It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 352 Oscar nomination! Let the bullets fly?

Chapter 352 Ten Oscar nominations! Let the bullets fly?

Domestic media published the first week box office results of "Red Cliff Part 2".

Very pitiful, only 5500 million!

Compared with the previous movie, this data is so bad that it makes Wu Yu want to cry. The decline in reputation is directly reflected in the weak box office.

"Why is this the only thing?"

Wu Yu took the newspaper and looked left and right, always feeling unreal.

Even though the previous film had some flaws, it still got 3 million yuan in the end, and this one has a lot of big scenes, and no matter how bad it is, it should have more than million yuan!

But now?

Looking at this data, a figure of over 100 million would be considered good at most!


Sighing, Wu Yu began to think hard about how to deal with it. He couldn't just let the box office go down like this, right?

"Jingle Bell!"

The phone rang suddenly. He picked it up and took a look, only to see Han Sanping's name written on the caller ID.

Damn it! Isn't it because he came to ask for help?

He frowned and pressed the connect button, but when he heard the voice over there, he felt astonished, and the expression on his face was even more unusually "wonderful"!

Slumdog Millionaire wins an award!

Even "The Embalmer" won the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film!

After hanging up the phone, he suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart, "Damn it, are you really going to donate all the director's fees? Can this kid really win an Oscar? Impossible, right?"

He felt more and more that something was wrong.

Domestic media rushed to report it, and so did foreign countries.

However, compared with the praise in China, many people in Hollywood are questioning whether such a young Golden Globe Award for Best Director is a little over-hyped?

It wasn't until three days later that the Oscar shortlist was announced.

"Slumdog Millionaire" won Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Sound Effects, Best Film Editing, Best Original Song, Best Sound Effects Editing, Best Art Direction, Best Score, with a total of ten nominations, the horror score appears on the Oscar shortlist!

For a time, the Hollywood media was all excited!

This horse riding seems to be in a rhythm to win prizes?

Some media interviewed the Oscar judging team and asked them if they were not worthy of their reputation. Is "Slumdog Millionaire" worthy of such an honor?

But the judges were very direct, saying that this was a decision made after many discussions and was approved by many people.

In other words, both Fei Chen and "Slumdog Millionaire" deserve such results!

After the news spread back to China, it immediately aroused even greater attention!

"What the hell? Director Chen is going to win an Oscar?"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Awesome! So awesome!"

"He is only 24 years old. If Oscar does this, will he be suspected of flattering him?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Have you ever seen anyone win the Golden Bear and the Palme d'Or at the age of 24? Director Chen deserves it!"

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. I will definitely pay attention to this Oscar and witness Director Chen's moment of becoming a god!"

Congratulatory calls came to Chen Fei one after another.

Ning Hao had already gone to Berlin and was contacting film producers from various countries, but after the Oscar shortlist was announced, he still called excitedly.

"The Embalmer" was nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film?!"

"Yes, after the trip to Berlin is over, let's fly to Los Angeles."

"Why do I feel like I'm dreaming?"

"This dream won't end like this."

Chen Fei pointed out something, his eyes flashed slightly, he wanted to win the Oscar, he also wanted to win the Berlin Award!

Chen Long also called. After congratulating him first, he revealed his real purpose, "The filming of the TV series "Myth" is about to start. Do you want to come and have a good time?"


After being stunned for a moment, Chen Fei suddenly reacted.

"Are you an investor in this show?"

"Well, I'm still the director."

It was still early for "Zodiac" to be released, and Chen Long had nothing to do, so he simply started filming "Myth" in advance.

By the time this drama is finished filming, the movie will be almost ready to go online.

"If I have time, I can go shopping."

"Myth" will be filmed in Hengdian, and there are many crews from Feiyue Film and Television Investments there, so you can go shopping there while waiting for a visit.

Su Guohai has already decided on the filming plan. They are going to shoot "The Legend of Zhen Huan" first and are currently selecting a suitable director.

This drama will definitely have to go to Hengdian by then, and maybe Chen Fei will have to participate.

