It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 343: Hollywood potatoes bravely enter China? The man who knows best about palace fighting? A

Chapter 343: Hollywood potatoes bravely enter China? The man who knows best about palace fighting? The American TV series fights to become a god!


In the Huangshan area, Chen Fei started filming "Inception" again.

After the stock market crash ended, he didn't hesitate at all. After packing up all the follow-up work and throwing it to Lyon, he got on the plane back home that night.

He couldn't go to the old American side for the time being, so he had to be careful first. He didn't want the door to be suddenly kicked open while he was sleeping one day, and then a bunch of "FBIs" came in to arrest him.

He had even started filming when he received the call from J.P. Morgan.

Chen Fei has no interest at all in green cards or anything like that. He has no intention of changing his nationality. That would be a shame.

He is a rebirth party. The future economic center is obviously our country, China. Why are you trying to do it for the sake of the United States?

However, he did not reject the olive branch outright. After all, having a good relationship with a large consortium would be of great help to him.

If you use dating to describe your current situation, Chen Fei is an innocent college girl with a hot figure, 36D, and a high degree of education.

And JPMorgan Chase is one of "her" suitors.

As a man, you must not let him get it easily, otherwise he will definitely not cherish it.

You have to hang him, seduce him, chat with him occasionally, and give him a little sweetness, but you can't let him get started. This is the normal operation of a "scumbag".

Chen Fei now decided to be a "scumbag" and accept the other party's kindness, but he just didn't satisfy the other party's need to go to bed.

I'll fool you first, and then when the time is right, I'll kick you away...

This is how tools should be used!

Thinking of this, Chen Fei suddenly showed a faint smile on his face.

But Amanda, who was paying attention to him, suddenly turned slightly red, felt a chill all over her body, and suddenly couldn't hold back the heat in her heart.

She felt that her body was about to be developed to the extreme by Chen Fei, and she couldn't stand even one look.


As the saying goes, "When you come back from the Five Mountains, you don't see the mountains; when you come back from Huangshan, you don't see the mountains." As the most spectacular natural scenery tourist attraction in China, Huangshan is worthy of the title of "the most amazing mountain in the world"!

Although today's shooting only had scenes of Leonardo DiCaprio and Zun Lung, other people asked to come over and see the scenic spots.

Chen Fei did not refuse their request. When these people came to China, they were like little potatoes from the south venturing into the Northeast. They were curious about everything they saw.

After arranging several tour guides for them, Chen Fei ignored them.

However, after the shooting, as he watched a group of people chattering all over the mountains and fields taking pictures, another idea suddenly popped into his head.

Isn't this just a 'Hollywood Potato' bravely venturing into China?

Thinking of this, he suddenly became happy.

"Fei, is the filming over? When are we going down the mountain?"

Seeing that the crew had already started to pack up the filming equipment, Monica Bellucci, who was known as the 'flower' by the perverts, immediately came over and asked in a low voice.

She was a little afraid of heights. She was curious about the most amazing mountain in the world before, but she immediately regretted it after reaching the top.

So while others were playing, she had been sitting quietly behind Chen Fei, without the slightest thought of taking pictures and watching the scenery.

For today's mountain climbing activity, she specially wore yoga clothes to fully outline her proud figure.

Different from others, she also specially added a pair of shorts on her lower body to cover her butt and crotch!

This is what wealthy families are like, not those little girls can compare to.

She has a lot of shorts in her closet just to match her yoga pants.

"That's it now."

Chen Fei said as he began to pack his backpack.

Monica Bellucci breathed a sigh of relief, immediately stood up from the small bench, and stretched comfortably.

Chen Fei was a little stunned by her actions. He was a little worried. Wouldn't his top really be bursting?

The charm exuded by a mature woman is incomparable to that of a little girl, and the charm in every move makes several girls afraid to approach her, for fear that they will be compared to her.

But at this moment, when Monica Bellucci's eyes subconsciously glanced at Chen Fei's backpack, her face suddenly became slightly startled.

"Fei? What's in that backpack of yours?"


Chen Fei responded casually, buckled the backpack tightly on his body, and then began to warm up before skydiving.

The system old dog assigned him a new task again. This time, he was asked to successfully land by parachuting from the top of Huangshan Mountain.

The mission level is not high, it is only A level, which is considered a low-difficulty mission.

After all, he was a ruthless person who had jumped from Mount Everest before. Such a crisis did not knock him down. Now he is just jumping from Mount Huangshan. It is not too easy.

"What are you doing with a parachute?"

Monica Bellucci's face was full of doubts. She actually had a bold idea in her mind, but she didn't dare to confirm it.

"Oh, it's nothing." Chen Fei responded casually, "I just don't want to walk on the mountain road, so I'm going to jump directly, so that I can go faster."


