It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 365: Jiang Wenda deceived Baoqiang acting sect Director Gu to play tricks, Jingchu is not in

Chapter 365: Jiang Wenda deceived Baoqiang acting sect Director Gu to play tricks, Jingchu is not innocent (please vote for me)

Reporters from the movie channel came to New York specially to conduct an exclusive interview with Chen Fei.

At first, he just thought it was an ordinary interview, but as the interview questions became more in-depth and the theme continued to revolve around his contribution and achievements to the domestic film industry, he had a vague suspicion in his mind.

And what happened next was just as he expected!

In addition to movie channels, major domestic official media have reprinted the content of this interview, which once pushed his fame to the top!

Jiang Wen called and told him some inside information, "According to the information I got, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China seems to want to make you a "spokesman of China" and use your name to promote it."

Chen Fei laughed, "I wonder if there are any advertising fees?"

"..." Jiang Wen was speechless for a while, "Just have fun secretly. This kind of improvement in image and status cannot be bought with money. You still want advertising money? You don't have to worry about others beating you. "

The two chatted with each other on the phone for a long time, and finally inevitably talked about the movie "Let the Bullets Fly".

"Besides Ge You, I have also decided on another role. I chose Chow Yun-fat to play the role of "Huang Shilang", and the heroine was Liu Jialing. This is the person recommended to me by your sister-in-law. I think it is quite suitable. "

Chow Yun-fat?

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment and suddenly felt surprised, "Hey? Why did you invite him? I heard that this person's salary is not cheap?"

Han Sanping said during the filming of "Red Cliff" that Chow Yun-fat was originally scheduled to play the leading role, but the salary was too high and he couldn't afford to hire him, so he finally chose Tony Leung Chiu-wei.

"Hehe." Jiang Wen suddenly laughed evilly, "I wrote him a letter, trying my best to persuade him, and even borrowed your name, saying that you really wanted to act with him, but there was not enough investment in the film.

As soon as Chow Yun-fat heard your name, he immediately promised to reduce his salary. Ge You even said that he could star in the film for zero salary, and just like that, they were 'fooled' into the project. "

After chatting for a few more words, the two cut off the call.

"Is this the IMAX giant screen that major theaters have been promoting recently? This screen is so big! It must be fun to watch special effects blockbusters?"

There was originally a lot of noisy discussion in the theater, but as the story unfolded, it suddenly fell into deathly silence!

When they saw the names of director Tian Zhuangzhuang, starring Wang Baoqiang, and screenwriter Chen Fei appearing on the screen, the two people unconsciously felt deep emotions in their hearts.

Gao Weiguang's attention was quickly attracted by his words, and he immediately echoed: "Didn't you go to the premiere of "Transformers 1" on January 24? The special effects, combined with the IMAX theater, were so cool. To explode!"

Gao Weiguang and Mark, who graduated from the 08 Chinese Theater Academy, had just picked up their movie tickets and walked into the theater together.

But before that, "Hello!" directed by Tian Zhuangzhuang and starring Wang Baoqiang and Tong Liya! Mr. Tree! 》 took the lead in meeting the domestic audience.

Maybe he feels good about himself, but from the fact that Erzhu doesn't give him face, it can be seen that everyone is just making fun of him.

"Hey? You're really a fucking talent!"

This movie was promoted and distributed by Shanghai Film Group Corporation, and its main focus is "Wang Baoqiang's transformation work".

But after watching Wang Baoqiang's acting skills today, he suddenly felt that everything he had learned over the years was useless and should be thrown away!

Before entering Chinese dramas, he was already a very professional actor, and could even be regarded as a representative figure of child stars.

There was some expectation in Mark's eyes, "I'm still looking forward to the "Inception" directed by Chen Fei. It is known as a masterpiece in the new 3D. It's so exciting just thinking about it!"

His many years of acting career have given him excellent acting skills. He was the best in the class when he was in Chinese opera, and his academic performance was extremely good.

The main film starts playing soon.

"Is this...acted by Wang Baoqiang?"

Especially the scene in the play where Wang Baoqiang smokes. From a performance point of view, this is simply a god-like performance!

"Shu", a young man from Wangdu Village, works as a mechanic in his third uncle's car repair shop. People in the village call him "Brother Shu".

