up the phone, a trace of confusion flashing in his eyes.

"Bailout the market? Can we still save it?"

However, he had to listen to the orders there, so he had to call his assistant, "Qiao Neal, stabilize the market and get into the 50 billion Nasdaq sky!"

In the villa, Chen Fei's voice was still steady.

"Add more positions, 100,000 lots."

The crackling keyboard sounds intertwined with Leon's heavy breathing, and the tense atmosphere began to spread.

After the new round of operations ended, Lyon looked up at the market. Except for some banks and investment banks and securities firms, which were green, other stocks were scarlet.

The U.S. stock market is opposite to that in the Mainland. It follows the path of "green rises and red falls".

"Boss, it's time to start bailing out the market over there."

"Ignore it."

Chen Fei showed a sigh of relief on his face. According to the current downward trend, let alone one of the consortiums, even if the Morgan Consortium, Rockefeller Consortium, Boston Consortium, First Citibank Consortium, etc. all entered the market, they would definitely not be able to withstand it. !

What's more, which of these consortiums is a fool?


Sitting in the office, Simon Tibling sneezed several times in succession, and the coffee he had just swallowed sprayed all over the floor.

There was a sudden knock on the office door, and the assistant rushed in hastily.

"Boss, 50 billion US dollars will be gone in the blink of an eye."


Simon Tiblin's expression suddenly changed.

The assistant continued: "Only we can't withstand it at all, and there is an account at Scott Securities that is taking advantage of the opportunity to short-sell crazily. It has operated 30 lots so far, and many institutions are following suit."

"Contact other consortiums."

Simon Tibring instantly had a reason to drag other consortiums into the water.

Although he looked down upon these 30 hands and those institutions that wanted to make the country rich, this seemed to be a good reason.

The Morgan family should not be the only one to bear the responsibility for other people's mistakes!

He picked up the phone on the table and called the White Palace again.


"It finally fell!"

In the villa, Chen Fei was ecstatic when he saw the red light on the big screen.

In fact, since they started buying, the three major indexes have been extremely unstable. Among them, the S&P 500 has surged the most, so it has never been the target of their buying attention. The Nasdaq Composite Index has been the most volatile and has also fallen. The most ruthless, so they are always the ones to buy.

Just now, the Nasdaq Composite Index suddenly plunged, plummeting more than 200 points out of thin air.

And Chen Fei also officially ushered in the first wave of profit frenzy, and his early investment allowed him to directly earn 3000 million U.S. dollars!

He secretly made up his mind to use "red" extensively in the next filming of the movie, because this is his lucky color.

U.S. stocks do not take a break at noon, so buying can continue.

This time, Chen Fei is no longer a general issuing orders, but a warrior charging into battle!

He personally sat down in front of the computer and started operating it.

450 billion US dollars, 100 times leverage, which is 4 trillion US dollars!

It's a pity that his thinking is still too simple. There are still too few people who can take advantage of such a huge amount of leverage. Even being able to use half of it is considered very good.

"Activate all the accounts you have prepared in advance and buy as much as you can."

"it is good!"

Leon took the lead in responding and began a fearless 'charge'!

Busy until two o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Fei was operating, but suddenly found that the big screen in front of him trembled slightly, and then all the beating numbers were frozen instantly.

A thought suddenly popped up in Chen Fei's mind, "What's going on? Someone cut the network cable?"

He first thought of those disgusting business war operations, but then he looked at the door of the villa with a vigilant expression, worried that the door would be kicked open suddenly, and then ran into a group of people and shouted: "FBI!"

However, his worries did not come true, because Lyon gave the answer: "The market fell by 7%, triggering the circuit breaker mechanism."

Chen Fei rubbed his sore wrist and looked directly at him, "How much did you earn?"

"The current purchase is 3700 billion, and the profit of 8 points is a total of 296 billion U.S. dollars!" While speaking, Leon picked up the cold coffee next to him and took a sip. He felt that it was really outrageous!

296 billion U.S. dollars in four hours, which translates to 74 billion U.S. dollars in one hour. This is simply faster than printing money!

"Take a break, we only have 15 minutes."

Chen Fei got up from his seat and went to get food for everyone.

There is a 15-minute cooling-off period after the circuit breaker is turned off. You can take advantage of this time to fill your stomach.

Time passed quickly, and fifteen minutes later, everyone returned to their seats again.

The numbers on the big screen started to jump again, and Leon looked serious, "It's started, and it's still falling!"

"Add positions!"

Chen Fei calmly gave orders.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, the market experienced a meltdown again.

The market opened 15 minutes later and continued to fall, with no upward trend at all!

It lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon, when the trading finally stopped.


