It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 374: Wine and I are inseparable! The charm of white moonlight and the power of worldly retri

Chapter 374: Wine and I... are at odds with each other! The charm of white moonlight and the power of worldly retribution!

"Last night, I had a very good casting experience." - Chen Fei.


In order not to be discovered by outsiders, Monica returned to her room at around three o'clock in the middle of the night.

Chen Fei originally thought that Amanda and Blake Lively would knock on the door at night, but when he picked up his phone and took a look, he realized that these two people were really unlucky.

Because they all live in double rooms, if they run out in the middle of the night, they will definitely be discovered by their roommates, so they have no chance to leave.

But in addition to the text messages from these two people, he also received a reminder text message from Natasha.

"Keep your voice down!!!"

The soundproofing of this hotel is really not very good. Even if Monica tries not to scream, she will still make some noise unconsciously, and then it will inevitably be heard by others.

The next morning, Chen Fei slept until eight forty.

When he went to the bathroom to wash up, looking at the haggard face in the mirror and the dark circles under his eyes again, he finally couldn't help but hammer the sink surface.

In order to keep the heat going, Monica, Kate Winslet, Leonardo and others were divided into several groups to walk the red carpet.

The flashlight fell on her without hesitation. It was a dazzling sight. The mainland media was quite excited about her appearance. After all, she was very good at building momentum and was very willing to cooperate with publicity, which usually produced very good results. .

Fan Bingbin sent him a lot of text messages yesterday, but he didn't reply. He didn't want to have too much contact with any of these domestic female stars, as it would be too easy to cause "accidents".

And this is why he is willing to praise her.

"Made, I and the drinking party are inseparable!"

This year's Cannes Film Festival actually has five "female stars", and what surprised Chen Fei was that there was Shu Qi among them? !

Of course, he was just a little surprised. He was actually not very interested in this famous "off star" before. This woman looked very strange and was not in his aesthetic point of view.

In addition to Shu Qi, there are also many female stars from the mainland.

The first ones to appear were Monica and Sophie Marceau. The two beautiful girls appeared on the stage, which immediately triggered bursts of cheers from the scene!

At ten o'clock in the morning, the much-anticipated opening ceremony of the 62nd Cannes Film Festival officially began.

The next group to appear is DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.

Chen Fei shook his head helplessly, quite admiring her persistence.

But so what?

The charm of Bai Yueguang is not something that ordinary people can withstand!

Even when the crew of "Spring Breeze Night" walked on the red carpet, the media and fans at the scene were still concentrated at the entrance of the venue, unable to recover for a long time!

"Sicheng, let me tell you, if you can be as good as the two actors just now, your life will be worth it!"

The effect caused by these two appearing together is simply extraordinary!

Let me ask, who has not been conquered by Jack and Rose's earth-shattering love?

Although Jack and Rose are no longer as beautiful as they were back then, especially Little Plum, this guy's figure is getting bloated.

Liu Yifei is better off. This girl's thoughts are relatively pure, there are not so many twists and turns, and she is not too tiring to get along with.

For example, Fan Ye, who was wearing a bright red cheongsam, did not bring any works this time. She appeared purely as a spokesperson for a partner brand in Cannes.


However, what puzzled Sophie Marceau was that her partner today seemed to have changed. She was radiant, had an excellent temperament, and even had a sense of charm that radiated from the inside out!

"What's going on? Is there such a big change after just one night's rest?"

She even wondered if her partner secretly had a cosmetic surgery last night, or had some cosmetic injections injected into his body. Otherwise, shouldn't his appearance suddenly change?

Due to the impact of the financial crisis and the flu, the opening red carpet of Cannes this year was much weaker than before. The number of big-name stars has dropped sharply. Only "Inception" and "Inglourious Basterds" can barely hold on. Place.

The red carpet show is naturally the highlight that reporters and media pay the most attention to!

It's just that it's a bit jarring to stay on the red carpet and not get off.

"Well, indeed..."

Chen Sicheng subconsciously moved his steps. He was a little afraid to get close to Qin Hao. For some reason, after filming this movie, he even began to doubt his own sexual orientation.

This was actually one of the reasons why he made up his mind to meet a sexy French girl on the beach last night.


Thunderous applause and cheers suddenly came from behind.

Lou Ye and Qin Hao hadn't finished the process yet, but behind them, Quentin Tarondino had already led the crew of "Shameless" onto the red carpet, so they had to speed up their pace.

At the edge, Chen Fei raised his brows slightly, and his disgust for Quentin, this old guy, increased a bit.

"I didn't expect this to be a guy who thinks one thing on the outside but another behind the scenes?"

Before the person in front had finished walking, he followed behind him. Isn't this just trying to grab the heat and attention?

After all this, the crew of "Spring Breeze Night" didn't have any scenes at all. After all, they were in front of the white moonlight group of "Titanic"!

Although he doesn't have a good impression of Lou Ye, Chinese people rely on unity when they go out. If their own family can defeat their own family, when will it be the foreigners' turn to intervene?

"Made, let's go and fuck him!"

Chen Fei waved to the four Hollywood beauties behind him, walked directly to the starting point of the red carpet, saw the opportunity, and walked straight forward, ignoring the reminders of the staff.

