It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 345 Study women to perfection? The "sarcasm" level is immediately maxed out!

Chapter 345 Study women to perfection? The "sarcasm" level is immediately maxed out! (Ask for monthly ticket)

On the day of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo International Film Festival, the movie "Sword Butterfly" starring Hu Ge was released in major domestic theaters.

"Sword and Sword 3" has been completed, and Chen Fei often sees some promotional activities online recently.

Riding on the popularity of this TV series, "Sword Butterfly" has also received support from fans and vigorous publicity in all aspects.

The only pity is that although this movie did well at the box office, the reviews online were not so good.

The plot is outrageous, shoddy, and the makeup is appalling...

Chen Fei was very confused as to what Cai Yinong was thinking. All the popularity he had accumulated in "Painted Skin" was completely consumed here!

Taking advantage of his free time, Chen Fei called Hu Ge and said, "Your movie has very bad reviews online?"

"Alas." Hu Ge sighed and said, "I couldn't help it. I was too eager for quick success, and Mr. Cai also said that the script was very good, so I went there in a daze."

"Please pay attention next time. If you choose a drama well, you can improve it in all aspects, but if you choose it poorly, it will be fatal!"

Upon hearing this, Hu Ge suddenly became nervous.

"I just recently signed a contract for a new drama, which is a TV series of the same name adapted from the movie "The Myth" starring Chen Long. Do you think this drama is going to be successful?"


Chen Fei was stunned for a moment and frowned slightly.

This drama also has mixed advantages and disadvantages. Hu Ge's character in the drama is really not very likable, but at the same time, this drama has also attracted a lot of popularity.

In other words, Hu Ge is regarded as the starring role. If it were anyone else, he would probably be scolded and withdraw from the show!

"Now that I've signed it, can I still regret it?" Chen Fei didn't give him a specific reply.

"That's true." Hu Ge also accepted his fate.

His fans are quite sane and know that he can't help himself because he signed a contract with the company.

But once or twice is fine, but if it happens more times, it might be worse!


The news of the launch of "Snow Leopard" caused a small sensation in the field of TV dramas. Although Chen Fei did not attend in person, many media gathered spontaneously.

After learning from Wang Shiliang that this drama is still a spy film, the reporters couldn't help but be stunned!

"Are you going to continue to show off your talents in the field of spy films?"

"Director Chen is really awesome. I have discovered it. He wants to firmly control the spy film genre and become No. 1 in this field?"

"I don't know what kind of story this show tells. It seems to me that these actors are all newcomers?"

"Yes, I know this leading actor. He is an artist from Feiyinghuang Agency. His name is Zhang Ruoyun."

"Director Chen still has two skills in selecting actors. Let's look forward to it. There may be quite a surprise."

"By the way, have you heard about it? The editorial department of Feiyue Film and Television seems to have submitted three more scripts to the General Administration. I heard that this subject matter... is very novel!"


Feiyue Film and Television, Screenwriting Department.

Looking at the three scripts on the table, Ni Xuelin's eyes widened!

""The Legend of Zhen Huan", "Gong Lock Heart Jade", "Bu Bu Jing Xin", how come these are all scripts with women as the leading actors?"

While watching, he didn't know what he thought of, and he suddenly became happy, "Hey, Brother Fei has two brushes! He wrote these women so well!"

After spending most of the day studying these three scripts thoroughly, Ni Xuelin took advantage of the time difference and called Chen Fei.

"Brother Fei? The three scripts you sent to the screenwriting department have been reviewed. How should we arrange them?"

"Passed the trial? So soon?"

Chen Fei's expression was slightly startled. He thought it would take at least half a month.

"The General Administration came back with information on the third day. After all, this kind of costume drama does not involve any bad themes, so it is rare to encounter deletions and cancellations."

"That's fine." Chen Fei didn't think much and said directly: "You have a chat with Mr. Su and look at the arrangements. Actors, directors, etc. have to be found again. I won't have to worry about these three dramas.

But there is one thing to note. Don’t use my name before publishing. Just send it out in the name of Feiyue Film and Television Editorial Department. "


Ni Xuelin responded, still a little disappointed in his heart.

