It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 348 I just like these red-soled high heels. Did Brother Chen Kai break his defense? Slap the

Chapter 348 I just like these red-soled high heels. Did Brother Chen Kai break his defense? Slap the film critic in the face (please vote for me)

At ten o'clock in the evening, the closing banquet of "Inception" officially ended.

The next time we meet is for promotion, so we all drank a lot tonight to celebrate these three months of joint collaboration.

After returning to the hotel room, Chen Fei immediately asked his assistant to book a flight back to China.

Next, he had to follow Ning Hao and others to promote "The Embalmer".

As for "Slumdog Millionaire", there is nothing to follow up on. He has already taken time to participate in many programs in Los Angeles during this period, and he will just wait for its official release on December 12th.

In fact, before its release, this film has been screened in advance in several countries and regions, and the response has been very good.

Although this is an Indian-themed movie, it actually uses an old and American background. Chen Fei is very sure that it will have a brilliant performance.

"Boom boom boom!"

Just when Chen Fei was packing his luggage, there was a sudden knock on the door.

He didn't think much about it. He just thought that someone else in the crew was looking for something to do with him, so he walked over and turned the doorknob.

"Hi, good evening, director."

Looking at Blake Lively with a bright smile in front of him, Chen Fei's eyebrows trembled slightly.

Speaking of which, this girl is still the tallest among the four actresses in Hollywood. She is tall with a figure of 178cm, and her body proportions are great. It can be said that the front is convex and the back is curved, with clear curves.

Especially tonight, she wore a lace nightgown. The ultra-thin black silk fit her long legs with amazing proportions. It was really amazing to see the miracle of the Creator.

The faint aroma hit his face, which made Chen Fei, who was a little drunk tonight, feel a little restless inexplicably.

However, he still tried to stay awake and looked at the girl in front of him with a hint of curiosity, "Blake, it's very late now, are you okay?"

"Yeah!" Blake Lively nodded, lifted a backpack in his hand, and gestured: "I'm going to shoot a poster cover tomorrow, so I've prepared a lot of outfits, and I want the director to give me some advice."

Oddly enough, Chen Fei did not refuse.

He thought it was just a matter of looking at the clothes. What's the big deal? After all, he was still a director, and his professionalism should be much higher than those of ordinary photographers.

But he never expected that when Blake Lively put on the first outfit, he couldn't sit still.

White shirt, black trousers, black stockings, high heels, and the teaching staff in hand...

Chen Fei, who was still sitting on the sofa, stood up directly, his brows suddenly raised, and he felt very outrageous.

Whose poster cover would look like this?

Could this be a "black studio"?

Thinking of this, Fade Chen suddenly became wary, "Blake, this suit is great. It can be said to be... full of tension, but using it as a poster cover doesn't seem to match your style, right?"

"Director, you also think this suit looks good, don't you?"


Chen Fei already felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next second I heard Blake Lively say: "That night on the Czech street, I noticed that you liked this suit very much, so I bought one."

"So, Mr. Director, do you like it?"

Some warm hands were placed on Chen Fei's chest, and with a little force, the two of them fell onto the sofa.

A pair of straight and plump long legs sat directly on him, and the fullness and ravines under the white shirt were looming, attracting people's attention!

The teaching staff was lifted up by Blake Lively and slowly passed over Chen Fei's abdominal muscles.

"Mr. Director, I heard that you are...longer than this stick?"

At this time, the woman in her arms was already charming, her pretty face was red, and the water in her eyes was almost flowing out.

Chen Fei was not an eunuch who could sit still, so he directly picked her up and walked to the bedroom.

He felt that it was necessary for him to guide this cute little white rabbit. Poster photography has its own depth and depth. It must be explained in simple terms and step by step in order to take good-looking and high-quality photos.


"Director, let me take off my shoes first."

"No! I just like these red heels."

"Then I will wear it next time?"

"It is recommended to match it with a nurse or stewardess uniform."

