It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 359 Three years in Hedong, three years in Hexi, don’t bully young people into poverty! Conqu

Chapter 359 Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully young people into poverty! Conquer him! Attack him!

The next day, a large amount of news about Chen Fei's new company's opening and ribbon-cutting began to spread on the Internet. The news soon occupied major headlines and attracted a large number of discussions among netizens.

"Making domestic animation? Making our own Chinese animation? Damn it! Director Chen is awesome! Chinese animation is about to start to rise."

"By the way, the production of "Kung Fu Panda 2" has been announced, right? When will it be released in mainland theaters?"

"What the hell is the special effects department? Does Director Chen want to do his own special effects? This seems to be the first domestic film company to have an independent special effects department, right?"


Netizens are talking a lot, and in the film and television industry, many companies are also paying attention to this matter.

Feiyue Film and Television did not invite Chengtian Entertainment to participate in the opening ribbon cutting, so it was a little late when Wu Kebo received the news.

"What the hell? Special effects?"

In the office of the chairman of Chengtian Entertainment, Wu Kebo looked at the news on the Internet and suddenly sneered, "Based on the foundation of the domestic film market, you still want to develop the special effects department? It is simply a wishful thinking!"

Anyway, he has no idea of ​​doing special effects by himself, and he thinks that it is good as it is now. If he does special effects, isn't he cheating himself?

He actually had a lot of dissatisfaction with the fact that Chen Fei did not invite him to attend the opening ribbon cutting.

Didn’t I just say some bad things about you a long time ago? Is it necessary to be so disrespectful?

"His special effects company will never be able to do it, I'm telling you! Special effects is a business that requires a lot of money. Not to mention him, not even Hollywood film companies dare to touch it. He still wants to do it in the mainland. ? It’s simply wishful thinking!”

Wu Kebo made a final decision and was full of confidence.

But soon, thinking of all the recent troubles within the company, his face suddenly darkened again.

Wang Jinghua is a woman with too much ambition. Even Hua Yi can't satisfy her, and Cheng Tian naturally doesn't have the qualifications either.

No, there is an irreconcilable conflict in the cooperation between the two parties. I don’t know when this thunder will suddenly explode!


After moving into the new office, Chen Fei was in a good mood.

The new year has begun, and various businesses within the company are gradually getting back on track.

The filming of "Snow Leopard" directed by Wang Shiliang has come to an end and is expected to be completed by the end of March. It will continue to be broadcast on Mango TV.

The production of "The Wind" has been completed. Kang Honglei is currently preparing to take his wife and children on vacation abroad. He will take some time off and has no plans to return to the company to film new movies.

Ning Hao has been very busy these days. A Golden Bear Award has made him a star among mainland directors. Recently, he has frequently appeared on major talk shows.

Li Yang went to Hollywood to learn the latest animation production techniques.

However, Lu Yang came to the company early in the morning and informed Chen Fei that his new movie "Cinema for the Blind" had found all the actors and was going to be officially launched in March.

"In addition to Professor Wang Jinsong from our Nortel Performance Department, I also found Zhou Wei and Jin Shijie from the same school, Liu Yuanyuan from the School of Art, and Reiza, who is from the Kazakh ethnic group..."

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, "This lineup is quite strong."

"The salary they ask for is not very high. This is also thanks to Director Chen. After knowing that you invested in the movie, many actors in the industry even offered to appear in the film for free."

When he said this, Lu Yang felt quite emotional.

In fact, except for Wang Jinsong, no one else was very optimistic about his script at first, and he was repeatedly frustrated when he went to talk to actors about the script.

But since Chen Fei became an investor and joined Feiyue Film and Television, the situation changed suddenly!

Many people who had rejected him in the past suddenly called and expressed their willingness to appear, even for zero pay. Some even expressed their willingness to spend money to buy roles!

This sudden change made Lu Yang a little confused for a moment, especially when someone was willing to invite him to dinner because of a character, and he even felt proud when he said all the nice things at the dinner table!

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully young people into poverty!

Chen Fei was like his golden finger, directly igniting his hope in life.

"Are you free to attend the power-on ceremony?" Lu Yang asked his "financier" in a low voice.