If this kind of palace fight drama added the name "Chen Fei" in the screenwriter column, he couldn't imagine how much of a sensation it would cause after it was broadcast!

It is somewhat thought-provoking that a single man could describe the competition and entanglements among the women in the harem so exquisitely.

Ni Xuelin briefly recalled that Chen Fei didn't seem to have many scandals in China at present. The only ones that were often rumored were Liu Yifei and the half of Jing Tian.

As for things abroad, he doesn't know, but since he can write such a superb palace battle drama, he must be very lucky!

“I don’t know who will become the boss’s wife in the end.”

He was thinking secretly, but the one he loved the most was Liu Yifei. That "Dragon" left such a deep memory in him!

Murong Fu actually rejected Wang Yuyan. When he saw this paragraph, he looked melancholy.

Damn it, I’ve never been this exaggerated before quitting drugs!


Chen Fei originally thought that he would receive news from the Tokyo International Film Festival soon, but unexpectedly, the news that reached his ears first was the death of director Xie Jing.

As one of the representatives of the third generation of directors, the old man is 85 years old this year, which is not too sad.

Many people in the industry came to express their condolences, and Chen Fei also flew back to Shanghai from Europe to send elegiac couplets.

It’s just that some people are really beasts!

The ancestor named Song didn't know how much virtue he lacked, so he gave birth to such a vicious dog!

The old man is gone, but he jumped out in order to keep himself popular, biting and barking on the Internet, dancing so happily that he could come up with all kinds of false news!

His own enthusiasm increased, but the result was that the General Administration was furious!

"We have already begun to prepare to block the continuation. He will never want to hang out in this circle in the future." Han Sanping's expression was indifferent, as if he was mocking an insignificant ant.

His matter is even more serious than that of Tang Wei. He is banned from the entire Internet. As long as it is in the Chinese-speaking community, he will never be able to stand out!

Chen Fei secretly thought that it would be best to get rid of Liu Xinda's old dog. I heard that the two of them were cousins ​​and often cooperated with each other.

This time it was also strange, Liu Xinda didn’t show his head.


After the condolence event ended, Han Sanping specifically informed Chen Fei, "The filming of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" is about to start. Please remember to come and participate."

"Hey? Can you start the movie?" Chen Fei was a little surprised. The preparation period for this movie was quite long.

"Well, you can't be absent!"

"Don't worry." Chen Fei agreed directly. After all, he is still one of the leading actors and a producer, so he cannot be absent.

After returning to the capital from the Magic City, Chen Fei went to the company again.

He will not interfere with those three palace battle dramas, just let Su Guohai and Ni Xuelin do what they want.

He came back this time for another thing.

"Pick a few with brighter minds and follow me to Hollywood to learn special effects production."

In the office, Feng Taoxin, who had been promoted from the leader of the props team to the post-production manager of Feiyue Film and Television, suddenly lit up.

He is the kind of person with a relatively long-term vision. He has long seen that the special effects industry must be the future development direction, so he proposed to Chen Fei very early that he should open a special effects company in China.

However, because the time was not ripe at the time, the matter ended up being abandoned.

But no idea, Chen Fei actually mentioned this matter again today!

"I'll choose someone right away." He replied immediately.

As Feiyue Film and Television's stall is getting bigger and bigger, the props and post-production departments have been recruiting people, and there are also several good talents.

Let them go to Hollywood to study for a period of time, and they will definitely be able to take charge when they come back!

And with Chen Fei here, there is no need to worry about running out of work. This is a virtuous cycle process.

Han Sanping is determined to make a big splash this time. The launch conference of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" is scheduled to be held in the Great Hall of the People, and the lineup is full!

When Liu Yifei, Ning Hao, Kang Honglei, Wang Shiliang, and Su Guohai arrived at the scene, everyone exclaimed in unison!

Looking around, the red carpet was spread directly from the entrance of the auditorium to the road. The media on both sides were even more crowded. As for the fans present, they were also crowded!

"Huh? This scene is really big. We even called the armed police to maintain order."

"Don't look at how many celebrities are here today. First- and second-tier stars from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places are here. How can you usually see this scene?"

Chen Fei read the cast list before he came.