The combination of one man and four women is actually a bit inconsistent.

But if you are the youngest Oscar director in history, the winner of the Palme d'Or in Cannes and the Golden Bear in Berlin, plus four of Hollywood's most popular actresses, this combination will immediately become incompatible!

Chen Fei walked in the middle of the four people. The one holding his left hand was Twilight actress Kristen Stewart, and the one holding his right hand was the movie "Mamma Mia" with a global box office of over 600 million US dollars. And the fire’s Amanda Seyfried.

At the same time, Emma Roberts and Blake Lively stood on both sides!

As soon as this luxurious lineup appeared on the stage, it immediately attracted the attention of the audience!

Handsome guys and beauties are always a beautiful sight on the red carpet, not to mention four actresses with different temperaments and unique beauty.

Even though the crew of "Shameless" has Brad Pitt, a member of the $20 million club, he is still a complete scum compared to Chen Fei and the others! "Fuck!"

Quentin cursed secretly and quickly quickened his pace.

He did have an attitude of deliberately causing harm just now, but he didn't expect retribution to come so quickly. Chen Fei turned around and gave him a move, "Treat him in his own way!"

They couldn't compete in terms of popularity, so they had no choice but to leave early.

Similar to the scene where Fan Bingbin was "invited" by the security guards just now, it did not happen on Chen Fei's side. The media and organizers wished they could stay for a while longer.

However, Chen Fei had no interest in being a conspicuous bag, and after driving Quentin out, he quickly ended the red carpet show.

Taking his place on the red carpet was New Zealand female director Jane Campion, who is also well-known. She won the Palme d'Or with Double Yolk for "The Piano Lesson" and "Farewell My Concubine" and also enjoys international fame. Famous!

Then there were Li Jian, Zhang Ziyi, and the low-key Wu Yu and others.

In fact, Wu Yu was not going to attend the red carpet ceremony today. However, he was so curious about Chen Fei's new film that he finally came over.

He has always been worried about Chen Fei causing him to lose money in gambling!

In addition to him, there are many big bosses from theaters in China who also choose to enter with tickets in a low-key manner, preparing to win the first blood of "Inception".

The film is extremely secretive, and the promotional videos that occasionally leak out are even more confusing and confusing.

Chen Fei has been vigorously promoting IMAX3D in the mainland and said that this is the new direction of future film development. In fact, they still have great doubts in their hearts.

There happened to be an opportunity today, so almost everyone who could come over was present.

This premiere even determined the expansion of the number of domestic IMAX screens!

"Uncle Ye, thank you for leaving me two tickets."

After receiving the 3D glasses from the staff, Wang Sicong first gave one to his girlfriend next to him, and then turned his head to thank Ye Ning.

These two tickets were hard-earned. If it weren't for Ye Ning's help, his girlfriend would definitely be angry with him!

"You are welcome."

Ye Ning smiled slightly, glanced at the girl next to the young master from the corner of his eye, and frowned slightly.

I'm afraid this girl is not something that my young master can handle!


After some regular opening remarks, the movie officially started playing.

"Please put on your 3D glasses. Next, you will enjoy an enjoyable movie-watching experience!"

Chen Fei's voice rang in everyone's ears, touching many people.

"Pretend to be a ghost!" Wu Yu curled his lips disdainfully, but still obeyed and put on the 3D glasses.

The next second, a beautiful and elegant blue butterfly suddenly bloomed from the screen and began to dance in the theater.

"Hey guys, this 3D effect is awesome!"

Ye Ning couldn't help but feel emotional, and the bursts of exclamations from around him made him even more excited.

Wanda is currently learning from Jiahe’s theater development model, and has also equipped many IMAX screens in its theaters.

If the subsequent scenes of this movie can be as beautiful as the opening scene, then this step is definitely forward-looking!

The main film begins.

The appearance of Zun Long made the crew members in Xiangjiang and Taiwan a little excited. They clearly saw how popular this person was in Xiangjiang!

The plot unfolded very quickly, and the scene where Abu and Mr. Zhuang met was directly shown.

From here on, it’s time for 3D movies to truly shine!

The background behind Mr. Zhuang is supplemented by Chinese classical architecture and various cute animals, and the vivid pictures directly show the stunning 3D.

Why was "Avatar" so popular all over the world as soon as it appeared? Isn't it because it uses a large number of living animals to show the charm of 3D?

Chen Fei naturally knows how to do it. Anyway, he just throws money into it and that's it.

Actors began to take turns, including Kate Winslet, Monica Bellucci, the four actresses with their own unique temperaments and images, and even Chen Fei himself played a cameo role.

As the first layer of dreams began to collapse, the official setting and plot gradually unfolded in front of the audience...

"Double-layered dream? This is quite interesting!"

The audience watched and analyzed in their hearts.

Everyone was staring at the screen attentively, not daring to be distracted for a moment for fear of missing some wonderful special effects scenes.

Just like what Chen Fei said before the show started, the ultra-realistic 3D images gave them an enjoyable movie-watching experience!

This 148-minute video made more than 300 viewers present deeply immersed in it and unable to extricate themselves for a long time!

Everyone is waiting, eager to see the ending, and eager for the last shiver!


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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