It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 347 Your brother Chen Kai is really brave!

Chapter 347 Your brother Chen Kai is really brave! (asking for monthly ticket)

In the eyes of many directors, producers, and film company owners, big investment means high income!

It's like a Hollywood Class A production, with an investment of more than 100 million US dollars and a profit of 7 to 8 billion US dollars. This rate of return is simply amazing!

As a result, some mainland directors who consider themselves capable, qualified, and capable have set their sights on science fiction films that are very likely to earn high box office revenue.

Wang Jing is the kind of person who likes to tinker with things. He teamed up with China Film to launch a movie called "Future Police" with an investment of 2 million, claiming to be a benchmark for Hollywood science fiction blockbusters.

"You can see elements in this movie that go beyond Iron Man."

As soon as these words came out, netizens almost burst into laughter!

"Competing with "Iron Man"? Stop making trouble. They invested 1.6 million U.S. dollars, but you only invested more than million U.S. dollars. Is there any comparison?"

"Pfft... I burst out laughing!"

"Did I hear you correctly? Are all Hong Kong directors so good at boasting?"

At the same time, LeTV on the other side also took notice and invested in a science fiction blockbuster called "Robot Man".

Comedy master Liu Zhenwei writes and directs himself, and wants to perfectly integrate science fiction, robots, love and other elements...

"Who says science fiction can't have real emotions? Robots should also be affectionate and meaningful, not just ordinary iron shells."

For a time, netizens scolded louder.

"Made, if I want to watch a romantic movie, can't I watch an art movie? What kind of science fiction movie?"

"If you want business, then be business, if you want literature and art, then literature and art, and now you've made a commercial romance literary film? Is there something wrong with it?"

"I'm already disappointed before filming even starts..."

Chen Fei paid close attention to the latter, and when he saw that the name Jia Yueting was included in the producer's list, he suddenly felt enlightened!

Is Mr. Za preparing for his "400 billion" in advance?


CJ has already confirmed the release date of "The Defender", which is December 12, and invited Chen Fei to attend the premiere.

When he thought that he had not seen his two young lovers Li Zhien and Lin Yuer for a long time, Chen Fei did not directly reject the other party's invitation, but he did not make it clear that he would definitely come.

"I will go there if I have time, but I won't go if I don't have time."

What he said was very straightforward, but there was no hint of dissatisfaction there. He just wanted to inform them in advance before leaving so that they could be prepared.

South Korea and Xiaoli are indeed very interesting countries. Those in lower positions have always respected those in higher positions and never expressed any dissatisfaction. Whether it was words or attitudes, Chen Fei was very happy.

Occasionally give them some sweetness, and the feedback it elicits is even more satisfying.

But it's different in the Mainland. A large group of media thieves like to make trouble.

Because "The Embalmer" and "Mei Lanfang" are scheduled to be released in December together, and will also participate in the competition for awards at the Berlin International Film Festival, there has been a lot of excitement in the industry recently.

Several media outlets have already started voting in order to gain popularity.

Contestant No. 1: Chen Fei + Ning Hao "Encoffiner".

Contestant No. 2: Chen Kaige's "Mei Lanfang".

【Who do you support more? 】

As expected, the trend online is one-sided!

"Do you still need to vote for this? Then you must support me, Director Chen!"

"Um, I just want to ask, Golden Bear + Palme d'Or + Saturn Award for Best Director + Golden Globe Award for Best Director + Emmy Award for Best Director + Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film + Domestic Box Office Commercial Film Club Director with a domestic box office of 6 million and Directors from the 5 million box office commercial film club, who can compete with this lineup?"

"Brother Chen Kai, you did not lose unfairly."

"Wait a minute, hasn't the competition started yet? Why did Brother Chen Kai lose? I'm quite optimistic about him, after all, the movie "Farewell My Concubine" is really good."

"Brother, what are you talking about? Why do I only remember "A Murderous Case Caused by a Steamed Bun"?"

"Pfft hahahahaha!"

As the producer, China Film Group just announced that all the scenes involving Chung Xintong in "Mei Lanfang" have been deleted, but they didn't expect that the media's manipulation would come so quickly.

