It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 362 What was I doing when I was 25? Become a god? Build a golden body!

Chapter 362 What was I doing when I was 25? Become a god? Build a golden body! (Ask for monthly ticket)

"got it!"

In a villa in the second ring road of the capital, Chen Feiyu was so excited that he almost had diabetes.

Because he has been influenced by Chen Kaige, he is now half an insider, so he knows very well how difficult it is for a Chinese director to win the Oscar for Best Director in Hollywood.

Li Jian won this award before, which directly increased his popularity!

Even though "Lust, Caution" was blocked due to subject matter restrictions, it had no impact on him as a director, and only the heroine became the scapegoat.

It can be seen from this that this kind of director who has won important international awards has a high status in the industry!

And now, Chen Fei has become the second person to win the Oscar for Best Director after Li Yi, plus his previous Golden Bear, Golden Palm, and the Berlin Best Actor a few days ago...

"Become a god!"

Such a word suddenly popped into Chen Feiyu's mind.

That's why he was so excited when Chen Fei won the award.

He didn't have much confidence at first, and was even ready to turn off the TV, but he never expected that the Oscars would lead to such a big upset!

"Doesn't that mean that my story also has hope of winning?"

Feng Xiaogang took a breath of cold air, his expression was complex.

"Congratulations to Fei. I need to explain that he is still the youngest winner in the history of the Oscar Director Award. His excellence and ability are obvious to all..."

"Hiss! That's awesome!"

On the crew of "Three Guns", Zhang Yimou sat up suddenly and stared at the TV screen in front of him with disbelief.

Christopher Nolan on the other side also thought of his 25 years old, when he was still studying in the study room at the university.

Finally, I would also like to thank all the actors in the "Slumdog Millionaire" crew. It is your hard work that has allowed me to have the glory I have today. I am grateful to you, my family, teachers, and all the guides on the film and television road. People and partners who run with me! "

As soon as he finished speaking, bursts of applause erupted from the audience.

"Crack! Click!"

I really can't watch this show. If I continue to watch it, he will be pissed to death!

Watching her boyfriend rush out the door, Qin Lan, who was sitting on the other side of the sofa, came over curiously, picked up the apple on the table, and took a big bite.

"Bah, bah, bah! What a broken apple? It's so damn sour. If I buy fruits from that store in the future, I'll write the Chinese character "LU" backwards!"

25 years old, has many A-class productions, is proficient in science fiction, literature and art, animation and other fields, and has also made great achievements in special effects, visual effects, props, photography, performance, etc., and is also the global spokesperson of Red Bull...

Hengdian, the crew of "Tangshan Earthquake".

Lao Mouzi immediately became excited, and he even couldn't wait. Compared to commercial films, he still liked literary films more.

He suddenly thought of Li Jian the year before last. Of course, when that guy received the statuette, his expression should not be much different from his own now.

But then, he suddenly felt a chill running down his spine, as if he had fallen into an ice cave!

"Arthur! Sit down!"

Compared with Chen Fei, his youth is not worth mentioning at all.

What were you doing at that time?

Spielberg thought about his 25-year-old self, when he had just directed his first film "Duel" and gained certain recognition in Hollywood.

The Academy Award for Best Director was something that he had never dared to imagine. He had never even dreamed of riding a horse.

Xiao Lizi's eyes were staring straight at the little golden man in his hand, and his saliva was almost drooling.

And his famous work "Jaws" was filmed in 1975, when he was 29 years old.

It was not until the age of 28 that he filmed his first feature-length film "Following".

He debuted much earlier than Chen Fei, and was nominated for an Academy Award in 1993 for "Different Skies".

Especially listening to Nicole Kidman's emotion, he felt as if his first half of his life had been in vain.

"Huh? Did you win the prize?"

Chen Feiyu's face froze, he didn't even dare to look at the cheap dad behind him, he just sat back silently.

After all, this is the best director award, so the acceptance speech can be longer.

Cold sweat even began to break out on his forehead, and he prayed crazily in his heart, hoping that Chen Hong would come back soon, otherwise he would really be crippled!


Previously, the youngest winner of the Oscar for Best Director was 32-year-old Norman, but now, Chen Fei has raised this age to 25!

Many people at the award ceremony had very strange expressions. Looking at the young face on the stage, they felt complicated.

After saying this, Chen Fei held up the Oscar statuette and enjoyed the applause and attention of everyone in the audience.

Although he has never said it to the public, in fact, his idol is not his father Chen Kai, but Chen Fei, who is only more than ten years older than him.

The juices bloomed in her mouth, the rich sweetness teasing her taste buds and confusing her beyond measure.

James Cameron on the other side also lowered his head silently, feeling that it was unfair for God to step on the horse!

He didn't make his first movie "Terminator" until he was 30 years old. Although it achieved high box office and high reputation, it is still not worth mentioning compared with Chen Fei.

"I am very grateful to all the judges and teachers of the academy for their recognition and affirmation. To be honest, I never expected to win the award. When I stand on this stage, I still feel like I am in a dream. This is simply too dreamy. "

Listening to Chen Fei's acceptance speech on the TV, Lu Chuan threw the apple in his hand on the table, stood up and walked out.