"it is good!"



Brother Chen Kai is a very good person.

In terms of "strictly preventing piracy", he is definitely the most conscientious of all directors in the industry. Especially for the movies he makes, he must resolutely achieve "zero piracy" every time!

At eight o'clock in the evening on December 12, just as Chen Fei and Ning Hao were recording the new episode of "Happy Camp" on Mango Channel, "Mei Lanfang" began to be released.

"What's going on? Doesn't the official premiere start at 0 o'clock, and then record the box office revenue for 24 hours? Why is it so special? And it was released in advance?"

Ning Hao was very convinced. Six more hours were added for no reason, which meant that the box office would be at least several million more!

This is so unfair to other movies too!

"There is no absolute fairness in the world. What's more, you don't know this person's character. He is born with a superior attitude. He must enjoy this kind of treatment."

Chen Fei didn't care at all. It can be seen from Brother Chen Kai's various previous tricks that this guy is a typical double-standard dog!

I can enjoy good treatment, but you can't!

This is his attitude towards life, and for this reason he often gets into fights with other people in the circle!

For example, this time, "Mei Lanfang" was released six hours ahead of schedule, and the box office on the first day increased by six hours for no reason, which immediately caused dissatisfaction among many film companies, directors, and producers in the industry.

The first person to bear the brunt was Zhang Weiping, who directly slapped him in the face!

"Other people's first-run box office is 24 hours, why does "Mei Lanfang" have six more hours? Does his brother Chen Kai have an extra hand than others? Or does he have an extra head?"

As soon as the "big brother" takes the lead, a lot of "little brothers" behind him start to add fuel to the fire. It's a lively scene!

There are not many people in the industry who can compete with Brother Chen Kai, but Zhang Weiping is different. He has Lao Mouzi under him, and he will not be afraid of anyone who works for him.

The media are still eagerly waiting for this hearty battle, but unfortunately, Brother Chen Kai did not make any response to this matter.

China Film Group did not say anything, as if they wanted to let the matter dissipate on its own.

On the morning of the 6th, China Film announced the data of "Mei Lanfang".

Starting from 4 pm on the 1500th until the early morning of the th, the total box office on the first day was million yuan.

As soon as the news came out, several art film directors suddenly became angry.

"Can you still count on riding a horse?"

Directors such as Wang Xiaoshuai and Jia Zhangke have also begun to fail. They cannot tolerate this kind of rule-breaking behavior!

But at the same time, new news came back from abroad.

[Director Chen’s new work: “Slumdog Millionaire” grossed US$470 million at the North American box office on its first day. 】

When the news came out, the entire mainland film market was in a state of excitement.

"What's going on? Why are there so few?"

Everyone was quite confused. Ever since Chen Fei went to Hollywood, this was the first time a movie had such a low box office on the first day.

Although US$470 million is equivalent to 3760 million yuan in mainland China, the two countries are different in size and cannot be compared at all.

And compared with Chen Fei's previous figures of tens of millions, this result is indeed much pitiful.

Judging from the current data alone, this movie seems... to have failed?

A lively discussion started in Tieba.

"What's going on? Why is it only 470 million U.S. dollars? Isn't this too miserable? It's not even as high as the first-day box office of a horror movie!"

"Hahaha, it's been a long time since I've lived, and finally I can see this guy make money!"

"Who has the resources for this movie? Share it!"

"Tsk, only 470 million? It seems that the myth has come to an end."

"I've told him a long time ago. Wouldn't it be better for him to make science fiction blockbusters like "Iron Man" and "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"? He has to make some literary drama film with an Indian background. Now it's a good idea to make his famous name for the rest of his life. Completely ruined.”


Magic City, Shanghai Film Group.

Ren Zhonglun looked at the voices on the Internet, then looked up at Chen Fei, whose expression remained unchanged and his heart did not beat. He comforted him: "Don't feel too uncomfortable. When making a movie, there is no way you won't lose money."