"March, right?" Chen Fei was silent for a while and replied: "We'll see then. If I have time, I will go. If I don't have time, I will let Ning Hao go."

"Okay! Thank you so much!"

Lu Yang was immediately overjoyed. As the new Golden Bear director, Ning Hao's reputation has been well-known in the industry recently!

He's not picky about food either. Regardless of whether it's Chen Fei or Ning Hao, as long as one of them can support the opening ceremony of his new movie, won't the popularity rise all of a sudden?

What a show!

Later, Lu Yang asked Chen Fei for some details about the filming, and then left with satisfaction.

After watching him leave, Chen Fei picked up his cell phone and called Tian Zhuangzhuang and asked about "Hello!" Mr. Tree! "The situation before the release.

This movie will be released in mainland theaters on March 3. It is Wang Baoqiang's first literary film after his debut, and there are still a lot of people paying attention to it.

The investment in a movie is not large, so there is little pressure to repay the capital.

Tian Zhuangzang was not nervous at all. He even said on the phone that he wanted to try to win the Cannes Film Festival. If not, he could also go to the Magic City International Film Festival or other mainland award ceremonies to win awards.

"Okay, then I will wait for your good news."

Chen Fei replied with a smile, but what he thought about was about the awards for "Bullfighting".

Huang Bo took this movie back and forth to major film festivals, and he really succeeded, winning the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor and Best Adapted Screenplay.

His status as the Golden Horse Best Actor makes him extremely happy. Recently, he has also become a 'celebrity' in the industry, frequently appearing on major talk shows.

Many film and television companies are approaching him and want to invest in his next movie.

And he himself has several high-quality scripts in his hands, and he can't wait to start a new movie.

In Chen Fei's view, "Hello!" Mr. Tree! " is not inferior to "Bullfighting", and Wang Baoqiang's performance in the movie is not inferior to Huang Bo, and he even feels that it is much better.

So...just let them "kill each other"!

Grinning slightly, Chen Fei picked up the landline on the table and dialed the number in Su Guohai's office.

"All the new projects can be announced. With the new year and new atmosphere, we will also compete for the top prize."

"it is good!"

On the other end of the phone, Su Guohai responded. After hanging up, he quickly dialed the number of the publicity department and said, "Invite all the media in the circle and prepare to hold a media meeting."


2 month 20 day.

This day, the wind is sunny and sunny.

Nearly a hundred media gathered in the large conference room of Feiyue Film and Television New Company.

Looking at the empty podium in front, many reporters below looked at each other and talked about it.

"What's going on? Didn't you just hold a ribbon-cutting event two days ago? Why are you holding a media meeting again?"

"What the hell? You actually invited so many media? What kind of big move are you planning?"

"I'm so excited and nervous. I'm almost overwhelmed with the February bonus. There's so much news to report!"

"Look! Su Guohai is out!"

"Where is Director Chen Fei? Why didn't he come?"


When he stepped onto the podium, Su Guohai spoke concisely and to the point. After first thanking the media for their support, he directly announced the theme of today's meeting.

"The main thing is to announce to everyone our company's film and television investment and shooting plans this year."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar below!

Many reporters were overjoyed. Today was the right day. If this news was reported, they would definitely receive bonuses!

Su Guohai opened a folder in his hand and recited to the words written on it: "First of all, the TV series shooting plan. Our company will start the shooting of three TV series simultaneously this year, namely "The Legend of Zhen Huan" and "The Legend of Zhen Huan". "Gong Lock Heart Jade" and "Step by Step Jingxin".

Currently, the directors are in place, including mainland director Zheng Xiaolong, Hong Kong female director Li Huizhu, and Hong Kong male director Li Guoli.

Here, our company will issue a casting notice to the entire film and television industry, and actors who meet the requirements can come to participate in the casting process.

Due to the large number of actors needed, our company also welcomes students from major art colleges to participate in the casting process. Later, our company will publish all the image, style and other requirements of the actors needed on Those who are interested can Watch for yourself…”

Su Guoyang said a lot eloquently. The reporters in the audience were confused at first, then their faces gradually turned to surprise, and in the end they were full of shock!

