It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 373: Emphasis on sex over friends? A successful case of pretending to be 1 caused by an elec

Chapter 373: Emphasis on sex over friends? A successful case of pretending to be 13 triggered by a phone call!

"Cosplay is so fun, I will continue it next time." - Chen Fei.


The next day, Chen Fei, who had dark circles under his eyes, received Amanda who flew over from New York.

Together with Christine, Emma Roberts, and Blake Lively who have already arrived in Los Angeles, the new four Hollywood actresses are all here.

Later, Chen Fei called Leonardo, Kate Winslet, and Monica Bellucci respectively, reminding them to meet at the airport on time at eight o'clock in the evening.

Zunlong will be in Hong Kong now, and he will set off from there alone. The time should be almost here.

As soon as the girls met, they started chatting again, which was called a scene.

Chen Fei hid aside to answer the phone.

The 12th Shanghai Magic City International Film Festival officially announced the shortlist this morning. "Bullfighting" and "Hello Mr. Tree" both successfully entered the shortlist.

"I'll be there on the day of the ceremony."

That night, Chen Fei and the crew of "Inception" took a plane to the Cannes International Film Festival.

After Sophie Marceau got in the car, she did not go to find her partner. Instead, she came to the empty seat next to Chen Fei and started chatting with him.

Some collaborations are actually better discussed in private.

"Oh! No!"

"Fei, is there a role suitable for me in your new movie?" Leonardo asked first.

Flory has successfully registered him, and even the car and various protective equipment are ready, just waiting for the day when the competition starts.

After a while, a graceful figure appeared at the door of the bus.

Monica, who had just finished cooperating with Sophie Marceau in the suspense thriller "Don't Look Back" in the second half of last year, was somewhat unable to control the hidden thoughts in her heart.

Chen Fei looked at him and shook his head slightly: "Sorry, not really."

Although he doesn't care much, as a screenwriter and producer, he should be there to support.

However, she was not embarrassed to take the initiative to ask Chen Fei for a role like Emma Roberts. She was going to find a suitable opportunity to talk to the director alone.

Listening to the conversation between the two, many people on the plane were slightly moved and had their own ideas.

Both films were successfully shortlisted, which means that Chen Fei is likely to win the Golden Goblet Award for Best Screenplay.

He has recently finished filming "Forbidden Island" and is currently traveling around with his new girlfriend. He has no plans to take on any roles yet.

The bus slowly drove out of the parking space and headed straight to Cannes.

"Yes! I am very willing!"

After a journey, the plane finally landed at the Côte d'Azur Airport.

The awards ceremony of the Magic City International Film Festival will be held on June 6, which happens to be about ten days offset from the Isle of Man TT competition, so Chen Fei doesn't have to worry too much.

Monica Bellucci on the other side of the aisle felt like she was being stabbed in the back by her best friend. She couldn't help but complain in her heart: "What a guy who values ​​sex over friends!"

The staff on the car said: "Sorry everyone, we have to wait for one more person. The car will leave in fifteen minutes."

The height of 1 meters is really a bit too short, and it doesn't match the heroine's character very well.


Emma Roberts lamented, suddenly feeling lost.

But at this moment, Emma Roberts, who had been quiet all the time, suddenly asked: "Fei, I want to audition for the role of Katniss. Do you think it is possible to succeed?"

The novel "The Hunger Games" is quite popular in North America, and now Fei Chen has adapted it into a movie, making its popularity soar!

Leonardo also read this book. He actually didn't find a role in it that was suitable for him, but it wouldn't be illegal to ask more. Maybe there would be a very impressive role.

The person who came was none other than Sophie Marceau. The film she co-starred with Monica was screened in the non-competition section of this year's Cannes Film Festival, so both of them had to come over to promote it.

Chen Fei looked up subconsciously, his face slightly startled, and thought to himself: "Good guy, have the two major goddesses in Europe gathered?"

On the plane, everyone unconsciously inquired about Chen Fei's new movie plan.

Both Tian Zhuangzhuang and Huang Bo called him, expressing their excitement and urging him to attend the film festival.

Xiao Lizi let out an exaggerated cry, causing many people to burst into laughter.


The bus arranged by the organizer of the Cannes Film Festival had been waiting here early, but after picking them up, the bus did not leave immediately.