And what they never expected was that the media didn't pay attention to whose scenes were deleted from the film. Everyone's attention was always on the "competition" between Chen Fei and Chen Kai.

Although the director of "The Embalmer" is Ning Hao, the screenwriter and starring actor are both Chen Fei. It would be okay to say that he shot this movie himself.

This wave of popularity directly confused China Film Group, and made many of the rhetoric they had prepared in vain.

Old Chen and his wife went to China Film Academy again, hoping that Han Sanping could come forward to suppress this "bad trend" on the Internet and kill the former's spirit!

The couple were quite confident before going there. After all, "The Embalmer" was invested by Shanghai Film Industry Corporation, while "Mei Lanfang" was invested by China Film Group Corporation, and the latter was his biological son.

It's a pity that Han Sanping didn't give them this face.

""The Embalmer" also participated in the selection of the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. The report was submitted by China Film and has just passed the review."

This has been made very obvious. The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh, so China Film cannot be partial to others.

"The quality of the video is really impressive."

Han Sanping dismissed the couple directly with one sentence. After all, he could not accept the couple's suggestions either emotionally or rationally.

Suppress "Encoffiner"?

You two are really good at joking, and you don't even look at whose film it is, so you just suppress it if you say it?

Your brother Chen Kai has such a big face!


The filming location of "Inception" has officially returned to the United States, and this also means that the ending moment is coming.

One or two actors from the crew finished filming and left every day, so that the originally bustling and crowded studio gradually became much emptier.

After learning 3D shooting for more than two months, Xu Ke is now very good at it, and he controls some processes and details very carefully.

Chen Fei was even thinking about whether he should be given some salary?

But after thinking about it later, I decided to forget it. I could just draw a few pictures for him, and the salary money should be used for post-production work.

Xu Ke: "???"

After Christine, Emma Roberts became the second young actress to leave the show, and her aunt Julia Roberts came to pick her up personally.

Looking at the leaving figure, Xiao Lizi was still a little disappointed. After all, he liked young people.

"I heard that you are dating a new girlfriend?" Chen Fei once again confirmed his pervert nature. "We are just in contact, we haven't officially started a new relationship yet."

Xiao Lizi said it very seriously, without any shyness at all, and he didn't even care that he and his ex had just broken up less than half a month ago!

Chen Fei silently gave him a thumbs up. This horse riding was called "passing through thousands of flowers without a single leaf touching him."

After taking some free time, Chen Fei went to have a cup of coffee with Lao Ao.

Okurizi expressed his gratitude for his financial support, so he naturally strongly supported his desire to import several pieces of equipment into the country and promised to help him deliver it safely to the port.

"Thank you."

Fade Chen stood up and left with a smile, and decided to reduce the number of direct contacts with him in the future and only exchange benefits.

With different identities, his positioning is naturally different. After he officially moves into the White Palace next year, some things that should be natural will no longer be possible.

Amanda becomes the third young actress to leave the show.

The night before leaving, she sneaked into Chen Fei's room.

After a hearty battle, she lay in Chen Fei's arms and whispered: "Blake also wants to try what it feels like for two hours. She wants her first time to be memorable. significance."


Chen Fei was speechless for a moment, what are you doing? Labor and capital are not stallions, anyone can be matched once!

He immediately sternly rejected this extremely excessive request!

Amanda didn't say much, she just covered her mouth and secretly laughed, a faint smile flashed in her eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking of.

When the little sisters stay together, the topics they talk about are much more open-minded than what the old men can talk about, and she does a lot of coaching for the two little white rabbit contestants.

When Bruce came to visit the class, he brought some interesting news to Chen Fei.

"Fei, a movie from your country is being promoted in Los Angeles recently. It's very powerful, even more powerful than your movie about putting makeup on dead people."

"That horse is called "The Embalmer". After all, you are also in the film industry. Can you be more professional?"

Chen Fei couldn't complain anymore. Recently, when the guys in the crew mentioned the movie "The Embalmer", the first thing they said was about putting makeup on dead people. What they said had no connotation.

