It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 357 The first ‘Berlin Best Actor’ in the Chinese film industry!

Chapter 357 The first 'Berlin Best Actor' in the Chinese film industry! (asking for monthly ticket)

Many people in the mainland are paying attention to the awards ceremony in Berlin, especially a group of people in the film industry who are determined to stay up all night to wait for the news.

"Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off..."

In the China Film Office Building, Han Sanping clutched her cell phone and frowned.

The news that Brother Chen Kaige and the crew of "Mei Lanfang" did not appear on the closing ceremony red carpet has reached his ears, and he actually knows what this means best.

However, he still had a trace of fantasy in his heart.

He wanted to hear Brother Chen Kai's answer with his own ears!

Unfortunately, the phone over there kept showing that it was turned off, which made Han Sanping even more annoyed.

Can you please say something about whether you can win the prize? What does turning off the phone mean?

Could it be possible that he got on a plane overnight and returned to the mainland?

"It shouldn't be possible, right? If you really do this, why don't you be criticized by the media and fans?"

He muttered to himself, feeling increasingly impatient.

The filming of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" has already reached the time when Chen Kaige joins the cast. If he can win an award in Berlin, he will naturally return with glory and glory!

But if you don't win the prize, you will be like a drowned dog returning to the shore, covered in dirt!


At this time, the Berlin International Film Festival awards ceremony was on site.

Chen Fei looked around the venue. Interestingly, he didn't see anyone from the "Mei Lanfang" crew!

On the contrary, Zhang Jingchu came to the award ceremony tonight, still dressed so coolly, and smiled brightly when facing Chen Fei's gaze.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yifei turned slightly sideways calmly, cutting off the eye contact between the two.


Chen Fei asked, not only to Liu Yifei, but also to Ning Hao.

“Nervous and excited at the same time!”

Ning Hao's body was trembling slightly. Although the awards had not started yet, he was already in a state of high tension.

Although he had already made mental preparations after receiving the call from the organizer, when he actually sat here, he still couldn't control himself!

He has been coveting the top three teams in Europe for a long time, and he has tried to launch a charge before, but unfortunately he failed in the end.

Now, he didn't expect that he would be sitting at the award ceremony. This strong contrast even made him think that he was dreaming!

On the other hand, Liu Yifei acted very calmly. The reason is very simple. She never thought that she could win the award.

It's already great to be lucky enough to be nominated. As for the Silver Bear Award for Best Actress, this thing is completely parallel to her now!

She has a very clear understanding of her acting skills, so it would be strange to win an award.

If Chen Fei hadn't led her, I'm afraid she would never have been able to sit at the Berlin Film Festival's awards ceremony in her life.


European film festivals are all serious in style, so the opening program will not show scenes similar to singing and dancing.

After the host came on stage, he directly reviewed the past, and then mentioned all the crew and directors present. After each praised them, the awards ceremony officially began.

Chen Fei's name was also mentioned.

"I'm very happy to meet Director Chen Fei, who has won the Golden Bear Award here. Today he also brought his own work. What's interesting is that he came as an actor this time. I hope he will show up today." I’ll be able to gain something later.”

Now that he was mentioned, Chen Fei was naturally not shy. He stood up generously and waved around.

Many people's eyes have been fixed on him for a long time. Tonight's "The Embalmer" is a strong competitor for other works in the main competition!

"Brother Chen Kai and the others didn't come!" Ning Hao reacted belatedly.

"Yes." Chen Fei nodded lightly, "It seems that "Mei Lanfang" failed. Brother Chen Kai was probably very angry and left Berlin directly."

While the two were chatting, the award ceremony began.

Under the guidance of the host, the jury members stepped onto the podium one by one and awarded awards in order from weakest to strongest.

The first is the Alfred Bauer Silver Bear Award. This award was established in memory of Alfred Bauer, the first chairman of the Berlin International Film Festival. It was established in 87 to reward innovation in film.

The gold content of this award is not very high. This time, a double yolk operation was performed, which is really confusing.