Gao Weiguang on the side was also confused at this time. Except for the scene where "Shu" smokes, every other detail in the film demonstrates Wang Baoqiang's superb acting skills.

The two of them chatted with each other, but their eyes were focused on the big screen.

The character "Mr. Tree" is like a marginalized character that can be seen everywhere in the village. He is half crazy, half crazy, always talking nonsense, and most of his family, work, love and dignity are not what he wants.

""Hello! Mr. Tree!" Isn't this a strange name?"

"This... what kind of acting is this horse riding?"

Different from his current mental state, Mark sitting next to him focused all his attention on the theater itself.

Looking at the various behaviors of the "tree" on the screen, Mark suddenly felt like his world was shattered!

He had some knowledge of Wang Baoqiang's personal information. He was a grassroots actor who had never attended any art school.

But because he hadn't watched the feature film yet, he couldn't confirm whether his inner suspicion was correct for a while.

There were two passages that impressed Gao Weiguang deeply. One was about the red, yellow and blue balls on the school blackboard, and the other was about the tree fortune-telling for Er Zhu. The blue outside the window, the red money, and the blue The lights are all inspiring!

"This lineup is simply amazing!"

Gao Weiguang muttered, recalling the promotional video he had seen before, and had a bold guess in his mind.

Wang Baoqiang's various personal charms such as his honesty and simplicity made many movie fans willing to go to the theater for him and choose to watch his "transformational work".

And as the story gradually moved to the end, combined with the previously released promotional clips, he finally confirmed his guess.

Many movie fans are quite curious about this movie. After all, Bao Qiang’s previous film and television dramas such as "A World Without Thieves", "A Journey to Difficulty", "Thailand", "Soldier Assault", and "My Brother is Shunliu" are... He has accumulated a lot of popularity.

At the same time, the use of red, yellow and blue colors in the film is also eerie.

The launch date of "Let the Bullets Fly" is still far away. Jiang Wen doesn't know what he is preparing for, and the progress is very slow.

In 1999, Mark was accidentally spotted by the director and began to appear in front of the camera of MTV's "Don't Wake Up Tonight". In 2000, he played the role of the young emperor Puyi in the annual drama "Sun Yat-sen", which marked his first involvement in the film and television industry. In 2005, he played the role of Family He played the role of Xiaoxue's fake boyfriend Wild Boy in the comedy "Family with Children", and starred in the romantic drama "Women Don't Cry" the following year. In May of the same year, he officially signed a contract with Huayi Brothers.

During the busy period, Han Sanping sent an email informing Chen Fei that "Slumdog Millionaire" would be scheduled for mid-March, and China Film Institute would be responsible for the promotion and distribution.

The fan effect can be regarded as a double-edged sword. If you use it well, you can kill everyone in one go, but if you use it poorly, you may hurt yourself!

The story begins to progress. "Shu" was hospitalized due to an eye injury and was fired by his third uncle. The village chief's brother-in-law Erzhu occupied the land to open a mining factory. "Shu" went to ask for an explanation when he got married, but was humiliated in every possible way...

Chen Fei was quite dumbfounded. This guy's brain circuit is indeed different from that of normal people. How can an average director think of writing letters in classical Chinese to deceive people?

He himself is quite strong, and with Chen Fei's name on it, it's quite reasonable to trick Ge You and Chow Yun-fat into reducing their pay.

Compared with Mark's personal resume, Wang Baoqiang is simply an ordinary extravaganza!

But what puzzled Gao Weiguang and Mark was that after watching the film, they couldn't clearly grasp the core. They felt that the film was about social oppression that makes low-level people go crazy, and they also felt that it was an expression of people's spiritual world.

The two looked at each other subconsciously, and for a moment they had the idea of ​​watching it again!

"Shall I buy a ticket?" Mark said.

"Okay!" Gao Weigang nodded and agreed, "I'll buy food and drinks."

Just like that, the two of them just walked out of the movie theater and walked in again after a while.

The frequency of repeat viewings of movies like the two of them is not low. After watching it for the first time, many people always feel that they have missed something, and then they buy new tickets and return to the theater.

The Douban score of 8.7 confirms the excellence of this work.

China Film Group quickly announced "Hello!" Mr. Tree! "'s first-day box office data.

