It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 346: Are you interested in being the leading actor in an "action movie"?

Chapter 346: Are you interested in being the leading actor in an "action movie"? (Ask for monthly ticket)

By the time Chen Fei landed in South America, the news of Lu Chuan's violent beating had been published online by the media, and the popularity even surpassed the launch conference of "The Founding of a Republic"!

The reason is very simple. Those old friends from Tieba were too cruel. They beat him violently and called him a traitor at the same time.

Combined with the news that he won an award at the Tokyo International Film Festival, netizens quickly understood the reason.

Every movie has specific connotations and thoughts, and "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "After watching this film, everyone will have an idea in their mind unconsciously.

What do the Japs deserve to be pitied for? Why does this movie spend a long time talking about the guilt of a little devil?

If they really felt guilty, they wouldn't have committed numerous crimes in the country!

You, Lu Chuan, are so kind and righteous that you even want to let movie fans feel the pain of the little devil. Is your mother not from Japan?

After such an incident, more and more people called him a "traitor", and some even made suggestions to the General Administration to ban him!

For a moment, Lu Chuan, who was still recovering in the hospital and clamoring that the perpetrators must be sent to jail, suddenly panicked!

Thinking about the fate of "Lust, Caution" and "Apple" before, he suddenly became frightened.

If this was banned, it would really be the end of the world!

As soon as he thought about this, he immediately went to see his teacher and professors from major literary and art circles with his broken face, and used the "crying technique".

Jiang Wen, on the other hand, would happily send Chen Fei a message every day, telling him where Lu Chuan went to cry again today, which made him burst into tears.

"Haha, if you arrange this behind his back, if he hears it, will he immediately go crazy?"

"Heh," Jiang Wen smiled coldly, "Even if I give him three more courages, he won't dare to dance in front of me."

This is true. I heard that when filming "Looking for a Gun", Lu Chuan was scolded by Jiang Wen and shed tears several times.

And at some award ceremonies, it was obvious that Lu Chuan was still very scared of Jiang Wen. The story between the two at that time cannot be summarized in a few words.


After ignoring domestic news, Chen Fei once again devoted himself to the filming of "Inception".

Because they need to test the effect of some finished films in the eyes of the audience, the two special effects companies usually render some very important clips on the computer in advance.

The city folds, changes shape, dreams fold one after another...

Xu Ke was stunned when he saw these pictures. He once again clearly felt the gap between the mainland film and television circles and the European and American film and television circles. This technical gap may not be so easy to bridge.

"How's it going? Isn't it cool?" Chen Fei proudly showed him the picture he took.

"A classic!" Xu Ke made no secret of his inner admiration, but then he sighed slightly unconsciously, "When will we have such a professional special effects company in the mainland!"

"It won't take long, probably a year or two at most." Chen Fei replied calmly.

"How can it be…"

Xu Ke was just about to retort, but when he turned around and saw Chen Fei's confident expression, he suddenly fell into a trance.

"Are you planning to open a special effects company in the Mainland?"

"I do have this idea." Chen Fei did not hide his intention.

Feng Taoxin has sent out a group of bright-minded students. They will join the "Industrial Light and Magic" and the "Digital Field" respectively to learn new special effects production experience.

Of course, the most important thing when opening a special effects company is equipment, these things are the top priority!

Fortunately, the economic crisis in the United States not only gave him a large amount of mobile cash flow, but also allowed him to purchase a lot of special effects equipment at low prices.

This economic crisis may not have a great impact on large financial groups, but it is fatal to small companies!

Since the beginning of the year, many small and medium-sized film and television production companies and special effects post-production companies have closed down one after another. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Fei began to purchase equipment on a large scale.

So far, he has even obtained the equipment needed to open a large-scale special effects company. The only troublesome thing is that it is difficult to bring these equipment back to China.

But he is not in a hurry. After Okuro comes to power, all this will not be a big problem.

It's just two pieces of equipment imported. He can't refuse, right?

When he heard that Chen Fei said that he was going to open a special effects company in the mainland, Xu Ke suddenly became excited, "Then, can your company be responsible for the 3D production of "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven"?"

"This is no problem. When the time comes, I will invite some experts from abroad to come back and check it."

Chen Fei is very generous. After using Old Monster Xu as a tool for so long, he should at least give him a taste of the sweetness and just be able to take over a task for his own special effects company. Isn't this the best of both worlds?


November came very quickly, and the mainland market was not particularly lively. There was only one imported film, "007: Quantum of Solace," which crushed all the domestic literary and artistic films to the ground!

Perhaps because the Lunar New Year holiday is approaching, various movie news has appeared on the Internet.

Chen Fei has received many calls in the past two days.

The filming of "Three Idiots in Bollywood" went very smoothly. Rajkumar Hirani even invited Chen Fei many times, hoping that he could come to visit the film and said that he had prepared many exotic models.

"Rajkumar, remember my words, be sure to exercise moderation."

