It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 358 Xiao Lizi’s “award insulator”, excellent hunters often appear as prey!

Chapter 358 Xiao Lizi’s “award insulator”, excellent hunters often appear as prey!

Time flies and comes to the day after the awards ceremony at the Berlin International Film Festival.

All the major portals in the Mainland are now full of news about the award-winning "Encoffiant"!

The first Chinese to win the Best Film Award in Berlin, and another Golden Bear Award for Best Picture... This movie with a novel theme simply brought a huge shock to the entire film industry!

After the awards ceremony, Chen Fei began to receive calls from filmmakers from various countries.

The most excited person was Jiang Wen. While calling to congratulate Chen Fei on winning the award, he also informed him of the preparations for "Let the Bullets Fly".

"Haha, I called over the Cannes best actor Ge You, and now you have won the Berlin best actor. The popularity of our movie will definitely increase. This time, I will stand and earn the box office!"

Lao Jiang is still very concerned about the failure of "When the Sun Also Rises". Forget about the box office failure, he still got nothing from the Venice Film Festival. In the end, the copyright was not sold at a good price, and the loss was a mess.

Now this "Let the Bullets Fly" has not only been affirmed by Chen Fei, but also attracted his investment and franchise. His confidence is now high!

This wave is stable!

At the same time, Leonardo from far away in Hollywood also called, and the envy in his words was simply undisguised.

"Fei, you are so cool, you actually won the Berlin Best Actor! I unilaterally declare that you will be my only idol from now on!"

DiCaprio's net worth is one of the highest in Hollywood, and his salary is even higher.

However, he has never been favored by Oscar judges. He has been nominated many times, but missed the award every time.

In the last Oscar, he received two nominations for two films, but he was still rejected by the Oscar judges.

This feeling is really uncomfortable!

Therefore, he actually has a different obsession and pursuit of awards than ordinary people, especially the three major European awards and Oscars. He has been obsessed with them for too long, but he has never had the chance to win awards.

Now, Chen Fei, who was almost as handsome as he was when he was young, actually won the Berlin Best Actor. When the news reached his ears, he was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses.

There is no justice!

It doesn’t matter that he’s a great director, but he’s so good as an actor. Why did God focus on him?

"This is so fuckin' awesome!"

Leonardo cursed in his heart, but he had another set of words on his lips.

"Fei, if there is a suitable literary film script, you must tell me, I can invest, or even star in it for zero pay!"

The pursuit of awards has become an obsession for Leonardo DiCaprio, just like he always looks for a girlfriend under the age of 25. Both of these have become indispensable features in his life.

"Ok, if there is a suitable script, I will definitely contact you."

Chen Fei responded casually, but silently passed the little plum in his heart.

This guy's face is so handsome, especially the movie "Titanic", which shocked movie fans and filmmakers all over the world!

But precisely because of his handsomeness, if he wants to win the prize, the difficulty will increase exponentially!

DiCaprio must have discovered this factor, so he has gradually begun to let himself go in recent years, and his image management has been deteriorating.

But...this is not enough!

"Let's wait and see when you start playing with water guns." After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei muttered in his mouth and silently put a label on Leonardo.

【Award insulator! 】


At the same time, while Chen Fei was replying to various congratulatory calls and text messages, Ning Hao, Ren Zhonglun and the negotiation team he brought on the other side had begun to contact major foreign film producers.

With a Golden Bear Award and a Berlin Best Actor, the copyright fee for this film is definitely higher than that of "No Man's Land".

"It must be doubled at least!" Chen Fei set the standard for them.

On the other side, the domestic media and paparazzi finally blocked the returning "Mei Lanfang" crew members at the Capital Airport after taking turns keeping watch.

However, facing the media interviews, Chen Kaige took Chen Hong and quickly left the airport through the VIP channel.

They had no intention of being interviewed at all.

Li Ming didn't even come to the mainland, but went directly to Hong Kong because he was afraid of being surrounded by paparazzi.

