It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 344: Far ahead in the field of TV series! No. 7 of Hollywood’s new 1? Waiting for the warrio

Chapter 344: Far ahead in the field of TV series! No. 1 on Hollywood’s New Seven? Waiting for the warrior!

[The new drama "Game of Thrones" directed by Chen Fei won 17 Emmy Awards! 】

When the news from Los Angeles spread back to China, it immediately triggered a new wave of uproar.

A group of TV drama directors and producers from the Mainland were all confused, filled with doubts and confusion. They really couldn't understand, how did Chen Fei do it?

It’s no big deal that the movie making was a mess, but the TV series turned out to be a success. The first series won 17 Emmy Awards!

That’s the American TV drama market!

So many great American TV drama directors and producers were pinned down and rubbed hard by him, and there was no sign of them being able to stand up at all.

If he returns to China to film a TV series, will there be a gap in the lead?

"No! He's already way ahead now!"

Wang Jing, who is currently filming "The Secret Detective" in Hong Kong, has his eyebrows twitching. There are only a few directors who make movies and TV series in the Chinese-speaking circle, but he himself is considered a well-known figure.

Previous dramas such as "Little Fish and Flowers" and "The Best in the World" have also caused quite a stir in the mainland. They can be said to be the flowering of both film and television.

However, when he thought about it carefully, he felt that Chen Fei had already become a dominant "hero" in the Chinese television industry!

"Soldier Assault", "My Brother's Name is Shunliu", "My Captain, My Regiment", "Latent"...these TV series are the ceiling of anti-war dramas, and they are all excellent.

"How does this brain grow? It's so popular no matter what you film! There's no one that's been successful!"

Wang Jing cursed and muttered, his mind filled with resentment.

If he produces a few more excellent TV series, the market will be snatched away by him!

On the other side, Zhang Jizhong, who was filming "New Journey to the West", looked at the news coming back from abroad with a complicated and incomprehensible expression.

Can you win awards for making pornographic films?

So why can't I?

Thinking of this, he became more determined. After the TV series was completed, he would also go to Hollywood to make a Category III film!

Chen Fei can win 17 Emmy Awards, but it makes no sense that I can't even win one!


Chen Fei was not in a hurry to return to China, but instead went to Waltton Pictures.

For him, returning home with great honors is nothing to be happy about, because he already has enough honors, to the extent that one more is not too much, and one less is not too much.

His current goal is to make Volton Pictures No. 1 among the new seven major Hollywood companies!

September has come to an end, and the two movies launched by Walton Pictures have now delivered a satisfactory answer to him.

The North American box office of "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" was US$2 million, and the major global box office markets were basically closed, with a total of US$3.5 million.

This number will increase in the future, but as expected, it will end up at $7.7 million.

As the second major animation production launched by Volton Pictures, "Kung Fu Panda" has achieved US$3.06 million in North America, and its total box office in the global market has reached US$6.90 million.

This is due to top-notch publicity and Olympic bonuses.

"Breaking $7 million is definitely not a problem."

Natasha is very excited. The two movies launched in one year have both received more than 7 million US dollars, which is far more than many peers!

The only pity is that I'm afraid I won't be able to win the top spot at the box office this year.

"Raiders of the Lost Ark", whose North American box office performance is not as good as "Twilight 2", has already achieved a total global box office of 4 million. This series still has unlimited potential.

On the other hand, "The Dark Knight" has currently exceeded US$1 million in North American box office, temporarily ranking No. in North America's annual box office championship.

If there are no blockbuster movies in the next few months, I'm afraid the annual box office championship will go to "The Dark Knight."

"Nolan is quite awesome." Chen Fei sighed seriously.

Natasha didn't pay attention to this. Looking at the table compiled by the data department, she said with great anticipation: "It will be great when we can make a movie with a global box office of over 10 billion US dollars."

So far, Hollywood has only three movies that have exceeded $3 billion in box office, namely "Titanic", "Lord of the Rings 10" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 3".

Except for these few movies, it is difficult for other movies to break through 10 billion US dollars, even 8 million US dollars!

But Chen Fei was full of confidence, "There will be a day."

After the Chinese market explodes, let alone breaking US$10 billion, breaking US$15 billion or even US$20 billion is possible!

Seeing how serious he was, Natasha suddenly became happy.

In just a few years, Chen Fei has led Walton Pictures to achieve today's achievements. I believe that he will definitely create more outstanding large-scale productions in the future!

"What's going on with "Insidious 2"?" Chen Fei asked again about the box office status of the horror film directed by James Wan.

The audience in the field of horror thrillers has always been stable, especially the horror films produced by Volton Pictures, which enjoy a high reputation among movie fans!

"The global box office has exceeded 2 million US dollars, and it should barely reach million US dollars in the end."

"it is good!"

Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction. This type of movie is really stable. Walton Pictures only needs to make one movie like this for their annual salary expenditure.

"I also have a script here. You can file it first and then find a suitable director for it."

New script?

Natasha's eyes lit up and she stared straight at Fade Chen's backpack.