Kang Guoqiang, Zhang Guoli, Xu Qing, Liu Jin, Wang Wufu, Wang Xueqi, Li Lianjie, Hu Jun, Sun Honglei, Chen Kaige, Liu Ye, Wu Gang, Li Ming, Chen Hao, Huang Xiaoming, Fan Wei, Zhang Hanyu, Jiang Wen, Feng Xiaogang, Chen Long, Dong Dawei, Wang Baoqiang, Ge You, Chen Hong, Chen Daoming, Feng Yuanzang, Donnie Yen, Deng Chao, Feng Gong, Guo Degang, Liang Jiahui...

Chen Fei has lost count. There are too many first- and second-tier actors present today.

Even several veteran drama actors came to the scene, which shows how much face Han Sanping has!

When it was their turn to walk on the red carpet, the media at the scene were even more excited. A director from the commercial film club with a box office of 6 million yuan, a director from the commercial film club with a box office of 5 million yuan, plus a well-known spy film director, and the domestic entertainment first-line actress Liu Yifei, this card is not ordinary!

"Director Chen, look here."

The Sixth Princess's reporter shouted towards him, and Chen Fei smiled at him and stayed there for a few seconds.

Because there were so many people present, there was no specific interview session. After signing their names, everyone walked into the venue.

As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Wen came up to him and said, "I thought you wouldn't come today."

"There's nothing we can do. Director Han has specifically ordered us to be there."

"Haha, you are still the producer after all, why don't you care at all?"

"I just provide the script, and the rest has nothing to do with me. It's better not to join in the fun."

The two chatted while waiting for the press conference to officially begin.

Jiang Wen said, "By the way, my new script is almost ready. I'll send you an email when the time comes and you can give me some advice."

"OK, no problem."

Chen Fei was inexplicably excited. The movie "Let the Bullets Fly" was one of his favorites. He couldn't wait to see the original manuscript.

After more than ten minutes, the press conference officially began.

Director Han Sanping and deputy director Huang Jianxin took the stage to give speeches respectively, and then it was the turn of screenwriter, producer and one of the starring Chen Fei.

"This script is also a bold attempt on my part. I don't really want to take the path of a purely literary film, so I took advantage of commercial films to integrate entertainment and solemnity, history and reality, breaking the straightforward theme of previous films. I hope that the narrative method will give you some different senses after it is released..."

Under the stage, a group of old men specializing in literary films looked at each other.

What Chen Fei said was obviously just the creative benchmark for "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", but they always felt that this was like a mockery of them, and they would only speak straightforwardly during the filming.

"Hey, you are still brave enough to say anything."

Jiang Wen looked excited. As the mainland's "national quintessence" communication ambassador, he liked Chen Fei's temper.

If you need to retaliate, do it mercilessly, without any cowardice at all!

Chen Fei smiled and did not answer his words. Instead, he asked, "You are such a rough guy, but you don't fit well with the role of Mao Renfeng? Why did you agree to play the role?"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Wen immediately became interested. He lowered his voice and said, "I was not ready to agree to it at first, but Han Sanping said that Chen Daoming could play my little brother and he allowed me to let go of the role, so I It’s coming.”


Mud, is this all you want to do?

Chen Fei was speechless, but he soon thought of the incident when Chen Yixun hit Wu Bai with his truck. The two people's behaviors were quite similar.

After the press conference, nearly a hundred media published various news online the next day.

"Hundreds of first- and second-tier stars star in the film for free, and we launch a gift film - "The Founding of the People's Republic of China"!"

"Li Lianjie and the One Foundation participated in the filming of the gift film, and all the remuneration will be used for charity."

"Zhou Xingchi expressed great regret that despite all kinds of self-recommendations, he did not get a role that suited him."

"Director Chen Fei came on stage to speak and said that this film will break the flat and straightforward narrative style of previous main theme films."

"Stay tuned..."

The role that Han Sanping assigned to Chen Fei was that of Lao Jiang's son. He was a villain with a lot of passion, but in the end he was defeated by reality.

However, because he has to film "Inception" first, the role of this character will be put later, leaving him enough time.

The day after the press conference, Chen Fei was ready to fly to a new shooting location - South America.