However, their behavior made the media collectively angry, and ridicules and curses spread all over the Internet's major portals and post bars.

His refusal to attend the award ceremony was so shameless. This behavior was so inconsistent with his identity that it even made many people in the Mainland blush for him.

He boasted so much in front of him, but later he left the show in despair. This made many fans who supported him feel very surprised, and they quit their fans and left.

"Brother Chen Kai is very face-saving, but the key is that the more he needs face, the more embarrassing he becomes. If he had attended the final closing ceremony, the ridicule on the Internet would have been reduced by at least two-thirds."

Ren Zhonglun had a very accurate grasp of his character. After all, the two of them had collaborated before, but in the end they broke up on bad terms.

"Don't worry about him, just let him carry it. Every time he carries it, his popularity will decrease. Sooner or later, his reputation for the Palme d'Or will be consumed."

Chen Fei shrugged and didn't pay attention to the ridicule of Brother Chen Kai on the Internet at all.

This guy did too many tricks and even brought up his son into a mess.

If you want to make a high-grossing movie, you have to be down-to-earth. If you just act like this, then Chen Hong can regard him as a god!


The negotiation for the copyright fee went very smoothly, and the negotiating team brought by Ren Zhonglun was really awesome. The deal was twice as much as that of "No Man's Land", and they made a lot of money.

Although the share he could get was not much, Ren Zhonglun was still so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

With just one film, "The Embalmer," his performance this year has been complete. When he goes to the film bureau to report on his work at the end of the year, he will be straighter than Han Sanping!

"Old Han fell into trouble just at the beginning of the new year, haha." On the plane, Ren Zhonglun began to laugh at Han Sanping.

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and said: "If nothing happens, the box office of "The Founding of a Republic" will be very high, and it will win almost all the awards in the mainland."

"So what? What we won is the Golden Bear. How can it be compared to those awards in the mainland?" Ren Zhonglun was very proud.

In fact, he doesn't look down on the awards in China, especially the judges. They all have high airs but no real ability.

"Indeed, one Golden Bear is enough to win all the domestic awards."

Chen Fei nodded in agreement. Apart from winning the Best Actor Award at the Hundred Flowers Awards for "Buried Alive" when he first debuted, he has rarely participated in mainland award ceremonies since then.

Especially after offending the "old pedants" in the literary and art circles, he was too lazy to go to those award ceremonies to find fault.

When they landed in the capital, as expected, the crew of "The Embalmer" were blocked at the airport exit by reporters.

Chen Fei didn't imitate Brother Chen Kai. He didn't have such a big air of arrogance, and he didn't hold it all day long like him.

After spending more than half an hour accepting interviews with reporters, he led everyone out of the airport.

Soon, news about Chen Fei, Ning Hao and others' return to China appeared on the portal website. Judging from the Reuters photos at the airport, each of them was very polite, which formed a very sharp contrast with the previous Chen Kaige and others. .

For a time, netizens were full of praise!

"Look, this is true courage. Look at his attitude, he deserves the award!"

"I wasn't really interested in the commercial film scripts written by Chen Fei before, but after watching "The Embalmer" I discovered that he is a person with very high connotations and is infinitely better than Brother Chen Kai!"

"Speaking of, when is the Oscar ceremony? Will they come back and stay for a few days before leaving again?" "The Oscars is held on February 2, which is still 22 days away. They must go, after all, the movie It was also nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.”

"In this wave, "The Encoffiant" completely defeated "Mei Lanfang". Together, they are invincible!"

Comments from netizens flooded major portals, post bars and other places. Chen Kai also surfs the Internet on weekdays, so he quickly saw these unpleasant words.

"Ignorance! Ignorance! Unbearable vulgarity!"

Just unplugging the computer's power plug, Brother Chen Kai stood up angrily, slammed the door and walked out.

He has to go find Han Sanping. These voices on the Internet must be suppressed, otherwise they will have a great impact on him!