Chen Fei sent him a message righteously, but turned around and looked at the yoga video sent to him by Deepika Padukone.

This person is also from a legendary wealthy family. When he is not covered up, his pair of camel toes that are full of fantasy are clearly visible.

At the same time, after the completion of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2", a lot of good news came from Marvel.

"Iron Man 2", "Thor", and "Captain America" ​​have all completed filming and entered the post-production stage.

With Kevin Feige watching over him, Chen Fei felt relieved and allowed them to edit the film on their own.

But he still has to check it in the end. If he finds any problems, he can just call back the ghosting and make corrections at that time.

The release time of these movies has been set at 10 years, which is still plenty of time.

The situation in Hollywood is great, and in Hong Kong, good news is coming one after another.

"Drug", "Overheard 3", "The Fight", and "Cold War" have all ushered in their final moments of filming, and have prepared lively wrapping parties.

The only pity that the media felt was that Chen Fei did not rush back to attend the closing banquet.

As for the Mainland, the publicity work for "The Embalmer" has also started, and Ning Hao, Liu Yifei and others are busy.

Not to be outdone, Brother Chen Kai frequently appeared on major CCTV programs with his "Mei Lanfang" and talked about his feelings!

"Mei Lanfang" is scheduled to be released on December 12th, and as its competitor, "The Embalmer" is scheduled to be released on December 5th.

Feng Laopao also secretly wanted to join in the fun, and actually scheduled his "If You Are the One" for December 12, focusing on a sense of oppression!

Although many people say that he does not respect martial ethics and uses commercial films to suppress literary and artistic films, he feels good about himself.

"Who said I can't suppress you?"

He also wanted to compete. After all, the few old guys and young guys in the industry had suppressed him for a long time in terms of box office and awards. How could he be willing to be the last one?

Although "If You Are the One" is not a film for awards, he is sure to make a big profit at the box office!

When it comes to "Lunar New Year movies", he, Feng Gangpao, is the professional!


"I will try my best to go back in December."

Facing Ning Hao's urging, Chen Fei could only delay again and again.

"Hurry up! You are also the protagonist after all. How can the protagonist not participate in the promotion of the movie?" Ning Hao complained helplessly, feeling quite depressed.

This kind of situation has happened many times before, but now, it's happening again!

That is to say, Chen Fei is so famous that fans are willing to pay for the movies he makes. Otherwise, his operation of not being seen all day long would have triggered a large-scale fan withdrawal incident.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it as soon as possible." Chen Fei responded casually, and then asked emphatically about the progress of other work: "Have you registered for the Berlin International Film Festival and the Oscar foreign language film selection?"

"Well, Director Han and Director Ren both contributed and reported it."

When he said this, Ning Hao was still a little confused.

He could understand going to the Berlin International Film Festival, after all, it was the "holy place" for literary films, but signing up for the Oscars was something he never expected.

Can a Chinese-language 'pure' literary film compete for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film? No matter how you think about it, it feels very fantasy?

"Just do as I say, maybe there will be a surprise waiting for us."

Chen Fei deliberately let it slip. After all, this movie actually won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in the original timeline. As for whether I can win the prize this time... I'll know if I give it a try?

Ning Hao doesn't have high expectations. Anyway, he thinks this matter is quite mysterious. His goal is not high. It is enough to gain something in awards such as Hundred Flowers and Golden Rooster.

"Mango Channel's Happy Camp sent a recording invitation to our crew. My reply to them is that you can go in December, but you must come back then!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely be there!"

Chen Fei definitely gave the exact answer.

The filming of "Inception" was very complicated. Even if he tried to speed up the progress, it would still take at least three months to complete.

This is thanks to the help of Xu Ke and the full cooperation of all the actors.

Everyone knows that Chen Fei is a famous fast-shooting director, so even if he occasionally encounters situations where he needs to work overtime, he won't complain too much.

Of course, the real reason is that Chen Fei is very generous and will prepare generous overtime pay for them.

At the same time, in order to catch up, he even brought the post-production of "Slumdog Millionaire" to the set.

Shoot during the day and do post-production at night!

Seeing Chen Fei's level of professionalism, Xu Ke felt a little ashamed for a moment.

Look at the work momentum of others, and then look at my own work motivation, it is simply not even bad!

This situation lasted until mid-November. When Fei Chen finished all the editing work of "Slumdog Millionaire" and handed the finished film to Natasha, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately I caught up!"

"Slumdog Millionaire" is scheduled to be released on December 12th, and so far there are less than 5 days left.

The theater chain has urged him several times, but the master disk has never been in place, so the copying work cannot be carried out.

If this is not released within the stipulated time, the deceived movie fans will definitely destroy the cinema!

Fortunately, they caught up, otherwise they wouldn't know how to explain it to the fans.


"Fei? Do you want to go shopping with us tonight?"

After another day of shooting, Amanda came over and asked Chen Fei in a low voice if he had any free time in the evening.