Three TV series are planned, a casting notice is issued to the entire film and television industry, and students from art schools are welcome to participate in the casting...

Isn’t this a proper entertainment industry event?

If this news is exposed, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire film and television industry!

The reporters felt dazed for a while, as if they had seen the door of Feiyue Film and Television being trampled to pieces.

In fact, according to the original plan, only one "The Legend of Zhen Huan" will be launched this year, and the other two harem dramas will be allocated to the next two years.

But Chen Fei thought about it again and felt that it was unnecessary.

As long as there is a system in place, script output can be endless, and there is no need to save anything. Shooting three TV series at the same time will allow the funds to be recovered faster. After all, once the special effects department opens, it will really burn money!

The company's future development will continue to press the accelerator button, and it is always good to have more cash on hand.

Therefore, Su Guohai announced today that he will start filming three TV series at the same time.

As for casting for the entire film and television industry, this thing is also a gimmick to create excitement, and it can be used for publicity. After all, netizens like to watch this kind of excitement.

On the stage, Su Guohai was still chattering: "As for the film shooting plan, there are currently four films, namely "Cinema for the Blind" directed by new director Li Yang, "The Founding of the Army" directed by Kang Honglei, and Golden Harvest Pictures "A Chinese Ghost Story" co-produced, and "Beautiful Heart" directed by director Chen Fei himself.

These four films have also currently only selected directors, and have not yet communicated with any actors. Therefore, casting notices will also be issued to the entire film and television industry. Our company warmly welcomes all actors and colleagues to come to negotiate and audition..."

It's a new year and a new atmosphere. Anyway, he has a lot of scripts in his hands, so Chen Fei simply picked a few suitable ones and took them out to make them popular.

Except for "Cinema for the Blind", all of these films are actually just empty shells. Only the director has been selected, and nothing else has been prepared.

But this is not important, there is still enough time for casting and preparation.

But the reporters in the audience obviously didn't know the inside story. Most of their attention was focused on the words "Chen Fei personally takes charge."

After filming "Mulan", he has been making movies abroad, and he has rarely touched mainland movies. At most, he is an actor or a guest star.

But just today, Su Guohai suddenly announced that Chen Fei will return to direct and shoot a new movie!

This piece of news was like a depth bomb dropped on the crowd, directly blowing up the heads of many reporters in the audience and making them dizzy!

Any of the news they heard today would make the headlines on major portal websites, but Su Guohai poured it out all at once.

Today’s media conference was simply shocking!

Soon it was time for reporters to ask questions. Su Guohai specifically named several well-known reporters in the industry to answer their questions.

Sina reporter, "Mr. Su, I would like to ask what type of director Chen's new movie is it?"

Su Guohai, "This is a movie that combines elements of comedy and road movies."



The reporters immediately became excited. Aren't these two elements Chen Fei's strengths?

Now that the two are fused together, it’s about to take off!

A reporter from quickly asked: "How much is the investment in the film? Will Director Chen also appear in the film?"

Su Guohai: "The investment is expected to be 6000 million yuan, and the actors have not yet been determined."

NetEase reporter, "Why didn't Director Chen attend today's meeting? Can you please ask him to come out and answer questions?"

Su Guohai, "Mr. Chen had already boarded a flight to Los Angeles with Director Ning Hao and the others an hour ago, so unfortunately, he will not be able to attend today's meeting."

Los Angeles? With Ning Hao?

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then quickly came to their senses.

The Oscars are about to begin!


The media meeting lasted all morning. When the time came in the afternoon, the headline pages of major websites were already occupied by news about this media meeting!

Three TV series and three movies are all open to the film and television industry and art schools for open casting.


The entire film and television industry was completely blown away!

"Holy shit? Damn it! Damn it! Director Chen is so awesome, he released such a depth charge just at the beginning of the new year!"

"Hey? What the hell is this sudden feeling? I'm also from an art school, so can I also participate in the casting?"

"It's decided! I'm going to act, even if it's a supporting role!"

"Hey, let's go, this operation is so awesome. Look at this person's power. He has resources for the entire circle, and he can't even beat Brother Chen Kai in three ways!"