However, when he arrived at China Film Academy, he discovered that Han Sanping was not in the office!

The secretary came out to receive him, made him a cup of tea, and told him: "Director Han went to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony of Feiyue Film and Television Company, and he may not come back until very late."

The ribbon-cutting ceremony of Feiyue Film and Television Company?

Brother Chen Kai frowned slightly when he heard this. Wasn't this company started by Chen Fei? Why is there a ribbon-cutting ceremony?

Seeing the confusion on his face, the secretary simply continued to explain: "Feiyue Film and Television Company purchased a building within the Second Ring Road and has been moving it a few years ago. Today happens to be the opening day.

Director Chen, didn’t you receive the invitation letter? I heard that Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang, Wang Quanan and other well-known directors in the industry, first-line actors, and many film and television agencies went to the scene. "

Hearing this, Brother Chen Kai stood up suddenly, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

He really didn't receive the invitation letter. This was really heartbreaking. He was already very angry today, and Secretary Han Sanping's words seemed to add fuel to the fire, almost burning him to confusion!

Thanks to the China Film Group here, he didn't dare to act wild.

If he were at home, Arthur would definitely be in bad luck today!

It is only natural for me to use my son as a punching bag!


Second Ring Road, inside the Feiyue Film and Television Building.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony is over, and now it’s time for everyone to drink, chat, and build friendships.

This kind of event is very rare for many people. Film and television investment bosses who are rarely seen on weekdays are all present today. They can take the opportunity to promote their works.

"Mr. Chen, the revenue from film and television investment last year was very impressive! Did you buy a house without saying a word?" Wang Zhonglei came over and joked with a smile.

"It's still far behind Huayi." Chen Fei said modestly, "Your agency is a 'five blossoms' agency for movies, TV series, music, variety shows, and artists, and the company will be listed by the end of the year. It's not a small company like mine. Comparable.”

"Are you still a small company? If you were a small company, everyone would have to eat bran throat vegetables." Wang Zhonglei complained secretly, but he had a smile on his face, "Mr. Chen, why don't you take us to visit your company?" New company?”

Many people gathered around. In fact, everyone was quite curious. Feiyue Film and Television has suddenly moved, and there will definitely be big moves.

I just don’t know what he is holding back?

If he drops a few more bombs, everyone will be completely crushed by him again this year!

"Okay, come on, I'll take you to visit."

Fade Chen led everyone into the elevator with a smile. He was not stingy and was not afraid of exposing any secrets.

Seeing this, many reporters who were invited followed him with their cameras.

They secretly guessed that what they saw next was likely to be explosive news, and this month's performance might be even better!

"This is the dubbing department of Feiyue Film and Television, this is the post-production department, and the screenwriting department..."

Chen Fei led everyone up one level and gave a brief introduction to each department of the company.

The new office building is very spacious, so various departments no longer need to be crowded together. Everyone has a spacious office area.

However, these basic departments that ordinary film and television production companies have obviously cannot arouse everyone's interest. Everyone is a little lack of interest and secretly thought: "Isn't this nothing? Aren't they all very common departments?"

However, when Chen Fei led a group of people to the new office floor and briefly introduced the situation of the department on this floor, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

"This is the animation production department. Later, Feiyue Film and Television will also produce some domestic animated films for young movie fans to watch."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone suddenly thought of "Xi Yangyang and Big Big Wolf", which was a hit in the Lunar New Year movie, and "Kung Fu Panda", which became a hit in China on the eve of last year's Olympic Games.

The market for this kind of animated movie is almost completely blank in China, and many film and television investment companies don't even dare to get involved in this type of project.

Because in the perception of many people, movies made with some anime characters are too unrealistic. Who knows whether they will be a mess after they are released?

However, Chen Fei is different!

The two animated feature films "Wall-E" and "Kung Fu Panda" directed and filmed by him have both earned more than 6 million U.S. dollars at the global box office. It is self-evident what this means.