Behind her, the other two Hollywood divas, Emma Roberts and Blake Lively, were also blinking and waiting for his answer.

The three girls, who are similar in age, got along very well. They often played together during the filming period, and their relationship quickly heated up.

And except for Chris, the sexual orientation of the three of them is normal, which may be the reason why they can play together.

Chen Fei didn't think much about it, and immediately nodded and said, "Okay, I just have nothing to do, so let's go shopping together."

"Yeah!" Amanda cheered excitedly, speaking very fast, "See you there at eight o'clock in the evening."

After saying that, she took her two other good friends and ran away quickly.

Chen Fei smiled and his eyes fell on the newspaper in his hand again.

There is really a lot of good news in November. The presidential election is over, and the guy with half black blood succeeded in taking office, which shocked a lot of people's jaws!

Throwing the newspaper into the wastebasket next to him, Chen Fei stood up and stretched, feeling that the future was bright.

But at this moment, when the corner of his eye glanced to the side, his expression suddenly became startled.

I saw Xiao Lizi holding a magazine and sighing, with a rather depressed and regretful expression on his face.

Fade Chen walked towards him curiously, "Leon? What's wrong with you?"

"Fei, look at this."

Leonardo said as he handed the magazine in his hand to Chen Fei.

"Hey? Vanity Fair again?"

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and his eyes fell on the magazine cover.

The cover of this issue is Kate Winslet, with her legs crossed, sitting naked on a stool, and wearing a large white suit.

Turning to the first page, you see black stockings and high heels, a curvy figure, and a charming look. That’s elegance!

Chen Fei subconsciously looked to the other side of the set and saw Kate Winslet chatting animatedly with Monica Bellucci, and they could still hear their laughter from time to time.

"Do you like her? Unfortunately, she is already married."

"No! No! No!" Leonardo shook his head quickly and explained: "I just regret that I couldn't fall in love with her when she was young."

As he spoke, he actually added, "I don't like older people."


Hearing this, Chen Fei was speechless.

This 'bastard' recently broke up with his last girlfriend amicably. I heard it was because she was celebrating her birthday. He really has never changed his choice for his partner!

That is to say, he has been too busy filming recently, otherwise he would have gone to participate in this year's Victoria's Secret show!

Throwing the magazine to him casually, Chen Fei rolled his eyes and walked away.

If he had known earlier that the reason this bitch was sighing was because Kate Winslet was too old, Chen Fei would never have come over to care about him!


At eight o'clock in the evening, Chen Fei made an appointment with three girls, all aged over 25, and left the hotel together.

The oldest of the three, Amanda, is only 23 years old this year, while the youngest, Emma Roberts, is only 17 years old, a proper little hottie.

As mentioned before, the filming locations of "Inception" are all over the world, and in the past two days, we have come to the Czech Republic, which is known as the "top peach in the West" and a magical country that even Japan would be ashamed to see!

Chen Fei originally thought that the three girls' clothes were hot and bold enough, after all, they all showed different shades of ravines.

But when he walked to the street, he realized that the outfits of the three girls beside him were nothing compared to the girls from the Czech Republic!

On the road, black and white silk stockings appear endlessly, shorts and skirts abound, and swimsuits, three-point-one suits, and even QQ underwear are not uncommon.

"Wow!" After being amazed, Chen Fei couldn't help but sigh: "What a great place!"

He secretly thought about how to come to the Czech Republic to retire before he got older.

I heard that looking at beautiful women can help you live longer. Why don’t you stay here and live forever?

"Fei, I heard that the girls here are very enthusiastic and you can get love for one night with only 100 euros!"

Only Amanda dared to make such a joke, while Emma Roberts and Blake Lively just covered their mouths and snickered.

Chen Fei is usually very strict on the set. Even Xiao Lizi was scolded several times, so that other actors were a little timid when meeting him.

"Is it so cheap?"

"Yes, if you add 100 euros, you can also provide face-showing shooting services and debut as a leading actor in action movies."

"Forget it, I'm not interested."

It would be great fun if he became famous here. Chen Fei had no intention of becoming a leading actor in action movies.

The three of them were shopping and looking at the beautiful scenery around them.

Amanda was still chattering about some interesting local activities, "WGCZ Group recently held an event, saying it was going to be an open-air filming, and interested actors and actresses were invited to participate.

For every actor who persists for more than ten minutes, he can also get 100 euros. Fei, I suggest you give it a try. You can earn at least 12000 euros! "

Emma Roberts and Blake Lively walking nearby covered their mouths in surprise!

12000 euros, isn’t that just two hours?

Is the director so strong?

Emma Roberts was not yet an adult, and was better protected by her aunt, so she just blushed, lowered her head slightly, and said nothing.

Blake Lively, on the other hand, is much bolder, with his gaze moving downwards, his eyes slightly bright, and his interest high!

(End of this chapter)

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