"Isn't this sour? It's really weird." She murmured in a low voice, expressing confusion about Lu Chuan's weird behavior today.

25 years old!


Chen Fei coughed lightly and continued: "In addition, I would also like to thank my collaborator Natasha. She is a great producer and has given me a lot of help. She was able to make this movie and Thanks to her hard work.

Cameron suddenly didn't dare to continue thinking. He simply couldn't believe that this was an achievement that a 25-year-old young director could achieve!

On the stage, Chen Fei held the statuette in his hand and had a bright smile on his face.

And at the age of 23, he starred in the world-famous classic "Titanic" with Kate Winslet.

Since then, he has officially entered the ranks of international first-line superstars.

But since then, there has been a gap between him and the Oscar. He has been nominated many times, but has repeatedly missed the award.

So looking at the trophy in Chen Fei's hand, he was truly envious!

"It seems that I have to hang out with him more in the future, maybe I can get an Oscar back." DiCaprio thought secretly, and the movie "Inception" suddenly appeared in his mind.

He is impressed by Chen Fei's directing level!

The Best Director Award has been announced, and the next thing to be announced is the leading actor and actress.

These two awards have nothing to do with Chen Fei, but he is still very concerned about it. After all, Kate Winslet is among the candidates for the leading actress.

She is one of the heroines in her new movie "Inception". If she can be sealed tonight, it will definitely have a great publicity effect on the movie.

The Oscars are quite "grand". The five former Best Actress Award winners are responsible for awarding the awards, namely Halle Berry, Marion Cotillard, Reese Witherspoon, Sophia Loren and Shirley ·McLaine, they are all famous Hollywood beauties!

"Congratulations, The Reader, Kate Winslet!"


In the audience, Chen Fei and Leonardo straightened their backs at the same time, with different moods.

What Chen Fei wants is that he can make the new movie a wave of popularity for the Oscar-winning actress, while Xiao Lizi is full of resentment, because his own "meat" can win the best actress, but he, "Jack", has repeatedly failed. Woolen cloth?

Next is the Best Actor Award, and the winner is Sean Penn. This guy is already the second Best Actor Award, which is incredible.

Then comes the biggest Easter egg of the night.

Best Film Award!

At the invitation of the host, Steven Spielberg stepped onto the podium as the presenter of the final award.

At this time, in the Nortel Auditorium, Jing Tian and many students around him stopped talking and stared directly at the big screen, as if waiting for the final "sentencing moment."

After all, Lu Chuan couldn't hold back his curiosity. After squatting at the door and smoking a cigarette, he returned to the room.

At the same time, there were many members of the crew in Zhang Yimou's room, including Lao Zhao, who could take both black and white after passing Shanhaiguan, his few apprentices, and Sun Honglei, who was good at holding a watermelon knife.

Seeing so many people coming at once, Chen Ting said hello and then entered the bedroom. The director's wife's posture cannot be lost, and she has to give Zhang Yimou enough face when she is away from home!

On the other side of the hotel room in Venice, Li Xian sat up straight and looked directly at the TV screen, looking forward to the moment of success for the latecomers.

He even secretly thought, why not try to invite Chen Fei to join the jury of this Venice Film Festival?

This guy's strength and fame are definitely enough now!

Over in Hong Kong, Wu Yu clutched the bank card in his hand, feeling nervous.

Damn it, if Chen Fei wins another award, he will really go bankrupt!


On the Oscar awards stage, Spielberg has already begun to introduce the producers of several movies.

"Slumdog Millionaire" is co-produced by Chen Fei and Natasha. If it wins, it will inexplicably feel like a double yolk.

"Fei? Do you think we can win this award?" Natasha expressed her nervousness and excitement.

Her ex-boyfriend is now sitting in the back seat. The bitch betrayed her and her company, so much so that her sexual orientation changed.

When she first chose to cooperate with Chen Fei, she just wanted to slap that bitch in the face!

And now, she is only one step away from success. She very much hopes to show her highlight moment tonight and slap that dog man in the face hard!

"If nothing else happens, we will definitely win." Chen Fei's words were quite confident.

At present, "Slumdog Millionaire" has won several important technical awards, plus awards for Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay, as well as soundtrack, sound effects and other awards. This is already considered an implicit decision.

If the best picture goes to another movie, the outside world's saliva will definitely drown out the Oscar!

This thing is not something that can be given casually. For some directors, this is even a hot potato.

Who doesn’t know that Best Director and Best Picture almost go hand in hand? If this were suddenly awarded separately, it would be a complete shady story!

Spielberg didn't lay too much groundwork. After introducing several nominated films, he officially announced the awards.

"The winner of the 81st Academy Award for Best Picture is "Slumdog Millionaire". Congratulations to Fei and congratulations to Natasha Walter!"


The scene erupted into warm applause again. Although everyone had expected it, they were still extremely shocked when they actually heard the final result.

The 25-year-old producer won the Oscar for Best Picture. His ability is simply incredible.

Chen Fei did not hesitate, stood up and reached out to Natasha.

Next to him, the girl held his arm very naturally, her eyes swept over the position of the doggy man behind her, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and her heart was full of disdain.

