It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 367 Movie plan? After you sing, I will appear! The science fiction dream of a "comedy m

Chapter 367 Movie plan? After you sing, I will appear! The science fiction dream of a "comedy master"? (Ask for monthly ticket)

"The new Best Director Oscar winner Chen Fei, his new film "The Hunger Games" is about to hit the market!"

When the news about the formation and project of "The Hunger Games" spread throughout Hollywood and mainland China, there was an uproar!

Many film and television investment companies began to inquire through various channels, and they all wanted to know the specific inside story of Chen Fei's new movie.

However, since not much information was released, everyone did not know much about the inside story.

The only thing that has been reported is that the script is adapted from the science fiction youth series (The Hunger Games) created by American writer Susan Collins. In addition, there is an investment budget sheet.

Starting at US$100 million, no upper limit!


Within Disney, current CEO Dick Cook suddenly went crazy when he saw the news reported by the media.

"Hungry Games"

After the two movie plans of "Super Body" and "The Hunger Games" were announced, one day later, Chen Fei and Spielberg both appeared at DreamWorks' media conference.

However, things are far from over that simply.

Under the entrustment of Tian Zhuangzhuang and Huang Bo, Su Guohai represented Feiyue Film and Television to produce "Hello!" Mr. Tree! " and "Bullfighting" were sent to the 12th Shanghai Magic City International Film Festival together.

It’s still unknown whether he can win the prize, but the momentum must increase!

In addition, "Roboman", invested and produced by LeTV and written and directed by "comedy master" Liu Zhenwei, also concluded production in April.

Last year, Illumination Entertainment reached an agreement with NBCUniversal to officially become a subsidiary of Universal Pictures and produce animated films for the latter.


Compared with major animated film productions such as "Tangled" and "How to Train Your Dragon" that cost hundreds of millions of dollars, the investment in "Despicable Me" is not that high and can be made with only $8000 million.

Even when Pixar Animation Studios, DreamWorks, Blue Sky Studios, etc. have successively achieved great success in the field of three-dimensional animation, Disney's animation studio, which has created brilliant achievements in the field of two-dimensional animation, has successively suffered from "Four-Eyed Frog". , "Lightning Dog", "The Princess and the Frog" and other three-dimensional animation works were tepid and fell into a trough.

The year before last, Chris Meledandri, who worked for 20th Century Fox Animation, resigned from his position and formed Illumination Entertainment.

"Pirates of Idleness" and "Desperados" are both products of Illumination Entertainment and are Universal Pictures' first forays into animated films.

If this trend continues, Disney is likely to be crushed by this independent film production company, and there will be no chance of a comeback!

Thinking of this, Dick Cook quickly picked up the landline phone on the table and dialed Disney's senior animation producer Glen Keane.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Disney is trying to gain popularity, or more specifically... to suppress Walt Disney Pictures!

The above two big bosses with super strength in the field of animated movies are killing each other. Can they, ordinary NPCs who are new to the field of animated movies, take this opportunity to drink some soup?

And this also made Dick Cook determined to reverse this trough.

"Oh my god! Are these two families completely at odds?"

"Why is he always so lucky? Can he create extremely high-quality scripts and film and television works every time?"

At this moment, Dick Cook could not hide his envy.

Now, seeing that Walton Pictures has once again launched a new movie plan, he suddenly couldn't sit still.

This year, Chris Meledandri had new inspiration. After watching movies about different types with his family many times, he found that people liked the villains the most, so he decided to make a movie about villains. Movies in which characters play the leading role.

At the same time, as major film and television companies in Hollywood continue to launch new production plans, the mainland is also showing a hundred flowers blooming.

If we can ride on this wave of east wind, perhaps Illumination Entertainment’s reputation can be completely destroyed!

When he thought about being able to compete with "Kung Fu Panda", "How to Train Your Dragon", "Tangled" and other animated films with investment of over 100 million, he was so excited that he almost couldn't hold back his urine.

This is another large-scale A-level investment production, and according to the news he learned, it is likely to be a series similar to "The Twilight Saga".

An investment of US$2.6 million is astounding! This is the only one in Hollywood!

Compared with Walt Disney Studios, Disney's film and television productions in recent years have always been somewhat unsatisfactory.

In the eyes of all reporters who were either shocked or puzzled, the two jointly announced that they would launch a new animated film project "How to Train Your Dragon"!

Production cost: $1.5 million.

Danilo Pino murmured to himself, and when he got up and walked outside, he was going to go to Chris Meledandri to discuss the matter.

After all, the two companies have been in a state of "like fire and water" from the beginning. DreamWorks and Marvel were abandoned by Walt Disney Pictures one after another, which obviously disrupted many of Disney's follow-up plans.

For a literary film, this result is simply outstanding!

As Wang Baoqiang's transformational film, this film has shown the achievements and glory it deserves, and there are endless praises for Baoqiang's acting skills on the Internet.

Unfortunately, these two animated films didn't make much of a splash.

