It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 355 Give Berlin another shock about "distributing leaflets"! The man closest to &q

Chapter 355 Give Berlin another shock about "distributing leaflets"! The man closest to "God" is here!

"The script is ready. After the Oscars, you come to my office and I will give it to you."


In the hotel lobby, Liu Yifei's big eyes flickered, which was really cute.

"So he has already prepared everything for me?"

Something touched her heart, and it felt really good to have everything planned out.

She is the kind of girl who is not very good at planning her life, so her mother has always taken care of the trivial matters in work and life for her.

Now after signing the agency contract to Chen Fei, her mother's help to her has gradually decreased. On the contrary, she spends more and more time in contact with Chen Fei every day.

And this kind of long-term contact will inevitably make her feel dependent.

She knows very well that this kind of 'dependence' should not occur, especially for people of the opposite sex of the same age. This feeling is likely to form into something else after a long period of fermentation.

But...she can't quit!

I really can’t quit!

In fact, Chen Fei had already thought about it last year and decided to use Liu Yifei as the heroine of "Super Body".

This girl is becoming more and more famous abroad. Ever since "Mulan" won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film and she won the Saturn Award for Best Actress, her name has spread throughout Hollywood. .

Later, after a long period of guidance from Bruce, she appeared in public more frequently.

And coupled with the current results of "The Embalmer", her global popularity will only get higher and higher, and she will eventually become another Chinese actress who is on par with or even surpasses the international level.

Chen Fei has already planned her future development route.

It has blossomed both at home and abroad, and has become a "signature" for Chinese actors to the outside world!


The staff was already calling them outside the door.

Under the guidance of the on-site etiquette personnel, the crew of "The Embalmer" stepped onto the red carpet.

The opening date of the Berlin Film Festival has always been a controversial feature.

The season of February is so cold. Female celebrities have to wear dresses in order to be famous. That guy's skin is all red from the cold!

Liu Yifei didn't care about this. Although she was also wearing a dress, she was wearing a cashmere shawl.

On the other hand, Zhang Jingchu is really awesome. The movie "Rabe's Diary" she starred in was shortlisted for the screening section. This time the red carpet was so dazzling!

That's like I'm not wearing it.

"She's really awesome!"

Chen Fei and Ning Hao chatted quietly. They admired Zhang Jingchu's courage from the bottom of their hearts.

This actress has challenged all the mainland actresses. Her acting skills are good, and she is also willing to take risks. As long as she is given a chance, she really dares to climb up.

Jiang Wenli found many directors' wives, but there was nothing she could do.

This woman is so good that she has fascinated all the directors.

Zhang Ziyi is also a highlight on the red carpet. Unfortunately, she is too peaceful and has been involved in the "Beachgate" incident recently. The outside world's evaluation of her is indeed not very good.

There were quite a few domestic media at the opening ceremony, so Chen Fei and others were inevitably stopped.

"Director Chen, Director Ning, are you confident that you can beat "Mei Lanfang" and win the award this time?"

"Hey? You're not good at digging a hole!"

Chen Fei laughed and teased the reporter who asked the question, pointing out the other person's behavior, but he still answered.

"Whether it is "Mei Lanfang" or "The Embalmer", they are actually Chinese-language films, and our opponents have always been filmmakers from other countries. No matter which film wins the Golden Bear, I will be sincerely happy, because This is an international victory for our Chinese-language films!”

As soon as this statement came out, there was a lot of praise on the scene.

Comparing the answers he got during the previous interview with Brother Chen Kai, Chen Fei's words are obviously more in line with the market conditions of the film industry, and at the same time, they appear more generous!

As soon as the news spread back to China, netizens immediately praised her!

"Look, this is an international director. Listen to what people say, he is so majestic!"

"Comparing the two sides, Brother Chen Kai is really inferior. He has never watched "The Encoffiant". This statement makes him sound like a petty person."

"Anyway, I have watched both movies. "The Embalmer" is better than "Mei Lanfang" and has a higher box office than it!"

"I think so too, and I don't like Brother Chen Kai from the bottom of my heart. The movies this guy makes are not grounded at all."

"Arrogant soldiers will be defeated!"

Domestic news was fed back to Berlin. Brother Chen Kai looked at the online comments with a face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

It is true that he has never watched "The Embalmer". This is his own pride!