Don't want to walk on mountain trails?

So ready to jump?

Monica Bellucci's mind is filled with confusion. Are all Chinese people so brave?

Chen Fei had no idea how much of a shock his words had brought to this flower girl. For a person with a fear of heights, this behavior was completely seeking death!

At the same time, not only Monica Bellucci, but also everyone else subconsciously turned their attention to him.

"Hey? What are you going to do about it?" Chen Long had a complicated face.

Before Chen Fei appeared, he had always been recognized throughout the Chinese film and television industry as "not afraid of death, daring to fight, and daring to fight."

But after Chen Fei made his debut, this title has gradually been stripped away from him.

You said you are not afraid of death? Then do you dare to challenge the challenge of climbing Mount Everest without oxygen out of season, and open an umbrella to the extreme in windy and snowy areas?

You said you dared to fight? Then do you dare to challenge all the martial arts instructors in the mainland?

You said you dare to fight? So do you dare to go rafting challenge at Victoria Falls?

This series of operations made Chen Long willingly hand over adjectives such as "not afraid of death, dare to fight, dare to fight".

Especially when he played roller skating in the last competition, he was full of admiration for Chen Fei!

Comparing it to this young man, it seems that he has not played too much in all these years. He can even be regarded as a child playing house.

After all... Red Bull Global Spokesperson is not someone who can become the global spokesperson!

"Remember to pay attention to safety when you go down the mountain. We will see you at the bottom of the mountain."

Chen Fei still didn't explain much. He gave a few words to everyone, and then walked to the edge of the cliff.

A group of people stared at him blankly, and no one tried to stop him, just staring at him.

It wasn't until Chen Fei suddenly rushed out of the cliff in a running posture that everyone reacted!

"Fuck! He...he...he jumped???"

In the crowd, Xu Ke, who was holding a camera, opened his eyes wide and his face was full of shock!

Although he had heard about Chen Fei's various death-seeking operations for a long time, this was the first time he witnessed it with his own eyes.

Seeing that he didn't hesitate at all, his mind was full of confusion, "Isn't he afraid of death on such a high cliff? Just jump down like that?"

The moment he reacted, Xu Ke rushed forward with the camera in his hand and pointed the camera at the bottom of the cliff without hesitation.

He felt that this scene was worth recording!

In the rolling sea of ​​clouds, Chen Fei's figure was extremely conspicuous.

He opened his arms and flew freely into the wind.

The surrounding clouds were as soft as cotton candy. At this moment, Chen Fei even felt as if he was in a fairyland.

In this pure white sea of ​​clouds, everything became quiet and peaceful. The wind blew gently on his cheeks, and the clouds rotated with his descent, forming a strange vortex of clouds, as if they were tail. Yanban pulled behind him.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the top of the mountain exclaimed in surprise!

"Oh my god! So beautiful!"

"This is so handsome!"

"The director is great!"

"He's flying in the clouds! It's so cool!"

"Oh! This is simply the most handsome picture I have ever seen!"

At the front of the crowd, Kristen Stewart's eyes flashed, with an expression of admiration on her face.

This was the first time she saw Chen Fei performing extreme sports with her own eyes, and it was also the best verification of her sexual orientation!

Looking at the figure soaring in the sea of ​​clouds, she was finally sure.

It's not that she doesn't like men, but she doesn't like weak men. She likes the feeling of being conquered in all aspects, because only that can make her love.

But now, except Chen Fei, no other man can give her this feeling.

It is precisely because of this that she wants to conquer other women in turn, so as to enjoy the pleasure of conquering others!

"I understand! I love both men and women!"

Kristen Stewart suddenly understood, and a pair of eyes full of spring water fell directly on Chen Fei, her eyes sparkling.

At the same time, after Chen Fei fell rapidly, it was time to open his parachute.

It's just a small "A" level mission. It's not too easy for him. This is the system coming to deliver benefits.

After looking at the terrain at the foot of the mountain, Chen Fei immediately made a judgment.

"Let's just land on the platform used for tourists to rest when entering the mountain."

Soon, after planning the landing position, he immediately reached back and opened the guide parachute without any hesitation.

The guide parachute is a small parachute with a diameter of 30 to 40 centimeters. The moment it is thrown, it swells up in the wind and instantly pulls out a nylon control belt several meters long.

The next second, after the guide parachute was successfully inflated, Chen Fei decisively opened the buckle of the main parachute bag.

The moment the parachute bag was thrown out, he pulled out the packing bag very quickly.

At this time, the parachute's canopy will quickly complete its inflation.


When the inflation ended, with a muffled sound, the main strap of the parachute bag popped out from behind him, and the air resistance was used to successfully pull his body in the first place. At the same time, the two control ropes also popped out and hung freely on both sides of his body.