Chen Fei let out a long breath and looked at the plummeting three major indices, his eyes burning, "How many have you bought in total?"

Upon hearing this, Lyon made another calculation, and then replied: "We activated a total of 23 accounts and bought 8700 billion. The three major stock indexes made a total profit of 15 points, totaling 1305 billion."

"Damn it! It's so fun to ride a horse!"

Chen Fei's eyes suddenly brightened. He earned 1305 billion U.S. dollars in one day. This horse riding was so exciting!

Buying Ming coins during the Chinese New Year is not so exaggerated!

But at this time, Leon frowned, "Boss, I just found out that several consortiums have entered the market, I'm afraid they want to rescue the market!"

"Bail the market?" Chen Fei curled his lips and said with disdain, "Let them dream. It is impossible for this 'city' to be saved in a short time."

The three main industries in the U.S. stock market are finance, technology, and health care.

These three major industries are close to 26 trillion U.S. dollars, and respectively represent the three core pillars of the United States: Wall Street, semiconductors, and biomedicine.

The total market value of other industries is around 13 trillion, and the total market value combined is nearly 40 trillion.

This kind of decline cannot be stopped by large consortiums buying banks and securities stocks. What's more, these large consortiums already have a competitive relationship with each other, and now they are just acting out under pressure. That’s it, who would risk all their money to save it?

"Rest first and continue tomorrow."

Chen Fei gave the order again, and at the same time walked aside and dialed a phone number.

Today's operation is so eye-catching that it will definitely attract the attention of major financial groups, not to mention that he himself has no intention of hiding it, just to make them notice him.

This is how you stand in line, leaving no room for error, otherwise how could the big boss standing behind you trust you?

"You can't take this money away."

"I know. What's more, I don't mean to take it all away. Take it from the people and use it for the people."

Chen Fei crossed his legs and tried to cheat.

It's definitely not something that can be taken away at once, but who gives it so many channels? Let's take our time and let the water flow slowly. There's no need to rush.

The domestic side has also said hello. As long as the money is ensured to go through formal channels, there will be no worries.

"Pleasant to work with."

"Okay, I wish you success in moving into that white palace." "Dududu..."

The call was hung up directly. Chen Fei touched his chin and began to pay attention to various news on the Internet.

It’s easy to get in, but hard to get out!

He has to find a suitable time to leave.


It was late at night, but the Morgan Building was brightly lit.

Simon Tiblin listened to his assistant's report with a serious face.

"According to statistics, the three major stock indexes have exceeded one trillion in short selling..."

"so much!"

Simon Tibling's expression suddenly changed. These are the country's money!

"No news from the White Palace?"

According to his understanding, the president had officially submitted a bill to save the financial system to Congress a few days ago, and the Treasury Department will be authorized to purchase up to $7000 billion in non-performing mortgage assets.

Although this amount of money is only a drop in the bucket, it is better than nothing. It can at least restore the decline a little.


Just as the assistant was about to say something, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

Simon Tiblin grabbed it fiercely and heard an anxious voice coming from inside, "Boss, the Senate has rejected the US$7000 billion bailout plan."


Simon Tiblin's expression suddenly changed.


Time came on the 16th.

The news that the United States had vetoed the US$7000 billion bailout plan had already spread, so as soon as the market opened at : in the morning, the market began to fall sharply.

In the villa, the sound of the keyboard was still crisp, and Leon led a group of people under his command to add positions frantically.

At this time, Chen Fei was staring at the big screens on the wall.

Time flew by, and by the time trading was suspended, the market was all red!

Lyon briefly counted the data, and finally reported to Chen Feihui with a pair of eyes full of disbelief: "Today, the circuit breaker was broken three times, with a single-day drop of up to 8%. This is the largest since the global stock market crash in 1987. Decline.”

“What’s our profit?”

"1980 billion...US dollars!"

"Oh?" Chen Fei obviously noticed something was wrong. The market couldn't match this number!

Leon saw his doubts and explained: "In addition to us, there are many powerful institutions selling short today. I suspect that there are consortiums taking advantage of the situation."

The corner of Chen Fei's mouth suddenly raised, "This is capital. Although it is rescuing the market in name, it is actually doing even better than us behind the scenes."

Leon fell silent immediately. Although he also made a fortune, what they made was just some scraps.

Those financial groups that subsequently entered the market are the real jackals and tigers, and they have much more funds in their hands than "Longxiang Capital".

If this continues, the number of people walking onto the rooftop will probably double!

However, at this moment, Chen Fei's voice suddenly sounded in his ears, "Get ready. Clear the venue tomorrow. We won't play anymore."


Leon's eyes widened suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

"No more positions?"

"Yes, pull out and stop playing."

