It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 363: Thick thighs, stuffed with room cards? I actually like your type too!

Chapter 363: Thick thighs, stuffed with room cards? I actually like your type too! (asking for monthly ticket)

Immediately after attending the Oscar dinner, Chen Fei called Han Sanping.

"Mr. Han, regarding the introduction of the movie "Slumdog Millionaire"..."

"Don't worry, I will make arrangements for you." Han Sanping agreed without any hesitation.

The movie made by a Chinese director won an Academy Award. Although the subject matter is from India, there is nothing in it that cannot be broadcast, so there is no problem in importing it.

Even if Chen Fei didn't mention this matter, he still had to take the initiative to ask. After all, there were many leaders at the Film Bureau paying attention to this matter.

After hanging up the phone with satisfaction, Chen Fei turned to look at the other people in the "Slumdog Millionaire" crew and said specifically: "I will arrange a trip to China for you in a while to promote our movie there. , if it’s convenient, try to save as much time as possible.”

He spoke very casually, but everyone listened extremely seriously.

"We will arrive on time."

A group of people responded in unison, and they even secretly swore in their hearts that they must hold Chen Fei's thick thigh tightly!

He's an Oscar winner right out of the gate, and if he can participate in one of his new movies in the future, he might even be able to win even more awesome awards!


Since the formation and project of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", the theme of "gift films" has been hyped up, and "The Wind" co-produced by Huayi and Feiyue Films has added to the popularity!

"Hiss! No wonder the news network reported this news. Looking at it this way, it is really awesome!"

For a time, everyone who saw this article in the forum was shocked beyond measure, and deep respect emerged from deep in their hearts!

"What the hell? I don't know if I don't know it. I'm shocked when I see it. Director Chen is so awesome?"

On the Tieba forum, some die-hard fans who have an in-depth understanding of Oscar even compiled an article to supplement Chen Fei's "moment of becoming a god."

It was followed by "A World of Gold", "The Last Emperor" and "The English Patient" which won 9 statuettes.

The article lists in great detail what "eight out of ten" means.


Many old artists in the industry took this opportunity to apply for funds from the General Administration, hoping to make a fortune.

News Feeds?

Previously, he was only the assistant director in "The Wind", and at best he was just an assistant.

"Made, when I was 25 years old, I was stupidly studying in college. Look at people, this is called a genius. I have won the Academy Award, the Golden Globe Award, the Annie Award, the Golden Bear Award, the Palme d'Or, and another The Berlin Best Actor Award is so awesome!"

Finally, there are "Slumdog Millionaire", "Gone with the Wind", "My Fair Lady" and "Gandhi" which won 8 statuettes.

After that, she ran to the bedroom in a hurry.

Currently, the films that have won the most Oscars are "Ben-Hur", "Titanic" and "Lord of the Rings: The Third". These three films have all won 3 statuettes.

As the website with the fastest transmission speed, Sina has gained the upper hand, and every article published has received extremely high clicks.

Therefore, Chen Fei decided to ask Ning Hao to be his producer and cooperate with Kang Honglei to make this movie.

Ning Hao and the others did not stay too long in Los Angeles and took a flight back to China the next day.

In order to support his work, Chen Fei promised him that he could help him make a cameo in this movie.

Although these people on the Internet were all praising Chen Fei, she felt warm in her heart. Occasionally she would read some shady articles and even retort in person.

After a while, the two of them got together and looked at the headlines published by

Only one movie has won 10 statuettes, called "West Side Story."

For a time, Kang Honglei's confidence doubled!

Of course, this is also due to Chen Fei's instructions. After all, he is currently one of the shareholders of

I went out and actually won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. Not to mention how happy a group of people were. Why don't we go back and brag about it at this time?

In addition, Ning Hao has another task.

Regarding the matter of harvesting wool, Chen Fei naturally would not miss this opportunity. He simply took out "The Founding of an Army" and asked Kang Honglei to practice.

For Kang Honglei, the direct transformation from a TV series director to a movie director is an improvement in his status and ability, so he is very excited. He has now finished his vacation and returned to start pre-casting.

Chen Fei was slightly startled, "The one at seven o'clock in the evening?"

Although Chen Fei is currently only in the fourth echelon, if calculated according to the timeline, there has only been one "Lord of the Rings 3" slightly better than him in the past ten years!

What cannot be ignored is that he is only 25 years old now.

The opportunity to direct "The Founding of an Army" fell into the hands of Tang Honglei, but Chen Fei was still a little worried about him. After all, this was his first time directing a theatrical film.

A big fat piece of meat is transferred from the left hand to the right hand, and naturally some oil and water can be felt.