Seeing Fade Chen take out a script from her backpack, she quickly reached out and took it, her eyes subconsciously falling on the cover of the script.

""Super Body"?"

This is also a standard Hollywood script. The story tells the story of Lucy, who lives in Taipei, and accidentally becomes a human body container for gangsters to transport illegal drugs. Due to the damage and leakage of the drugs in her body, her brain continues to develop and she acquires super powers. She uses her superpowers to fight against gangsters and destroy illegal drugs!

Different from other regular Hollywood blockbusters, this is a purely female-fronted movie, which is very suitable for praising female stars.

After briefly reading the script, Natasha smiled, already thinking about it, "I will find a suitable director for it as soon as possible."

Chen Fei added: "Find me a suitable casting director. Except for the heroine, let the casting director decide all the other actors."

"it is good!"

Natasha nodded, almost confirming her guess.

This type of movie with a heroine has an excellent effect in attracting people. If the performance is good enough, it can attract the love of a large number of movie fans in minutes!

As for who Chen Fei will choose, isn't it already obvious?


After arranging some things, Chen Fei got on the flight to the mainland again.

"Inception" still has some filming to be done in China, so it will not leave China in the short term. It is not expected to officially move abroad until October.

Chen Fei actually has his own plans. He wants to show as many Chinese landscape elements as possible in the movie, so as to subtly change the outside world's view of the country.

Although this may be a "long and arduous" process, he believes that with his efforts, things will change one day!

However, most people actually didn't know what he was thinking. The actors were too immersed in the filming of the movie and the magnificent scenery to understand his intentions at all!

Chen Long left halfway through the filming. He had to focus on the post-production of "Twelve Zodiac Signs" and did not have much time to accompany the crew around.

But Old Monster Xu is still insisting on learning new technologies.

He is very hard-working and has a high level of enlightenment. He can master it almost instantly, and his learning in special effects shooting is progressing very quickly.

As the filming progressed, the number of people in the crew was gradually decreasing.

Kristen Stewart was going to film "Twilight 3", so after finishing her guest role, she said goodbye to the crew.

Before leaving, Chen Fei specially took her aside and asked her about her sexual orientation.

He originally thought that under his influence, this little girl would gradually get on the right track, but he never expected that the first thing she said was, "Fei, I have decided. After I go back this time, I will go Try to get a girlfriend."


Seeing that she was speaking very seriously, Chen Fei suddenly had a headache.

He finally discovered that all his efforts during this period were in vain. Instead of helping this little girl change her sexual orientation, it actually strengthened her belief!

"Oh, it's up to you." Chen Fei shook his head helplessly, but then warned: "Even if you really have a girlfriend, I suggest you not to make it public for the time being. After all, your identity is no better than those of ordinary people. people."

"OK, I see."

Christine nodded solemnly, turned around and left calmly, leaving Chen Fei alone and sighing silently.

There were about to be two pairs of lesbians around him. He really couldn't understand what these girls were thinking.

Don’t men smell good?


September ended quickly, and the National Day holiday came in the blink of an eye.

Huang Bo called and informed Chen Fei of the box office results of "Bullfighting", "It took a full month of release, even with the strong pressure of "The Mummy 3", but in the end it still achieved a box office result of 1.05 million!"

When he said this, Huang Bo could hardly suppress his inner excitement and joy!

China Film reported that the mainland box office results of "The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" were only a pitiful 1.09 million, which was only four million higher than "Bullfighting".

After such a comparison, his artistic film seems not bad at all!

Chen Fei said, "I invested 1.05 million and achieved a box office of million. This is indeed a good result. You have officially made a good start. Now you can try to win the prize."

"I think so too. I am ready to try for the Golden Horse, Hundred Flowers, Golden Rooster, Huabiao and other awards. No matter whether he can win the award, I will try first."

"Haha, are you preparing to cast a wide net?"

"Yes!" Huang Bo responded: "If you get one, you will get your money back, if you get two, you will definitely make a profit, if you get three, you will make a lot of money!"

"Okay, if you need my help, you can call me."

"Mr. Ren asked me to ask you by the way, do you want to come to the celebration banquet?"

"Forget it, you guys can play. I have to catch up on the progress here, and I won't be able to get away in a short time."


The filming of "Inception" has reached the stage of special effects shooting. Not only were the IMAX 3D cameras turned on from morning to night, but even several groups of professional special effects teams from Hollywood came over to assist in the shooting!

Industrial Light and Magic and Digital Domain have once again cooperated to ensure the filming of this movie.

"What amazing special effects!"

Looking at the light spots on the actors' faces, Xu Ke's face was full of curiosity. This kind of shooting technique has never appeared in China. Chen Fei is the first director to introduce 3D.

But then, when he saw Chen Fei skillfully modeling on the computer with the special effects artists from the two special effects teams, his face suddenly showed a strong look of disbelief!

" can also do special effects?" he asked subconsciously.

Before Chen Fei had time to respond, a special effects artist from Industrial Light and Magic next to him replied with a smile: "Director Chen is a top special effects engineer. He did a lot of the special effects design and post-production in "Iron Man." Even the first steel suit was forged by him himself."


