It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 364 Meeting ceremony? Who else would I be! Floods washed away the Dragon King Temple, giving

Chapter 364 Meeting ceremony? Who else would I be! Floods washed away the Dragon King Temple, giving Hollywood confidence! (Ask for monthly ticket)

"The production of sequels to the "Transformers" series cannot be stopped. This is the basis for the survival of the DreamWorks film department. But under this premise, we must expand new channels and fully extend the influence of DreamWorks..."

In the office, Chen Fei and Spielberg sat opposite each other.

At this time, he was talking eloquently, describing to Lao Si how he would develop and target the follow-up work of DreamWorks.

Spielberg is not stupid. He summed up a key message from Chen Fei's words.

"Without "Transformers", DreamWorks is actually nothing!"

Although he doesn't want to admit it, it is true. DreamWorks is now too dependent on "Transformers", and the company's other film works are performing tepidly.

In Taoist terms, all the fortunes of the sect have converged on "Transformers", and the others have become mediocre.

In fact, Spielberg has also made a lot of efforts. For example, now, DreamWorks has started the production of many movies such as "Key Number Four", "The Help", and "War Horse".

However, his confidence in the box office of these films is not very high, and his main target is still focused on "Transformers".

After all, this movie is so awesome!

Natasha has already transferred the urgently needed US$3.5 million from DreamWorks to the company account, which can be regarded as resolving their urgent need.

Chen Fei interrupted him directly, "Aren't there still a few people who haven't signed? And I recommend you to go to major schools to recruit talents. The technical personnel you train yourself will be more convenient to use, right?"

"This is a gift from me to DreamWorks."

The behavior of poaching people is indeed shameful in the industry, but compared to the benefits, these are nothing.

As for the first and third roles of "Zhen Huan" and "Uranara Yixiu", they have not yet been determined. There are too many people competing, so it is really difficult to choose.

On the other hand, Waltons Pictures and DreamWorks are at two different extremes!

In addition to those horror thrillers that are small and big, the follow-up "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", "Wall-E", "Kung Fu Panda", "The Twilight Saga", etc., which one is not a masterpiece?

And all these high-quality works actually come from one person.


Chen Fei did not respond directly to him, but told about the situation when he first joined Walton Pictures.

Taking some free time, Chen Fei went to the digital field and Industrial Light & Magic to learn about the learning progress of those technical talents from the mainland.

——Chen Fei!

All of these original scripts, including the superhero-type adapted scripts from Marvel Studios, were all written by him alone in the important role of screenwriter.

"Transformers", released in 07, grossed US$3.19 million in North America, and its global box office total was as high as US$7.09 million.


He opened the script and began to watch it carefully.

After leaving Industrial Light and Magic, Chen Fei paid attention to the current situation in the mainland.

"But most people have signed non-competition agreements..."

So, after discussing with Natasha, I came up with a way, which is to spend a high price to find suitable behind-the-scenes personnel in Hollywood, where there are so many talents. And now, our achievements have confirmed that this method is feasible. "


When he walked out of the gate of Walton Pictures, Spielberg suddenly wanted to shout: "Transformers" in the left hand, "How to Train Your Dragon" in the right hand, who should I choose?"

Spielberg was silent for a moment, then stood up, put the script on the table into his bag, thanked him and turned away.

After half an hour, he frowned and looked at Fade Chen, feeling very complicated in his heart, "Is this an animated movie?"

In comparison, the progress of "Gong Lock Heart Jade" and "Bu Bu Jing Xin" on the other side is much slower.

After listening to Chen Fei's "shameless speech" today, he suddenly felt enlightened and was directly connected to the Ren and Du channels!

In addition, Jiang Xin has also confirmed her role. She will play "Nian Shilan" in the play, which is considered a fourth role.

Chen Fei smiled and said: "DreamWorks Animation Department, Disney, Paramount, Universal Pictures...there are many high-quality technical talents in these companies. As long as you can pay them satisfactory remuneration, I believe they will Would love to join your team.”

If it can be done, it will definitely help DreamWorks get out of its current embarrassing predicament.

What made him very happy was that these people were indeed bright-minded and highly savvy, and their learning progress was rapid!

It is estimated that it won't be long before Dot Eyes Digital can be officially put into operation. At that time, we will invite a few talented people to come back and take charge, and we will be the No. 1 special effects company in the mainland!

Chen Fei nodded slightly and stated his thoughts directly, "I think there should be only one Dream Factory in Hollywood, instead of being divided into a film department and an animation department, each serving its own master."

Chen Fei took out a script from the drawer under his desk and handed it to Steven Spielberg in front of him.

Now that Chen Fei's script is available, DreamWorks has finally decided what to do next.

"You mean, let me find a headhunter to recruit people?"

Moreover, the script given to him by Chen Fei is really good. He himself has made great achievements in the field of animated films, so he can naturally see the excellence of this story.

“At that time, there were no technical talents in the company at all. Whether it was animation or special effects, we were all blind and had no basis for practice at all.