"What are the casting requirements? Why hasn't it been announced yet? I have to see if there is a role suitable for me!"

There was a lot of discussion in post bars, forums and other places, and the actors and actresses in the circle were all excited.

Everyone knows that the film and television works invested by Feiyue Film and Television have always been high-quality. Even though he has launched so many film and television drama plans at once, the quality is absolutely top-notch.

If you can get a supporting role, you might be able to become an instant hit.

If you work harder and strive for a leading female role, you will be able to reach the sky in one step!

For a time, countless people in the industry were paying attention to this matter, waiting for Feiyue Film and Television to announce the casting requirements.


At this time, inside the crew of "Beauty's Scheming".

Yang Mi, who plays the role of the palace maid Xueyuan, is checking the online announcements released by Feiyue Film and Television Company.

"Three TV series? Three movies? All casting notices issued to the film and television industry?"

As she murmured softly, a look called 'ambition' gradually appeared in her eyes!

The corner of her eye glanced at Lin Xinru, who was joking with the director, and she felt a deep sense of unwillingness in her heart.

They are both actresses, why can she be the main heroine, but I can only play a small supporting role?

The contract with Rong Xinda expires in less than a year, and Yang Mi has decided not to renew it.

The company's resources were so poor that they couldn't even find a leading female role for her, and in the end they arranged for her to be matched by someone else!

Forget about supporting Lin Xinru, why can Wang Likun be the second female lead? And she can only play minor roles like a palace maid?

"I must become popular! I want to be a great heroine! I want to become the top actress in the industry!"

Yang Mi roared in her heart.

"Sword and Sword 3" is an opportunity for her to become famous. She will know whether it is a mule or a horse in two months, but she must not stop there.

These six film and television dramas from Feiyue Film and Television are an opportunity for her.

She thinks she knows Feiyue Films quite well. In most cases, this company only chooses the right actors, not expensive ones.

And she is just cheap enough, has a good reputation, and her acting skills are not bad. If she works hard, she will definitely be able to get a good role!

"There are not many opportunities to become famous, so I must seize them firmly." She secretly vowed in her heart.

On the other side, Zhang Jingchu, who had flown back to the mainland, had the same voice as Yang Mi after seeing the news online!

The hint at the closing ceremony in Berlin did not work. Chen Fei did not come to her room at night, which made her feel a little frustrated.

But she didn't give up, because she has the kind of character that gets stronger with every setback, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to come back amidst the ban from the circle of directors' wives in the Mainland!

She will not give up on Chen Fei's strategy. These film and television dramas that are open to the public for auditions are a good opportunity for her to socialize with Chen Fei again.

In terms of courage, she is much greater than Yang Mi.

After seeing the news, she immediately set her sights on the movie "Heart Blossoms".

The one she wants to fight for is the female lead in this movie!

But similarly, she will not give up on other directors' strategies.

Gu Changwei's side has been a bit difficult to deal with recently. His yellow-faced wife is too domineering, so he needs to stay away from the edge for a while.

However, she has recently set her sights on another director.

Feng Xiaogang!

After the success of "If You Are the One", Feng Xiaogang has set his sights on a movie with a special theme called "Tangshan Earthquake".

Zhang Jingchu's recent goal is the second female lead "Fang Deng" in this movie.

She didn't dare think about being the lead female lead. After all, it was Feng Xiaogang's wife Xu Fan who played the lead female lead, "Li Yuanni"!

And the reason why she wants to compete for the second female lead is very simple.

First, because Feng Xiaogang is in the limelight, cooperating with him will help improve his status and identity.

Second, because this drama has a special theme, it might win a big award.

As for the last point, which is also the most important point, that is... Xu Fan can handle it much easier than Jiang Wenli!

As for Feng Xiaogang, let alone mention it. As a man, there are only a few hobbies. Based on her experience, isn't it easy to pick them all?

But thinking of this, a sense of frustration emerged in her heart unconsciously.

Why didn't Chen Fei go to her room?

Her hints were so obvious, didn't he notice it?

While frustrated, she unconsciously felt a strong desire to conquer!

If you can successfully defeat Chen Fei, you will be much more comfortable in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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