"Oh! No!"

"Fei, hello, long time no see. Congratulations on winning the Oscar for Best Director."

Katniss? ? ?

Chen Fei looked back at her and shook his head slightly, "Your acting skills and appearance are worthy of recognition, but your height is not suitable for this role."

Everyone was not in a hurry and started chatting in the car.

Emma Roberts quickly responded. This is an Oscar-winning director's work, with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars. Even if she only plays a supporting role, it is a very precious opportunity for her.

But he is still very curious about Chen Fei's new movie.

He no longer has much interest in film pay. He only wants to win an Oscar, so he is most exposed to various feature films.

But at this time, Chen Fei suddenly added: "Actually, there are many roles that are quite suitable for you. I can give you the contact information of Director Wen Ziren later and let him choose a suitable role for you. Of course, the prerequisite That’s if you want.”

At the same time, just when Chen Fei and the others took the bus to leave the airport, a group of people with Chinese faces walked out of the exit.

"Sicheng, Qin Hao, you two walk slower, there are too many people here, be careful of getting lost."

Zhang Songwen was carrying a travel bag, and he didn't forget to tell the others in the team that since he was the oldest here, he naturally had to take care of his younger brothers and sisters.

"Brother Songwen, have you been here before?" As a fledgling actress, Tan Zhuo was very curious about everything here.

The four of them all came to participate in the Cannes Film Festival, and the film "The Night with the Spring Breeze" that was shortlisted for the main competition was their work.

However, Lou Ye, who was supposed to set off with them, came over early, so that the four of them felt like children without a mother.

"Me?" Zhang Songwen smiled awkwardly, "It's a pity, it's my first time here too."

"Follow me, I'm very familiar with this place!"

Qin Hao patted his chest, looking like he was back home.

Is the title of the little prince of literary films a waste of time? He came once during the filming of "Green Red" in 05, and was nominated for Best Actor at Cannes.

He was very confident when he returned to Cannes this time. After all, Director Lou Ye had a wide network of contacts at the Cannes Film Festival, and he might be able to win a grand prize!

The four of them quickly found a taxi that came to pick them up, and they also headed straight to Cannes.

In addition to Lou Ye in the Chinese film industry, To Qifeng from Xiangjiang and Cai Mingliang from Wanwan also came to Cannes today, and their works were also shortlisted for the main competition.

In addition, Li Yi, who was in Venice, also came to Cannes today, and his film "Making Woodstock" also received the right to be nominated.


The organizers of the Cannes Film Festival were quite generous and arranged the best local hotels for the "Inception" crew.

When a group of people walked into the hall, they saw that there was a film schedule in the hall, which marked the film arrangement of the main competition unit, non-competition unit and secondary unit of Cannes.

As the opening film, "Inception" was shot first!

Natasha had been waiting in the hall early. When she saw everyone coming in, she came over with a smile and said hello.

Chen Fei glanced at her and asked, "Has everything been arranged?"

Natasha took the lead, "Well, I have tried the effect of the 3D cinema in advance. It is great and very shocking!"

"Haha, that's good." Chen Fei was very satisfied with her reaction.

However, while everyone was still watching the film schedule, another group of people walked in from outside the hotel.

Chen Fei looked back and said, well, they are all acquaintances!

Quentin Tarondino, Eli Roth, Melanie Laurent, Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, Michael Fassbender, Diane Kruger…

Natasha whispered: "He is a member of the "Inglourious Basterds" crew."

Chen Fei nodded slightly and looked directly at Quentin Tarondino, who was striding towards him.

This old boy's directing skills are quite good, but he is very ambitious. The Palme d'Or for the only documentary in the history of the Cannes Film Festival was born from his hands.

Moreover, this old guy has a very bad attitude towards Chinese people. When chatting with directors he knew in private many times, he said that he would never accept any Chinese actor to appear in his movie in his life!

Chen Fei was quite curious, would this guy just choose to ignore him when he saw him?

"Fei, I'm so lucky to meet you here."

Although he was still several steps away from Chen Fei, Quentin Tarondino had already extended his right hand in advance, with a friendly smile on his face.

"You old boy knows the truth."

Chen Fei secretly complained in his heart, stretched out his right hand and shook it tightly with him. After a few words of greeting, Quentin made an excuse and left the hotel lobby first, but Brad Pitt stayed behind and was catching up with Leonardo.