Chen Fei nodded with certainty. With so many big consortiums eager to enter the market, do you really think that the people in the White Palace are all fools who want to eat for nothing?

The market has fallen so violently that they will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it. If any rescue plan comes out tomorrow, all the money earned in the past two days will have to be lost, or even lost!

Chen Fei felt clear in his heart.

His initial goal was actually not high. He just wanted to make some money. As long as he could have endless money for the rest of his life, he would be satisfied.

In two days, 3285 billion U.S. dollars were collected!

What kind of bicycle do you want to ride on? That's enough!

What's more, he didn't know the future market direction at all, and the movies he had watched didn't tell him in detail how the United States would rescue the market in the future. Who knew if there would be any surprises?

If you don’t run now, wait until later!

I am greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy...

Greed can make people lose their reason, and after countless extreme challenges, Chen Fei has already engraved the word "reason" deeply in his bones!

"No one can even think of locking up labor and capital!"

Leon's mood was very complicated, including surprise, admiration, regret, helplessness, struggle...a mixture of emotions.

Greed is human nature, and only those who can overcome greed can make money in the stock market!

It’s easy to say, but very little can actually be done!

If Chen Fei didn't decide to close his position, would he persuade him to let it go?

It's impossible!

In just two days, he had earned an amount of commission that he had never imagined in his life. He could no longer control his greed.

But Chen Fei took control of it for him!

This Boss! Really strong!


Time soon came to the 17th.

At 9:30, the market opened in the red, and the three major stock indexes and stocks in various markets continued to plummet.

"Close the position."

There was no fluctuation in Chen Fei's eyes, and he gave the order calmly.

Leon's breathing was a little rapid, and he saw the profits rising continuously. The numbers that changed every time were money that ordinary people could not earn in a few lifetimes. Do they really want to close their positions at this time?

"Close the position!"

Chen Fei's tone suddenly became much heavier.

"Ping!" Leon shuddered and started operating immediately.

Ten minutes later, all operations on more than 20 accounts were completed, but at this time the stock index was still continuing to fall, with no sign of rebound.


Chen Fei let out a sigh of relief and solemnly put the lucky orange peel, which had finished its pulp, into his bag.

"knock off!"

He waved his hand and was in a good mood.

At this time, Leon's voice suddenly sounded, "Boss, in two days and one hour, our total revenue from tax stamps is US$3570 billion."

U.S. stocks do not charge handling fees based on the transaction rate of the stock, but based on the number of stocks traded, which is the capital gains tax.

For example, if you invest US$200 to buy a stock and the profit after selling is US$10, then the handling fee of US$25 for buying and selling the stock will be deducted, and then a % tax will be levied.

From US$3570 billion, approximately US$892 billion in handling fees will be deducted, leaving around US$2678 billion in the end.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei suddenly smiled knowingly.

enough! That's enough!

If he made more money, he would hit a red line. He didn't want to have the door kicked in by the FBI when he was sleeping that day.

Taking his phone out of his pocket, he dialed the number again.

Next, you have to prepare for the aftermath, and make sure you get all the money.

At the same time, just as Chen Fei contacted the "protector" behind him, Leon once again focused his attention on the big screen.

Although the position was closed, he still wanted to see how much it could fall today.

"If I didn't run away, would I be able to earn more today?"


JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Seeing the stocks on the market falling by the limit one after another, Simon Tiblin had a very complicated expression.

Many financial groups are short selling, and Morgan is no exception. It feels really strange to save and swallow at the same time.

But overall, they still had no losses.

If this situation continues, they may even be able to make a large profit, but this kind of behavior is really depressing to use their own country's national wealth.

Although money has been made, the national strength is constantly declining. Will the money still be useful by then?

"Jingle Bell!"

The phone on the table suddenly rang, Simon Tibring quickly picked it up, and then his expression suddenly changed!

Putting down the phone, he hurriedly roared to his assistant: "Hurry up and close the stock index position!"

"Boss, the fuse is blown!"

"What?!" Simon Tiblin subconsciously looked up at the big screen hanging on the wall of his office.

All the numbers were frozen, and the market was indeed melted!

Everyone was given 15 minutes.

The advantage of poor information begins to manifest itself at this moment.

Simon Tibring took a deep breath and said, "Go ahead and close the position as soon as the market opens."

"Okay, Boss!"

It is impossible for large consortiums to lose money because they always have first-hand information.


After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei returned to the living room.

Ignoring the market meltdown again, he looked at Lyon and said: "After the money is successfully received, Longxiang Capital will need to spend 100 billion US dollars first."

Spend money? ? ?