The five continents are all his filming locations. He plans to take this time to travel there and relax.

But what he didn't expect was that others were relaxing at the airport before setting off!


The Tokyo International Film Festival officially held its closing ceremony last night. Lu Chuan "fortunately lived up to his mission", with "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "Won the Audience Award second only to the Tokyo Film Festival Grand Prize!

What made him even more happy was that the rights to this movie were selling very hotly, and many film companies offered him high prices in his childhood.

Holding the trophy in his left hand and the contract in his right hand, Lu Chuan looked very high-spirited!

Although the Tokyo International Film Festival is not as well-known as the three major European film festivals, nor as prestigious as the Oscars, Saturn Awards and other awards, winning awards is better than nothing!

On the way back to China, he had even thought about how to pretend to be B.

"First go to a few interviews, then go to major universities to hold exchange meetings, and finally find a few media to give him a big publicity..."

After this combination of punches, his name Lu Chuan became well known.

However, the real situation is not as simple as he thought.

When he appeared at the airport holding the trophy, a group of people wearing masks suddenly gathered around him. The leader kept looking at him, as if he was confirming something.

"Is the fan coming to pick you up?"

Lu Chuan was overjoyed and was about to say something, but was interrupted by someone opposite him.

"Are you Lu Chuan?"

"Well, yes, it's me." Lu Chuan didn't think much and nodded in agreement.

However, the next second, I heard a roar burst out from the mouth of the leader, "Brothers, come on, beat this traitor to death!"

boom! ! !

A fist as big as a sandbag hit Lu Chuan directly in the eye socket, and then he felt a pain in his abdomen and was kicked to the ground.

"Why did you hit me? Who are you? Security guards! Where are the security guards?"

Lu Chuan held his head and yelled wildly, but no one came to rescue him. He could only watch the beautifully crafted trophy being smashed to pieces!

"Huh? So exciting?"

Chen Fei stood behind several media outlets, firmly occupying a vantage point, and even took out his mobile phone to record the scene.

After three minutes of beating, the airport security arrived late.

Those people were either repeat offenders, or they had planned it in advance. After seeing the security guard coming from a distance, they immediately made a move and fled.

Because there were too many people watching at the scene, and several of them were wearing masks, they disappeared immediately after getting into the crowd.

Chen Fei noticed that the big brother who took the lead just now did not actually leave. After squeezing out of the crowd and taking off the costume on his face, he actually joined the crowd of onlookers again!

Lu Chuan climbed up from the ground with difficulty, holding a pig's head on his head, looking at the shattered trophy, with an expression on his face that made him want to cry without tears.

"Arrest people quickly, arrest people quickly!"

He yelled angrily at the security guards who ran over, but they ignored him.

There were so many people at the scene, who knew who rushed over to beat him up just now? They also want to arrest someone, but who should they arrest?

Chen Fei silently left the crowd of onlookers and sent the clip he just recorded to Jiang Wen.

After a while, Lao Jiang called directly, "What the hell? This guy is so awesome. He actually found someone to go to the airport and beat him up?"

"Hey, hey! Don't talk nonsense!" Chen Fei quickly explained: "This matter has nothing to do with me, and I don't know the identities of these people."

Even though he said that, he still roughly guessed some of the inside story.

It's probably the guys in the forum. After all, they started plotting early. As long as Lu Chuan wins the prize, he will definitely give this traitor a good beating!

Now it seems that these brothers really do what they say!

"Is he really not the person you are looking for?" Jiang Wen still couldn't believe it. After all, he thought Chen Fei could do this.

"It's really not true."

Chen Fei won't take the blame. We are all civilized people. It only needs someone to do the tampering. He will not personally participate.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, this thing alone is worth celebrating. How about, do you want to come out for a drink?"

"Hey, you're really a loser."

Chen Fei smiled and said: "Let's make an appointment next time, I have to go filming."

"Okay, then you go ahead and I'll forward this video, hahaha, it's so fun."

Jiang Wen's laughter was full of sarcasm, and he was even ready to use his connections to disseminate this video widely!

Still "understanding"?

This is the fate of traitors!

(End of this chapter)

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