Then came the Film Debut Award. This award had nothing to do with Ning Hao. After all, this was not his first time in Berlin.

The award finally went to Adrian Beniz's "Secret Love". This person was considered one of the winners tonight, winning two awards in a row, and he was in the limelight for a while!

In his seat, Ning Hao suddenly felt that he couldn't sit still. The awards got heavier as he went to the back, and he wanted every one of them!

Then there is the Silver Bear Award for Outstanding Artistic Contribution, which usually rewards professional departments such as photography, art, editing, and lighting in movies.

The winner was "Katalin Varga", a film co-produced by Romania, the United Kingdom, and Hungary. The story is very bold and cannot be broadcast in the mainland.

Later, the nominees for the Silver Bear Award for Best Actress appeared on the big screen.

Looking at the young face on the screen, Chen Fei turned his head slightly to look at Liu Yifei, and said with a smile: "How do you feel?"

"It's like a dream, I didn't expect that I would be able to appear at the Berlin Film Festival." Liu Yifei murmured softly, still feeling a little nervous in her heart.

Maybe you’ll win an award?

Unfortunately, fantasies are just fantasies after all.

The Silver Bear Award for Best Actress was finally won by German actress Pochette Minimeier for "The Perfect Second Couple".

Liu Yifei was slightly absent-minded, but she was not too sad.

After all, this award was not in her imagination. Her role in "The Embalmer" was not too big. She was said to be the heroine, but in fact she was not much different from the number one supporting actress. She was the kind of green leaves that set off the flowers.

After Pochett Minimeyer's acceptance speech is over, the next step is the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor.

The famous German actress Diane Kruger stepped onto the podium under the spotlight.

With a gentle wave of her hand, all the nominated actors appeared on the screen, and Chen Fei's name and photo were among them.

In the audience, Chen Fei sat up slightly and felt a little nervous.

He thought about what the chairman of the jury had specially told him before, asking him to be present to participate in the awarding. Could there be any surprises?

In the reviews of this year's Berlin show, Chen Fei and Sotigur Kouyat, the male lead of the "London River" crew, are the favorites to win the best actor. If nothing else, this year's best actor will be It's time to choose between the two of them.

"The winner of the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor at the 59th Berlin International Film Festival is..."

Off the stage, Chen Fei subconsciously placed his hands on the armrests on both sides of the seat, staring at the German beauty on the stage without blinking.

On the award podium, Diane Kruger slowly opened the envelope. After taking a closer look, she covered her red lips in slight surprise.

After a moment, she cast her gaze to the audience and said with a smile: "Congratulations to the crew of "The Embalmer"! Congratulations to director Fei Chen, who has won the Golden Bear Award! Your acting skills are very contagious!"


As Diane Kruger finished speaking, Chen Fei stood up first, with an expression of disbelief on his face!

Ning Hao, who was beside him, was so excited that he suddenly hugged Chen Fei and shouted loudly: "Best actor! Damn it! You won the best actor!"

At this moment, although Chen Fei won the Best Actor Award, he was even happier.

Damn it, I worked hard to make a movie and actually produced a Berlin Best Actor. This is even more exciting than winning the Silver Bear Award!

As for the golden bear, he never thought about it at all.

At this time, after being called out by Ning Hao, Chen Fei gradually came back to his senses.

"Am I the best actor in Berlin?"

On the side, Liu Yifei looked at him excitedly, with a bright smile on her face, "Yes, the first Berlin Best Actor among Chinese!"

In the past few decades, Chinese actors have won Best Actor at Cannes and Venice, but no one has ever won Best Actor at Berlin.

And now, the first Chinese actor in Berlin has appeared.

He is also the director who won the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival!

"Oh! Fuck! This is amazing!"

"It doesn't matter if you are so awesome as a director, but you are so stubborn as an actor? What are you doing? Are you going to let people live?"

"Berlin Best Actor? Oh! My God! Fei is still an actor?"

Many foreigners at the scene reacted belatedly.

Because Chen Fei is so famous in Hollywood, he was nominated for Best Director at both the Golden Globe Awards and the Oscars this year, so many people don't actually know that he is an actor himself.