He feels that only by defying his opponents can he maintain his confidence!

But why did the media say that "a proud soldier will be defeated"?

"Hmph, let's see what you can say when I get the Golden Bear!" He was very confident, because the premiere of "Mei Lanfang" in Berlin was very successful, and several judges gave high praise.

As for competitors' movies, he won't pay attention to them because he doesn't think they are necessary.

How could a story mainly about putting makeup on a dead person compare to his opera masterpiece?

On February 2, "The Embalmer" began its official screening at the Berlin Film Festival.

At Chen Fei's invitation, all the judges of this film festival came to watch this film with a very special theme.

When they saw Chen Fei holding the suona, looking at the snowy mountains in the distance, and playing the song "The Big Funeral", even though several judges had seen this scene several times, they were still deeply shocked by it!

Tilda Swinton even turned her head and whispered to Chen Fei: "Fei, why do I feel like lying down when I hear this song? It seems to have a very magical power."

Chen Fei smiled and said, "This is called the power of music!"

He decided to compose a suitable song when the Ancient One Master's game was over.

Tilda nodded in understanding, looking at the tall back on the screen, her eyes flickered, as if she had made a certain decision.

The closing ceremony of the Berlin Film Festival is on the 15th, which means that the judges will be given a full ten days to make selections.

During this period, the films shortlisted for the main competition unit need to increase their visibility as much as possible and attract enough audience support.

This will involve the selection of the Alfred Ball Silver Bear Award.

Advertise, go on shows...this is how other movies are promoted.

The promotion of "The Embalmer" will take a different approach!


On the morning of the 8th, everyone got up early and gathered in the hotel lobby.

"A stack of flyers for each person, and they will be handed out until all is gone."

Chen Fei distributed the leaflets with the slogan "The Encoffiant" printed on them to everyone, and arranged the distribution path for them, as well as the words and strategies for distribution.

This method of 'distributing leaflets' was taught to Chen Fei by Li Yang. When he first came to Berlin to promote "Blind Shaft", he used this method.

And later when promoting "No Man's Land", he also used this method.

According to his experience, if enough flyers are distributed, the publicity effect will be more useful than participating in various talk shows!

And today, he will once again give the people of Berlin a shock by "distributing leaflets"!

After watching Ning Hao and the others leave in two groups, Chen Fei picked up the flyer that belonged to him, then returned to the room and took out the props he had prepared.

It's a... bike!

After walking out of the hotel, Chen Fei stuck the flyer firmly on the rack on one side and checked the latest tasks announced by the system again.

[Challenge mission: (Perform a cool and exciting bicycle acrobatic performance on the streets of Berlin, and obtain 30000 reputation points) with a difficulty factor of 7 stars. Complete the mission to obtain an A-level reward blind box. 】

System tasks are time-sensitive and regional, which is a characteristic that Chen Fei discovered long ago.

Now, he has come to Berlin with a new movie, and tasks are coming one after another.

what does this mean?

This means that the people of Berlin are so happy that they can actually see a hearty street bicycle acrobatic performance!

If this were done a few decades ago, Chen Fei's behavior would be called street performance, and onlookers would have to pay him for viewing.

Now they only need to take the flyer to go to the movie, and they are already lucky!


As Chen Fei exerted slight force with his right foot, the wheels of the bicycle began to rotate, dragging him slowly out of the hotel area.

Because of the film festival, the area near the hotel was very lively. Filmmakers and media from all over the world gathered together, and there were even many fans who came to support.

When Chen Fei appeared on the road, he immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Several mainland reporters who were out for dinner saw him riding a bicycle at a glance. Their attention was instantly attracted and they subconsciously turned on the camera in their hands.

"Director Chen? Why are you going?" a reporter asked loudly.

"Go out for a walk."

As Chen Fei replied, he looked around. Soon, his attention was attracted by two trash cans placed on the roadside.

Under the curious gaze of the two reporters, he held the handlebar tightly and accelerated close to the trash can.

Just when he was about to hit the car, he suddenly lifted the handlebars and the entire front of the car tilted up, firmly touching the top of the trash can.

At the same time, he controlled his center of gravity and leaned forward, using his feet slightly to force the rear wheel to tilt up. A standard dolphin jump was completely displayed in front of several reporters.