Judging from the vaguely revealed content of the conversation, the two people had agreed to go to the beach to bask in the sun together after the opening ceremony.

I just hope there is no one selling water guns here, otherwise these two guys will have to ruin their image in advance!

Chen Fei smiled, ignored these two guys, and walked to the room upstairs with several others.

"Huh? King bed room?"

Chen Fei was quite surprised when he called the door.

There were a lot of people coming to attend the Cannes Film Festival this time, and there were not enough hotel rooms, so most of the actors stayed in double or even triple rooms.

By comparison, Chen Fei's deluxe double bed room is of a much higher standard.

"Of course, only this room is worthy of your status."

Natasha smiled on the side and pointed to the other side of the wall, "I'm next door. You should be quieter at night. The sound insulation here is not very good."

Chen Fei rolled his eyes at her and ignored her joke at all.

She accidentally bumped into him once when he and Amanda were doing morning exercises in the villa. From then on, she seemed to have discovered Chen Fei's little secret, and she always liked to tease him about it.

After taking the room card, Chen Fei kicked her out directly, "I want to take a shower, go ahead and do your business."

Natasha's eyes subconsciously glanced under him, and she didn't know what she thought of, and her face turned red inexplicably.

Although her sexual orientation was different from that of a normal woman, in the final analysis, she had not had any intimate contact with a man. The scene she saw that morning was something she could not forget for a long time.


The time quickly approached the evening. Zhang Songwen, Chen Sicheng, Qin Hao, and Tan Zhuo on the other side finally arrived at the hotel and saw Lou Ye who had been waiting here for a long time.

The hotel they stayed in was naturally not of the same level as the one Chen Fei stayed in. It was considered a three-star hotel, and they had to reimburse themselves for the meal expenses.

When it comes to ranking seniority, the entertainment industry is the most realistic!

"How's it going? You're exhausted from the journey. Go take a shower and rest. I have prepared the clothes for you to wear on the red carpet. They are supported by one of our domestic clothing sponsors. You can all try them on later... "

Lou Ye was still very competent and told a few people a lot about the rules at Cannes.

"Be careful when going to the beach. The French girls here are especially open. Remember to bring your own TT if necessary. The fee this time does not include picking up girls."

"Oh! What's this!" Tan Zhuo blushed and almost turned around and ran away.

Zhang Songwen and Qin Hao waved their hands repeatedly. They had no such interest. If they accidentally contracted any disease, they could almost say goodbye to this circle.

Chen Sicheng, on the other hand, was thoughtful. He did prepare some equipment before he came, but he didn't know if he could use it.

"By the way, because I only have one ticket for the opening ceremony here, which was given by the organizer, so after the red carpet ends tomorrow, you guys can move around freely."

"Ah?" Tan Zhuo was slightly startled, "Can't everyone enter the opening ceremony?"

The film for the opening ceremony this time was "Inception", and it was also an IMAX 3D version. They had been discussing it for a long time on the way here, and they were all looking forward to seeing this movie.

Unexpectedly, I heard the "bad news" just after arriving!

"Of course not." Lou Ye smiled bitterly and explained: "Many people are paying attention to the opening ceremony video of this session, so the tickets have been allocated a few days ago, and I only got one. It’s just Zhang.”

Tan Zhuo, "Can't you ask Director Chen for it?"

Lou Ye glanced at her with complicated eyes, and silently muttered "Tongyanwuji" in his heart, "To tell you the truth, I don't have that face."

But at this time, Qin Hao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Let me ask."

The two were introduced by Zhou Xun, and they even played mahjong together during the Chinese New Year. Qin Hao thought that he must be a bit naughty.

Even if it’s less than 4, I’d still like to get one for myself!

Although he is from the literary and art circles, he is also very enthusiastic about "Inception".

The call was quickly connected. Chen Fei was drying his hair, and the sound of the hair dryer could be heard.

"Director Chen, are you busy? I'll call back later."

"Hey, what are you busy with? I just took a shower and was drying my hair."

While saying this, Chen Fei pressed the switch and started chatting casually with Qin Hao.

When he heard that he was also at the Cannes Film Festival and wanted to watch the opening ceremony, Chen Fei immediately said there was no problem and would send them the tickets later.