The reason is also very simple. The movies starring Chen Fei rarely win international awards. What he is really famous for is his status as a top commercial film director.

But today is different. He used his status as the "Berlin Best Actor" to prove his ability as an actor! It's just... this horse riding is simply amazing!


"Thank you, Ms. Diane."

Walking up to the podium, Chen Fei took the bright silver bear from Diane Kruger, then stood in front of the microphone and delivered his acceptance speech after receiving the award in very fluent English:

"Many people may not know that my real identity is an actor and a graduate student from Beijing Film Academy.

However, compared to my identity as an actor, I seem to have made quite a lot of achievements as a director, so many people have ignored my identity as an actor.

Every time my teacher meets me, he always talks about it, telling me that I must win an actor award if I have the opportunity to prove my learning achievements and his teaching achievements.

It's an honor. I won the award. How does it feel, Lao Zhao? Does this silver bear satisfy you? "

When saying the last words, Chen Fei looked at where the domestic media were gathered, and once again raised the silver bear in his hand high to the camera.

Afterwards, he thanked the director, actors and behind-the-scenes staff of "The Embalmer" as usual, and then walked off the podium holding the trophy.

"Director Chen, congratulations!"

When passing by Zhang Jingchu, she stood up suddenly and stretched out her arms to Chen Fei.

In public, Chen Fei couldn't help but refute her face, so he had to hug her gently.

The warm fullness pressed against his chest, and he could feel the dishonesty of this woman. It was obvious that those small hands were lightly scratching his back, and it was... 1034!

"Mad? Are you writing out the room number now?" Chen Fei was secretly surprised by her boldness.

After they separated, he continued to return to his seat.

But before he could sit down for a while, Ning Hao stood up suddenly and took the trophy from his hand, "Huh? Is this the Silver Bear Award? Is it really made of silver?"

"It's definitely not real silver!" Chen Fei looked dumbfounded. "If this is made of real silver, the Golden Bear Award cannot be made of gold? The film festival will not be so generous."

Ren Zhonglun on the side didn't take the initiative to get the trophy. He just looked at the silver bear with amusement.

"This is the first Berlin Best Actor Award for a Chinese. Your kid is going to be really awesome when he returns to China this time. This movie will definitely sell a lot of royalties."

Come on, this is from a money addict.

The awards are still in progress.

After the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor was announced, the next step was the Silver Bear Award for Best Screenplay. This award was given to an American film "The Courier".

Then came the Silver Medal for Best Director, which went to an Iranian film "About Elli."

Ning Hao leaned back slightly and slumped in his seat, feeling much more relaxed.

The only ones left were the Silver Bear, the Grand Jury Prize, and the Golden Bear, the Best Picture. He had no confidence at all. In addition, Chen Fei won the Best Actor, so he subconsciously thought that "The Embalmer" would no longer matter. .

As expected, the Grand Jury Silver Bear went to Adrian Beniz's "Secret Love" and Maren Ade's "The Perfect Second Couple."

This is the second double yolk tonight!

Including the Silver Bear, the Grand Jury Prize, Adrian Beniz has won a total of three awards for "Secret Love."

This kind of double-yolk operation is actually common in international film festivals, such as Berlin. In 01, "Open the Heart to the Blue Sky" won two best actresses, and in 03, "The Hours" won even more awards. Three movie queens!

And in the 04 session, the heroines of two movies got double yolks!

After all, this is a group award, and everyone has different preferences. This situation is actually quite normal.

"We are ready to go home." Ning Hao looked quite happy. After all, "The Embalmer" had already won a Best Actor tonight, so it was a worthwhile trip.

The movie I made won a Berlin Best Actor, and I feel so excited just thinking about it!

But then, when Tilda Swinton came on stage to announce the final Golden Bear for Best Picture, everyone was shocked!

"The winner of the Golden Bear Award for Best Film at the 59th Berlin International Film Festival is..."

