It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 368: Doanjing Digital Opening! Jiang Taigong is fishing, and those who wish will take the ba

Chapter 368: Doanjing Digital Opening! Jiang Taigong is fishing, and those who wish will take the bait! If you eat too much, you will burst!

After bidding farewell to Isabel, Chen Fei signed an autograph for the waitress in the coffee shop and returned to the company.

The paparazzi and reporters who secretly photographed him sent out the news of his meeting with Isabel. Combined with the other party's identity as the chairman of the jury of the main competition unit of the Cannes Film Festival, it immediately aroused the suspicion of many people.

"First it was Li Jin in Venice, and then Isabelle in Cannes. Good guy, Director Chen, is this a real hit?"

"Tsk, I don't know who can beat Director Chen?"

"Let's look forward to it first. I heard that "Inception" held a preview event. It's a pity that we have no chance to see it in China."

Chen Fei ignored the suspicious voices on the Internet. Even in interviews with reporters, he remained secretive, waiting for the official announcement from the Cannes Film Festival before cooperating in publicity.

Time soon came to mid-April, and "Slumdog Millionaire" was officially released in China, eventually earning 4 million yuan at the box office.

At this point, Chen Fei's "Oscar-winning work" has officially come to an end.

This movie with an investment of US$5000 million has grossed a total of US$5.48 million at the global box office. It can be said to be a double harvest of box office awards, and the profit margin is comparable to the total revenue of all Lionsgate movies in the previous year!

Within the category of Hollywood independent film production companies, Walton Pictures has successfully established its No. 1 position, and this has also laid a solid foundation for subsequent listing plans.

There will be dedicated personnel in the company to handle the subsequent copyright sales and DVD sales, so Chen Fei does not need to do these things himself.

However, Huayi was a bit nagging. While Wang Zhonglei called to congratulate him, he said that they could set up a bureau to chat after Chen Fei came back.

When Jiang Taigong goes fishing, he only targets those who wish to take the bait!

Whether it is Lu Yang or Li Yang, he has great expectations for both of them, and helping them realize their dreams can be regarded as an early investment.

The first batch of elite talents sent to two special effects companies, Industrial Light & Magic and Digital Realm, officially returned to China in mid-April, accompanied by a group of top foreign special effects artists.

"Snow Leopard" was finished. Su Guohai personally organized the wrapping banquet and arranged for the editing department to produce post-production as soon as possible.

Although Chen Fei did not return to China to attend the opening ceremony, calls from the mainland came one after another.

In this regard, Chen Fei readily agreed.

Chen Fei's goal is to catch big fish in the long run. These small firecrackers in the mainland are not interesting. He plans to wait for these people to become proficient in operating them, and then he will go to the film and television industry to drop a super nuclear bomb!

Most of the film and television circles are not very optimistic about "Double Eye Digital". This thing costs too much and is completely dispensable in the current mainland film market.

What they don't know is that what Chen Fei cares about is not the movie, but the person who makes the movie.

The leaders are naturally China Film, Shanghai Film, Huayi, Guangguang, Bona...

So he took some free time and focused his attention on the domestic side.

"Mr. Han, haha, I will ask you to take more care of any projects I have in the future."

On the other end of the phone, Han Sanping promised firmly: "Don't worry about this. Although I don't know much about these things, your finishing touch digital is the first special effects company in our country, and China Film will definitely support it."

The opening ceremony of "Cinema for the Blind" caused quite a stir because of Ning Hao's presence. The media suddenly discovered that Feiyue Films unexpectedly attached great importance to this movie with an investment of several million!

Therefore, so far, Longxiang Capital is responsible for these capital investments.

Not to mention Ren Zhonglun, the relationship between Shanghai Film and Feiyue Film and Television is so good that he can wear a pair of pants.

In addition, there is another very important thing!

And this also means that "Dianjing Digital", the first special effects company in mainland China focusing on film and television production, will be officially put into use!

Anyway, it’s useless to hold the money in your hands. All you have to do is spend it. You can also earn foreign exchange for the country, so why not?

The development of the special effects company is independent of Feiyue Film and Television. Electricity, software costs, labor costs, equipment...these are not small sums, and it is difficult to make a profit in a short time.

Zhang Weiping made it clear that if he had a need in this area, he would definitely get it done outside.

For example, in "Three Guns", some scenes were produced by foreign companies, whose professionalism has been verified.

Unlike his pessimistic argument, netizens were quite excited about it.

"What the hell? The first special effects company in the country? This lineup is awesome!"

"I heard that special effects cost a lot of money to produce, but I don't know if I can afford it? Don't end up closing down again."

"Haha, why don't you look at who runs this company? The boss is Chen Fei. He spends hundreds of millions of dollars to make movies. How can he not be good at special effects?"

"That's right, there is nothing we in China can't do! As long as you dare to think! You can definitely do it!"

Feng Xiaogang, who was filming "Tangshan Earthquake", saw the news during his busy schedule, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Compared with foreign special effects companies, mainland special effects companies will definitely have discounts in terms of price. It just so happens that the movie he is shooting now has a lot of visual effects needs. Why not give some of it to DotKing Digital?

The money saved can also be used for publicity, and it can be regarded as supporting Chen Fei's career. This thing can barely be called a favor.

But he definitely can't make the decision himself, and he has to talk to the two producers, Huayi and China Film.