"Hey? Who said my movie lost money?"

Chen Fei looked at Ren Zhonglun in surprise, wondering where he came from. "But this first-day box office..."

"$470 million is normal."


Seeing that he still looked confused, Chen Fei could only explain: "The way literary and artistic feature films are released in Hollywood is usually to show them on a small scale first, and then gradually increase the number of screenings based on attendance, word-of-mouth, box office, etc.

This model is different from science fiction movies. Its purpose is to reduce losses and avoid low attendance. "

Ren Zhonglun, "So, you didn't actually pounce?"

"We'll see."

Chen Fei shrugged and chose to give him a pass.


After all, "Mei Lanfang" was unable to reproduce the excellent results of "Farewell My Concubine". The box office plummeted to 800 million on the second day, and fell directly below 500 million on the third day.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Weiping announced that Zhang Yimou's new script is about to come to an end.

As soon as the news came out, many people started to curse.

No wonder this guy has been dancing so much lately. This is his original purpose!

But for everyone in the industry, this is actually big news. After all, Lao Mouzi's previous achievements in the Olympics were too good, and his new movie will definitely receive a lot of attention!

To use a noble word, it is: the work of the gods!

Regrettably, Zhang Yimou's films have never allowed outsiders to get involved. As a producer, Zhang Weiping's stinginess has made many film and television production companies very angry.

However, companies that specialize in artist management are starting to make moves.

Because when it comes to movie casting, Zhang Weiping is actually very easy to talk to. As long as there are good immediate benefits, he can usually arrange actors.

Not to mention this is a commercial film!

Many actresses have already begun to contact Zhang Weiping. After all, the title of "Mou Girl" is still coveted by many people!

With the box office trend of "Mei Lanfang" declining, there are only three days left before the release of "The Embalmer".

Because they were so disappointed with the former, many people began to look forward to the latter.

The combination of Ning Hao + Chen Fei, even if it is a literary film, it should be very good in terms of storytelling, right?

As an investor and producer, Shanghai Film has put in a lot of hard work in publicity and distribution. If it were not for the restriction of the subject matter, Ren Zhonglun would even be interested in holding a grand premiere.

The establishment of a box office pre-sale platform is now quite effective, with many theaters participating in it.

In the name of the release of "The Embalmer", Chen Fei arranged for a number of theaters to conduct large-scale box office pre-sale activities, and the response was quite good.

In the early morning of May 5th, "The Encoffiant" that many people had been waiting for for a long time was finally released in major theaters.

Chen Fei didn't follow Chen Kai's example and do "+6 hours". This operation is really hard not to be criticized!

When he went to the theater to watch a movie with everyone, he received a call from Natasha.

"Fei, it worked!"

Hearing this, Chen Fei smiled and said, "Reversed? How are the results?"

Natasha was very excited. The disapproval from all sides in the past few days had made her feel depressed. Now the clouds and mist were finally cleared to see the light of day.

"The IMDB score is 8.4, the Rotten Tomatoes index is as high as 4.6, and the box office revenue has risen to 800 million US dollars. There is absolutely no problem in breaking million US dollars!"

As a literary drama film, if it can get more than 100 million US dollars in North America, it is already considered rare.

"Slumdog Millionaire" is actually somewhat similar to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" back then. After all, China and India are both ancient Asian countries with a long history.

Western countries already have a deep desire to explore these two ancient countries.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is famous for its popular elements such as Eastern aesthetics and kung fu. Although "Slumdog Millionaire" is set in India, the story contains the American dream.

Therefore, for Western audiences, these two movies are actually understandable to everyone.

And the latter actually has a big plus point, that is, the movie's dialogue is largely in English, so it inherently gives European and American audiences a unique sense of intimacy.

Taken together, this movie, which many people disliked at first, has begun to shine!

"That film critic...What's Anthony Lane's attitude now?"