Now, Feiyue Film and Television has suddenly created an animation production department, and Chen Fei personally admitted that the next business will involve the field of domestic animation. Does this mean that he will lead a new trend?

For a time, many people at the scene fell into deep thought.

But the reporters who followed behind became excited. Isn't this news? Isn’t this performance? Isn’t this the source of the monthly bonus?

Li Yang has signed a ten-year cooperation contract with Feiyue Film and Television. He has now arrived in Hollywood and participated in the filming of "Kung Fu Panda".

Chen Fei is very optimistic about him. After he returns from his studies, the company will have a big surprise waiting for him!

At the same time, just when everyone had different thoughts, Chen Fei led them to the new office area.

Standing in front of the locked glass door, his expression suddenly became much more solemn. He pointed at the various equipment placed inside and slowly introduced:

"This department is a special effects production department specially designed by Feiyue Film and Television. I gave it a very nice name, called "Diagram Digital", which means the finishing touch.

In the coming time, Dot Eyes Digital will conduct in-depth cooperation with top visual effects, special effects, and 3D production companies in the foreign industrial light and magic and digital fields to continuously supply outstanding special effects talents to the country.

I personally feel that domestic movies still pay too little attention to special effects. If you want to get high box office, you have to invest more money, make big productions, and develop 3DIMAX like those big Hollywood productions. It is the development trend of future movies..."

Chen Fei talked a lot about his prospects for the future, which directly made everyone present feel their heads start to buzz.

Especially Wang Zhonglei, who was closest to Chen Fei, he always felt that the words he just said were meant for him!

Xu Ke and Chen Guofu seem to be in a weird mood lately. They keep talking in front of him all day long about how awesome and shocking the 3D special effects are!

What these two people are saying is that they want Huayi to spend more money to make "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven" into a 3D version and add more special effects.

Wang Zhonglei always disagreed with the two people's ideas at first. After all, high investment can not only bring high returns, but also means extremely high risks!

He didn't dare to gamble. If he lost, although Huayi wouldn't just go to bed, its subsequent development would definitely be affected.

But after listening to Chen Fei's words today, he suddenly felt that he was a little too cautious?

Without enough courage, how could it be possible to lead Huayi to gain a foothold in the A-share market after its successful listing?

Moreover, there are currently no 3D domestic movies in China. If Huayi can seize this opportunity, it will take off directly and even stimulate an increase in stock prices.

He recently learned a new vocabulary from technology companies called "concept stocks"!

If the concept of 3D special effects is applied to the subsequent film shooting, will Huayi's stock price experience a surge after its listing?

While thinking in his heart, he was already ready to make a move.

Especially after looking up at Chen Fei, who was full of confidence, a bold idea came to his mind!

Since Chen Fei still holds Huayi's original shares in his hands, he can be considered a shareholder. How about tying him to Huayi's chariot to push this concept further?

Moreover, if he remembered correctly, the 3D movie "Inception" that Chen Fei shot last year will also be released this year.

Although he doesn't know the specific time yet, he thinks it won't be bad at the box office. After all, the cast is really scary!

When the movie is released, Huayi will find the media to hype it up. Isn't this a proper "top concept stock"?

Thinking of this, Wang Zhonglei's eyes suddenly lit up.

At this time, Chen Fei, who was paying attention to his expression, smiled slightly, and a bright smile bloomed on his face.

OK! The first customer after the establishment of "Dianjing Digital" is secured!

Good hunters often appear as prey.

Wang Zhonglei wants to use his fame to make concept stocks, but if we take a closer look, if the special effects produced in the post-production are good enough, stunning enough, and shocking enough, then the name "Dianjing Digital" will definitely become famous in movies in a short time. lock up!

What Chen Fei wants to do is not just a small post-production special effects production department, his goal is the special effects market of the entire Chinese film industry!

Either don’t do it, or if you do, you must be the well-deserved No. 1 among Chinese film and television special effects companies!

He was very sure that this day would not come too late.

(End of this chapter)

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