As for the film and television city plan in the Sichuan and Chongqing areas, it has been shelved. This plan is completely over, and no one will mention it again in the future.

"Then I'll leave a role for you!"

Chen Long couldn't help but make a conclusion directly.

Just as we hung up the phone, someone called again.

Chen Fei answered a few more calls. Feeling annoyed, he simply turned off his phone and ignored the people behind him.

Just a few words back and forth, meaning nothing.

"Boss, boxofficemojo has released the North American share data for 2008."

The female secretary opened the door and walked in, placing a new newspaper in front of Chen Fei.

"Oh? Where can we rank?"

He asked curiously, picked up the newspaper and glanced at it.

"Third!" the female secretary replied softly.

In 08, Volton Pictures actually did not have any outstanding performance. Marvel has been filming and has not launched a new series of movies. However, Volton Pictures only has "Twilight", "Kung Fu Panda" and "Slumdog Millionaire" are three movies, and the remaining one is the low-budget horror film "Insidious 2".

But just four movies can be ranked in the top three, which surprised Chen Fei.

"Are all other Hollywood studios doing this?"

He muttered, looking up from below.

The last place is Universal Pictures, which mainly promotes "Hellboy 2" and "The Mummy 3", followed by 2th Century Fox, which mainly promotes "Horton and the Unknown", and then Disney, which mainly promotes "The Chronicles of Narnia " and "The Mummy ". "Lightning Dog".

Columbia Pictures is still very good, making a splash with "Hancock" and "007: The Quantum Plan".

But talking about the most impressive thing this year, Warner Bros. won the top prize with the annual box office champion "The Dark Knight", which can be regarded as a hearty turnaround!

"not bad."

Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction.

He is already looking forward to next year. When Marvel breaks out, he doesn't know if the other six Hollywood conferences will be shocked.

Are you ready for the pain of being dominated by Marvel?

"Fei! What a great news!"

The office door was suddenly pushed open, and Natasha walked in quickly holding the newspaper, her face full of surprise and disbelief.

"Huh? What?"

Chen Fei looked up at her curiously.

"Looking at this report, you didn't expect that he would actually support us!"

After taking the newspaper, Chen Fei looked at the report above.

This is a report about Okusoko. After this guy took office, he started acknowledging and thanked all the donors who supported him from various channels.

As for Chen Fei's gratitude, he used a sideways support method.

Regarding the movie "Slumdog Millionaire", he expressed his strong approval and stated in front of the media that he liked the movie very much. He even wrote a long review of the movie, thereby expressing his policy of governing after taking office. .

Through the movie, he expressed his purpose of paying attention to the bottom class and showed that he would contribute to the American people.

When he did this, the people who supported him naturally approved of it, and even "Slumdog Millionaire" became a hit!

Not only did the box office data usher in a surge again, but the call for awards also became much louder.

"Hey? This black guy is quite interesting."

Chen Fei smiled slightly, and the name of JP Morgan Chase Group subconsciously appeared in his mind.

This is probably the goodwill coming from multiple bets.

In the past few years since Okuko took over, he has been able to have a smoother career in Hollywood.

This film review not only became a hit in the United States, but also caused a lot of enthusiasm in China.

Not only the major film and television companies, directors, and actors are talking about it, but even some freshmen are also talking about it.

On the Nortel campus, freshmen who had finished checking their scores were whispering while touring the campus.

"Mengying, is this Director Chen? He's so handsome!"

In front of the alumni wall, Wu Jinyan pointed at Chen Fei's photo and exclaimed in a low voice.

Hearing the sound, Huang Mengying shifted her gaze from Zhang Yimou's photo. After taking a look at Chen Fei's photo, she unconsciously fixed her gaze on the resume marked below.

This resume is updated in real time, and you can even see the words "Golden Globe Award for Best Director" shining with a faint golden glow.

"Talented men are the most handsome!"

She said softly, and couldn't help but feel a little yearning in her heart.