Qin Hao's face lit up and he quickly thanked him.

However, when he hung up the phone, he found that several people in the room looked at him with very complicated expressions!

Tan Zhuo even asked in a low voice: "Brother Hao, are you familiar with Director Chen?"

The conversation between the two was clearly heard by others just now. From Chen Fei's tone, it can be seen that these two are not familiar with each other!

Qin Hao smiled slightly and pretended to be very casual, "It's okay, we just played mahjong together."


Tan Zhuo immediately screamed in surprise, playing mahjong. This is a game that only close friends play together.

None of them expected that Qin Hao, who usually has a gentle personality and doesn't like communicating with others, would still have such a relationship!

For a time, even Lou Ye's attitude towards him became much higher.


Chen Fei, of course, didn't know that Qin Hao was pretending to be cool because of a phone call with him. He had already changed into pajamas and was about to go to bed, but he didn't expect that there was a knock on the door.

"It's so late? Who is it?"

Whispering in his mouth, Chen Fei walked over and opened the door.


Perhaps because she was also preparing to rest, Monica Bellucci only wore a black suspender nightgown with some lace on it. Her heavy E-class fruits seemed to challenge the two slender suspenders, and her hair was slightly curled. Her long hair was casually draped behind her head, and her charming aura spread crazily against the dim light.

Under the control of the man's intuition, Chen Fei subconsciously focused his gaze deeply into the Maria Trench.

The title of Ball Flower is indeed well-deserved!

"Fei? Didn't I disturb you?" Monica glanced behind Chen Fei curiously. She was a little worried that there were other people in the room, which would be embarrassing.

"No, what's the matter with you?" Chen Fei adjusted his nightgown. His vigorous body was really a headache.

"Is it convenient to go in and do something?"

"Of course, please come inside." Chen Fei didn't think much about it. After inviting her in, he closed the door.

Monica adjusted her nightgown and put it on the sofa. Her round butt pushed the sofa into a deep depression, and her long white legs even reflected a little under the light!

At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly thought of something.

Old Bentleys are also Bentleys!

This level of charm is simply too full!

"I didn't have time to get hot water, can you drink ice?"

"of course can."

Taking the water glass, Monica took a sip of water first.

Seeing her throat rising and falling due to the rolling water, Chen Fei subconsciously picked up the water glass on the table and took a big sip.

The cold feeling slid down his throat, immediately suppressing the heat in his heart, and his reason quickly returned to his consciousness.

"It's getting late, what do you want from me?" Chen Fei took the initiative to raise the topic.

But what he didn't expect was that Monica suddenly stood up and sat down next to him. A book appeared in her hand!

The faint fragrance broke into the nasal cavity, and Chen Fei subconsciously turned his head to the side, and he could even clearly see a mass of luminous snow-white and delicate.

"Fei, I think this role is quite suitable for me, what do you think?"

Chen Fei looked in the direction of her finger, and saw that the green-white jade finger was touching the name of "Paula Malcolmson", the mother of the heroine in The Hunger Games.

"Are you very interested in this role? In fact, her roles are not many, and she is not very outstanding."

"No! On the contrary, I think this role is very challenging. Facing her daughter being chosen as a tribute, her inner struggle and pain really reflect the actor's acting skills. This is a great role!"

Monica looked directly at Chen Fei, her big bright eyes full of seriousness.

"Okay, you convinced me." Chen Fei shrugged and looked at her curiously, "So you came to me specifically tonight just for this role?"

"That's just the first purpose."

Monica closed the book as she spoke. Before Chen Fei could react, she turned over and sat on his lap. Her two white and delicate long legs were tightly attached to each other, and she also It rubbed off his nightgown.

In an instant, the two of them had close contact!

The faint fragrance lingered in Chen Fei's ears, and she whispered: "Don't you think these two little girls are pitiful? They don't have fathers, and as a mother, it should be very easy for me to find a father for them. Is it reasonable?”

Chen Fei tilted his head to look at her, thought for a moment, and nodded gently, "It is indeed very reasonable."

The zero-distance contact quickly turned into a negative-distance contact. Chen Fei did not prepare protective tools this time, but Monica, who played the role of "wife", took care of everything for him very considerately!


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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