There was a trace of confusion on Leon's face, but he did not raise any objection. Instead, he took out a paper and pen, preparing to record Chen Fei's next words.

“If nothing else happens, the financial crisis will last until next year, but after the crisis, with the rise of mobile Internet, there will be a long bull market.

In the next time, you need to pay attention to the following industries: software and hardware, cloud computing, health care, and digital revolution.

You should focus on the following companies: Netflix in the field of streaming media, Domino's Pizza, Neurocrine Biosciences, Market Axis...

Apple, Google, Broadcom, NVIDIA, Lingyun, SIMO in the mobile storage field, Fortinet in the network security field, precision photonic component supplier Novanta, industrial automation company Cognex, insurance market IT supplier Sapiens International, government software system company Taylor Technologies and Amazon…”

Leon recorded it quickly, not daring to miss even a word.

After Chen Fei finished speaking in one breath, he added: "For all the companies I mentioned above, we don't need to hold a controlling stake, we can only make long-term investments."

"Okay, Boss!" Leon nodded heavily. One hundred billion US dollars, this money must be planned well.

But at this moment, Chen Fei suddenly said: "There is another company called Tesla. This company must be focused on, and its company's stocks must be bought in large quantities!"


Leon has heard of this name, it seems that it makes electric vehicles.

But at this moment, his expression suddenly froze, and a company named "CATL" suddenly appeared in his mind.

Chen Fei had specifically told him before that he must keep an eye on this company and take action when it was time to take action.

Now a Tesla has been added...

A word suddenly came to Leon's mind.

"new energy resource?"

After the instructions, Chen Fei specifically said: "Get the above things done as soon as possible. As for the remaining money, just deposit it in a bank under JP Morgan Chase."

The old dark horse ensured that he could get the money, so he would naturally have to pay a certain price.

If you want to use it again, you have to wait until the dust settles in November!

As long as he can get there, everything will be fine.

After settling all this, fifteen minutes passed by in a flash, and the market began to move again.

After taking a look at the still falling market, Leon subconsciously refreshed Yahoo's home page interface.

A piece of news suddenly popped up.

【Bailout plan! pass! 】

"Oh! Fuck!"

At this moment, he broke into a cold sweat and once again had strong admiration for Chen Fei!

You have to run fast, otherwise your position will be liquidated!


JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Simon Tibring looked at the Yahoo News report and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Senate passed a new version of the US$7000 billion bailout package and increased the total bailout package from the original US$7000 billion to US$8500 billion. The major banks acted simultaneously to make a clear response to the turmoil in the financial market and announced cuts in reserve requirements and interest rates!"

This news was like a shot in the arm for the stock market. The three major stock indexes began to rise slowly, and the stocks of banks and securities companies began to rise...

Finally stabilized!


Heaving a sigh of relief, Simon Tiblin looked at his assistant.

"Boss, it's all settled."

"Okay." He nodded, and then he seemed to remember something and asked, "By the way, has the company that owned the short-selling Scott Securities account been found out?"

After hearing this question, the assistant's expression suddenly became much more complicated.

"I found out that it is a Chinese company called "Longxiang Capital". This company earned more than 400 billion from CDS contracts last year. They invested a lot in this stock market crash and were very courageous. All of them were Hundred times leverage, profit of nearly billion U.S. dollars!"

"Three hundred billion? Which Chinese is who?" Simon Tiblin's eyes flashed slightly, and he was already thinking about it.

If this money was earned by a Wall Street company, it would be fine, but if it is a foreigner, he cannot be allowed to take it away easily!

"His name is Chen Fei, he is a famous director and producer."

Chen Fei? !

Simon Tiblin was stunned, "Is it the Chinese director Chen Fei who spent 31 billion US dollars to lead the acquisition of Marvel Studios?"

"Yes, that's him." The assistant nodded and added: "Boss, according to the information we found, he is actually the same person as us."


Simon Tibling's eyes became more confused. What did this sentence mean? Did he miss something?

“The one vouching for him is the one we support.”


Simon Tiblin stood up suddenly, and the chair behind him was overturned to the ground, his eyes were extremely hot.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of a lot.

Promotion, marketing, publicity...directing? !

"Contact him immediately and tell him clearly that Morgan can protect him and invest in every movie he makes!"


The assistant nodded and left the office.

As the door closed, Simon Tibling couldn't conceal his excitement. He walked back and forth in the office, with waves of ideas flooding his mind!

Three hundred billion is indeed not a small amount, but if you can control a top director in the world and convey your thoughts, this amount of money is nothing!

Thinking of this, he quickly dialed his assistant's phone number and said, "Apply for him a green card! He can ask for any conditions! Tell him clearly that Morgan can make him the world's top director!"

(End of this chapter)

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