The reason why she applied for Nortel was because she was influenced by Chen Fei and hoped to meet her idol in school!

The two women were chatting quietly when they heard another voice coming from next to them, "Director Chen is really awesome. He can make movies that the President of the United States likes. He even wrote a long film review for him. This ability is also internationally recognized." Unparalleled."

The two women were attracted by this voice.

"Eh? Isn't this the child star Tinker Bell?"

"Who are those two boys next to him? They are so handsome!"

The focus of the two people is obviously not on the same channel. Men always like to talk about politics and celebrities when they are together, so after hearing Tinkerbell's voice, Zhang Yunlong and Liu Binlin looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"When it comes to international influence, among our domestic directors, Director Chen is definitely No. 1!"

"Yes, even Director Li Yin is not as good as him."

More and more people gathered in front of the alumni wall, and Li Meng and Li Chun were two of them.

Although the two girls are quite different in age, they became familiar with each other as they were in the same group during the exam.

Listening to the discussions among their future classmates, the two looked at each other and couldn't help but yearn for it.

"I heard that Director Chen also has an agency, and I don't know if it's still recruiting people. It would be great if I could join it. Maybe I can go to Hollywood to film!"

"It's probably difficult. I heard that Director Chen's heroine is Liu Yifei. How can we possibly compare with her?"

A group of people chatted and looked forward to the future.

In recent years, the popularity of Nortel's Chinese dramas has stabilized. More and more people want to be stars. On the contrary, the number of people who want to be actors continues to decrease every year.

And who is able to get into Nortel, and who is a child from an ordinary family?

Even before the official enrollment, the involution has already begun!


The news of the Oscar nomination did not make Chen Fei less busy, on the contrary, he became even busier.

During the day, I have to be busy cooperating with the special effects company on the editing of "Inception", I also have to pay attention to the preliminary preparations for "Kung Fu Panda 2", and even have to do some pre-release publicity with the "Fast and Furious 4" !

And in the evening there were all kinds of parties, and it was so busy that my feet didn’t even touch the floor!

However, Jiang Wen's arrival broke this busy schedule.

"Director Chen, come on, come on, give me this notebook."

"Hey? Did you fly here on purpose?" Chen Fei looked at him in surprise, not expecting to see him in Los Angeles.

"That's not true. Your sister-in-law and I are here for vacation, and we came to your place for a stroll."

The two of them sat down facing each other as they spoke.

Chen Fei had promised Jiang Wen before that he would definitely support him when he makes a commercial film, and would even give him a guest appearance.

No, Lao Jiang went straight to him as soon as he came to Los Angeles!

""Fire Cloud"?"

Chen Fei looked at the script, and the more he read, the more excited he became. It still had that familiar smell. Only Jiang Wen could shoot this script, and no one else could capture that smell.

"Director Yang is willing to give me face and invest 1 million yuan for me. I am going to expand the investment to million yuan. When the time comes, we will divide it half and half. What do you think?"

"Okay, each person gets half."

It's only 50 million yuan, which is simply a small investment for Chen Fei now, not worth mentioning at all.

"That's right, you've helped me a lot, brother!"

Jiang Wen suddenly felt happy. He originally thought that Chen Fei could support 20 to 30 million, but he didn't expect that it would be 50 million.

To be honest, it was his first time making a commercial film like this, and he was already quite unsure, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to talk to Chen Fei about it again and again.

When it comes to making commercial films, in China you still have to watch Chen Fei!

After reading the script, Chen Fei said bluntly: "Your name is not good, it sounds like an art film, there is nothing new."

"What do you mean? Brother, I listen to you!" Jiang Wen looked carefree, he really listened to the advice.

"It's called..." Chen Fei took a pen from the table, pointed at a certain part of the script, and said, "How about "Let the Bullets Fly"?"

"Let the bullets fly?"

Jiang Wen chewed these four words softly, and finally slammed the table.

"Okay! That's it!"

The two then chatted for a while about some contents of the script. There were lines and certain scenes that couldn't be broadcast at first sight, so Chen Fei pointed them out to him directly.