Because there was a slight deviation in the route, Chen Fei quickly grabbed the control rope and immediately adjusted the direction.

Without much effort, he successfully arrived on the planned route.

The wind whistled beside his ears, and he faced the wind, enjoying the freedom and rare happiness, and slowly descended.

Everyone on the top of the mountain could no longer see his figure. Everyone packed up their personal belongings and prepared to go down the mountain.

Little Lizi stood on the edge of the cliff, staring straight at the sea of ​​moving clouds, feeling very moved in his heart!

He actually wanted to play like Chen Fei, but after considering the safety of his life, he forcibly suppressed this unrealistic fantasy.

Monica Bellucci smacked her lips, shocked and a little envious.

If possible, she actually wants to challenge herself, but she is too timid. Let alone skydiving, even standing on the edge of a cliff would make her legs weak!

Chen Long held the telescope in his hand and marveled.

This thrill index is simply full!

Xu Ke tightly held the 3D camera in his hand, looking back at the skydiving scene just now, thinking secretly in his heart, what kind of scene would it be like if this scene was put on the IMAX screen?

“It’s going to be exciting!”

He once again confirmed his idea that 3D is definitely the future development direction!



The moment he landed smoothly on the square, Chen Fei quickly jumped forward and released the impact caused by falling to the ground.

There were many tourists around who were looking at him stupidly, and for a moment they were unable to regain their composure!

Why did someone suddenly fall from the sky?

At this time in 08, parachuting was a new thing that many people had never heard of. But now that Chen Fei suddenly made such a move, many older tourists suddenly changed their expressions.


"What the hell! Director Chen?"

A young tourist recognized Chen Fei and immediately exclaimed!

"Brother, can you help me close the umbrella?" Chen Fei didn't mind anything. He waved to the two male fans, indicating that they could help him.

The two young men were suddenly so excited that they couldn't help themselves. They quickly put down their mobile phones and ran over to help.

While closing his umbrella, Chen Fei paid attention to the system prompts.

[Ding. Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission (parachute from the top of Huangshan Mountain, without protection throughout the entire process, and landed safely.)]

[A total of 1326 reputation points were obtained for this mission. 】

[A-level reward blind box × 1 has been distributed successfully. 】

[The blind box is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: Chinese TV drama script gift pack. 】

"Huh? There's no double reward?"

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows lightly, slightly surprised.

He suddenly couldn't understand the system's judging method. He landed so smoothly, why couldn't he get double the blind box reward?

After frowning and thinking for a while, he suddenly had a guess.

Is it because... it's too stable?

"The next time the mission is refreshed, you can do a small experiment."

While thinking about it, he ordered the system to open this 'Chinese TV series script gift package'.

[Ding·Chinese TV drama script gift pack has been opened, congratulations to the host for receiving the rewards: "The Legend of Zhen Huan", "Gong Lock Heart Jade", "Step by Step Shocking Heart"]

"What the hell? What are you doing? Why are they all dramas about palace battles?"

Chen Fei was immediately frightened!

What is the purpose of the dog system? Create a new persona for yourself?

When he thought that one day he would be called "the man who knows best about palace fighting", Chen Fei suddenly couldn't bear it. This would harm his image!

"Forget it, leave it to Ni Xuelin when the time comes and let him produce it under the name of Feiyue Film and Television Editorial Department."

Chen Fei quickly made suitable arrangements.

It’s quite interesting to think about it. These three dramas are the pioneers of palace fighting dramas. This trend seems to have to be led by Feiyue Film and Television!


An hour later, other people in the "Inception" crew returned to the foot of the mountain.

When they saw that Chen Fei was actually safe and sound, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, they couldn't help but feel a little shocked!

After jumping from such a high place, I didn't even have any injuries on my body. Just thinking about it makes me feel so awesome!

After the filming of the Huangshan scene was completed, everyone had to switch to a new filming location.

However, Chen Fei did not move with the crew, but boarded the plane to Los Angeles again alone.

The 60th American TV Emmy Awards were held locally in Los Angeles. As a nominee, of course he had to attend the event.

He is not afraid of being kicked out by the "FBI" now. After all, all the more than 200 billion U.S. dollars have been received, and JPMorgan Chase has become his guarantor. Now he can completely rely on Wall Street. The head is walking.

Licking dogs who are in the "pursuit period" are always eager to perform. Simon Tibring even expressed that he could support "Longxiang Capital", such as injecting capital or something, but in the end he was rejected by Chen Fei.

He has to be reserved, keep a proper distance and be mysterious, which is also a way to catch the good guy.


There are actually many similarities between the old American Hollywood and the mainland film and television industry.

Just like the phenomenon that the film industry looks down on the television industry, it is actually a norm in Hollywood.