He himself also belongs to that kind of technical talent, with extremely high talent in directing, but lacking in company operations, otherwise he would not have put DreamWorks into this embarrassing situation.

Su Guohai reported to him on the phone: "The Tang Dynasty is contacting the drama "Bu Bu Jing Xin", and they want Liu Shishi to try out as the female lead.

Spielberg is so smart, he instantly understood the meaning of Chen Fei's words.

The casting of several TV series has gone smoothly, among which "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is progressing the fastest. Teacher Chen Jianbin has been confirmed to play the role of Yongzheng.

"However, the film department I lead is not good at animation." Spielberg pointed out the most critical factor.

For such an excellent work, if there is no sequel, it will be a waste!

But because of this, in addition to "Transformers", his attention to other scripts has continued to decline, so that the DreamWorks film department currently only has this one outstanding work.

Meeting gift?

Send a script?

Spielberg was stunned for a moment, and was surprisingly not too shocked, because the entire Hollywood already knew the strength of Chen Fei, a "big script writer"!

After receiving the script, Spielberg looked at the English words on the cover and subconsciously muttered to himself: "How to Train Your Dragon?"

And now, as Volton Pictures has reached a cooperation with DreamWorks, he also serves as the chief content executive of DreamWorks at the same time.

As for "Gong Lock Heart Jade", the person who has been contacted the most currently is Yang Mi. Her contract with Rong Xinda is about to expire. She said that as long as she can get this role, she can join Feiyinghuang Agency in the coming year. "

Tang people? Liu Shishi? Yang Mi?

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling that the timeline was slowly being brought back on track.

Aren't these two the heroines of "Gong Lock Heart Jade" and "Bu Bu Jing Xin" in the original timeline?

"You can watch the operation yourself. I won't care about it. Just stick to the rules of resource replacement and audience-centeredness."

"it is good!"

Su Guohai responded and briefly talked about the preparations for the three films "The Founding of the Army", "A Chinese Ghost Story" and "The Flowers of the Heart".

"Beautiful Heart" needs to wait for Chen Fei to come back and cast the cast himself, so currently only the logistics and filming locations have been determined.

"A Chinese Ghost Story" is a film co-produced with Golden Harvest. That guy Huo Qigang is famous for his slowness, and the director has just been confirmed.

Weixin Yip, who had filmed the "Carmen" and "Ip Man" series, was roped in as a young man.

When he learned that the script was written by Chen Fei, Weixin Ye didn't say anything and came directly to Jiahe to sign the contract, without even caring about the director's fee.

The "Ip Man" series directly promoted him to become a hot first-line director among Hong Kong directors, and all of this was thanks to Chen Fei.

Now that he had the opportunity to shoot Chen Fei's movie, he naturally didn't hesitate at all!

However, after Jiahe officials announced that he would be the director of "A Chinese Ghost Story", his phone calls never stopped.

The four words "screenwriter Chen Fei" alone are enough to prove the excellence of the script!

Even if there are Wang Zuxianzhuyu in front, who doesn't want to challenge the seniors?

If you can surpass the former, you might be able to become an instant hit!

~ During this time, Nortel was on the cusp of a storm.

One of the two students who graduated from the school won the Golden Bear, and the other won the Oscar for Best Director. This is something worthy of celebration.

The entrance of Nortel School has even been hung with banners, firstly to celebrate Chen Fei and Ning Hao winning the awards, and secondly to build momentum for the school and establish its status as the No. 1 among the three art schools.

However, I never expected that a scandal would directly plunge Nortel into doubts from countless people.

On the day when the final results of the 09 undergraduate exams were released, parents of the failed candidates reported angrily, saying that a teacher from Nortel was offering a training class outside, claiming that as long as they paid 30 yuan, they could pass the exam and complete their enrollment.

But because the candidates were quite confident in their acting skills, they did not pay and chose to go straight ahead!

I never thought that when the final results came out, I would fail!

Therefore, the candidate immediately thought of the "conspiracy theory" and believed that the training teacher was deliberately retaliating, so he immediately chose to report it.

Nortel immediately issued a notice stating that this was absolutely not the case and emphasized that the rules of the art exam are absolutely fair and just.

But...some media maliciously hyped the issue for the sake of popularity, which made Nortel feel a little tired of dealing with it.

Seeing this news, Chen Fei suddenly thought of the time when he applied for Nortel.

Strength, appearance, relationships.

If you want to successfully enter Nortel, you must have two of these three items.

The reason why Chen Fei was able to pass the four rounds of exams was because of his strength and appearance.

As for the network, it's a pity that at that time, he was just a country boy who came from the countryside and did not have any network at school.

From this point of view, what is described in the report may indeed be true!

Of course, these have nothing to do with Chen Fei. He believes that Nortel will handle it well. After all, being on the cusp of such a storm is not a good thing for the school.

In particular, two outstanding alumni who have recently graduated have achieved very good results internationally. If their alma mater is exposed to scandal, other schools will laugh at it!

At the same time, in addition to the Nortel scandal, Chen Fei also saw netizens' declaration of boycott of SBS TV station on Tieba.