Compared with its Pixar animation studio, Disney has encountered too many doubts in the animation field in the past two years.

"Taking this opportunity, why not launch the animated movie "Despicable Me" next year?"

The next day, Disney held a press conference to inform the outside world that "Tangled" would be officially established and produced.

"Oh! Yeah! Dick, I swear to you, this will be the best decision you ever made!"

After all, I am getting older, so it is inevitable that I cannot control the faucet.

The first is "Hello!" Mr. Tree! "After a month-long screening period, the box office was finally fixed at 1.15 million.

According to Chen Fei's various previous tricks, since the investment in this movie is 100 million US dollars, it means that the income must at least triple!

And if the first one is a hit, the subsequent series will definitely surpass the phenomenal hit "Twilight"!

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation in Hollywood!

Although this kind of situation where you sing and I appear is very common among major film companies, it is still very rare for three major A-level productions to be announced in three consecutive days.

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Danilo Pino, the current CEO of Universal Pictures, looked at the news online and suddenly felt as if he had discovered the password to wealth.

When the call was answered, Dick Cook took a deep breath and seemed to have made some determination.

"Glen, after careful consideration, I think your previous proposal is very reasonable. Then, let us officially launch the "Tangled" project."

Originally, everyone only regarded this movie as a comedy. After all, its director is a comedy master who has directed such works as "The Gambler", "Westward Journey", and "The Treasure Box".

But what netizens and the media didn't expect was that at the closing banquet, Liu Zhenwei vowed that his film would mark a new beginning for domestic science fiction films.

As soon as these words came out, netizens immediately burst into laughter.

"What the hell? Are you kidding me? How dare a movie with an investment of less than 100 million yuan call itself a science fiction film?"

"When did comedy people start doing science fiction? Don't come up with another nondescript thing."

"I'm just confused. Hu Jun, Sun Li, Zheng Zhongji... no one here has a sci-fi face?"

"Stop making trouble. When it comes to science fiction, it must at least be like the "Source Code" that Director Chen made before. Otherwise, it is just a joke."

"By the way, Director Chen has recently started to mess with Hollywood again. The new movie is called "The Hunger Games", right? I heard that the investment will exceed 100 million US dollars. Is this a science fiction movie?"

"I particularly like the movies produced by Director Chen. I don't know when he will give us another hard science fiction movie. I'm looking forward to it just thinking about it!"

Chen Fei didn't expect that a science fiction romance film with an investment of tens of millions of yuan could also involve him.

Even though he was in Hollywood, reporters still blocked him at the entrance of the company, insisting that he speak on the matter.

Raising his hand to stop the rushing bodyguard, he thought for a moment and replied: "The science fiction genre has many limitations, the most important of which is investment cost.

According to the current market conditions, it is impossible to create good special effects pictures for less than 100 million, and this is still a friendly price. Next comes the post-production, which is a long-term work. Let’s take “Iron Man” as an example. With the assistance of Industrial Light & Magic, the top special effects company in Hollywood, it took up to half a year to complete the post-production. Come out, this is a process of excellence..."

The content of the interview was sent back to China that evening and was published on the front pages of major portal websites.

Many people were a little confused at first, thinking that this "Robot" must be too awesome. After all, Liu Zhenwei's banner is "a brand new beginning for domestic science fiction films"!

But after reading Chen Fei's interview, they immediately realized that a brand new start was just pure marketing talk.

"The investment is only tens of millions, what kind of special effects can it produce?"

"Made, filming was completed in mid-April and will be released in August. I only have more than three months to do post-production. Are you better than "Iron Man" and Industrial Light and Magic?"

"I just discovered that the promotion route of this movie is the same as that of "Mulan". They both have the same word - rub!"

These news from the mainland have nothing to do with Chen Fei. With his current identity and status, he is not afraid of any subsequent consequences.

Even if these interviews are meant to ridicule Liu Zhenwei, but... so what?

His current focus is on preparations for "The Hunger Games".

The story in the movie takes place in a fictional future world, so whether the scene described in the novel can be restored is the key to the success or failure of the movie's perspective.

After many inquiries and introductions from Spielberg and others, Chen Fei invited the famous set designer Philippe Messina to design the scene for the movie.

As the world's top set designer, Philip Messina's level naturally does not need to be considered too much.

After reading the script and the original work respectively, he designed three main scene styles in just three days.

The first is the depressed and dilapidated District 12. The desolate and monotonous buildings and low-saturation colors fully reveal the "poor" characteristics of District 12.

Unlike District 12, which has an overall dark tone, the capital is filled with a dazzling array of colors. Scenes such as new and regular tall buildings, high-tech displays suspended in the air, and bustling and crowded streets directly demonstrate the strength and status of the capital.

The arena of "The Hunger Games" is the main place where the story takes place. It is designed as a beautiful jungle, and the seemingly quiet and peaceful natural environment also implies the cruel rule of "survival of the fittest".

His design level was highly praised by Chen Fei, "Mr. Philip, your design drawings are great and I am very satisfied. Then I will leave it to you to build the subsequent scenes."