At this time, Chen Fei had already controlled the bicycle to stand on the trash can!

It's not over yet!

The next second, he suddenly exerted force, rotated 360 degrees in the air, controlled the bicycle and jumped to another trash can.

"360-degree jump in place" is a performance action that often appears in BMX street style. It is the most basic acrobatic performance method.

The difficulty of this action is not very high, and any rider with some skills can do it. However, this way of doing the action on two adjacent trash cans requires extremely fine micro-operations, and any mistake will be fatal. There is a possibility of falling to the ground.

But Chen Fei did it very accurately, without any mistakes in the whole process!

Next to the trash can, several reporters looked at it in a daze.

It wasn't until Chen Fei rode away quickly that they reacted belatedly.

"Huh? Is this one starting again?"

"That move just now was so cool!"

"Quick, quick! Call someone! Hurry up and chase!"

"Holy shit! Big news! Street bike acrobatics?"

"Have you recorded everything? Send me a copy!"

Several reporters were chattering among themselves, some called for help, some ran to drive, and some even chased after him with cameras on their shoulders.

At this time, Chen Fei, relying on his speed, had arrived at another crowded neighborhood.

In order to ensure safety, almost all of his operations are carried out on bicycle lanes and will not affect normal traffic.

There were many small obstacles along the way, but he avoided them all with some basic BMX moves.

On the street, he sometimes uses "dolphin jump", sometimes uses "single wheel sliding", sometimes "stands alternately with front and rear wheels", or uses "crab forward".

Various techniques appeared under his operation, causing bursts of exclamations to be heard from both sides of the street.

At the same time, he would pull the flyers out of the frame from time to time and hand them to pedestrians.

Under this kind of operation, few people would refuse his flyers and choose to accept them.

Although he only traveled through one block, Chen Fei had already sent out at least one-tenth of the amount of flyers, and also gained a lot of reputation points.

Many young people began to follow him, and watching the excitement seemed to have become the nature of most people.

After all, in everyone's mind, bicycles are just a means of transportation, and few people can play as smoothly as Chen Fei!

"Hey, Brother! Come over here!"

A shout suddenly attracted Chen Fei's attention. When he turned his attention, he saw a group of boys on skateboards waving at him, gesturing for him to follow.

Chen Fei didn't think much, turned the car around, and rushed directly towards the group of skateboard boys.

What he didn't expect was that after following the group of people turning left and right for a while, he was actually led to a park area.

There are even buildings such as U-shaped troughs used for skateboarding!

A young man waved to Chen Fei, then swooped down without hesitation, glided back and forth in the U-shaped groove, and made some actions such as rocking the board and holding the edge with one hand.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fei couldn't help but laugh.

"That's it?"

He did not imitate the opponent and directly enter the U-shaped trough, but turned his attention to a rockery next to him.

With a slight exertion, he directly used the dolphin jump to climb up a rock around the rockery, and then launched a climbing challenge towards the four to five meter mountain!

Seeing this scene, the skateboard boy at the scene and some of the onlookers who followed were slightly startled.

"WTF? What does he want?"

"Oh, my god, can you still ride a bicycle like this?"

"Oh! No! This is really too dangerous!"


Seeing Chen Fei start to point the front of the car at the rockery, the skateboard boys at the scene suddenly screamed and speculated about his behavior.

The next second, Chen Fei, who was already approaching the rockery, made a very classic BMX street-style action - "lifting the front of the bike."

As the name suggests, this action is to use techniques to raise the entire car body in an "I" shape while the car body is stationary.

Because this action will only rely on the rear wheels to support the body after forming, it will look extremely cool in terms of viewing!

At the moment when he completed "lifting the front of the car", Chen Fei did not continue to stop the vehicle, but used the street-style action of "rabbit jumping".

Under the watchful eyes of many people in the park, he held the handlebar tightly while maintaining the movement of lifting the front wheel, and then lowered his center of gravity as much as possible!

At this moment, his whole body and the body were like a spring that was compressed to the extreme.

When all the power was accumulated on the rear wheels, he slowly raised his head and looked straight ahead.

At this time, the target point was one meter in front of him, and the height was exactly the same as the top of his head.