This time, I am completely victorious!

After a movie wins an award, the entire creative team can attend, because this is a carnival for the entire crew.

Therefore, behind Chen Fei and Natasha, the rest of the people who came to the scene stood up one after another and followed them to the podium with big strides.

In order to participate in the Oscars, Rajkumar Hirani even stopped the production of "3 Idiots in Bollywood". Now he found that the trip was totally worth it!

Although Deepika Padukone wanted to step forward and hold Chen Fei's arm, she thought about it and decided not to. The aisle was a bit narrow and it would be too crowded for three people walking side by side.

Moreover, this was the highlight moment of the two producers, and it was not appropriate for her to go up.

In the Nortel Auditorium, fireworks exploded and scattered throughout the venue, and screams were heard all the time!

This is the only Academy Award won by a director from Nortel, and its gold content is one of the best in the country.

In the front row, the hospital leaders smiled happily.

Starting today, Nortel will put a long distance away from China Theater and Shangxi.

The only depressing thing is that directors from Nortel always like to go to China Theater. This problem must be eliminated as much as possible in the future, otherwise China Theater will never admit defeat.

Jing Tian mingled among the cheering crowd, joy filling his heart.

"He's so awesome!"

The girl thought secretly in her heart, her eyes full of admiration.

On the other side, Chen Feiyu was secretly relieved because his savior Chen Hong was finally back.

However, when the two adults looked at the picture on the TV, their expressions were not very good, because "Mei Lanfang" really lost miserably.

"Nine! Nine trophies!"

Wu Yu had already thrown out the bank card in his hand. Looking at the golden trophies on the TV screen, he felt depressed in his heart.

He had already lost the bet with Han Sanping, and he didn't dare to default on the money. After all, the other party was the boss of China Film Group, and if he wanted to kill him, he could do it.

He feels very sorry for his money now, after all, it is a huge sum of money!

In the chairman's office of China Film Building, Han Sanping couldn't help but rolled her eyes as she glanced at Ren Zhonglun, who was shamelessly trying to watch the award ceremony with him.

"Stop the expression on your face and don't let me call the security guard to kick you out."

"Hey hey hey!"

After hearing this, Ren Zhonglun didn't mean to restrain himself at all, but instead smiled even more happily.

"The Embalmer" won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. As one of the producers, Shanghai Film Academy was the actual beneficiary!

This time, Shanghai Film Group will definitely be able to put on a show in front of the film bureau leaders, and it will also be able to get more resources.

And all of this is thanks to Chen Fei.

Ren Zhonglun secretly thought that he must hold Chen Fei's thigh tightly in the future. This boy can definitely handle it. He really spreads his flesh!

Not only can I have a full meal, but my partners can also have a good meal. This is much better than Zhang Weiping in the new picture!


On the stage of the Oscars ceremony, Chen Fei handed the statuette to Natasha and gave her the first opportunity to speak.

He himself has been here several times tonight, and his exposure level has already been fully maximized, so there is no need to earn the limelight.

Holding the microphone in her hand and looking at the statuette in her hand, Natasha felt inexplicably emotional.

She got this thing in exchange for 2000 million US dollars in public relations fees, and its value even far exceeded the investment in the film itself. Fortunately, she won the award in the end, otherwise everything would have been in vain.

"I am very grateful to all the judges for their recognition of our Volton Pictures. In the coming time, Volton Pictures will launch more excellent works to repay the love of fans. We also welcome outstanding talents from all walks of life to join us. Create a better future with us..."

Natasha talked a lot, but most of the topics revolved around the words "Waltton Pictures."

The public relations team had told her long ago that if she wanted the company to be successfully listed and its market value to soar, it must increase its visibility.

And the purpose of the speech just now was precisely for... listing!

The microphone soon returned to Chen Fei's hands. He took over Natasha's position with a smile and said to everyone: "This movie will not be the end of my life. I will use it as a starting point to create more movies." What an excellent work, charging towards higher box office and more awards!

Finally, I would like to thank the Oscars for providing me with such a stage to showcase, and also thank all the judges for their recognition and support!

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to everyone present. I am Chinese director and actor Chen Fei. I come from China, a country with a cultural history of five thousand years! "

"Clap clap clap!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

There were many media from China at the scene. After listening to Chen Fei's acceptance speech, some even had tears in their eyes.

This giant dragon in China that has been dormant for many years is slowly awakening, and many "descendants of the dragon" from China are sending loud shouts to the world!

Chen Fei is one of the most representative figures.

At this point, the 81st Oscar Awards Ceremony comes to an end.

But the subsequent impact is far more than that!

First of all, it was the news broadcast at 7pm. Many people were surprised to find that Chen Fei's Oscar-winning performance in Hollywood actually appeared in the news.

Although the award-winning news only took up less than a minute of content, the signal it sent out shocked countless people in the industry!

"Huh? Are you building a golden body for him?"

Han Sanping looked at Chen Fei's figure in the news, with her eyebrows raised high and a slight smile on her lips.

China Film and Feiyue Film and Television are good partners, and the friendship between them is much deeper than others imagine!

(End of this chapter)

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