Chen Fei was still quite curious. After all, this guy was spreading the news that "Slumdog Millionaire" was going to be released before it was released, which was very annoying.

"Him?" Natasha smiled coldly, with a hint of disdain in her tone, "He's just a clown. After the movie was first released, he published an article saying that there was no surprise in the story, and most people would be in the top ten. Approximately predict the results in the next ten minutes within minutes...

Anyway, it’s just a lot of mindless remarks that have no connotation at all except making people laugh. "

Chen Fei chuckled, "Then let him go. Your next task is to run the Oscars. This is what we need to focus on."

"Okay, I understand." Natasha nodded in response and asked, "What about you? When are you planning to come back? Some parties require you as a director."

"I will try my best to fly there before the end of the month. There is still a lot of work in the country."

"okay bye."



"Which little lover are you talking to on the phone? Are you still talking and laughing?"

Ren Zhonglun was really talkative, and with one sentence, the attention of everyone around him fell on Chen Fei.

Especially Liu Yifei, her eyes were piercing at this time, her beautiful eyes staring unblinkingly.

"What little lover?" Chen Fei was speechless, "It's my female boss in Hollywood. We just talked about the situation of the Indian-themed movie."

Liu Yifei silently withdrew her gaze and looked at the big screen.

"Hahaha, at your age, there's no one you can match your eyes with? How about I introduce you to one? I have a pretty niece who is an international student..."

Ren Zhonglun was talking nonchalantly, as if he wanted to bring Chen Fei and his niece together.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have no idea of ​​getting married yet. I still have to put my career first." Chen Fei rejected him directly.

"Tsk, what a pity!"

Ren Zhonglun had a look of regret on his face, but what he didn't notice was that Liu Yifei, who was sitting on the other side, kept clenching, loosening, clenching, loosening her fists... over and over again!

Many people are paying attention to this movie that pits Chen Kaige against each other.

So on the 13th, many people stayed in front of the computer screen early, waiting for the first day's box office results.

China Film Group lived up to expectations and issued an announcement at six o'clock.

The first-day box office of "The Embalmer": 2360 million!

As soon as the announcement came out, the forum was abuzz.

"Haha, let me tell you, we are sure to win. Why does Brother Chen Kai compete with us? How about steamed buns?"

"This film is really good. I highly recommend everyone to watch it. Although it is a literary film, the director did not make any mysterious plot. He just told a simple but touching story!"

"After watching this movie, I learned that there is a profession and group called 'Encourers', who silently do the finishing work for people at the last stage of their lives."

"To be honest, I didn't expect that Director Chen's suona is so good!"

"After watching this movie, I had an idea. After my brother passes away, can an embalmer as good as Director Chen come in to do my makeup?"


In the field of literary and artistic films, first-day box office of three to five million is the norm. Over five million is already awesome, and over ten million is even rarer!

So after the 1500 million yuan for "Mei Lanfang" came out, Brother Chen Kai thought that it was still very good, even if his results were suspected of being opportunistic.

Although the subsequent box office trend was somewhat beyond his expectations, after all, this is just a literary film with great limitations, which is normal.

But now, when "The Embalmer" was released with a score of 2360 million, he suddenly panicked!

Wouldn’t it be nice for everyone to just follow the crowd and hit the streets? Why do you have to make such a messed up movie? It broke 20 million when it was released! Are there any ways for people to survive?

Looking at the data released by China Film, Lao Chen felt depressed in his company for a whole day!

Until the evening, he suddenly got up and decided to visit the director Wang Yi whom he met while filming in Hong Kong.

The other party is very lucky to be a judge at this Berlin Film Festival. "Mei Lanfang" has already been a hit at the box office, but it can't be without any awards!

People in the literary and art circles are quite optimistic about his film, saying that it has the appearance of a "golden bear" and that no matter how bad it is, it can win a silver bear.

If you end up empty-handed, the joke will be big!

(End of this chapter)

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