This is already a very scary height, almost the highest point that "rabbit jumping" can reach. If the height continues to extend upward, even Chen Fei will not be able to jump up.


Suddenly, under everyone's gaze, he jumped up suddenly, and all the power accumulated in his body was completely released at this moment.

As if a spring that had been pressed to the extreme was suddenly released, the rear wheel of the bicycle lifted upwards, leaping up like a standing long jump, and headed straight for the high point of the rockery.

It was late and then fast, almost in the blink of an eye, the onlookers at the scene only heard two muffled sounds of "Bang! Bang!". When they looked again, Chen Fei had already reached the halfway point of the rockery!

Seeing this scene, the scene suddenly became noisy again.

"WTF? How did this happen?"

"Why is his car still like this?"

"Oh! I want to learn! I want to learn this!"


There were constant screams at the scene, but Chen Fei did not relax his vigilance because he was still a long way away from the target location!

After reaching the middle of the rockery, he did not continue to lift the front wheel, but put it down and leaned on the rockery.

The moment the front wheel fell, he suddenly flicked his tail upwards. On the spot, he performed a "dragon tail flick" action often used by street bikes when passing obstacles, and directly threw the rear wheel high.

At this moment, strong inertia begins to act on the car body.

Chen Fei didn't hesitate at all, decisively raised his center of gravity, held the brake tightly, and fixed the rear wheel in place.

At the same time, he quickly raised the front wheel, turned the front of the car 180 degrees, and did another "rabbit jump", causing the car body to continue to climb higher.

Just like that, in the next minute, he only used three street-style actions: "dragon flick", "180-degree turn on the spot", and "bunny jump" to successfully reach the top of the rockery.

And when he stepped on the pedals and stood firmly on the top of the rockery, the group of skateboard boys at the scene were completely stunned. Even the onlookers who came over there to join in the fun also had their eyes widened at this moment, and their faces were filled with tears. It's unbelievable!

"This operation is simply amazing!"

However, the more exciting thing is yet to come.

Before anyone could react, he had already turned the car around and stepped on the pedals on both sides at lightning speed.

The height of nearly four meters seemed like nothing to him, and the wheels were completely suspended in the air, rushing straight down towards the bottom of the rockery.

At this time, what greeted Chen Fei was the U-shaped groove used for skateboarding!


A muffled sound hit everyone's hearts like a heavy hammer.

Just in the blink of an eye, Chen Fei and his car had fallen into the U-shaped trough.

The imagined "car crash and fatalities" did not occur. Not only did the wheels land smoothly, but the impact caused by the fall was also dissipated as it slid.

Chen Fei's goal is very clear, it is the end point of the U-shaped groove.

The gravity of the fall and the impact of landing caused his speed to reach a very high peak, so in less than three seconds, he had rushed to the exit of the U-shaped trough.

The moment he rushed up the steep slope, his whole body and the car body jumped up high!

Feeling the current height, Chen Fei did not leave directly, but turned slightly sideways, causing the gravity to shift, and completed a very impressive "360 turn" directly in the air.

During the entire process, he even relied on inertia to throw his body backwards, holding only the handlebars with both hands to prevent himself from being separated from the car body.


The moment he landed, he didn't stay too long. After scattering a handful of flyers, he drove directly into the distance, leaving only a handsome figure behind everyone.

In the skatepark, a group of teenagers reacted belatedly and rushed forward to pick up the flyers floating in the U-shaped trough.

"'The Embalmer'? Is it a movie flyer?"

"Oh my god! Look! The screenwriter and actor marked on the poster are Fei! It's him! It's that god-like man!"

A shout instantly attracted the attention of many people present.

Suddenly, more and more skateboard boys reacted.

"Is that the actor who climbed up the TV tower to hand out flyers, FeiChen?"

"Yes! That's him! He was the one who used skateboards to promote movies before! He is the legend of our skateboarding community!"

"Oh! My God! I actually met the global spokesperson of Red Bull! He is known as the man closest to God in extreme sports!"

"Come on!"

"It's so cool! It's really cool! Climb a rockery on a bicycle! You can also jump from a height of nearly four meters without any damage! Is this the pinnacle of extreme sports?"

In the skatepark, Chen Fei's 'myth' began to spread.

Of course, more people still choose to step on skateboards to follow his retreating figure!

(End of this chapter)

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