A phone call interrupted Chen Fei's busy schedule.

"Sister Jiang?"

Chen Fei confirmed it several times. After confirming that the person on the other end of the phone was indeed Jiang Xuerou from Zhou Yi, he came back to his senses.

Speaking of which, since the filming of "Young King Wesley" in 05, he and Zhou Yi have not had any in-depth cooperation.

The complete severance of communication between the two parties should be after "Water Moon Cave Sky".

Although we met several times later at major award ceremonies, we didn't communicate much and the relationship gradually became estranged.

Especially as he develops better and better, the gap between the two parties has become wider and wider. The friendship that we had before when we could just call and invite him to sing has long since disappeared.

Even including those classmates from Nortel's class, only Liu Yifei, Zhu Yawen, and Luo Jin still keep in touch with him, and the others have already parted ways. Jiang Yiyan joined Chengtian Entertainment, and her green tea attributes were completely activated. She became very nervous and spread the dark history of her classmates everywhere.

But Zhou Yang finally had plastic surgery, bid farewell to the film industry completely, and could only hang out in the television industry.

When he talked to Zhu Yawen on the phone last time, he also said that he introduced two dramas to Zhou Yang, but in the end he was rejected because he failed the audition.

It can only be said that if you sow evil causes, you will eat evil consequences...

"Director Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time. What have you been busy with recently?"

Jiang Xuerou didn't say anything else on the phone. The two exchanged a few words and agreed to meet some time before ending the call.

Chen Fei did not hesitate and called Su Guohai directly.

Calculating according to the timeline, he vaguely felt that there must be an internal problem in Zhouyi, but he still had to check the details.

"Lao Su, are you familiar with Jiang Xue? Do you know what's going on with her recently?"

"Are you talking about the Book of Changes?"

Su Guohai seemed to have investigated these things a long time ago, and even explained a lot of the information he learned to Chen Fei.

"Zhouyi's development in the past two years has been extremely poor, especially after the two modern dramas lost money the year before last, their investors directly chose to terminate the contract, so there have been no new works at all in the past two years..."

"So, I'm afraid they won't be able to bear it anymore?"

Chen Fei's eyes flickered slightly, and he suddenly had a bold idea.

Zhouyi's production team is definitely one of the best in the TV industry in terms of costume dramas, such as "Water Moon Cave", "Xiao Shiyilang", etc., all of which are classics.

But their performance in modern dramas has always been tepid, which also means that their future development model can only focus on costume dramas.

But then again, without a good script or strong investors, what can they use to make a TV series?

It's like holding the most profitable porcelain job in the world, but without diamonds, it's almost like crying without tears.

But... what they don’t have, Feiyue Film and Television has!

"You help me book a private box. The time is set in three days. I will return to China in person. I have to talk to Jiang Xuerou about Zhou Yi's future. If she is willing to accept it, it is not impossible to return to life. .”

"it is good."

Su Guohai didn't ask any questions and went straight to do the work.

That night, Chen Fei got on a flight to South Korea. He had to stop by SBS TV station on the way, and they had to prepare the script that had been prepared.

He's already thinking about which movie they should make first!

Since it is a good start, it must be popular enough, dazzling enough, and outstanding enough!

But before that, he had to go to Lin Yuer's house.

After landing in Seoul, there was no airport pick-up this time. Chen Fei wore a mask and sunglasses and arrived at the parking lot in a low-key manner, where he met Lin Yoon'er who was waiting there.

Little sister Li Zhien has a very tight schedule. She happened to go to Singapore today, so it was a pity that she could not see her favorite oppa.

"Oppa, how long will you stay in Seoul this time?"

In the car, Lin Yuer asked in a low voice while controlling the steering wheel.

"I'll probably stay for about two days, what? What can I do?"

"No, I'm just a little regretful that I can't accompany Oppa to visit Seoul."

Chen Fei smiled and said, "When I have time, I will call you. There is nothing interesting in Seoul. Come to Los Angeles and I will take you to see the newly built film and television city."

"Okay! Then I'll wait for Oppa's call!"

The two of them quickly returned to the villa area in a car. After making sure that there were no paparazzi following behind, the two of them entered the villa.

A considerate woman will always put the bath water for you in advance, and an even more considerate woman will help you get rid of the fatigue from the journey in the bathtub.

Chen Fei leaned on the edge of the bathtub, looked down at Lin Yoon'er who was kneeling, touched her pretty face and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard." Lin Yuner made a vague sound.

The water in the bathtub was not very full, so she would not choke on the water, but her mouth was too full and sometimes it would hit her throat.

The only regret she had was that even though she was so busy that the bath water was cold, she still couldn't get the reward she wanted.

"Oppa, let me wipe it for you. The air conditioner in the bedroom has been turned on. How about we go inside?"

Chen Fei nodded slightly, enjoying her tenderness.

After entering the room, Lin Yuer started busy again, but she kept busy until her mouth was so sore, but she still couldn't get the gift she wanted.

Helpless, she only had to raise her head, stare at Chen Fei with a pair of watery eyes, and say softly: "Oppa, you are hungry!"

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, indicating that she might as well try another method.

Sure enough, it will be much faster after changing the method.

"How's it going? Are you still hungry now?"

"Slow down...slow down...eating too much...will...fill your belly!"


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!)

(End of this chapter)

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