At this moment, Xu Ke was full of confusion.

He had been to Nortel several times before, but he had never heard of any courses teaching special effects production?

Could it be...self-taught?


On October 10th, the entire crew of "Inception" will have a day off and will fly directly to Europe on a charter flight tomorrow.

The film will be shot on five continents, and will not return to the United States until the end for the final finishing touches.

Taking advantage of this rare free time, Chen Fei went back to the company.

The relocation work has already begun. After returning this time, he can clearly feel that the company has become much emptier, and a lot of equipment has been moved to the new building.

In the editing room, he saw Tian Zhuangxing who was doing post-production work.

The computer screen is plastered with "Hello!" Mr. Tree! "Some of the finished pictures, several editors are busy.

Seeing Chen Fei walk in, Tian Zhuangzhuang immediately stood up and came over, "Why are you back at the company? Is the movie finished?"

"No, it's still very early. I have a day off today, so I'll come back and take a look."

As he said that, Chen Fei subconsciously focused his eyes on the pieces.

"Let's take a look?" Tian Zhuangzhuang invited.

"Okay, let's take a look together."

This segment of the film is only ten minutes long, and it tells the story of "Shu" attending a wedding. Watching the scenes between Wang Baoqiang and Tong Liya, Chen Fei nodded silently.

"The acting skills of both of them are quite good. Although they are not from professional backgrounds, they are much better than ordinary actors with professional backgrounds."

"Indeed, Bao Qiang deserves to be an actor."

Tian Zhuangzhuang was a little excited when he heard this. If this movie can really help Wang Baoqiang win the Best Actor Award, then he himself will benefit a lot from it!

After staying in the editing room for a while, Chen Fei said goodbye to everyone and prepared to go to the screenwriting department to arrange some tasks for Ni Xuelin and others.

But coincidentally, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Wang Shiliang and a young man walking out of the finance department and walking quickly outside the company.

"Director Chen?!"

When he saw Chen Fei, Wang Shiliang suddenly became excited.

"Snow Leopard" will start shooting in Hengdian in a few days. He is very excited that Chen Fei has entrusted him with an important task. This is obviously a trend to cultivate him!

Chen Fei looked at the two people in front of him curiously and asked, "Why are you going in a hurry?"

Wang Shiliang explained, "I just got him to sign a contract. Now we have to go to Hengdian first, where the launch ceremony of "Snow Leopard" will be held."

Hearing the sound, Chen Fei subconsciously looked at the young man following Wang Shiliang.

"Zhang Ruoyun?"

"Hello Director Chen, thank you very much for your recognition and support."

Zhang Ruoyun's eyes also shone with excitement. After asking around, he found out that the role of 'Zhou Weiguo' was assigned to him by Chen Fei.

He was really excited that his name could be remembered by Chen Fei!

"Well, shoot well. If you can play this role well, this TV series may become one of your classic masterpieces."

"I will definitely work hard!" Zhang Ruoyun promised immediately, secretly remembering what Chen Fei just said in his heart.

As a great director, there is no way he would lie to a newbie like me, so this is definitely true!

This is my first masterpiece! You must perform well!

He didn't seek to surpass Jing Tian, ​​who was in the same class. After all, that person's resources were simply too good and scary. He was thinking now that at least he wouldn't be left too behind by that Zheng Shuang.


After bidding farewell to Wang Shiliang and Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Fei went straight to the screenwriting department.

Ni Xuelin was still typing in front of the computer screen. A4 papers were scattered everywhere in the office, leaving only a passage for one person to pass.

Chen Fei didn't bother to disturb his burst of inspiration, and casually handed over the three scripts of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", "Gong Lock Heart Jade", and "Bu Bu Jing Xin" to another person in the screenwriting team, and arranged for him to first Take the script for review.

Originally, he was planning to visit the crew of "The Sound of the Wind", but after calling Zhou Xun, he found out that the crew of "The Sound of the Wind" had all moved to Hengdian, so he had no choice but to give up.

On the 6th, Chen Fei led Leonardo and others onto the plane, and they were about to depart for a new filming location—Europe!

After the time came to the fourth quarter, everything seemed to have been pressed on the accelerator button.

The Indian branch of Volton Pictures has been successfully established. As the first film invested by the new company, "Three Idiots in Bollywood" was officially launched on the day when the branch was established!

Because the third brother's place was too chaotic, Natasha didn't dare to go there in person. In the end, Bruce temporarily named himself as the CEO of the branch.

At the same time, with the successful completion of "Twelve Zodiac Signs", new news is constantly coming from Xiangjiang.

The filming of "Drug", "Overheard 3", "The Fight" and "Cold War" has come to an end and is expected to be completed before December!

However, Chen Fei's attention is not on these. He is very curious about one thing now, "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "Can it win an award at the Tokyo International Film Festival?"

Many people were scolding him on the forum, and some even said that they had prepared sacks and would smash him to pieces as long as he dared to take the trophy back.

Chen Fei is waiting eagerly now, and he doesn't know which warrior will take the lead?

(End of this chapter)

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