"It's enough to win an Oscar as a Chinese, let alone win 8 awards!"

"Yes, that's it!" Liu Yifei was quite excited, as if she herself was in the news. "I see a lot of people are discussing it online. I'm going to get my computer and see what the domestic media are saying."

"I am from China, please set your sights on this ancient civilization with five thousand years of cultural history!"

"25 years old, he is only 25 years old!"

Flicking the mouse casually, the smile on Liu Yifei's face never faded.

This movie can be considered a military theme, and it is quite similar to his previous directing style, so as long as he takes it more seriously, he can still get it!

"Chinese director, Oscar is outstanding!"

As soon as she returned to the villa, she heard Liu Yifei shouting in great surprise: "Ah! Chen Fei! Was your Oscar-winning event broadcast on the News Network?"


For a time, there was a feeling between the two that they were both prosperous and devastated.

"Eight out of ten, director Chen Fei's domineering road to becoming a god!"

Chen Fei watched from the side without saying anything. He just put his hand into his pocket and began to take out various beautifully made cards.

Liu Yifei was attracted by his movements. She looked at him with a confused face and asked in confusion: "What is this? A business card?"

"No." Chen Fei shook his head, "They are all room cards from various hotels."

"Ah? Where did you get so many room cards?" Although she has grown up, she still maintains her innocence.

Chen Fei shrugged and replied rather helplessly: "When I was socializing at a dinner party, many female stars gave me room cards and invited me to the room to discuss the script with them."

Stuff the room card?

Go into the room and discuss the script?

No matter how innocent Liu Yifei was, she understood what they meant after hearing these words.

What are you talking about about the plot? Isn't it just to invite Chen Fei to their bed?

She has been in Hollywood for so long, so she naturally has a certain understanding of these default unspoken rules. Directors who have been famous for a long time are almost always surrounded by female stars.

Actresses who want to become famous are like moths flying into a flame. They are all very bold. Things like stuffing room cards have long been commonplace in Hollywood.

"Bah! Shameless!" Liu Yifei spat, her face flushed, and she felt uneasy for a moment.

She suddenly realized at this time that after Ning Hao and the others left, she and Chen Fei seemed to be the only two people left in the villa!

A man and a woman alone, living in the same room...what will happen?

After all, she inevitably thought wrong.

However, Chen Fei didn't think too much about it. After all, he had experienced the situation of a man and a woman alone in the same room many times.

Looking at the room card on the table, he felt a little surprised!

Foreign countries are indeed much more open than domestic ones.

He has been involved in the entertainment industry since 02, and it has been 7 years now, but he has only received room card hints from Fan Bingbin and Zhang Jingchu in the mainland film and television industry.

Apart from this, no female celebrity has ever given him a room card directly.

"You... aren't you going to go?"

The sudden sound beside his ears made Chen Fei's brows tremble slightly. He turned his head subconsciously and saw Liu Yifei's face was flushed, and even her snow-white neck was stained with a blush.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fei became playful and suddenly wanted to tease her.

He suddenly came closer and whispered in her ear: "I'm actually not very interested in those foreigners. In comparison, I still prefer the more well-behaved type like you."

"Ah? Ah!"

The little girl's face suddenly turned redder, and her whole body was flushed. Her head drooped deeply, as if she was about to be buried in the fullness that was beginning to take shape.

She just felt that her head was very messy now, as if there were many little people jumping back and forth. Those naughty little guys were even chirping and screaming, as if they were celebrating something.

"Is he confessing to me? How should I answer him? Agree... or agree? If he suddenly makes more extreme demands, do I have to obey him? He is so powerful, I am definitely not his opponent Hey, so he would force me..."

Jingle Bell!

The sudden ringing of the phone broke the weird atmosphere lingering between the two.

Liu Yifei stood up suddenly, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, pressed the connect button, and ran to the bedroom on the second floor!

After all, she was too shy and didn't dare to take the initiative to reply. She subconsciously wanted to stay away from this environment that made her feel strange in her body.

Seeing her figure quickly disappearing at the top of the stairs, Chen Fei smiled slightly and felt amused.

He threw the hotel key cards on the table into the trash can and walked towards the bathroom.

He actually has no interest in those sexy things that come up to him. He feels that he is a person who has escaped from low-level tastes and should pursue higher things!

He came into contact with too many female celebrities tonight, and the smell of various perfumes was mixed on his suit, making him feel a little uncomfortable.


The water flowed across the broad chest muscles and angular abdominal muscles, washing away the fatigue all over his body.