"Ban South Korean film and television works from flowing into the mainland? Completely cut off all cooperation with SBS TV station?"

Seeing the demands made by netizens, Chen Fei was slightly stunned, and the expression on his face suddenly became exciting.

Good guy!

This is such a big misunderstanding!

If the film bureau really did this, it would be like a flood flooding the Dragon King Temple, and one’s own family would beat one’s own family!

Chen Fei quickly called Natasha and asked her to issue an acquisition statement immediately to resolve the misunderstanding first.

We are all in the same group, so don't get too involved. He is also thinking about letting Feiyue Film and Television link up with SBS in the future to make money from those South Korean gangsters.

If this were to be cut off directly, much of the subsequent work would not be possible.

Natasha acted quickly and issued a statement that afternoon, stating that SBS had been successfully acquired and that the other party, like Marvel, had become a subsidiary of Volton Pictures.

Word quickly spread.

This news did not cause much of a sensation in Hollywood. After all, each of the seven major companies has publicity channels all over the world, and its subsidiaries are countless.

On the other hand, Volton Pictures has only opened branches in India and South Korea. There is nothing worthy of attention at all. At best, it is just a very sparse and ordinary trivial matter.

But when this news spread in South Korea and China, it immediately caused an uproar!

"Waltton Pictures?"

The executives of CJ and ShowBox thought of Chen Fei's name almost immediately. After all, this big boss with countless high-quality scripts is the chief content executive of Waltons Pictures.

Now that SBS has suddenly become a branch of Volton Pictures, doesn't this mean that Chen Fei will also become the chief content executive of SBS?

"Axi, our cooperation with Director Chen won't end here, right?"

"Send someone to inquire about Director Chen's movements. If he returns to China or South Korea, he must visit him as soon as possible!"

The top executives of the two companies became nervous inexplicably, fearing that Chen Fei would simply abandon them.

But on the other hand, it's a different story on the Chinese side.

When the news of Volton Pictures' acquisition of SBS was revealed, it instantly occupied the front pages of major media!

In the post bar, countless bar friends looked shocked, and their jaws almost hit the ground.

The name "Walton Pictures" is very familiar to today's Chinese movie fans, and the reason is very simple, just because Chen Fei is the chief content executive of this company!

With Chen Fei as the intermediary, everyone felt extremely friendly when hearing the name of this independent film company.

Now, the CEO of Volton Pictures suddenly announced that he has completed all acquisitions of SBS. What this means is naturally self-evident!

Netizens soon started discussing it enthusiastically.

"What the hell? I was just wondering why these idiots suddenly apologized. It turns out the company was acquired!"

"Damn, it's Director Chen who's holding the bag. Now it's finally explained. It turns out that Director Chen was behind all of this!"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, alas, the flood washed away the Dragon King Temple, and my family no longer recognizes my family."

"Hahaha, making money from sticks? You can have this!"

"I seem to have seen this group of stickmen worshiping our Director Chen as a god!"


In the crew of "Three Guns", Zhang Yimou is also paying attention to this news.

When he saw the news about Volton Pictures acquiring SBS, he suddenly thought of what Chen Fei said during the rehearsal for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games last year.

This guy said at the time that those bad guys in South Korea must apologize and even pay the due price!

Zhang Yimou was a little unimpressed at the time. After all, the two countries are thousands of miles apart, and the media there are notoriously thick-skinned. How could they publicly apologize?

But now, the impossible has suddenly become a fact!

And it is absolutely impossible to say that all this was not given by Chen Fei!

"This guy seems to have a strong voice in Volton Pictures, doesn't he?" Zhang Yimou murmured to himself, a bold guess suddenly appeared in his heart, and he quickly successfully justified it.

"If he is one of the shareholders of Volton Pictures, or simply the boss behind the scenes, then all this seems to make sense!"

Zhang Yimou thought secretly in his heart, and a deep shock suddenly appeared on his face!

How difficult is it for a Chinese director to gain a foothold in Hollywood? Not to mention that he is only a young man who has just turned 25!

"This boy will become a great person!"

Zhang Yimou quickly made the most pertinent judgment.

At this time, Chen Fei, who was in Los Angeles, checked the public opinion trend on the Internet. After confirming that all favorable factors were on his side, he stopped paying too much attention.

This matter ends here, everyone understands it. After the name "Walton Pictures" appeared, everything became logical.

Chen Fei has been trying his best to conceal the fact that he is a shareholder of Walton Pictures. After all, he is a Chinese, and it is really difficult for him to take root in this highly discriminatory place!

But as his reputation grew, his cards became thicker, and he received more and more honors, there was no need to continue to hide this kind of thing.

With Okuroko as his backer, he has been able to walk sideways in Hollywood in recent years, not to mention that he is also a very capable director, screenwriter, and actor.

By this time, most of the others had lost their discrimination and wariness towards him, and were more willing to cooperate.

Film companies such as Universal Pictures, 20th Century Fox, and Lionsgate have extended olive branches to him many times.

And this is how he can survive in Hollywood!

(End of this chapter)

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