After receiving the envelope and taking a slow look at it, Tilda Swinton chuckled and said, "Congratulations on "The Embalmer," and congratulations to you, Director Ning Hao!"

"What the hell?"


"What the hell?!?"

In the audience, Ning Hao said three words in succession, and the expression on his face was very exciting.

"Why are you standing there stunned? You won the award. Hurry up and receive it!" Chen Fei patted his shoulder and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that there would definitely not be only the Best Actor Silver Bear tonight, there would definitely be a bigger award waiting for them.

I just never thought that it would be another golden bear!

When Ning Hao stepped onto the stage, he set his sights on Tilda Swinton, "This person can handle it. In the future, give her a more important role in the role of the ancient master, so that she can wait for a while." Just die."

On the stage, Ning Hao took the Golden Bear trophy with his name engraved on it with high spirits and looked around at the people below, his face full of pride and joy!

"To this day I feel like it was a dream."

His English is quite good, and his words of thanks are very sincere.

"Thank you to the film festival, to all the judges on the jury, and to everyone who supports me and encourages me. "The Embalmer" is a very good movie. I strongly recommend you to watch it in depth. , this movie brings together China's best three generations of actors, old, middle and young, who have contributed their best acting skills!

Finally, I would also like to thank Chen Fei for giving me this opportunity. He wrote the script. My contribution is actually not that big. He made a lot of efforts to make this movie..."

On the stage, Ning Hao caught Chen Fei and praised him.

At this time, the reporters in the audience had already begun to get busy.

The award ceremony is over at this point, and it's time for them to appear!

"Quickly, send the news back to China. The first Chinese to win the Best Actor Award in Berlin. Another Golden Bear Award. This time our Chinese-language film won a big victory again!"

"Damn it! Director Chen is so awesome. Even if he is a Berlin Best Actor, he actually helped Ning Hao win the Golden Bear Award!"

"When it comes to writing scripts, I really admire him!"

"Awesome, this is really awesome, there's nothing to say!"

Although it was already midnight domestic time, when the news of the Berlin Film Festival came back, it still caused a huge commotion in the film circle!

This award is of great significance to Chinese-language films, because it is the first time that a Chinese-language filmmaker has won the Berlin Best Actor. Previously, there were only Cannes Best Actor (Ge You, Liang Chaowei) and Venice Best Actor (Xia Yu).

And now, Chen Fei has filled the gap of Berlin Best Actor!

So far, Chinese-language films have won Best Actors at all three major European film festivals.

Not to mention that Ning Hao also won the Golden Bear with "The Embalmer". This horse riding is simply awesome!

The Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, the Golden Bear Award for Best Picture, and the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor. "The Embalmer" has now won three internationally prestigious awards.

And don’t forget, among the best foreign language films at this year’s Oscars, “The Embalmer” is still named.

For a time, many people in the circle were speculating that this horse riding was going to take this opportunity to win a Grand Slam, right?

Here, "The Embalmer" returned with great acclaim, but on the other hand, "Mei Lanfang" was criticized by many insiders and netizens.

The news that the entire cast of "Mei Lanfang" did not attend the closing ceremony has spread, and many people on the Internet are almost openly ridiculing it.

"Is this because we didn't receive the unspoken phone call, so everyone didn't attend?"

"Is this the magnanimity of Director Chen?"

"Pfft, I'm so happy. Before, people on the Internet swore that "Mei Lanfang" would win the Golden Bear. But now it's so bad, it didn't even win a prize for riding a horse?"

"Look at "The Embalmer". Not a single one of them was awesome, but not a single prize was awarded."

"Sure enough, just like what his ex-wife said, Brother Chen Kai can't even hold a 'steamed bun' in his stomach. This kind of demeanor is simply too embarrassing for our mainland directors."

"Hey, so "Mei Lanfang" was a complete failure? His name was not even included in the Oscar nominations for Best Foreign Language Film."

"Just wait! I think "The Embalmer" will not stop here, maybe it will win an Oscar!"

"And director Chen Fei, haha, his Indian film has received many nominations, and it might even win a big win!"


(End of this chapter)

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