Lying in the bathtub, Chen Fei closed his eyes slightly and immersed his consciousness in the system.

Just when he received the Oscar for Best Director, the system suddenly announced the latest mission, but he didn't have time to watch it at the time.

Now that I finally have some free time, of course I have to learn about it first and make preparations early.

[Challenge mission: (Participate in the new Isle of Man Tourist Cup - World Superbike Championship and win the championship), difficulty level 9 stars, complete the mission to get SS-level reward blind box. 】

[The task is limited to six months. If you complete it within the specified time, you will receive double blind box rewards. ] "Isle of Man Tourist Cup - World Superbike Championship?"

In the bathtub, Chen Fei suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes revealing his undisguised heartbeat!

Let me ask, which man has never dreamed of motorcycles?

And the "Isle of Man Tourist Cup" is the dream of every man who loves motorcycles!

The Isle of Man TT (International Isle of Man Tourist Trophy), the full name of the Isle of Man Tourist Trophy, is a road motorcycle race at the World Superbike Championship (SBK) level.

The event was born in 1907 and is held every June on the Isle of Man, a British royal territory.

The race track is a road along the outside of the Isle of Man. It is 37.75 miles (60.73 kilometers) long and has more than 200 curves. It is the longest track in the world.

The entire track passes through streets and mountain roads, and the terrain is complex and diverse.

The average speed during the race exceeded 200km/h, and the top speed even exceeded 330km/h.

During the competition, racing needs to be carried out in a closed manner on a public road in a timed format. Each driver needs to complete 6 laps of the track, and the one with the shortest time becomes the champion.

The two-week event each year includes one week of qualifying and one week of main competition.

Chen Fei has a high degree of understanding of the Isle of Man TT event. In addition to the systematic introduction, it also includes his own understanding of the event.

Before his rebirth, he had watched the Isle of Man TT competition on the Internet many times.

Thrilling, exciting, tense, and dangerous... these are all synonymous with Isle of Man TT.

But similarly, if you can win the championship in the Isle of Man TT event, you will definitely become famous in the entire motorcycle industry in a short time!

The reason is simple, because the "Isle of Man TT" is the most grand event in the entire motorcycle industry!

As soon as he walked out of the bathroom, Chen Fei called Flory and asked him to help him register for this year's Isle of Man TT competition.

"Are you going to participate in a motorcycle race? Are you sure about it? Do you understand the dangers of motorcycle racing?"

As Chen Fei's exclusive Red Bull Extreme Sports agent, Flory's task is to help him make all the preliminary preparations so that he can successfully complete the challenge.

But this time it's different!

The Isle of Man TT race is a multi-player event, not a single-player event, and it is extremely dangerous.

At a speed of nearly 300 yards, if you accidentally fell down, the probability of death in the accident was very high. Even if you were lucky enough to save your life in the end, you would still be missing arms and legs.

But Chen Fei didn't hesitate at all. He was a cheater. How could he be afraid of this?

"Yes, you just need to help me register and prepare the car. I will naturally prepare for the rest."


Flory nodded and said nothing more.

Since Chen Fei has prepared in advance, he should have a lot of confidence. Combined with his previous "death-seeking behaviors", it seems that participating in the Isle of Man TT is not a big deal.


The popularity of "Oscars" officially reached its peak the day after the awards ceremony!

When Chen Fei arrived at Volton Pictures early in the morning, he received warm congratulations from everyone in the company. Even everyone from the special effects department and animation department who had been separated came to send him a gift. Blessed.

Li Yang mingled among the crowd in the animation department, and he felt envious when he saw several passionate and sexy foreign girls rushing to give Chen Fei bright red lips.

"When can I have such a good reputation?"

He secretly had sweet dreams, but at the same time he also strengthened his inner beliefs.

If you follow Chen Fei, you will definitely have meat to eat!

The boss is so awesome, even if he casually gives some soup to his subordinates, it will probably be something that no one else can even dream of!

The best representative is Ning Hao.

After filming "The Embalmer" written by Chen Fei, he not only won the Golden Bear, he even went to the Oscars to win the Best Foreign Language Film Award, directly ranking among the top three domestic directors!

Many people in the Mainland are mocking him behind his back, saying that he is not ashamed at all to be someone else's little brother even at his old age.

However... if being a younger brother can win the Berlin Film Festival's Golden Bear Award and the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, who wouldn't be willing to step on the horse?

Many people came back to the company today, including Katherine Bigkun, who was responsible for "Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2."

Her film "The Hurt Locker" has been completed in early February and is currently in post-production. It is expected to be released at the end of July.

The reason why she came back to the company today was actually because she was summoned by Chen Fei.