1105 RMB!

This number is indeed much less than the previous movies starring Wang Baoqiang, but after all, the subject matter is special and the cost gap is also very different, so this box office performance is not actually bad.

For a literary film, the most important thing is actually word of mouth. And online about "Hello!" Mr. Tree! 》The reputation is simply too good to be true!

Chen Fei opened Tieba, Douban and other websites, and paid special attention to netizens' true evaluation of the movie.

"The streets and fields are particularly similar to the environment I lived in when I was a boy. People actually seem to be enthusiastic but are cold. Sometimes the person who hurts you is often the person closest to you."

"Brother Shu's untimely existence is just like his arms that are always out of place. They look quite awkward, but they can actually be adapted to it, just like he suddenly changed from a "fool" to a "god". The absurdity is revealed Naked reality, this is the sincerity of "Mr. Tree"!"

"Although the tree is on the treetops, it is still rooted in the earth. Perhaps this is what the screenwriter really wants to convey."


Tian Zhuangzhuang's phone call came suddenly.

Because of the time difference, it was already late at night the day after the movie was released, but his mood was not shrouded in darkness, but instead burst out with the ultimate light!

"Chen Fei, the movie "Hello! Mr. Tree!" was a success!"

This was the first sentence Tian Zhuangzhuang said. Whether it was box office or word-of-mouth, the data after the release far exceeded his expectations.

A work with a total investment of almost RMB 6 million earned more than RMB 10 million at the box office on the first day it was released, and its online reputation continues to rise. This wave will definitely make a lot of money!

"Get ready to participate in the film festival. You will definitely come back with a good trophy."

"Haha, I think so too. I'm going to participate in this year's Magic City International Film Festival. If I win an award, the copyright fees will also be a huge amount of income."

Copyright fees are the bulk of a literary film's income, and this is generally recognized in the film industry.

Tian Zhuangzhuang's idea is correct. He can win awards and sell copyrights, so why not?

"Okay, if I have time at that time, I will go with you."

In addition to "Hello!" Mr. Tree! "In addition, Huang Bo has also said before that he wants to take "Bullfighting" to participate in the Shanghai International Film Festival. Chen Fei is the screenwriter of these two films, so naturally he can also participate.

After ending the call with Tian Zhuangzhuang, he continued to browse major portals.

Soon, his attention was attracted by a piece of news.

After a cursory glance at the content, his eyes suddenly widened with surprise on his face, "Good guy? These two people are really inseparable. Why are they stuck together again?"

There are high-definition photos of the two of them everywhere on the Internet. Gu Changwei even came out to explain a few words, but Zhang Jingchu didn't seem to want to explain at all.

When the reporters went to look for her, they found that she didn't seem to care at all. The crew of "Tangshan Earthquake" was busy filming.

"Broken jar? Or are you deliberately trying to make your original wife angry?"

Chen Fei analyzed it for a long time but couldn't come up with a reason, but he admired this woman very much. She was still able to accept Feng Xiaogang's film despite being blocked by so many directors' wives. This method was not comparable to that of ordinary actresses. of.

And more importantly, this woman's appetite is much more than that!

When Chen Fei was going through his mailbox and text messages a few days ago, he discovered that Zhang Jingchu had actually expressed interest in the movie "Beautiful Heart" and wanted to audition for the female lead in it, and expressed her condition to let him take the role. manner.

This shows that she really doesn't take Jiang Wenli and others seriously!

"This woman is really brave!"

He silently praised Zhang Jingchu's mentality. A beautiful actress who is willing to selflessly dedicate herself, if she is determined to climb up, it is really difficult to suppress her.

"Hello! Mr. Tree! "The first week's box office exceeded 5000 million yuan, which made Wang Baoqiang become popular again, and even his girlfriend Tong Liya also became popular.

As the beauty in the play, Tong Liya is indeed more eye-catching during promotions.

At the same time, China Film Group has officially launched the domestic promotion of "Slumdog Millionaire". As Chen Fei's Oscar-winning film, many people have expressed a strong willingness to watch the movie.

Overseas, Chen Fei's influence has reached an unparalleled level. The prices for various talk shows are getting higher and higher, and there is an endless stream of media wanting to interview him.

Taking advantage of this popular opportunity, Natasha notified the public relations department to announce plans for the next movie written by Chen Fei.