At the end of the conversation, Jiang Wen frowned slightly, full of reluctance.

"Delete them all?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't delete it, you have to change it. You are too bold. It is very likely that it will be blocked after being released for a while."


Jiang Wen sighed, feeling helpless.

He really listened. After all, the period of being banned was too painful, and he was actually afraid of being banned again.

Zhou Yun also came in the evening, and he happened to have free time, so Chen Fei simply went to have a meal with the couple.

"Aren't you going to find a girlfriend? How about asking your sister Zhou to introduce one to you?"

Lao Jiang is a big talker, and he even cares about his life-long events!

Zhou Yun covered her mouth and smiled, which was rare. She hardly heard anyone in the industry gossiping about Chen Fei's scandal, which was indeed quite rare for directors.

After taking a bite of pasta, Chen Fei shrugged and said, "Let's forget it. Do your career first, don't rush for love."

Jiang Wen: "..."

Do you still have a career?

If you keep doing this, you will be invincible!

After sending Jiang Wen and his wife away, Chen Fei fell into busyness again.

New Year's Eve is coming, and he plans to finish his work before the 30th, and then leave the remaining work to the special effects company.

However, before that, he still had to attend the wrapping party of "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse."

Woody Allen is still very good. Although he is older, he makes movies very quickly. He has already finished the third one.

It's just that the post-production process is quite troublesome. The old man doesn't know enough about special effects production techniques, so the progress in this area has been relatively slow.

When he saw Christine again, Chen Fei obviously felt that she had changed a bit.

"Fei, I'm in love!"


Chen Fei was stunned and looked at her in surprise, "Who?"

"Her name is Janet Beideman. I will introduce you to her when I have time. She is very cute and has a pair of big shining eyes."

Well, this girl really found a girlfriend...

"bless you."

Chen Fei's eyes were very complicated. He watched Christine bend before his eyes. This feeling was really amazing.

The closing party of Twilight Saga was over and the end of the year was getting closer. Especially when he and Bruce went to Chinatown to buy pills, Chen Fei even saw that the shops here had already posted Spring Festival couplets.

"I love Chinatown! This place gives me confidence!"

Bruce held the small pill in his arms, thinking about his gradual recovery of nightlife, which was called satisfaction.

"Tch, that's all you've got." Chen Fei looked at him with disdain.

Isn't it just increased from three minutes to eight minutes? What's there to show off?

If Bruce's time is followed, he can even hit 15 times a night!

After leaving Chinatown, Chen Fei flew to New York to pay attention to the work progress of Marvel.

Kevin Feige accompanied him on a tour of the post-production center.

"The production progress of "Iron Man" is the slowest, followed by "Thor" and finally "Captain America". The first two have many special effects shots and require a lot of time..."

"Okay, don't rush, take your time."

Chen Fei briefly looked at some of the clips that had been completed so far, and found that they were not too different from what he remembered, and were even more coordinated than the original version in some details, which made him very satisfied.

After leaving Marvel Studios, he went to Marvel Entertainment.

The second season of "Game of Thrones" has already started filming, and the preparations for "Spartacus" are also coming to an end. Production can officially start after the actors are in place.

Isaac Perlmutter found three directors for the latter, namely Michael Horst, Rick Jacobson, and TJ Scott, all well-known American drama directors in Hollywood.

"Fei, we will definitely make this series a success."

Facing Chen Fei, the three of them showed great respect.

After explaining some details, Chen Fei left the Marvel Entertainment Building and walked towards a cafe near the company.

Someone is already waiting for him here.

"Yilona, ​​long time no see."

"Boss! Oh! No, for a private meeting, I should call you... Fei?"

"As long as you like it."

Chen Fei sat down at the dining table and looked at the curvy Yilona Berglova in front of him, and felt a very unreal feeling.

Who would have thought that the head of the financial department of his company would be the granddaughter of the largest real estate tycoon in the United States!

Could this be the legendary...story brought into reality? The second generation comes to experience life?

(End of this chapter)

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