In the office, Chen Fei took out two scripts that had been prepared and handed them to Catherine Bigkun and Liu Yifei who were sitting opposite.

""Super Body"?"

Liu Yifei whispered the name on the cover of the script, and looked up at Chen Fei curiously, "Is this a new script prepared for me?"

"Yes." Chen Fei nodded slightly, indicating that she would finish reading before speaking.

So, the two women just silently read the contents of the script in his office.

The story of "Superbody" is very simple. It is still the most common "superhero" plot in Hollywood, but it just changes the identity of the hero from male to female.

Catherine Bigquin was the first to read the script and looked up at Chen Fei with interest, "The story is very good. If it is combined with excellent special effects, I believe it will be a hit!"

Chen Fei didn't make any fuss with her, and asked her directly, "So, are you interested in being the director of this film?"

"The protagonist is Crystal?"

When she heard someone calling her English name, Liu Yifei raised her head blankly and happened to meet Catherine Bigkun's eyes.

"Yes." Chen Fei nodded.

"Ok, I believe I will cooperate with her smoothly." Catherine Bigkun showed a faint smile towards Liu Yifei and extended her right hand to her.


Liu Yifei still hasn't come back to her senses. She was completely immersed in the script just now, so she didn't listen much to the conversation between Chen Fei and Catherine Bigkun.

"What a cute girl, Fei, you have a very good sense!"

Catherine Bigquin praised her and then Chen Fei, then put the script into her bag, stood up and walked out.

The two parties have already cooperated twice, so Katherine Bigkun knows very well that the next contract must be signed by Natasha, and some details also need to be discussed with Natasha.

Chen Fei is only responsible for content production in the company. After all, his position is chief content executive.

Watching Catherine Bigkun leave, Liu Yifei slowly closed the script and finally came to her senses from Liu's confused state!

"So, is she the director you chose for "Super Body"?"

"Yes, you need to cooperate with her throughout the whole process. This movie will be the cornerstone for you to gain a foothold in Hollywood. You must make it well, do you understand?"

"Okay, I see."

Liu Yifei nodded slightly, not knowing what she was thinking of, and a blush suddenly appeared on her face.

She silently put away the script, stood up and glanced at Chen Fei, who had lowered his head and was busy again. She bit her lips lightly, as if she had made some kind of determination, and said very fast, "Actually...Actually, I also I quite like your type."


Chen Fei raised his head with a confused look on his face, and saw the slim figure in front of him quickly turned around and disappeared outside the office door in the blink of an eye.

"What the hell? Is the joke too big?"

His face changed slightly, and his expression suddenly became much more complicated.

But before he could think further, there was a sudden and urgent knock on the door.


The door was pushed open, and Natasha's figure appeared outside.

She was holding a thick contract in her hand, with a bright smile on her face, walking briskly, and looking like she was in a good mood.

"Is there a problem?"

"Fei, the acquisition of SBS has been completed. Do you have any plans next? Or will you let it continue to operate step by step along the original track?"

"Let the other side send an apology statement first, and I will personally go to South Korea to handle the follow-up arrangements."

"Ok, I'll do it right away."

Before she could sit for a while, Natasha turned around and left the office, leaving only an acquisition contract with him.

Time moved forward two days and soon came to the 25th.

On this day, SBS in South Korea issued a belated apology statement. Its vice president held a press conference to express his sincere apology for the "South Korean reporter's secret photography incident" at the 08 Olympics.

As soon as the news came out, it quickly dominated the front pages of major domestic online media!

The comments below are full of excited comments from netizens.

"Holy shit, am I dreaming? Are these South Korean guys who like plagiarism and eating kimchi finally apologizing?"

"Made, you really gave them an advantage!"

"Damn, I've been waiting for this apology statement for 8 months!"

"If these guys hadn't been messing around inside, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games would have been even more exciting than the current footage!"

"SBS TV station, right? I remember you. I suggest boycotting this company and strictly prohibiting their works from appearing on our domestic TV stations and cinemas!"

"Second! Boycott!"

"Second! Boycott! +100!"

"Second! Boycott! +1000!"

This apology statement comes too late. Many people have too much anger accumulated in their hearts. It is obvious that such an apology statement alone cannot dispel their anger.

For a time, there was a wave of boycotts of SBS TV stations and even the entire Bangzi Country film and television productions on the Internet!

At this time, Chen Fei, who was in Los Angeles, never expected such a dramatic scene to happen. Now he had just taken the elevator and arrived at a lobby, ready to welcome his new partner.

- Steven Spielberg!

(End of this chapter)

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