"Super Body"

Director: Catherine Bigquin.

Screenwriter: FeiChen

Starring: Chinese actress Liu Yifei, Hollywood super supporting actor Morgan Freeman, and famous villain role actor Gary Oldman!

Investment: $4000 million!

As soon as the news came out, major film and television companies in Hollywood immediately heightened their vigilance.

Morgan Freeman and Gary Oldman are both golden supporting actors in Hollywood. The former's "The Shawshank Redemption" and the latter's "The Killer" both enjoy high status in film history. 's reputation.

As for Liu Yifei, due to the popularity of movies such as "Source Code", "Mulan", and "The Encoffiant" in Hollywood, and because she once won the Saturn Award for Best Actress, she already has a reputation in Hollywood. achieved extremely high visibility.

The emergence of this movie clearly means that for major film companies, another strong rival has begun to rise!

And in China, the appearance of "Super Body" directly detonated major portals and the entire entertainment industry, and even crushed the pride of many first-line actresses in the industry to pieces!

Nowadays, many first-line female celebrities in the industry are still striving to be able to partner with Zhang Ziyi in "The Secret Fan in the Snow". For them, this is already the top resource they have access to.

But I never expected that Liu Yifei would invest US$4000 million in the Hollywood blockbuster "Super Body" as soon as she made her move, and she even had Hollywood prime supporting actors such as Morgan Freeman and Gary Oldman as co-stars!

Comparing people to each other can really make people mad!

Jing Tian looked at the news on the Internet, and then took a look at the crew she was currently on, and immediately felt that "The Legend of Sun Tzu" was not good.

She secretly vowed in her heart, "Whether it's "A Chinese Ghost Story" or "Beautiful Heart", I will definitely get a heroine role!"

On the other side, Yang Mi, who had just signed a contract with Feiyue Film and Television, was feeling envious while watching the news.

They are both actresses, so why can Liu Yifei star in a Hollywood blockbuster, but she put in a lot of hard work, and finally only got the chance to star in the heroine of "Gong Lock Heart Jade".

Where is the reasoning behind this?

On the other side, Jiang Yiyan, who also graduated from Nortel's 02-level performance department, watched the news with undisguised jealousy in her eyes!

Everyone obviously came from the same acting class, how come you can develop so well?

In the final analysis, isn't it because of falling in love with Chen Fei?

If it weren't for Chen Fei, how could you have achieved what you have today?

Thinking of this, the jealousy in her heart could no longer be concealed. It happened that in the afternoon there was an interview with reporters for the literary film "Precious Secret" in which she starred. She immediately decided to reveal more inside stories about her school days to the reporters!

"Since you don't take care of me, an old classmate, then don't blame me for holding you back!"

Jiang Yiyan sneered, and bad ideas kept popping up.

On the contrary, Zhang Jingchu showed another state. As soon as she saw the news, she sent Chen Fei a text message and an email at the same time, asking if there was a supporting role suitable for her?

She is now obsessed with getting close to Chen Fei's thick thigh. Let alone a supporting role, even if she is asked to film a third-level film, as long as Chen Fei is the director, she will definitely excuse herself without any hesitation. .

However, her text messages and emails disappeared again.

Because Chen Fei had no time to care about this at all, he took advantage of his free time and went to watch "Inception", "Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2", "Iron Man 2", "Captain America", "Thor", The post-production status of the movies "The Twilight Saga" and "The Hurt Locker".

He then went to visit the filming locations of several film and television works such as "Kung Fu Panda 2", "Game of Thrones" and "Spartacus: Blood and Sand" to learn about the filming progress.

Finally, he also participated in several promotional activities for "Fast and Furious 4" with James Wan and Universal Pictures.

With a busy schedule, how can I have time to pay attention to Zhang Jingchu’s flattery?

What's more, there is no shortage of women around him, why would Mao want to cause such trouble?

Zhang Jingchu is indeed quite pretty, but she can compete with people like Lee Ji-en, Yoon Lam, Natalie Dormer, Amanda Seyfried, Deepika Padukone, and Blake Lively. Compare?

Chen Fei had no intention of breaking his shoes.

What's more, he is currently planning and preparing a new movie, so he has no time to care about an actress with impure thoughts.

Women are just the spice of life, career is the backbone of men!

(End of this chapter)

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