Many TV stars are trying hard to find opportunities to advance into the film industry and become popular and eye-catching Hollywood superstars!

Although Chen Fei's skin color and nationality are features that many people dislike, he still received a warm welcome when he appeared at the Emmy Awards ceremony.

Even though many people hated him and even ridiculed and cursed him behind his back, when they saw him in person, they all put away their disdain and instead showed deep admiration, admiration, and respect. Even flattering!

This is the glory brought by awards, box office, and strength!

As tonight's biggest competitor, "Mad Men" director Matthew Weiner took the initiative to come over and say hello to Chen Fei.

"Fei, it's nice to meet you. You are much younger than I thought!"


Looking at the middle-aged male director in front of him, Chen Fei's eyes flickered with light.

This is one of the co-directors of "The Sopranos". He has collaborated with Alan Taylor many times and directed and filmed many classic American TV series.

He is one of Chen Fei's favorite directors. He is the kind of person who is good at telling stories and is especially suitable for making feature films.

Chen Fei had obtained a script called "Shameless" from the system a long time ago, but he had never found a suitable director. Now that he met this director, he suddenly had an idea.

But there was no need for him to go there in person to talk about cooperation. There were a lot of idle people at Marvel Entertainment, so just let them talk about it later.

In addition to Matthew Weiner, there were many production teams that Chen Fei liked more at the Emmy Awards, including "Breaking Bad", "3D Movies", etc.

After some socializing, the award ceremony officially began.

The seating arrangement at the Emmy Awards is quite interesting, as they are arranged from crew to crew.

Chen Fei is sitting in the third row, with Emilia Clark on his right and his little lover Natalie Dormer on his left.

The awards are announced by the jury.

The first is the animation category. Chen Fei saw his favorite "The Simpsons". This animation is simply famous for its daring to shoot, and almost every episode has various connotations!

Followed by reality shows and variety shows, with "Rapid Race" and "News Talk Show" leading the pack.

Then came the TV movie and mini-series awards and the comedy awards. These had nothing to do with "Game of Thrones", so everyone just sat back and waited.

An hour passed in a hurry, and when he arrived at the drama awards, Chen Fei clearly noticed that everyone around him began to become nervous involuntarily.

"Don't be nervous, everyone has a share."

These eight simple words immediately made several people's hearts tremble!

The awards ceremony officially begins!

First of all, there are a lot of side prizes, such as Best Visual Effects, Best Casting, Best Makeup in a Single-Camera Series, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, Best Costumes...

Chen Fei was confused when he heard it. He knew that the name "Game of Thrones" had been mentioned many times, but there were many awards that he had never heard of.

It wasn't until he returned to the main line that he finally understood the next awards.

"The winner of the 60th Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series is-Peter Dinklage!"

"Oh! Yes!"

In the front row, the diminutive Peter Dinklage, who plays the dwarf, jumped to his feet.

He never expected that he would be the first person to win a major award!

After a good start, important awards followed one after another.

Best Drama Series, Best Casting, Best Supporting Actress, Best Guest Actress in a Drama Series, Best Guest Actor in a Drama Series...

The name "Game of Thrones" has been mentioned constantly. As Chen Fei said before, almost everyone has a share of tonight's award!

Natalie Dormer holds a Best Supporting Actress award with a bright smile on her face!

Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke, who were sitting nearby, were holding the trophies for Best Actress and Best Actor respectively, their faces full of excitement and a little bit of confusion.

It was their first time to participate in an awards ceremony and receive such a big award, which made them feel inexplicably unreal!

"The winner of the 60th Emmy Awards for Outstanding Director in a Drama Series is Fei Chen from "Game of Thrones"!"

Under the stage, Chen Fei stood up with a smile and slowly walked towards the podium.

As the only A-class production director in the audience, he personally created this excellent drama with an investment of US$7000 million and an IMDb score of 9.2.

So far, there has never been a TV series with such high investment and exquisite special effects. He shot this TV series completely in the same way as a movie!

In terms of subsequent income, the show has recovered its cost in only half a month, and it can now be said to be a huge profit!

Especially in terms of export sales, HuIu's overseas customers paid US$250 million per episode for the series, which is a full 50% higher than HBO's main series "The Sopranos". It is currently the best overseas sales volume in North American history. regular episodes of!

It is no exaggeration to describe Chen Fei's achievements in the field of American dramas with the words "Become a God in One Battle"!

There are already many drama fans on the Internet urging him to launch the second season of Game of Thrones, and HuIu has also signed the broadcast rights for "Shameless" and "Spartacus" in advance.

Even under his arrangement, Marvel Entertainment is also developing its Marvel Universe series "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

In the category of American dramas, Chen Fei has gradually occupied a place.

At the same time, his opponent added another one:

Time Warner (DC Comics, HBO Television Network)!

(End of this chapter)

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