Chen Fei has decided to make "The Hunger Games" into a series of movies. In this case, the set construction must be strong and durable enough, and the basic framework must last for at least ten years without collapse.

With his investment regardless of cost, Natasha simply bought a piece of vacant land on the outskirts of Los Angeles to build a filming location.

Although the initial investment is large, in fact, this kind of venue will not lose money.

After the movie is released, as long as the box office and word-of-mouth are good enough, it will definitely attract many movie fans to come and visit. At that time, only the income from ticket collection will be enough to earn back the construction cost.

After arranging the preliminary construction work of the shooting base, Chen Fei focused all his attention on the casting work.

In the original novel of "The Hunger Games", the heroine Katniss Everdeen has won many "iron fans" because of her character charm.

Therefore, during the preparation process of the movie, the choice of the role of Katniss aroused heated discussion among readers.

And this kind of buzz is exactly what all actresses around the world desperately want!

Chen Fei received many calls from actresses every day, and there were countless resumes in his mailbox, which made his eyes almost blurry.

In particular, there were some "unintentional" actresses who would send their resumes with their body measurements, and some even boldly sent over one or even multiple naked photos, which left Chen Fei stunned.

In the end, he was really dazzled by the choices, so he simply called Wen Ziren over and asked him to act as a temporary "casting director".

"Your task is to select the actress you think is most suitable to play the role of the female lead. Finally, we can conduct an open audition to determine who will play Katniss."


Wen Ziren nodded slightly and accepted the job.

But what he didn't know was that this was actually a job comparable to that of a "spring appraiser"!

Which is to say that Bruce knows nothing about casting, otherwise he would absolutely love it.


After taking a break from the casting work of "The Hunger Games", Chen Fei went to follow up on the promotion of "The Twilight Saga 3".

At the same time, with his continued attention, the final cut of "Inception" was finally produced successfully.

In order to ensure that the box office performance after its release is good enough, Chen Fei also specially conducted test screenings in countries such as the United States, Britain, and Russia.

What made him quite excited was that judging from the final test screening report, all the moviegoers gave the movie extremely high ratings!

Some people even wrote excited comments, saying that this is an extremely excellent "god-level work", and the IMAX3D version gives people a strong sense of shock!

Of course, some people also gave a lot of pertinent opinions for the editing team to make final adjustments and modifications.

But what Chen Fei didn't expect was that just as he was making final discussions and revisions with the editing team, the organizer of the 62nd Cannes International Film Festival suddenly contacted him and wanted to invite him to participate in this year's Cannes Film Festival.

The chairperson of the jury for the main competition unit of the Cannes Film Festival this time is French actress Isabelle Huppert. She has won two Cannes Best Actress Awards and two Venice Best Actress Awards. It can be said that she has "great achievements"!

The two still made an appointment to meet at the cafe downstairs of the company.

The waiter was stunned for a moment when she brought them coffee and desserts. She didn't dare to ask for an autograph last time, but she secretly vowed to muster up the courage this time!

After saying hello, Chen Fei looked curiously at the still charming French actress in front of him.

"Ms. Isabel? If I remember correctly, the shortlist for the Cannes Film Festival has been announced, right? I'm afraid I have no chance to participate in the award selection now, right?"

"Indeed." Isabel explained softly with a gentle smile on her face: "But, Fei, our opening ceremony video has not been decided yet.

I am here to invite you this time to invite you to attend the Cannes Film Festival with the other creative members of "Inception" and participate in the screening of the opening ceremony film. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei immediately understood.

The film festival thing is quite realistic. In order to support the scene, many international superstars are usually invited to participate.

And the creative team of "Inception" is famous for its "bright stars"!

International superstar Leonardo DiCaprio, new Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet, Anne Hathaway, four Hollywood beauties...

If these people walked on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival, wouldn't they just blow up the whole place?

It's a pity that Li Jian didn't think of this. After learning that Chen Fei had no new artistic film plans, he stopped exploring it in depth.

In comparison, the Cannes Film Festival is quite discerning.

In fact, this is also a win-win situation. With the help of "Inception", the Cannes Film Festival obviously has a high degree of exposure.

And with the help of this kind of exposure, it will also be of great benefit to the promotion of the movie, and even the later copyright sales may also get a high price!

Thinking of this, Chen Fei suddenly had no reason to refuse.

However, he added: "There is no problem attending the opening ceremony of the Cannes Film Festival, but I have a small request."

"Please tell me." Isabel always had a faint smile on her face.

"Because this is a 3D movie, you need to prepare IMAX giant screens and 3D glasses in advance so that the audience can have a better viewing experience."

"Okay, there's no problem with this."

Isabel had obviously done her homework before coming, so she agreed easily.

"Then...see you in May?"

"Okay, see you in May!"

Chen Fei has begun to look forward to it. Before "Avatar" appeared, he didn't know how big a shock "Inception" would bring to those world-renowned filmmakers?

(End of this chapter)

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