"Oh, I remember."

Bruce nodded slightly, but turned around and threw it out of his mind.

"That movie seems to be about a singer. It seems quite interesting. I heard that the director is also a Palme d'Or winner. Will he be your competitor?"


Chen Fei shrugged, and from the bottom of his heart he didn't take Brother Chen Kai seriously.

Lao Chen only deserves praise for his film "Farewell My Concubine", but the others are not so good. As expected, "Mei Lanfang" may not be able to recreate the glory of the former. After all, his father has not continued to make new movies. Art Direction.

The domestic media are quite good at praising it, and praised "Mei Lanfang" so highly!

However, sometimes the higher the praise, the harder it may fall!


"Slumdog Millionaire" is also currently in an extremely hot promotion period.

Many people are quite curious about this Indian-themed movie shot by Chen Fei.

What kind of story does this tell?

Because the actors are not well-known, coupled with the limitations of the subject matter and background, the publicity effect has been mediocre, and many people in the industry are not particularly optimistic about it.

Some people even predict that this movie will be Chen Fei's first "hit" movie in Hollywood!

Because these words were spoken by a well-known film critic in Hollywood, many people followed the trend and badmouthed him. Some fans even thought that Chen Fei was "not doing his job properly".

You don't make serious science fiction blockbusters, but you went to India to make a feature film?

Is your brain confused?

Because the filming of "Inception" has returned to the studio, Natasha often runs to the set these days, and she looks quite sad every time she comes.

"Fei, the theaters we have cooperated with before have expressed their intention to reduce some of their film schedules. They feel that the market response to our film is not very good and they may lose money."

Compression amount?

Fade Chen curled his lips, but he didn't particularly care.

This film is an award-winning film, and it is not a science fiction blockbuster in the traditional sense. There is no comparison between the two parties.

Isn’t it sheer stupidity to compare art films with science fiction films in terms of box office revenue?

"Let them go. Even if we strongly object, they will still operate in secret. This situation cannot be controlled, but..."

Chen Fei's eyes narrowed slightly and he sneered softly: "If the follow-up word-of-mouth is overwhelming and the response is high, then they will have to spend more money on the box office account."

Perhaps infected by this confident mood, Natasha gradually regained her sense and clarity.

She nodded heavily with a serious expression, like a lioness about to hunt!

"I will definitely let them taste the taste of paying the price!"


As November draws to a close, the promotion of several domestic New Year films has become increasingly intense.

At the same time, the movie "Tough Guys" starring Liu Ye, Huang Qiusheng, and Sun Honglei, and "Love Call Transfer 2: Love Left and Right" starring Lin Jiaxin, Deng Chao, and Huang Xiaoming also launched a real fight!

Both movies were released on November 11th, which just avoided the impact of the Hollywood blockbuster "Quantum Break", and at the same time caught up with the popularity of the Lunar New Year holiday, which is quite smart.

The only pity is that the box office results of these two movies are not too impressive, they can only be said to be average.

At the same time, in a studio outside Los Angeles, "Inception" ushered in its final finishing moment!

As Chen Fei shouted that iconic "click", the filming that lasted for more than three months finally officially came to an end.

On the set, the actors cheered!

Among them, Leo is most happy because his new girlfriend has promised to go to Hawaii for vacation with him. They agreed to leave in two days.

Xu Ke hugged the 3D camera tightly, with a reluctant expression on his face, which made those who watched it feel sore.

Chen Fei was not as aloof as he seemed. Looking at the actors and support staff at the scene, he began to secretly think about what kind of achievements this movie would create after it was released.

Compared with the hard-core science fiction style of the original version, he has made many changes to make the story direction and context more entertaining and clear. At least it can be understood by people instead of being confused after reading it over and over again. inside.

Then coupled with the 3D shooting style, the visual presentation of the film can be more consistent with the "dream" element, which is also a major plus point.

Thanks to the multiple combinations, Chen Fei is very convinced that his "Inception" will definitely surpass the original version at the box office!

As for how much more it can be...

Wait and see!

(End of this chapter)

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